Isabelle Raghem
- Broadcast Journalism Fanshawe College London ON 2015; BA Broadcast
Journalism - Media Theory Production University of Western Ontario 2015;
Receptionist/ Dance Instructor Attitudes Dance Studio Thornhill ON
2008-11; USC Minute Update Reporter Big Purple Couch London ON 2012-13;
Newscaster CIXX-FM London ON 2012-14; Experimental Marketer Free For All
Marketing Inc. Toronto 2012-14; USC Reporter Western TV London ON
2013-15; Intern CFPL London ON 2015; Video Journalist CHCH-TV Hamilton
ON 2015-16; Video Journalist CHEK-TV Victoria 2016-18; Video Journalist
City News Vancouver 2018-20; reporter/ weekend host/ producer CBC Vancouver 2020-current. LinkedIn profile

Angelina Rai - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 2005; intern CHEK-TV Victoria 2005; weekend host CJSU-FM Duncan 2006; producer/ host CJRJ Vancouver 2007-19; segment host Spice Citytv Vancouver 2009-10; host 12 episodes Close Look Shaw Multicultural Channel Vancouver 2011-12; host 24/604
Red Line Media Inc./ Shaw Cable Vancouver 2012-current; traffic
CHMJ Vancouver 2013-14; on-air host CKZZ-FM Vancouver
2014-17; middays CFBT-FM Vancouver 2019-23; contributor/ fill in weather
anchor CTV Vancouver 2023-24; p.m. drive CHBE-FM Victoria
2024-current. LinkedIn profile
Garry Raible - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1970; news/ sports
announcer/ play-by-play New Westminster Bruins and Vancouver Blazers CJJC Langley 1971-75;
sportscaster CKNW New Westminster 1975-77; sportscaster then sports director CJOR
Vancouver 1977-88; sportscaster CKWX Vancouver/ sports director Satellite Radio Network
1988-90; sports director Standard Broadcast News 1991-94; sports announcer CKKS-FM
Vancouver 1993-94; sportscaster CKNW 1994-96; sports director CKWX Vancouver 1996-2009;
retired to Okanagan 2009 |
Marke Raines - Continuity editor then news editor and host Kiddies Korner
CKXL Calgary to 1951; news/ copy writer CKMO Vancouver 1951-52; news reporter/ copy writer
then first beat reporter in Vancouver market 1954 CKNW New Westminster 1952-60s; reported
to be first "civilian" to drive across the Port Mann Bridge in a CKNW news
cruiser before its official opening in 1964; news CJOR Vancouver late 1960s-70s; Pipeline
CHAN-TV Vancouver; Liberal Member of Parliament Burnaby-Seymour 1974-79; Died April 10, 2020 in Toronto at age 93

Sharanya Rajgopal
- Masters in international journalism University of Leeds UK; morning
show host Radio Mirchi, India 2007-09; morning show co-host CJRJ
Vancouver 2011-current

Sukhdev Singh Rakhra - Social and political community activist; host Punjabi program Sangeet Kala CJVB Vancouver 1972; Canada Post; production assistant Indo-Canadian radio programs including India Today and Tomorrow KLYN-FM Lynden WA mid 1970s; board member Burnaby Multicultural Society/ Diversity current
Jon Ramer - CKBD Vancouver mid 1990s; WRCM Wingate NC; WPAR Salem VA |
Don Ramsden
- Weekends DJ CJVI Victoria 1969 and full time 1969-70; news & production CKVN Vancouver 1971;
DJ CJVI 1972; DJ/ news CJCA Edmonton 1972-73; news CJOR Vancouver circa 1973-77; reporter/ editor Canadian Press
(Broadcast News) Vancouver retired 1977-2007; moved to Calgary. 1970s CJOR clip from BC Radio History.com
Priya Ramu - Writer/ producer/ reporter CBC Winnipeg 1993; national reporter CBC
Montreal; national reporter and senior producer for Sounds Like Canada, Metro
Morning and Outfront CBC Toronto; host The Afternoon Show CBC Radio
Vancouver 2004-current; host On the Coast CBC Radio Vancouver 2004-current |
Ed Randall - Play-by-play Vancouver Canadians baseball CKO-FM-4 Vancouver
1978; New York correspondent ESPN Radio Network 1992; TV play-by-play New York Penn League
Brooklyn Cyclones 2001; columnist team publications Yankees, Mets, Red Sox, Reds and
Braves; play-by-play Staten Island Yankees YES Network New York; book author More
Tales From The Yankee Dugout 2003; host of Talking Baseball WFAN New
York 2003-current
Dave Randorf - BA Radio and Television Ryerson University Toronto 1988; associate producer SportsCentre late night
editions/ editorial assistant TSN 1985-1989; sports anchor Sports Page
Vancouver 1989-95; host prime time sports CKNW Vancouver
1995-97; west coast sports
reporter/ hockey play-by-play/ football panelist TSN 1997-2014;
TSN host Pan Am games
Winnipeg 1999 and anchor 2000 Summer Olympic Games Sydney; NHL
play-by-play commentator Rogers Communications 2014-20; play-by-play
commentator Tampa Bay Lightning 2021- current. LinkedIn profile
Eric Rankin - News reporter CJOR Vancouver 1970s; news reporter/ Vancouver
producer several CBC current affairs programs including Pacific Rim Report, Hemispheres and Foreign Assignment
CBC Newsworld 1980s; reporter CBC-TV
Vancouver 1984-2020; recipient of numerous awards including
RTDNA Canada Lifetime Achievement Award 2021; retired from CBC in
2020. LinkedIn profile
Avery Raskin - Mid mornings CJAZ-FM Vancouver early 1980s; actor |
Rhona Raskin - Family therapist; cable TV show Friends & Lovers;
Vancouver-based North American syndicated relationships talk show host; late night talk
show host CKZZ-FM Vancouver 1991-96; syndicated columnist/ president Free Quincy Productions Ltd. 1995-current; Rhona at Night CKKS-FM Vancouver 1996-2003; KCTS-TV Seattle 2003; columnist Chicago Sun-Times and Vancouver Province; author of Ask
Me Anything; host Love + Lust CIRH-FM Vancouver 2015. Rhona's website LinkedIn profile

Darren Rathwell
- Anchor/ reporter/ producer Global Lethbridge 2005-08; affiliate/
content/ show producer Global BC/ BC1 2008-18 and reporter 2010; anchor/
reporter CityNews CFFR Calgary 2023-current. LinkedIn profile
Paul Raugust
- Financial writer Vancouver Sun circa 1978-early 80s; business
correspondent CBC-TV News Vancouver circa 1979; business show host CBC
Toronto circa 1985
Leeann Ray - CJOR Vancouver 1970-86; CJJR-FM Vancouver 1986-94; CKBD Vancouver
1994-2008; Remax realtor current |

Peter Ray - (Peter Rakobowchuk) Rockin’ Peter Ray DJ
various stations; news CKO-FM-5 Calgary; news CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1978;
reporter Broadcast News: Toronto 1979-80; Ottawa 1980-84; Montreal
1984-2020 (except six years covering Quebec City legislature). Died in
Montreal August 2, 2020 at age 71
Robin Ray - CJOR Vancouver 1967-86, CJJR-FM Vancouver 1986-94; CKBD Vancouver
1994-2008; Remax realtor current |
Wilf Ray - Started in radio/ morning host/ Sunday afternoon Compare the
Hits CKMO Vancouver Dec. 21, 1944-46; operator/ host Compare the Hits CKWX
Vancouver 1946-47; host DX Prowl CKMO 1947-49; overnight host CKNW New
Westminster 1950; radio/ TV commercial voice 1950-61; CHUM Toronto/ CFGM Richmond Hill ON
1961-65; Sunday Night Gospel Program CJOR Vancouver 1965-86; Director of Corporate
Communications, Jim Pattison Group 1966-80; Gospel show host CJJR-FM Vancouver 1986-94;
Gospel Wilf Ray Program CKBD Vancouver 1994-2008. Died July 11, 2021 at age 94. Mike Cleaver interview
George Raymond - Weekends/ Production Director CFRW Winnipeg 1973; weekends/ swing
CKY Winnipeg 1973-78; Production Director CKY 1974-80 and Creative Director 1978-79;
weekends/ swing/ production CFCN Calgary 1980; weekends/ swing/ production CKXL Calgary
1980-81; midday/ APD/ MD CFRW Winnipeg 1982-83; weekends/ swing CKLG Vancouver 1983-88 and
Promotions Manager 1986-88; Production Director CFOX-FM Vancouver 1989-98; weekends/ swing
CISL Vancouver 1998-2000; Production Director CKKS-FM Vancouver 2000; APD/ MD CKMM-FM
Winnipeg 2001-02; Program Director CJZZ-FM Winnipeg 2003; owner GFORCE Media Productions Winnipeg current |
Bill Rea - Advertising sales Edmonton
Bulletin 1932; sales CJCA Edmonton; commercial manager CJAT Trail 1937; sales/ host
Ranger's Cabin CJOR Vancouver 1937; CKMO Vancouver; founder of CKNW New Westminster
Sept. 1, 1944; Roving Mike interviewer starting in 1944; sold CKNW to accountant
Frank Griffiths and the Ballard family February 1956; owner KUDU Ventura CA; inducted
posthumously into CAB Broadcast Hall of Fame 1985. Died April 15, 1983 in Santa
Barbara CA at age 75. CCF
biography |
Jeff Rechner - CKYL Peace River AB 1979; CFGP Grande Prairie AB 1979-80; CHAB
Moose Jaw SK 1980-82; CHED Edmonton 1982-85; CKLG Vancouver 1985-86; Bob & Jeff
morning show CFOX Vancouver 1986-88; CKLG 1988-90; CKXY Vancouver 1990-91; PD and Red Deer
Rebels play-by-play CKRD Red Deer AB 1992-96; InterFM Tokyo 1996-98; radio/ TV promo/ voice
imaging voice Voice Boy Vancouver 1998-2007
and Los Angeles 2007-current; p.m. drive CKKS-FM/ CKLG-FM Vancouver 2003-07; show announcer NBC game show Small Fortune 2021-current. Voice Boy website
Dean Recksiedler - Graduate BCIT and Simon Fraser University communications
programs; CJOR Osoyoos 1995; CFCP Courtenay; news reporter/ morning news editor CKWX
Vancouver 2001-07; Account Manager The Pace Group Vancouver 2007-09; editor/ fill in news
reporter then Assignment Editor then morning show Managing Editor CKWX 2009-current |
Red aka Jus Red - Formally known as Lil'Red; features/ award presenter
Toronto 2003; features host/ on air CFXJ-FM Toronto 2004-11; middays/ weekends CFUN-FM
Vancouver circa 2011; CKFG-FM Toronto current

Will Reeder - Began radio broadcasting in Calgary; host The Victrola Shop
CRCV Vancouver 1930s; author weekly magazine Western
Canada Radio News CKWX Vancouver 1930s (on air with son Herb performing on organ);
host daily Will Reeder's Radio Notebook, sponsored by Cunningham Drugs CKWX
1940s-early 50s; editor weekly Richmond Times 1950 |
Scott Regehr
- Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/ Technician diploma
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 1998; reporter CHMN-FM
Canmore/ Banff AB 1997-99; reporter/ anchor CBC
North Television and Radio Yellowknife and Whitehorse 1999-2004;
author Flying Feathers Productions 2002-current; associate producer CBC
Radio Vancouver 2004-06; CBC National sports host based in
Toronto 2006-current. LinkedIn profile

Bianca Rego
- BCIT Broadcast Journalism program student 2020-22; server Warehouse
Group Inc. Vancouver 2014-19; content coordinator Best Version Media
Vancouver 2017; English second language teacher miniMinds English
Learning Centre Hong Kong 2019-20; traffic reporter CHMJ Vancouver
2021-current; producer CKNW Vancouver 2022-current; host BCIT Fireweed podcast 2022-current. LinkedIn profile |
Asa Rehman
- Radio and Television Arts program graduate Columbia Academy
Vancouver; reporter Canadian Traffic Network Vancouver 2006; traffic
reporter CHMJ/ CKNW Vancouver 2006-11; sports reporter CKNW Vancouver
2007; sports commentator CITR-FM Vancouver 2009-10; Fox Soccer Report
anchor Shaw Media Winnipeg 2011-12; weekend anchor Global News/ BC 1
2013-15; sports anchor Global News Toronto 2015-19; host OneSoccer
Mediapro Toronto 2019-20; Co-Founder/ Content Director NowFantasy
Toronto 2020-current; Digital Content Specialist Vancouver 2021-current; reporter/ anchor Global BC 2022-current. LinkedIn profile
Bill Reid
(William Ronald Reid) - CFCT Victoria 1938-39; CKOV Kelowna 1939; announcer CKWX Vancouver
1940s; chief announcer CKMO Vancouver 1943; worked at a total of 17 radio stations in Canada before joining
CBC; CBC Toronto 1948-52; CBC Vancouver 1952-60s including host Theme and Variations and wrote and narrated CBC-TV film People of the Potlatch; Northwest Coast Native artist and one of Canada's most celebrated and
accomplished contemporary artists; designed and built Spirit of Haida Gwaii
sculpture for Canadian Embassy in Washington DC 1990, with full-sized replica installed at
Vancouver Airport 1996; recipient of the province's highest award for outstanding
achievement, the Order of British Columbia 1994. Died in Vancouver March 13, 1998 at age 78. Bill Reid audio

Gordon Reid - CJOR Vancouver; CFRN Edmonton; CKNW New Westminster; co-host Housewives
Holiday, emcee public participation show Meet The People, host 30 minute
evening classical music show Treasure Chest then Assistant Manager CKDA Victoria
early 1950s; held executive positions with KVOS-TV Bellingham and CHQM Vancouver;
VP/ General Sales Manager CJJC Langley circa 1970. Died in Victoria date unknown |
Kristin Reid - Intern CHMJ Vancouver 2004; BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate
2005; on-air sports CKST Vancouver 2005; reporter and host Inside with Kristin Reid
Canucks TV 2007-circa 2015; sports anchor Global TV Vancouver 2008;
occasional sports reporter/ producer Global TV undated. Twitter page
Norma Reid - CKBI Prince Albert SK; BA journalism University of Regina;
intern/ reporter CTV Prince Albert; video journalist CTV Regina;
producer/ anchor/ reporter/ show host CTV Saskatoon; reporter/ fill-in anchor 2010-11, co-anchor CTV Morning Live
2011-13, weekend news anchor 2013-14 and Breaking News/ Late News
Anchor CTV Vancouver 2014-22; Community Reporter Global Calgary
2022-current. LinkedIn profile
Slim Reid - Toronto radio producer 1990s; one of original personalities
CFXJ-FM Toronto 2001; morning host CFBT-FM Vancouver 2001-04; co-host Slim and Melanie
in the Morning CFXJ-FM 2006-circa 2011.
Terry Reid
- CKCY Sault Ste. Marie ON early 1970s; CKLG Vancouver 1976-85; morning
host CKKS-FM Vancouver 1983-94; commercial announcer Global Television
Vancouver 1985-current; morning host CHQM-FM Vancouver 1994-2009;
imaging/ commercial announcer CTV/ BellMedia Alberta 1995-current;
president Voicewerks 2000-current; morning host CISF-FM Surrey 2016. LinkedIn profile
Warren Reid - Bachelor of Applied Arts in Radio and TV Ryerson University
Toronto; movie reviewer CHQM Vancouver; commercial writer CJJC Langley and then Palmer
Jarvis Advertising; commercial writer/ producer 1976-79, Creative Director 1979-81, sales
then Business Development Manager 1981-current CHBC-TV Kelowna; Canadian Association of
Broadcasters Quarter Century Club |

Howie Reimer
- Diploma Broadcast Communications BCIT 1989; weekends/ morning show
producer/ producer weekly three hour Countdown Show CFMI-FM Vancouver
1987-93; show host/ programmer NL Broadcasting Kamloops 1993-2014; Game
Night Producer Kamloops Blazers Hockey Club 1995-2014; PD/ p.m. drive
host CHNL Kamloops 2015-21; Executive Director Kamloops Central Business Improvement Association 2022-current. LinkedIn profile
Phil Reimer - CKDA Victoria 1958-59; production/ on air CHEK-TV Victoria
1959-60; production CJAY-TV Winnipeg 1960-61; sports CJAY-TV 1961-65; played one game with
CFL Winnipeg Blue Bombers as embedded sports broadcaster 1964; CBC Sports Winnipeg
1965-69; out of media working for Cabinet in Ottawa then travel company 1970-77, weatherman CBC Vancouver 1977-95; auther with Sean Rossiter Phil
Reimer's B.C. Weather Book 1991; producer/ creator various CBC programs including Doctor
Doctor and Legal Wise 1988-92; weatherman CKNW Vancouver 1996-2006;
weatherman Vancouver Sun 2004-06; Ports and Bows columnist for major daily Postmedia papers current
Bill Reiter - Producer/ host contemporary black music program Groovin'
Blue CKLG-FM Vancouver 1967-69; briefly Boss Jock CKLG Vancouver;
progressive AOR overnight show Collage CKVN Vancouver 1970; actor Dr.
Bundolo's Pandemonium Medicine Show CBC Radio Vancouver 1971-80 and CBC-TV
Vancouver 1981-82; co-host Zig Zag
BCTV Vancouver 1980-87; host Groovin' Blue CKST Vancouver 1993, CJVB Vancouver as
The Mole of Soul 1995-97 and CHMB Vancouver 2000-01; prominent stage & film
actor; has voiced over 4500 radio spots and 300 TV commercials; writer/ producer nearly
1000 radio/ TV commercials; writer/ producer & radio/ TV voice Chips With Gravy
Productions (1984) Ltd. current; columnist Real
Blues Magazine Victoria current; recipient 2009 Sam Payne Lifetime Achievement Award.
WAGRadio YouTube videos 1969 CKLG survey Mike Cleaver interview

Niki Reitmayer
- BCIT Radio Broadcasting Program graduate 2006; fill-in
announcer/ board-op CFOX-FM/ CFMI-FM & afternoon traffic anchor CHMJ
Vancouver 2006-09; morning show host CKMH-FM Medicine Hat AB 2009-10;
morning helicopter traffic reporter Canadian Traffic Network Calgary, AB
2010-12; morning show host CKCE-FM Calgary 2012-14; traffic anchor CHMJ
2016-17; contributor/ host/ producer CKNW Vancouver 2017-20; media relations 2021-current
Mike Reno - Drummer and lead singer of the rock band Loverboy
1980-current; inducted into Canadian Music Hall of Fame 2009; regular contributor/ co-host
a.m. drive CFMI-FM Vancouver 2010-11 |

Ria Renouf
- BCIT Broadcast and online journalism graduate 2015;
merchandiser/ supervisor/ cosmetician Shoppers Drug Mart 2006-12; program
assistant WISH Drop-In Centre 2012; volunteer contributing writer
Futureale Vancouver 2012; culture reporter BCIT The Link 2013-14;
newsroom research intern Global BC 2014; Associate Editor Link Magazine
2014-15; assignment desk/ news anchor CKNW Vancouver 2013-18 and
box office reporter Jon McComb Show CKNW 2015-18; Marketing and
Communications Officer BC SPCA Vancouver 2018; p.m. drive anchor CKWX
Vancouver 2019-21; video journalist/ host, CityNews Vancouver
2021-22; Managing Editor New West Anchor New Westminster
2022-23; Media Consultant 2022-current; contract part-time
Community Engagement Specialist Piva Modern Italian 2023-current;
Secretary Board of Directors New Westminster Chamber of Commerce
2023-current; Managing Editor Burnaby Beacon 2023-current. LinkedIn profile
Nikki Renshaw - Morning talk show co-host CFUN Vancouver 2001-03; midday
co-host/ host CFUN 2004-09; contributor Vancouver Magazine 2001-current |

Timothy Renshaw
- Freelance writer/ editor national, regional and local publications
including National Post, BC Business magazine, Business In Vancouver and
BC Restaurant News 1987-current; editor North Shore News 1990-2000;
managing editor Business in Vancouver 2004-current; regular weekend business news contributor CKWX Vancouver current. LinkedIn profile
Joyce Resin - Aerobics, stretch and yoga class teacher for over 25 years;
co-host The Best Years CBC-TV Vancouver late 1980s; host Alive!
Television Vancouver 1990s; Director of Health Promotion and
Communications, Healthy Heart
Society, Vancouver; Executive Director Engagement Strategies and
Project Development 2001-current; Executive Director, Community Action
Team Impact BC. LinkedIn profile
Al Reusch - Musician, big band leader and one of Vancouver's first DJs; DJ
Kamloops and Edmonton; afternoon host Name It, Play It show and morning host Al
Reusch Show CKMO Vancouver 1942; Production Manager CKNW New Westminster 1945;
founded Aragon Recording Studios (now Mushroom Studios) one of Canada's first recording
studios Vancouver 1946; member BC Entertainment Hall of Fame 1995. Died February 14,
2000 at age 86 |
John Reynolds - Federal Progressive Conservative Member of Parliament 1972-77;
morning talk show host CJOR Vancouver 1977-81; BC Social Credit Party including speaker
and cabinet minister Member of the Legislative Assembly 1983-91; Reform/ Canadian
Alliance/ Conservative Party MP 1997-2006 |
Ted Reynolds - CFJC Kamloops 1945; play-by-play baseball, hockey & lacrosse
CJVI Victoria 1947-56; sports/ royal tours/ parades/ elections, CBC Radio/ TV Vancouver
1956-91; first sportscaster in BC to provide play-by-play football, baseball, lacrosse,
and basketball commentary for CBC Television; first host of Vancouver Canucks telecasts
for Hockey Night in Canada when team joined NHL in 1970; Sports Federation of Canada Doug
Gilbert Media Award 1972 and 1985; BC Sports Hall of Fame member 1998; Greater
Victoria Sports Hall of Fame inductee November 2002; freelance to 2007. Died in West Vancouver April
29, 2009 at age 84 |
Kevin Ribble - On-air/ production CFNL Ft. Nelson BC 1980; news CJPR
Blairmore AB 1981; on-air/ production CKPG Prince George 1982-84; on-air/ production CKSL
London 1984-86; on-air CKLG Vancouver 1986-90 (music director 1988-90); assistant PD/ music
director CKXY/ CIMA Vancouver 1990 (on-air 1991); Broadcast Consultant MediaRight
Communications 1994-current; Radio Program instructor British Columbia Institute of
Technology 1991-current. RadioWest 1987 CKLG aircheck |

Dan Riccio
- Radio Broadcasting Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
Toronto 2009; Technical Director CJCL Toronto 2009-14; host
European Football Weekly CJCL 2013-16; evening/ weekend host CJCL
2014-17; Sports Anchor CJCL/ CFTR Toronto 2014-17; Toronto FC PitchSide
host CJCL 2014-17; sports talk show host CISL Vancouver 2017-current. LinkedIn profile
Keith Rich - CHOV Pembroke ON; CJCA Edmonton 1952-56; CFRB Toronto 1957-58;
with co-host Steve Woodman: Woodman & Rich mornings CKWX Vancouver 1960-61,
p.m. drive CKEY Toronto 1961-62 and WNBC New York 1962-63; solo CKEY 1964-86; CJCL Toronto
1986-91; retired to farming, dog breeding and restoring vintage aircraft. Died
November 19, 2007 in Meaford ON at age 80 |
Jon Richard
- CKRW Whitehorse YT 1969; Rossland BC news reporter CJAT Trail early
1970s; news reporter CKWX Vancouver mid 1970s; CKOV Kelowna 1983; news
anchor CJJC/ CJUP Langley late
1980s. 1987 CJUP Audio
Dal Richards - Big Band performer, then orchestra leader including After
Dark CJOR Vancouver (later fed to CBC Dominion Network) 1938-1940s and CNRV/ CBR
Vancouver and CBC Trans Canada network 1940-65; Canada's King of Swing; member of
the Order of Canada 1995 and Order of B.C. 2001 and winner of City of
Vancouver's Civic Merit Award; hotel management late 1960s-70s; host Big Band
program CJAZ-FM Vancouver 1980s, CHQM Vancouver early 1990s and CKST Vancouver late 1990s;
host Dal's Place CKBD Vancouver 1999-2008 and CISL Vancouver 2008-14;
recipient Vancouver's Freedom of the City Award 2005. Died in Vancouver December 31, 2015 at age 97
Don Richards - DJ CFUN Vancouver mid 1960s; Boss Jock CKLG Vancouver
1967-68; switched to news on both CKLG-AM & FM; producer David Suzuki syndicated radio
program 1980s-90s; producer TV program Pet and People; retired from radio late
1990s; as Don Toffaletto spokesperson Re-Think RAV (Richmond Airport
Vancouver rapid transit) Coalition 2003-current |
J.J. Richards - CKUA Edmonton radio drama then morning show host 1950-57;
international news correspondent CHUM Toronto 1957-64; news CFTO-TV Toronto 1964-67;
City Hall bureau chief CBC-TV Toronto 1967-70 and Athens, Greece foreign
correspondent 1970-74; News Director CKDA/ CFMS-FM Victoria 1974-80; news/ news director CFUN Vancouver 1980-98; John & JJ talk show and Natural Facts
show host CFUN 1998-2000; retired from radio; voice overs, commercials and movie narration
current; host/ producer Palm Springs Street Talk Rancho Mirage CA 2009-current. Radio-Television News Directors
Association Distinguished Service Award 1993 and Lifetime Achievement
Award 2004; RTDNA/ RTNDF Canada JJ Richards Scholarship created in his honour 2019. Died June 30, 2018 in Rancho Mirage CA at age 88. LinkedIn profile
Bill Richardson - Writer/ broadcaster/ contributor to CBC Radio since 1984; CBC Radio Vancouver 1992-2013 including host Crosswords, As You Like It, Richardson's Roundup, Canada
Reads, and Bunny Watson CBC Radio and host Saturday Afternoon at
the Opera and In Concert CBC Radio 2; shelf stocker Whole Foods 2022-current; author children's book Last Week 2022; Stephen Leacock Memorial Medal award for
Canadian humour writing 1994 |
Ken Rigel - Music Director CIOC-FM Victoria 2001; Assistant Program
Director/ Music Director/ weekend mornings CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2001-05; p.m. drive CISL
Vancouver 2004-05; morning host/ PD CKMX Calgary 2005-09 |
Andrea Ring
- Broadcast Journalism Georgian College Barrie ON 1981; news
anchor/ news reporter/ documentary reporter/ journalist
CKFM-FM/ CFRB/ CJEZ-FM/ CHFI-FM/ CFTR Toronto 1984-91; news anchor
CISL/ CKZZ-FM Vancouver 1991-96; traffic news anchor CKWX
1996-2001; manager/ receptionist/ veterinary assisstant Adored
Beast Veterinary Clinic 1999-2004; news anchor CKNW Vancouver 2001-02;
fill-in news CJJR-FM/ CKBD Vancouver 2003-06; client
coordinator/ veterinary assistant Vancouver Animal Wellness Hospital
2004-06; homeopath/ manager Healing Place Veterinary Clinic 2006-11;
Homeopath Andrea Ring DCH 2007-current; medical advisor/ writer/
researcher Pet Well Being Vancouver 2011;
homeopath/ manager Animal Care Clinic and Hospital Holistic Wing
Vancouver 2011-12; Homeopath Healing Choices Veterinary Clinic 2013-14;
Homeopath Harmony Veterinary Home Care Surrey 2016-18; Homeopathic
Consultant Peak Animal Wellness Services Langley 2019-20. LinkedIn profile Andrea Ring Website

Scott Rintoul - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 2002; play-by-play/ colour UBC football
CITR-FM Vancouver 1998; reporter Sports Page CHEK-TV
Victoria; weekend fill-in sports anchor BCTV Vancouver; TV
reporter SportsNet Vancouver 2002-05; colour commentator Canada West
football/ basketball CHMJ Vancouver 2004;
reporter/ host/ play-by-play announcer CKST Vancouver 2005-17; talk show
host CISL Vancouver 2017-21; Principal Toul Kit Content Ltd.
2022-current; podcasting consultant Coldwater Communications Vancouver
2022-current. LinkedIn profile
Bruce Ritchie - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; CKAL Vernon BC 1982-84; mid-days
CJJC/ CJUP Langley 1984-87; mornings CKAL Vernon 1987-89; p.m. drive CJIB Vernon 1989; as
Don Ritchie: middays CIRK-FM Edmonton 1989-94; mornings CKRA-FM Edmonton 1994-95; mornings
CFWF-FM Regina 1995-96; middays CKIS-FM Calgary 1996-99; morning/ middays CIRK-FM Calgary
1999; as Bruce Ritchie p.m. drive CHFM-FM Calgary 1999-on; PA announcer WHL Calgary Hitmen current
Craig Rivers - CFMI-FM Vancouver mid-late 1990s |
Phil Roberts - As Phil Toombs: CFJC Kamloops 1968-69, CHQM Vancouver
1969; production manager/ weekend DJ CKLG Vancouver 1969-72; as Phil Roberts:
middays CKVN/ CFUN Vancouver 1972-75; operator mobile disco company Hits To Go
1970s-80s; PA announcer Vancouver Whitecaps soccer 1974-84; on air/ PD CJJC Langley
1975-78; PD/ afternoon drive CJOR Vancouver 1978-81; swing shift CKWX Vancouver 1981-84;
founded ad agency 1984; operator on-hold messaging service NCCI On Hold Marketing Services Surrey BC current; PA
announcer Saturday night stock car racing Kent Raceway Agassiz BC. LinkedIn profile

Scott Roberts - School of Journalism graduate Ryerson University Toronto
print journalist Toronto Star; writer Globe and Mail Toronto; Red Deer
bureau reporter Citytv Edmonton; reporter/ anchor CTV Edmonton 2007-12;
reporter/ back-up anchor 2012-18 then 6 p.m. news anchor CTV Vancouver
2018-22; 6 p.m. news anchor Global Edmonton 2022-current. LinkedIn profile
Bob Robertson - Program Director CKXL Calgary 1970s; CKDA Victoria;
weekends/ production CFAX Victoria; impressionist Frosty Forst morning show CKNW Vancouver
1986-90; CBC Radio Double Exposure 1987-97; CTV national comedy show 1997-2000;
Rafe Mair show fill-in CKBD Vancouver 2005. Died in Nanaimo March 9, 2017 at age 71. |
Cathy Robertson (now Cathy Hunt) - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate; reporter
CKNW Vancouver 1982-91; Owner Hunt Music Studio Pitt Meadows BC
1985-current; CKNW Kids’ Fund Director of Grants & Special Events
2006-current. LinkedIn profile
Jill Robertson - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; news reporter CFVR Abbotsford;
news CHRX Vancouver 1988; retired from radio |
Robbie Robertson
- Sportscaster/ sports director CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1980-85; Vancouver
sports broadcaster/ reporter TSN Toronto 1982-83; executive producer
Robertson Communications Vancouver 1985-current; corporate
structure and fundraising content developer Ocan.tv Maple Ridge BC
2006-current. LinkedIn profile
Dale Robins - CKCK Regina 1970s; news CKNW New Westminster; reporter CKVU-TV
Vancouver 1980s |
Dean Robinson - BCIT Broadcast program graduate; operater/ staff announcer CKNW
Vancouver 1994-96 including first person to push button at new Vancouver studio 1996;
morning host CHTK Prince Rupert 1996-98; morning host CJOR Osoyoos 1998; morning show
host CJMG-FM Penticton 1998-2003; freelance voice 2003-current |
Robinson - BCIT Journalism program 2000;
reporter CFSR-FM/ CKSR-FM Abbotsford/ Chilliwack; reporter BCTV news on Global early 2000s;
Nanaimo News Bureau CHEK-TV Victoria mid 2000s; reporter CHEK-TV Victoria; Victoria reporter Global BC Vancouver current
Robinson - DJ CJOR Vancouver 1954-56; DJ
CKWX Vancouver 1957-58; MC Elvis Presley show Empire Stadium Vancouver 1957; DJ/ TV host
KGW/ KGW-TV Portland 1959-60; DJ CKWX 1961; PD CFUN Vancouver 1962-67; CBC-TV Vancouver
1963-65; PD CJOR 1968-70; AMD CKWX 1971-83; multiple program host including Red's
Classic Theater KVOS-TV Bellingham; host cross Canada oldies show Reunion
1985-93; AMD CISL Vancouver 1993-2000; host Red Rock Diner CISL 2001-07; host Meet
the Collectors Prime TV 2004; host Red Rock Diner CKCL-FM/ CFUN-FM Vancouver
2007-11; host Red Rock Diner CISL 2011-17. BCAB Broadcast
Performer of the Year 1969; Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame Pioneer DJ 1994; CAB
Hall of Fame 1977; Rockabilly Hall of Fame 2000; member B.C. Entertainment Hall of Fame Starwalk
at the Orpheum; member Canadian Association of Broadcasters Half Century Club
2004; Red Robinson Show Theatre Coquitlam named in his honour
2006-13; awarded doctorate degree University of the Fraser Valley 2012;
appointed to the Order of British Columbia 2016. Died April 1, 2023 at age 86. CCF
Biography Red Robinson Website LinkedIn profile Mike Cleaver interview 1957 Audio Clips courtesy Rock Radio Scrapbook
Robinson - On air/ production CKWX
Vancouver 1951-68 including "reconstruction" of Mounties out of town baseball
broadcasts beginning in 1957; administration CJVI Victoria 1968-73; CKDA/ CFMS-FM Victoria
1975-95; CKXM/ CKXM-FM/ CKKQ-FM Victoria 1995-2001; Canadian Association of Broadcasters
Half Century Club 2001; Vancouver Canadians Baseball Broadcast and Journalism Hall of Fame
inductee 2010. Mike Cleaver interview |
Robinson - Canadian Scottish Regiment
(Victoria) World War II, landed in Normandy 1944, saw action through Northwest Europe
until war ended; news CKWX Vancouver 1947-50; duty announcer CBC radio Vancouver 1950-60
then chief announcer CBC radio/ TV Vancouver 1960-67; first on-camera Vancouver TV
newscaster CBUT 1953; radio resources manager CBC Vancouver 1967-84; retired from
broadcasting 1984; Remembrance Day Observance Committee chairman/ voice of November 11
ceremonies Vancouver Cenotaph 1962-2002. Died December 27, 2010 in Vancouver at age
91 |
Ron Robison (Ronald Bennett Robison) - Original host and named the late night show The WaxWorks
CFQC Saskatoon 1947-49; chief announcer CJOC Lethbridge AB 1950-56; TV host CHCT-TV
Calgary 1957-60; TV host & anchor CKSA-TV Loydminster 1960-62; as Ron Bennett
newsman/ anchor CKWX Vancouver 1962-66; CFMC-FM Saskatoon; CKBI-TV Prince Albert
1967. Died in Saskatoon June 7, 1984 age unknown |
Glen Robitaille - Transmitter operator then studio operator and
announcer Behind the Mike and Make Believe Ballroom
CKWX Vancouver
1934-42; teacher air to ground radar/ radio altimeters/ loran/
television basics with RCAF
Clinton ON 1942-45; laboratory assistant then junior engineer
with installation of
transmitter/ antenna equipment at 17 radio stations from NB to
AB for RCA 1945-49; Director
of Engineering CFPL London ON 1949 and Technical Design Manager
CFPL-TV 1952; retired from
London Free Press Holdings Limited (CFPL) as Vice President
Engineering 1983; twice
presented Keith S. Rogers Award for contribution to Canadian
Broadcasting. Died in Kamloops June 21, 2015 at age 97. CFJC-TV News video CCF Biography
Art Robson - Panel moderator UN Affairs; newscaster/ commentator CKWX Vancouver
circa 1954 |

Gord Robson - (Born Gordon Robison September 9, 1951 in Lethbridge AB - son of
Ron Robison); DJ CKXL Calgary 1968-71; p.m. drive CFOX Montreal 1971-72; CHED Edmonton
1972-74; APD, afternoon drive then middays CKLG Vancouver 1974-84; anchor Sports Page
CKVU-TV Vancouver 1978-80; PD CHAB Moose Jaw SK 1984-85; PD & middays CKXL Calgary
1985-87; p.m. drive CHED 1987-93; CKNG-FM Edmonton 1993-94; CKRA-FM Edmonton 1994-98;
PD/ a.m. drive CFRV-FM Lethbridge 1998-2004; freelance voice-over work Toronto 2004-05;
Talent Consultant Shaw TV Edmonton & freelance voice work 2006-07;
swing/ remotes/ VT/ production then acting PD CHQT-AM Edmonton 2007-08. Died in
Edmonton March 21, 2008 at age 56 |
Jim Robson - CJAV Port Alberni 1952-56; CKWX Vancouver 1956-70 (Vancouver
Mounties Baseball and WHL Canucks hockey in the 50s & 60s & BC Lions football
1960-64); CKNW Vancouver 1970-94; CBC TV Hockey Night in Canada plus
All-Star & Stanley Cup Playoff games; Hockey Hall of Fame; B.C. Hockey Hall of Fame;
B.C. Sports Hall of Fame; CAB Broadcast Hall of Fame 2002; awarded Order of British
Columbia 2011; section of road in Maple Ridge named Jim Robson Way in his honour 2018. CCF
Biography |
Rob Robson - BCIT Radio program 1980; AMD/ overnight fill-in CKWX Vancouver
1979-80; MD/ middays CFBV Smithers 1980-81; swing announcer CIGV-FM Penticton 1981;
overnights then MD CKOV/ CHIM-FM Kelowna 1981-85; MD/ middays CJMG-FM Penticton 1986-87;
MD/ host Rock Report then PD CIZZ-FM Red Deer AB 1987-94
(signed on station with
Bob Mills November 1987); MD/ specialty program host CFOX-FM
Vancouver 1994-2001; co-owner Hankettes.com 1996-current;
programmer/ consultant Rob Robson Music Programming 2001-current;
programmer CBC Galaxie Rock 2002-10; music programmer Earls Restaurants
chain North America-wide 2002-current. LinkedIn profile

Amber Rockliffe - B.A. political science and government University of British Columbia 2003-06; contract tour coordinator, Pace Communications Vancouver 2008; ad operations copywriter/ account
manager Adknowledge Vancouver 2008-10; enrolee BCIT Broadcast
Journalism program 2011-current; reporter CKWX Vancouver 2012-current |
Hal Rodd - KFBB Great Falls MT; sound technician Ozzie & Harriett Show
KNX Los Angeles; CJOB Winnipeg circa 1946-47; voice
of Vancouver professional baseball at Athletic Park 1940s including
Western International League (WIL) championship by 1947 Vancouver
Capilanos/ night supervisor & news editor CKWX Vancouver 1947-48;
reporter CJOBcirca 1950; Vancouver Capilanos baseball
play-by-play & news editor CKMO 1950-54; news CFUN Vancouver
1950s; news CKNW
New Westminster 1960s;
news CJOR Vancouver 1970s; inducted into Vancouver
Canadians Baseball Club Broadcast & Journalism Hall of Fame
2011. Died in Vancouver February 23, 2013 at age 91. 1976 CJOR clip from BC Radio History.com
John Rode - WALT Tampa FL 1960s; overnights WKLO Louisville KY 1965; WINN
Louisville; WSAI Cincinatti OH 1967; WRKO Boston MA 1967; WIBG Philadelphia PA 1967; WDRC
New Haven CT 1967-69; CKFH Toronto 1969-70, CHUM Toronto 1971-73; CKVN/ CFUN Vancouver
1973; CHUM 1973-1986; CKEY Toronto 1986-89; CHUM 1989-98; Senior Vice-President and Chief
Information Officer Mediastats Inc. and MediaLAB Toronto current |
Dave Roegele
- (David Lloyd George Roegele) CKOK Penticton 1948-58 (including
CHBC-TV 1957-58); sports editor/ columnist Penticton Herald &
stringer Vancouver Sun
1950-58; Canadian Channing Corporation Penticton 1958-60; play
by play Penticton Vees including the world amateur championships held in
Germany 1950s; co-host midday talk show CHEK-TV Victoria 1960-62;
Tacoma 1962-64; KVOS-TV Bellingham 1964-66; reporter 1966-75
then Journalistic Editor
CBC-TV Vancouver 1975-84; retired 1984. Died in Surrey BC
May 8, 2008 at age 84 |

Rodger (William Angus Roger
as listed on official death certificate) - Head of PTA in Smithers BC
late 1950s/ early ‘60s; CFTK Terrace 1962; News Director CHED Edmonton
1965; CJCA Edmonton 1966-71; CBX Edmonton 1971; news/ city police
specials CKWX
Vancouver early to mid 1970s; CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1977-78; BC
Rail; became a locksmith; retired to Lillooet BC and was Master of
Masonic Lodge Lillooet circa 1990. Died in Lillooet November 13,
1995 at age 66
Bud Rogers - Chief daytime announcer CKNW New Westminster 1940s |
David Rogers - The All Night Guy CJJC Langley 1976; as David R:
CJAY Duncan 1976, all-night CKX Brandon 1976-77, operator/ tech CBC Vancouver 1977, p.m.
drive CFTK Terrace 1979, afternoons CKTK Kitimat 1978; as David Tanner: mornings
CJGL-FM Swift Current SK 1980-82, afternoons CHAB Moose Jaw SK 1982-86; as David R:
all-night/ weekends CFUN Vancouver 1986-96, weekends CISQ-FM/ CISW-FM Squamish/ Whistler
2001-02; Sales Manager Concept Express - Division of Air Waves Sound Design Vancouver
2003; sales & marketing guru The Original Sound Kitchen current |
Shelagh Rogers - Country music program host then current affairs/ weather host CKWS
radio/ TV Kingston ON 1978-90; current affairs/ jazz/ classic music host CBC Ottawa 1980-82;
host national program Mostly Music CBC 1982; ACTRA Award for Best
Host/ Interviewer 1982; local host then contributor national programs including Morningside
and Basic Black CBC Toronto 1984; co-host Metro
Morning 1986, host and producer Morningside 1995 CBC Toronto; host Take
Five CBC Radio Two Toronto 1997-2000; host This Morning CBC Radio One
Toronto 2000-02; host Sounds Like Canada CBC Toronto 2002-03 then CBC Vancouver
2003-08; host/ producer The Next Chapter CBC Radio
Vancouver 2008-current; appointed Officer of the Order of Canada 2011; Chancellor University of Victoria
2015-17. LinkedIn profile
Geoff Rohoman
- Journalism program graduate Humber College Toronto 2005; news anchor
CFMJ Richmond Hill ON 2005-06; news anchor then morning sports anchor
CKWX Vancouver 2006-10; one of three accredited reporters from Vancouver
to cover the 2010 Olympic Games;
anchor/ reporter CJCL Toronto 2011-14; reporter/ anchor CFTR Toronto
2014-current. Linkedin profile
Peter Rolston - 18-year host and ventriloquist Pete's Place CHAN-TV
Vancouver 1963-79; author The Magic of Voice Throwing 1974; entertainer Pacific
National Exhibition Vancouver; ACTRA Award for Best B.C. Children's Show 1978;
school/ convention/ cruise ship entertainer to 2006. Died in New Westminster June 6,
2006 at age 70 |

Dr. Jasbir Romana - Talk show host KRPI Ferndale WA; p.m. drive talk show host CKSP Vancouver 2020-current
Juan Root - CKMO Vancouver 1940s; Rhythm Pals announcer
CKNW New Westminster 1950; starred in TV episodes of The Morristown Story, Revenge
and Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans 1957 and movie Wolfdog 1958;
freelance/ acting CBC Vancouver |

Brenna Rose - Broadcast news
diploma Southern Alberta Institute of Technology; VJ/ anchor Global News
Lethbridge AB 2009-11; reporter/ anchor Global News Winnipeg 2011-12;
reporter/ anchor CTV News Edmonton 2012-15; anchor/ reporter CBC News Vancouver 2015-current. LinkedIn profile
Ernie Rose - Sprott-Shaw Vancouver broadcast graduate 1934;
announcer/ technician then Chief Engineer CKMO Vancouver 1934-40; operator/ technician then
Assistant Technical Director CBC Vancouver 1940-50s; oversaw construction of CHAN-TV
(BCTV) Vancouver late 1950s; recipient Canadian Association of Broadcasters Engineering
Award 1973; British Columbia Association of Broadcasters Broadcaster of the Year Award
1980; retired as BCTV Vice President of Engineering 1981; Western
Association of Broadcast Engineers RW Lamb Award 1995. Died July 11,
2008 in North Vancouver at age 92. CCF
biography |
Gordon Rose - Host midnight DX Prowl CKMO Vancouver 1945;
announcer/ copy writer CHWK Chilliwack 1945-53; news CKNW New Westminster 1953-55;
news/ host Double It CFUN Vancouver 1955-57; helped launch/ Assistant Manager CJJC
Langley 1963-65; sales/ news CHWK Chilliwack 1965-80; member CAB Quarter Century Club;
retired 1980. Mike Cleaver interview Died July 17, 2015 in New Westminster at age 90. |
Larry Rose
- Canadian Press; CKVN Vancouver circa 1970; M.A. graduate
University of Victoria 1974; full time faculty member BCIT
1974-78; CJAV Port Alberni
1970s; reporter CBC-TV Vancouver including part time contributor
CBC National News 1979-84;
Global News Toronto 1984-85; CTV Toronto 1985-2010 except News
Director CKCO-TV
Kitchener 2000-05 including producer CTV News With Lloyd
Robertson for six years; retired from broadcasting 2010 & living in
Toronto; author "Mobilize! Why Canada Was Unprepared for the Second World War" 2013. LinkedIn profile

Jackie Rosen
- BA English and French Glendon College, York University Toronto 2008;
administrative assistant Speakers Action Group Toronto 2008-09; intern
audio/ web editor/ reporter CJCL Toronto 2006-09; receptionist Welcome
Back Spinal Care Centre Toronto 2009-12; audio/ web editor/ reporter/ part time anchor CFTR Toronto
2008-12; weekend anchor/ audio and web editor CKWX Vancouver
2012-current. LinkedIn profile

Andrea Ross
- University of Alberta English Language/ Literature/ Sociology BA
2015; intern reporter The Canadian Press Edmonton 2013; UA Student
Group Services 2013; contributor Vue Weekly 2013; winter intern
reporter Edmonton Journal 2013-14; National Conference Coordinator
Canadian University Press 2013-14; reporter Edmonton Journal
2014-15; reporter then Editor-in-Chief The Gateway 2013-15;
reporter/ photographer StarMetro Edmonton 2015-16; reporter/ editor CBC
Edmonton 2016-19; reporter/ editor then Senior Digital Producer CBC
Vancouver 2021-22. LinkedIn profile

Garth Ross - BCIT Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/ Technician graduate 1997; announcer/ assistant music director/ co-host 6 O'clock Rock Report
CFOX-FM Vancouver 2001-04; music director/ announcer CFGQ-FM
Calgary 2004-07; announcer/ voice tracker CJAQ-FM Calgary 2007-09; sales
agent Polar Ray-O-Max Windows Calgary 2009-10; support services
coordinator FT Services Fort McMurray AB 2010-11; infrastructure &
logistics coordinator FT Services 2012
Gordon Ross - Edmonton; news CKDA Victoria early 1960s; evening host Broadway
hits/ showtunes and Mellow Moods CKWX Vancouver 1965-69; sports director CJOR
Vancouver 1969 |
Jules Ross - Studied directing Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre
New York 1931; CKGB Timmins ON; CHML Hamilton; freelance actor/ announcer Toronto; CKWS
Kingston ON; CKEY Toronto; CKCO Ottawa; CFCF Montreal; CKXL Calgary; host Memories 'N
Rhythm CKNW New Westminster 1951; host Cash Clues CKDA Victoria mid 1950s;
CKNL Fort St. John 1962; involved in manufacture of ladies clothing 1960s on. Died
in Edmonton November 21, 2003 at age 88 |
Mandy Ross
- Journalism Program specializing in Broadcast honours graduate
Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
Toronto 2009; Citytv Toronto
2008; MTV Canada 2008; web host/ reporter Viva Magazine and
Canadian Jeweller Magazine
2009; TV & Media Maven/ Content
Creator/ Blogger/ YouTuber/ Brand Ambassador/ Yoga Instructor & Model
2009-current; on-air/ assistant-producer docu-drama TV show UNVEILED 2010;
host/ reporter/ producer TNG: The Next GenerAsian Shaw Cable 4 Vancouver and Shaw
Multicultural Channel 2010-11; host/ reporter City Lights Novus TV 2011; creator/ host/ producer reality entertainment and lifestyle series Mandy's World
YouTube 2011-12; host & reporter/ MC Help Change My City Vancouver
2012; host & reporter/ MC Vancouver Fashion Week 2012; TV
host/ reporter Vancouver Television Cable TV show 2012; host/ reporter Fashion TV Vancouver 2012-current; official spokesperson Blesd Angel
Blesd Jewelry Vancouver 2013-14; host/ producer/ celebrity interviewer
The Starving Artists Project Vancouver 2014-current; CEO/ Founder/ Life
Cheerleader Operation Soul Nourishment 2017-current; Co-Founder SPEAK UP
Talk Series Vancouver 2018-19; host & creator Pave Your Paradise
Podcast 2019-current. Mandy Ross Website LinkedIn profile
Sam Ross (Samuel Gibson Ross) - Winnipeg Tribune 1922; reporter Regina Leader-Post/ City Editor
Calgary Albertan mid 1920s-31; Canadian Press Toronto circa 1933; Manager CP Edmonton
Bureau circa 1936 and Pacific Superintendent Vancouver 1939; first manager Press News
Limited (Broadcast News predecessor) Toronto circa 1941; News Director/ overseas
correspondent CKWX Vancouver circa 1944; Assistant Manager CKWX late 1940s-early 1950s;
Chair Advertising & Sales Bureau Vancouver Board of Trade 1950s; News Service Manager
All-Canada Radio Ottawa 1958-68; first broadcaster to he admitted to the Ottawa Press
Gallery and later elected its president; retired 1968; lecturer Langara College Vancouver
1968-70; named to CAB Broadcast Hall of Fame 1986. Died in Vancouver March 24, 1977 at age 72.
The RTDNA Canada
annually presents the Sam Ross Award for best editorial opinion. CCF
Biography |

Lisa Rossington
- BCIT Broadcast program graduate 1995; BC interior radio 1990s;
reporter VTV/ CTV British Columbia 1998-2015; Manager of Public
Affairs for Rogers Communications Western Canada 2016-current; recipient RTNDA Award 2001 and Jack
Webster Award for Best TV Reporting 2002. LinkedIn profile

Teryl Rothery - Dancer in musical, Bye Bye Birdie 1975; long time actor in TV & movie industry 1986-current best known for portraying Janet Fraiser in TV series Stargate SG-1 1997-2004; request show host CKWX Vancouver 1988. Radio West audio Teryl Rothery website
Dave Roughan - As Dave Rowan mornings CHQB Powell River 1966-68;
writer/ producer/ host syndicated programs to Rediffusion Australia, Radio Malta English
Network 1969-70; assistant manager CHQB 1970-71; on air/ production CKWX
Vancouver 1971-87; corporate/ industrial/ show business professional
photographer 1987-current |
Alan Roughton - Calgary radio 1925; co-star with Esther Roughton Mr. and Mrs. CRCV/ CBR
Vancouver 1930s-40s; CBC Farm Broadcast and local series Dick and Dolly; host British
Varieties CKMO Vancouver 1940s-1950s; starred for nine seasons in Theatre Under
the Stars Vancouver 1940s-50s; host British Varieties CKLG North Vancouver 1950s-60s; as Tim Casey in
Littlest Hobo produced in West Vancouver 1963-65. Died in Vancouver January 31, 1976 at age 82. BC Entertainment HOF biography
Minto Roy - Career counsellor/ founder/ Managing Director PCMG Canada current; co-executive producer/ co-host
with Alanna Fero Careers Today CISL Vancouver 2005-06 then CFUN Vancouver current |
Billy Royle - Graduate Media Arts and Tech program BCIT; Columbia Academy
graduate 2009; operator/ intern/ part time on air CKST Vancouver 2008-10; engineering crew
NBC 2010 Winter Olympics Vancouver; news/ sports anchor/ reporter CKLM-FM Lloydminster AB
2010-current |
Margaret Ruby
(Margaret Louise M. Laws) - Member of Royal Opera Company Covent Garden London
UK; appeared in five command performances before Queen Victoria at
Windsor Castle; host Memories of the Opera CJOR Vancouver 1937. Died in Vancouver December 16, 1937 at age 60.
Chuck Rudd - Chief nightime announcer CKNW New Westminster mid 1940s;
co-manager with Ken Hutchison CJAV Port Alberni 1947; co-manager with Ken
Hutcheson 1947 then co-owner with Hutcheson CHUB Nanaimo 1952; co-owner with Bill Rea
and Ken Hutcheson CJAV 1952 |

Norman Ruff - Masters degree in political science McMaster University Hamilton 1965; PhD McGill
University Montreal 1973; New Brunswick government treasury board 1962;
Political Science Professor University of Victoria 1969-2005; host
weekly radio show In the Ruff CKNW Vancouver undated; news
commentator/ analysis numerous BC elections; honorary life membership
B.C. Legislature Press Gallery. Died in Victoria August 19, 2017 at age 78

Tom Ruffen
- Journalism, history and theatre studies University of Wisconsin;
media writing courses UBC, Langara College, Vancouver Film School and
BCIT; comedy writer CBC TV network shows from Vancouver including Hey Taxi and The Rene Simard Show;
copywriter zany radio commercials CKLG Vancouver; original comedian
Punchlines Comedy Club Vancouver; originator of satire group Fromage of Cheese CFRO-FM Vancouver 1970s; corporate and educational video scriptwriter; writer/ producer nationally syndicated radio show Celebrity Sports Report; sports reporter/ writer Sports Page
CKVU-TV Vancouver; reporter/ co-host (with Squire Barnes) Sunday night
sports talk program CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1980s; official score keeper
Vancouver Canadians AAA baseball 1990-96; associate editor Sports Pics
magazine; senior
writer/ editor BC Bearing corporate magazine 1995-2007; freelance
writing consultant for government and corporate clients
2012-current. Tom Ruffen website LinkedIn profile

Carmen Ruiz y Laza
- Casting & Production Film and TV Production 1990-2013; Launch
Team/ Breakfast Television Associate Producer/ Special Events Producer
Citytv Vancouver 2000-04; Principal Owner Carmen PR 2006-14;
VancouverEvent Producer for various Real Estate projects Dunn PR
Vancouver & Kelowna 2008-10; Director of Corporate Affairs Harmony
Airways, DTKH Enterprises 2004-11; Public Relations High View
Communications Inc. Vancouver 2011-12; Empower Hour Event Manager
Canadian Women's Foundation 2012; Vancouver PR in association with
Groupeck7 Montreal 2012; Special Projects Zoomer Media 2013-current;
Host/ Producer CarmenTV Joy TV Vancouver 2013-current. LinkedIn profile
John Runge - Announcer CFYK Yellowknife 1963; announcer/ producer House of
Runge and jazz Music for Moderns CKUA Edmonton 1963-67;
announcer/ co-producer new underground rock format CKLG-FM Vancouver 1967-72;
musical director/ researcher Chuck Davis Show CBC radio Vancouver 1972-73;
production manager CKUA 1975-90. Died in Edmonton February 8, 1990 at age 54 |

Brad Russell
- On-air host Standard Broadcasting Calgary 1992-96; host CHNL Kamloops
2002-09; Freedom 55 Financial 2009-14; Program Director CKFU-FM Fort
St. John BC 2011-13; mornings/ station executive CFNI-FM Port Hardy BC
2013-14; PD CFGP-FM Grande Prairie AB 2014-15; Resort Manager Tall
Timbers Holiday Park Port Alberni 2015-21; self-employed Park Manager
Sons of Norway Country Club Mission 2021-current; airborne traffic
reporter CTN/ Global BC 2023-current. LinkedIn profile

Dan Russell - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1980; hockey play-by-play community TV
1976-80; all-night host CISL Richmond 1980; CJOR Vancouver 1982 Sportstalk debut
Oct. 15, 1984; CKWX Vancouver 1988; CFMI-FM Vancouver 1989-97; sports and host Sportstalk CKNW Vancouver 1997-2013 except a.m. drive co-host with Bill Courage CKST
Vancouver 2001; WHL Thunderbirds play-by-play KRPM Seattle late 1990s; Vancouver
Giants hockey play-by-play Shaw Cable 4 2005-current; host Sportstalk CISL Vancouver 2013-14; published book Pleasant Good Evening — A Memoir: My 30 Wild and Turbulent Years of Sportstalk 2022; inducted into BC Sports Hall of Fame Media Category 2022
Gary Russell - (Norman Vidler) Operator/ announcer CKY Winnipeg 1967 and later Program Director
CKY; as Fast Eddie Russell CKLW Windsor early 1970s;
CKLG Vancouver circa 1972;
GM CISL/ CKZZ-FM Vancouver retired 2008; inducted into the
Canadian Association of Broadcasting’s Hall of Fame 2008; served on
boards of BBM, BCAB, NABS West, Music BC and BCIT advisory
council; Vice-Chair City of White Rock Cultural Committee; brother of
Jeff Vidler and Chuck McCoy. Died in White Rock January 2, 2016 at
age 67
Scott Russell - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1980; announcer CKWL Williams Lake
1979-80; CFFM-FM Kamloops 1980-81; CJIB Vernon 1980s; as R.W. Ross CKDA Victoria
1984-85; sports CHBC-TV Kelowna 1990-91; sports STV Global Saskatoon 1991-92; CKWV-FM
Nanaimo 1990's; sports CHEK-TV Victoria 2000-01; afternoon sports anchor CKWX Vancouver
2001-06; sales/ sports CKAY-FM Gibsons 2006-07; sports anchor CKWX 2007-14
Sheila Russell - Staff announcer CBC Vancouver 1940s |
Dave Rutherford
- News CKYL Peace River AB 1971; self-employed media broadcast
journalist Rutherford Media Inc. 1971-current; news CKIQ Kelowna 1972;
reporter CKNW New Westminster 1974-83; news director CHQR Calgary
1983-94; talk show host CHQR Calgary (networked to CHED Edmonton)
talk show host Global Television 1995-2000; spokesperson Alberta
Prosperity Fund 2016; social media blogger 2018-current; CAB Quarter
Club 1996; Broadcaster of the Year Western Association of Broadcasters
2006. LinkedIn profile
Doug Rutherford - CHWK Chilliwack 1972; colour announcer Okanagan Sun Football CKIQ
Kelowna 1982; news then Program Director CKNW New Westminster 1980s-90s; General Manager
CKIK-FM Calgary 2001; Vice-President of Radio for Western Canada, Corus Entertainment
(CHED/ CKNG-FM/ CHQT/ CISN-FM) Edmonton 2002-12 |
Gord Rutherford - Singer/ songwriter based in Whistler then Vancouver; morning host
CFPV-FM Pemberton; middays CHHR-FM Vancouver 2009-10, p.m. drive 2010-11,
producer/ specialty programming 2011-current; weekend segment CKEE Whistler 2013-current
Walt Rutherford - CJCA Edmonton 1942-70 and News Director/ Talkback talk
show host CJCA 1960-70; News Director CKWX Vancouver 1970s; retired on Vancouver Island.
Died in Victoria January 29, 1990 at age 63 |
Frank Rutland (Francis Edward Rutland) - CKFC Vancouver late 1920s; announcer CKY Winnipeg 1932-33;
manager Standard Broadcasting (CKFC) Vancouver 1930's; program director Sun Radio
Features CKWX Vancouver circa 1940; operator Hamilton Products Vancouver mid
1940s. Died in Vancouver July 11, 1962 at age 71 |
Amy Ryan - CKGE-FM/ CKDO Oshawa 1999-2002; CKOM Saskatoon 2002; CJME Regina
2003; news anchor CKWX Vancouver 2003-07 |
Kelly Ryan - Graduate King's College School of Journalism Halifax 1984;
investigative reporter Information Morning CBC Halifax; host Maritime-wide CBC
weekend morning shows; national reporter CBC Maritimes 1997-2001; CBC Vancouver-based
national reporter and fill-in host As It Happens and Sounds Like Canada
2001-05 and co-host The Roundup CBC Vancouver 2005; co-host Freestyle
CBC Radio 2005-current |
- Morning host CFWD-FM Saskatoon 2009-11; recipient Allan Waters
Young Broadcaster of the Year award 2011; morning host CFUN-FM
Vancouver 2011-12; morning host CJNW-FM Edmonton 2012-current