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Justine Ma - Click to enlarge Justine Ma - Graduate Broadcast Journalism BCIT; reporter/ backfill TV host/ associate producer CBC Vancouver 2006-current; organizer Asian Canadian Journalists Association 2011-current; account manager 2012-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Brad Maas -
                                  Click to enlarge
Brad Maas - BCIT Radio Arts and Entertainment Diploma 2018; swing manager McDonald's Langley 2012-18; Promotions Representative Rogers Radio Abbotsford/ Chilliwack 2017-18; Traffic Anchor CKWX Vancouver 2018; morning host CKKX-FM Peace River AB 2018-19; General Manager McDonalds Langley 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile

Gloria Macarenko - Click to
Gloria Macarenko - BCIT Broadcast Program trainee; CHTK Prince Rupert; reporter CKWX early 1980s; host BC portion CBC-TV newscast News Canada Now 1989; appeared as TV reporter in Bingo 1991 and TV host in Maternal Instincts 1996; anchor/ co-anchor CBC Vancouver supper hour news late 1990s-2014; host Our Vancouver CBC-TV; host CBC Radio One network shows The Story From Here and BC Almanac 2014-current; twice nominated Gemini Awards Best News Anchor; recipient Radio and Television Directors Association and a Gemini Award for Best Live News Coverage for five-hour marathon coverage of Swissair Flight 111 crash at Peggy's Cove NS Sept. 2, 1998 while guest anchor on The National. LinkedIn profile

Johnny Mack CKY Winnipeg 1975-77
                                  - Click for recent photo Johnny Mack - CJCH Halifax 1970; CHED Edmonton 1970-71; CKGM Montreal 1971; CKXL Calgary 1972; 6-10 p.m. CKVN Vancouver 1972; CKFH Toronto 1973; CHIQ-FM Winnipeg 1974; CKY Winnipeg 1975-77; WLAV-FM Grand Rapids MI 1981-82; WCUZ-FM Bear Lake (Grand Rapids) 1983-84; WGRD-FM Grand Rapids 1984-85; WHYI-FM Ft. Lauderdale FL 1985-87; WOZN-FM Key West FL 1990-91; WMXJ-FM Pompano Beach (Miami) FL 1992-94; mobile educational entertainment company based in Palm Beach FL current

Phil Mackesy CKWX 1973 - Click to
                                  enlarge Phil Mackesy - CKWX Vancouver 1973-74; PD CFJC Kamloops 1975; music director CJME Regina 1976-1977; PD CJAT Trail 1978-1981; news/ sales CJOR Vancouver 1982-1983; web designer, developer and partner in BDB Media (website example: 2010-current.  Linkedin profile 

                                  Mackin - Click to enlarge Bob Mackin - CJIB Vernon; show host/ Program Director/ talk show producer CJOR Vancouver 1974-81; President World Internet Broadcasting Network Corp. 1981-current

George Madden - Click for larger
                                  photo George Madden - BCIT Journalism Program graduate 1974; news reporter/ announcer CJOR Vancouver 1974-75; news CKNW New Westminster 1975-78; Chief of Staff for Vancouver Mayor Jack Volrich 1978-81; VP Corporate Communications EXPO 86 Vancouver 1981-86; President Jim Pattison Broadcast Group and General Manager CJOR/  CHRX/ CJJR-FM Vancouver 1987-1992; Partner Pinton Forrest & Madden Vancouver 1992-current

                                  Madryga - Click to enlarge Mark Madryga - Bachelor of Science in Physical Geography specializing in Urban, Synoptic and Air Pollution Meteorology, University of British Columbia 1986; meteorologist Environment Canada Vancouver 1987-2007; noon weather BCTV Vancouver 1994-97; weekend weather BCTV/ Global Vancouver 1997-2006; weather anchor Global BC/ CKNW Vancouver 2006-current.  LinkedIn profile   

Rian Maelzer
Rian Maelzer - Journalism diploma Langara College Vancouver 1984; various newspapers 1984-90; writer/ researcher/ field producer CBC Network Television News Toronto/ Ottawa 1993-96 and CBC Vancouver 1996-97; Contributing Correspondent CNBC Asia 1998-2006; Contributing Correspondent PBS Nightly Business Report 2000-10; Contributor BBC World News 2008-11; Freelance Video Journalist Kuala Lumpur 2011-current; International Correspondent/ Video journalist CGTN Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 2013-current.  LinkedIn Profile

Bob Magee CHFI-FM
                                  Toronto - Click to enlarge Bob Magee - As as Denny O'Neil (real name): CKPG Prince George 1969-71; CHED Edmonton 1971; CKVN Vancouver 1971-72; as Mark Edwards all nights/ weekends CHUM Toronto 1972-73; as Bob Magee: mornings then p.m. drive then swing CFUN Vancouver 1973-74; CHUM 1975; CFUN 1975-78; evenings then p.m. drive CHUM 1978-89; mornings CHUM 1989-97; morning drive replacement CHFI-FM Toronto 1997-99; morning drive CHFI-FM 1999-2003; p.m. drive CHFI-FM 2003-09; middays (from Toronto) CKCL-FM Vancouver 2008-current; freelance on-air talent/ voice artist 2009-current; morning host CING-FM Hamilton 2010-current

Danny Mags -
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Danny Mags -  Humber College Toronto Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/ Technician Diploma 2018; self-employed film and TV actor 1996-2016; head bartender Ten Ten Tapas Vancouver 2015-17; event host/ Content Producer BINGPOT! Entertainment 2016-current; intern Humble and Fred Radio Toronto 2017-18; swing announcer CKHC-FM Toronto 2017-18; Assistant Music Director/ weekend swing announcer CFWF-FM Regina 2018; Analyst: Training Precima Toronto 2019-20; Executive Producer/ co-host/ Technical Director The Leafs Fancast Toronto 2021; Content Director Dungeons and Do-Gooders Vancouver 2020-22; afternoon host CIWV-FM Vancouver 2022.  LinkedIn profile

Shanyn Maguire - Click
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Shanyn Maguire - Radio and television performing arts diploma Columbia Academy Vancouver 2008; announcer/ news Mountain FM group BC Kootenays 2008; booking agent W.E.T.A 2009-10; traffic reporter/ ground producer Canadian Traffic Network Vancouver 2011-15; writer HUSH Magazine Vancouver 2013; produced and secured film Freefall 2017; President Pendulum Films Vancouver 2018-current.  LinkedIn profile

Mona Mahmoud
Mona Mahmoud - Journalism BA Carleton University Ottawa 2018; Customer Interactions  University 2016; content writer insideOTT Ottawa 2016; service center coordinator Carleton University Students' Association, Inc. Ottawa 2016-17; promotions coordinator Bell Media Vancouver Island 2018 Morning Show Host/ Media Strategist CTV Vancouver 20; Senior Producer  CTV Victoria 2021-23; Producer/ Multi-Skilled Journalist CTV Victoria 2020-21; News Anchor CTV Victoria 2021-22; Senior Producer CTV Victoria 2021-22; Morning Show Host/ Media Strategist CTV Vancouver 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Nails Mahoney - Click to
                                  enlarge Nails Mahoney - (Brian McColl) Morning show Sunshine 101 Dublin Ireland 1986-89; presenter RTE 2FM Ireland 1989-90; host CKLG Vancouver 1990-93; host CKZZ-FM/ CISL Vancouver 1996-98; presenter Atlantic 252 UK/ Ireland 1997-98; presenter 98FM Dublin Ireland 2000-08; presenter 4FM Dublin 2010-13; presenter coach/ agent TalentHub Dublin City, County Dublin, Ireland 2007-current; owner BmacVoice Dublin 2012-13; p.m. drive host CILQ-FM Toronto 2013-16; presenter RTE County Dublin Ireland 2018-20; freelance public speaking instructor Alpha Language School Language School Malta 2019-current; Media Talent Agent OAC Talent Hub 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile

Beverley Mahood -
                                  Clickto enlarge Beverley Mahood - Country Music singer/ songwriter 1997-current; host TV specials; co-host Country Music Television; segment host Breakfast Television Citytv Vancouver 2004-05; co-host magazine show Central Country Music Television 2005; Host Pick a Puppy CMT 2010-13; CCMA Independent Female Artist of the Year award 2004; CCMA Slaight Music Humanitarian Award 2014.  Beverley Mahood website 

Minelle Mahtani - Click to
Minelle Mahtani - Associate Producer CBC Television Toronto 1993-99; Associate Counsel IMPACS 2000-01; Assistant Professor New School University New York City 2004-05; President Association for Canadian Studies 2006-11; Professor Department of Human Geography and Journalism Program University of Toronto Scarborough ON 2010-current; Associate Chair University of Toronto Scarborough ON 2012-13; host Sense of Place CIRH-FM Vancouver 2015-18; Associate Professor UBC Institute for Social Justice 2018-current.  LinkedIn profile  Minelle's Website

Marcy Mailloux - Click
                                  to enlarge Marcy Mailloux - BCIT  Broadcast Communications honours graduate 1995; announcer CKIQ Kelowna 1995-96; midday announcer/ promotions director CISQ-FM/ CISW-FM Squamish/ Whistler 1996-97; community cruiser reporter CFOX-FM Vancouver 1997-99; assistant promotions director CFOX-FM 1999-2001; freelance voice over artist 2000-current; promotions pirector CFOX-FM 2001; assistant promotions director/ overnight weekend announcer CKVX-FM Vancouver 2001-03; assistant promotions director Rogers Radio CKVX-FM/ CKCL-FM/ CKLG-FM/ CKWX Vancouver 2003-05; Promotions Director CFOX-FM 2005-11; marketing & promotions Paul Mercs Concerts Vancouver 2011-16; Western Canada Branded Content & Integration Manager Rogers Sports & Media 2016-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Tim Main - Click
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Tim Main - Radio Arts and Entertainment graduate BCIT 2014; Team Leader McDonald's Canada 2008-13; Theatre Sound Technician Delta Secondary School 2011-12; On-air Personality then Commercial and Imaging Producer Evolution 107.9 Burnaby 2012-14; Delivery Driver Panago Pizza Ladner 2012-14;  Intern CKLR-FM Courtenay 2014; Junior Producer Rogers Radio Group Vancouver 2014; Brand Ambassador Mosaic Sales Solutions Vancouver 2014; Commercial Producer Harvard Broadcasting Regina 2015; Creative Director CISF-FM Surrey 2016-17; Server/ Bartender The Old Spaghetti Factory Richmond 2017-18; Traffic Anchor CKWX Vancouver 2018-19; Driver Tour Guide Landsea Tours & Adventures Vancouver 2018-20; Freelance Voice Over Artist Vancouver 2020-current; Airborne Traffic Reporter CHMJ/ Global BC Vancouver 2020-current.  LinkedIn profile

                                  Mair - Click for larger photo Rafe Mair - Called to B.C. Bar 1961; Senior Partner Mair & Co. Kamloops 1971-75; Alderman City of Kamloops 1973-74; Elected to B.C. Legislature/ Minister of Consumer Services 1975; Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs 1976-78; responsible for Constitutional Affairs 1977-80; Minister of Environment 1978-79; Minister of Health 1979-81; host Rafe Mair Show CJOR Vancouver 1981-84; talk show host CKNW Vancouver 1984-2003; columnist Vancouver Province 1995-2002; wrote The Last Cast 1995, Canada: Is Anyone Listening? 1998 & Rants, Raves and Recollections 2005; host Rafe Mair show CKBD Vancouver 2003-04; 6 p.m. news editorials Citytv Vancouver 2003-04; guest commentator CBC-TV Vancouver/ frequent panelist CTV British Columbia 2004; editorials OMNI-TV Vancouver 2005; Bruce Hutchison Lifetime Achievement and Canadian Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame; Honourary Doctor of Laws Simon Fraser University 2009.  Died October 9, 2017 in North Vancouver at age 85.  Wikipedia profile   

David Major - CKMO Vancouver 1940s; CBC Toronto; TV and film actor; TV commercial writer.  Died November 4, 2004

Charles Mak - Click for larger
                                  photo Charles Mak - B. Sc. Journalism The Chinese University of Hong Kong 1977; Assistant News Director/ producer/ reporter/ news anchor Fairchild TV Vancouver 1993-2003; producer/ host Cantonese edition Interactive Channel M Vancouver 2003-13; communications adviser BC Liberal Party 2013; producer/ Assignment Editor Phoenix Satellite TV Canada Bureau Vancouver 2013-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Robert Malcolm circa 1962 - Click
                                  to enlarge Robert Malcolm - News: CKDA Victoria circa 1962; CFUN Vancouver early-mid 1960s; CKNW New Westminster; news anchor BCTV Vancouver 1972-91; realtor Cultus Lake area.   Died in New Westminster August 4, 2010 at age 69

Patrick Maliha
                                  - Click to enlarge Patrick Maliha - Standup comedian Vancouver 1990-current; corporate entertainer/ stand-up comedian Vancouver 1995-current; host UR at the Movies Urban Rush Shaw Cable Vancouver 2003-06; actor/ writer/ producer Off-Centre Television KVOS-TV Bellingham 2006; co-host The New Driver's Seat A-Channel/ Shaw TV Vancouver 2007-08; p.m. drive co-host CFUN Vancouver 2008-09.  LinkedIn profile

Frank Malone
                                  CKLG circa 1964 - Click to enlarge Frank Malone - WON  Newport News VA 1963, WKLO Louisville KY 1963; KBOX Dallas 1963; Emperor Malone CKLG Vancouver 1964

Jason Manning - Click for recent
                                  photo Jason Manning - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1996; CHQM Vancouver 1993; CKST Vancouver 1994-2000; middays/ assistant music director/ morning co-host CKVX-FM Vancouver 2000-03; middays CISS-FM/ CJAQ-FM Toronto 2003-05; music director CHDI-FM Edmonton 2005-07; PD CKMH-FM Medicine Hat 2007-10; PD CIOC-FM/ CHTT-FM Victoria 2010-13; Jason Manning Ltd. 2013-current; Brand Director CJKR-FM/ CJGV-FM Winnipeg 2014-15; PD CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2015-16; announcer/ programming assistant CKPK-FM Vancouver 2016-23; p.m. drive host CJAX-FM Vancouver 2023-current. LinkedIn profile  CKST YouTube video circa 1996 

Tom Mansell - Click for larger

Tom Mansell - Son of Edmonton Journal reporter Tom Mansell; Director British United Press Bureau Edmonton covering opening of the Canol refinery project at Whitehorse with first commercial transmission from the Yukon outpost; news editor/ announcer CFRN Edmonton 1944; voice of the Vancouver Sun & only newsman in radio contact with the U.S. Army plane Pacusan Dreamboat as it passed over Canada on its flight over the Arctic and around the world 1946; Vancouver Sun news broadcasts CKMO/ CKWX/ CKNW Vancouver 1947

Rajesh Mansukhani -
                                  Click to enlarge
Rajesh Mansukhani - Public relations manager (Global) The Shiamak Group Mumbai, India 1999-2011; producer/ host Mumbai Raj program CJRJ Vancouver 2009-current.  LinkedIn profile

Ron Manz
                                  - Click for larger photo Ron Manz - Diploma Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/ Technician Mount Royal College Calgary 1973; Media Relations Director Saskatchewan Roughriders then Calgary Stampeders 1984-87; CKX-TV Brandon MB; CHBC-TV Kelowna; CFJC/ CFJC-TV Kamloops; sportscaster BCTV Vancouver; CKKX-FM Calgary; news anchor CFCN-TV Calgary 2000-06; columnist Calgary Sun to 2006; morning news CKOV/ CKOV-FM/ CKQQ-FM/ CKLZ-FM Kelowna 2006-12 then fill-in CKQQ-FM; morning news/ sports anchor CKIZ-FM Vernon current; operator Kal Lake Hideaway Bed & Breakfast and The HandyManz construction Oyama BC current.  LinkedIn profile 

Joni Mar
                                  - Click for larger photo Joni Mar - News reporter CBC-TV Vancouver late 1980s-early 1990s; interior design; certified professional co-active coach current

Ramona Mar -
                                  Click to enlarge Ramona Mar - BCIT Broadcast program graduate 1981; news CKNW/ CFMI-FM New Westminster 1981-86; first Chinese-Canadian fulltime female radio newscaster in BC; co-host CBC-TV Worldstage '86; freelance CBC Radio and Switchback CBC-TV Vancouver; creator/ co-host Gemini-nominated national parenting show Spilled Milk CBC Television Vancouver 1994-99; documentary freelance; fill-in host the Roundup CBC Radio Vancouver 2004; commercial voiceovers

Rosa Marchitelli - Click
                                  to enlarge Rosa Marchitelli - Journalism degree Ryerson University Toronto; writer/ reporter CKAL-TV Calgary 1997; reporter CKVR-TV Barrie 1999-2001; reporter Global TV 2001-02; general assignment reporter then weekend news anchor CBC Radio and Television Vancouver 2002-13; journalism instructor BCIT 2010-13; evening news anchor CBC-TV Calgary 2013-current; Calgary-based host Go Public CBC national current. LinkedIn profile 

Bethlehem Marian - Click
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Bethlehem Mariam - Broadcast Journalism graduate BCIT 2018; United Students of Color Liaison Langara College Vancouver 2009-10; Co-Founder, Marketing, and Promotions Rough Diamond Collective Montreal 2011-13; Office and Special Events Support Burnaby-Edmonds MLA Office 2012-14; Coordinator and Facilitator Habesha Vancouver Mentorship Program 2012-14; Team Member Carlton Cards Burnaby 2015-16; Peer Support Worker Downtown Eastside Women's Centre Vancouver 2016-17; Radio Intern CBC Vancouver 2017; Producer/ Reporter Volunteer
 Access Television Vancouver 2017-18; Current Affairs Intern then Editorial Assistant & Assignment Producer CBC Toronto 2018-19; Associate Producer CBC Vancouver 2019-20; Reporter CKWX Vancouver 2020-current.  LinkedIn profile

Jack Marion - Click for recent
                                  photo Jack Marion - Radio and TV news CJON/ CJON-TV St. John's NF 1973-74; news director/ morning news anchor CKOV Kelowna 1974-78; news CKLG Vancouver 1978-85; news director/ morning news CKWX/ CKKS-FM Vancouver 1985-2000; news CHQM-FM/ CFUN Vancouver 2000-2003; morning news CJJR-FM/ CKBD Vancouver 2003-12; morning news CISF-FM Surrey 2016

Bob "The Moj"
                                  Marjanovich - Click to enlarge Bob "The Moj" Marjanovich - Reporter Sports Vue magazine Vancouver; sports talk host CKST Vancouver 2001-03; afternoon host CHMJ Vancouver 2003-06; sports talk host CKST 2006-21

Tom Mark -
                                  Click to enlarge Tom Mark - Weekend youth news CKRC Winnipeg 1971-73; news CFRW Winnipeg 1973-79; news CFUN Vancouver 1979-80; CKDA Victoria 1980; news/ News Director CJOR/ CHRX and morning news CJJR-FM Vancouver 1981-96; BC Radio Director RTNDA 1990; Vice President-Radio RTNDA 1992-2002; News Director CKWX Vancouver 1996-2001; morning news CKNW Vancouver 2001-14; recipient of four RTNDA Best Newscast Awards; RTNDA Distinguished Service Award 2003 and Lifetime Achievement Award 2010; now living in Vernon; fill-in anchor CKIZ-FM Vernon and CKLZ-FM 104.7 Kelowna 2015-17 and morning anchor CKIZ-FM/ CJIB-FM 2017-18; announced retirement October 2018

                                  Markley - Click to enlarge Pat Markley - BCIT Broadcast Journalism program graduate 1981; board operator/  part time news CFMI-FM New Westminster 1981-84; news CKNW New Westminster 1984-2000; first woman to work as 'pilot' or shift supervisor fulltime at CKNW; novel writer current; assistant programmer/ historical interpreter Burnaby Village 2004-09; program coordinator Museum of the Highwood, High River AB current; weekly newspaper article writer on history of Alberta foothills current

Rory Markas
                                  - Click to enlarge Rory Markas - Triple-A play-by-play Pacific Coast League baseball 1981-87 including Vancouver Canadians play-by-play CKWX Vancouver 1983-85; play-by-play USC men's basketball Trojan Radio Network circa 1985-90; sports reporter KNX radio/ KCBS-TV Los Angeles 1990-96; lead radio announcer NBA Clippers/ news reporter KTTV Los Angeles 1994-97; play-by-play announcer California Angels 2002-09; four Golden Mike Awards for radio reporting; two Associated Press Sportscasting awards; radio play-by-play award Southern California Sports Broadcasters Assn. 2008.  Died January 4, 2010 in Palmdale CA at age 54

Julie Markus - Production assistant BBC Radio 3 England 1972-73; production assistant BCTV Vancouver 1975-77; production assistant The Vancouver Show CKVU-TV 1977-78; news, interviews & movie reviews CFOX-FM Vancouver 1979; co-host with Cam McCubbin This AM on FM CJAZ-FM Vancouver 1980; writer/ narrator weekly small business commentary CBC Radio Vancouver & national syndication 1981; print journalist 1981-85; host arts/ entertainment feature CKO-FM-4 Vancouver mid 1980s; CEO New Alliances Network Inc. Vancouver current

Andrew Marquis
                                  CBC-TV Montreal 1977 - Click for
                                  larger photos Andy Marquis - Cub reporter Winnipeg Free Press 1949; reporter Winnipeg Tribune 1950; CKFI Fort Frances ON 1951-53; out of radio 1953-57; reporter then manager CJAV Port Alberni Sept. 1957-59; CKLG Vancouver July 1959-60; news anchor CHAN-TV Vancouver 1960-67; as Andrew Marquis news anchor CFCF-TV Montreal 1967-77; news anchor CBC Montreal 1977-78. Died in Montreal August 31, 1978 at age 49

                                  Marsden - Click to enlarge David Marsden - As Dave Mickie: CFCO Chatham ON 1963; CKEY Toronto 1963-64; CHIQ Hamilton 1964; host CBC-TV Music Hop 1964-67; as David Marsden: CKGM Montreal 1967-68; CKGM-FM/ CHOM-FM Montreal 1968; CHUM-FM Toronto 1973-76; PD/ DJ CFNY-FM Brampton ON 1977-88; Executive Producer Pilot One CBC-TV Vancouver 1987; PD/ special events announcer CKST Langley/ Vancouver 1990-93; Director of Operations/ programming CFXJ-FM Toronto 2002; weekend host CKGE-FM Oshawa ON 2003-14; owner/ operator and host 2014-current.  David's website 

Rachel Marsden - Click for larger
                                  photo Rachel Marsden - BCIT broadcast program graduate; broadcast and print journalist; fill in host CFUN Vancouver late 1990s; news anchor/ producer; production associate ABC News New York; columnist GOPUSA; host Battlezone CITR-FM Vancouver to 2005; panelist Dennis Miller Show CNBC Los Angeles 2004-2005; columnist National Post 2005; columnist Toronto Sun 2005-current; Canadian Correspondent Fox News Channel New York 2004-07; New York based Fox News Channel contributor/ co-host Fox Network daily show Red Eye 2007; editor Grand Central Political current.  Rachel Marsden website

D'Arch Marsh 1951 - Click to
                                  enlarge D'Arcy Marsh - Literary editor UBC newspaper The Ubyssey 1925; arts graduate UBC 1926; began newspaper career at Vancouver Star 1926; reporter Hamilton Spectator; author of The Tragedy of Henry Thornton biography of late president of CNR 1935; served as Southam Press foreign correspondent 1935-36; national network commentator then news supervisor CBC Radio; editorial writer Vancouver Province 1940's-50s; international news commentator evenings CKWX Vancouver 1951; reporter Vancouver Times 1964-65; art reviewer Ottawa Journal circa 1971

Kerry Marshall - Click
                                  to enlarge Kerry Marshall (Kerry Holley) - CHUB Nanaimo 1969-73; news then news director CKLG/ CKLG-FM/ CFOX-FM Vancouver 1974-2002; freelance voice 1974-current; news CKKS-FM/ CKLG-FM Vancouver 2002-12; News and Content Director CIRH-FM Vancouver 2015-17; co-host Prattcast podcast 2019. Died August 26, 2019 in North Vancouver at age 70; RTDNA Posthumous Lifetime Achievement Award 2022.  LinkedIn profile  Oct. 1987 CFOX-FM audio courtesy Radio West 

                                  Marshall - Click for photo with
                                  Michael Forbes Lisa Marshall - Brief stints St. Paul AB and Winkler MB 1985; CKRM Regina 1986-87; CKCK Regina 1987-90; CHRX Vancouver 1990-93; evenings/ weekends CKWX Vancouver and host nationally syndicated Country Cabaret and Inside Country Satellite Radio Network Vancouver 1993-96; morning co-host CIOC-FM Victoria 1996-2015  

                                  Martell - Click to enlarge Dusty Martell - Marketing/ Radio & TV Announcing BCIT 1984; West Coast Patrol CFUN Vancouver 1984-85; Club Crawl reporter Vancouver Show CKVU-TV 1985; ski patrol/ summer beach patrol CFOX-FM Vancouver 1985-86; Promotion Director/ staff announcer/ cruiser reporter CFMI-FM Vancouver 1986-88; co-host with Michael Reagan Lingo syndicated in Canada & U.S. 1987-88; Eye on Entertainment spots BCTV Vancouver 1988-89; BC Lottery 649 show with Stirling Faux BCTV 1989; traffic/ remote broadcasts CKMA/ CKSR-FM Abbotsford 1993-95; Dusty's Trails Abbotsford Times/ fashion writer Abbotsford News 1993-95; owner Nannies-to-Go and Martell Personnel Private Consulting West Vancouver 1996-current; fill-in CKNW Vancouver 1999

Mike Martignago - Click to
Mike Martignago - Broadcast Communications graduate BCIT 2006; on air host/ reporter including Vancouver Whitecaps FC match day reporter TEAM Radio (CFTE/ CKST) Vancouver 2006-17; communications manager SportMedBC 2010-17; Marketing and Communications Consultant A & M Vancouver 2017; Business Development Manager then Marketing Director Xceed Financial Credit Union El Segundo CA 2017-current; Acting Communications Director Kinecta Federal Credit Union Manhattan Beach CA 2020-current.  LinkedIn profile  

Claire Martin - Click to
                                  enlarge Claire Martin - Higher national certificate with distinction in mathematics, statistics and physics University of Reading UK; Central Forecast Office Bracknell UK; moved to Canada 1989; Environment Canada 1990; BSc University of Alberta Edmonton 1993; staff meteorologist and weather presenter ITV/ Global Edmonton 1994-2005; national weather presenter The National and Canada Now CBC Television Toronto 2005-07; regional/ national weather host CBC/ CBC-TV Vancouver 2007-12; regional/ national weather host CBC/ CBC-TV Toronto 2012-14; managing director Anaďd Productions North Vancouver 2014-15; Green Party of Canada Climate Critic & 2015 Candidate North Vancouver 2015-16; President and Founder Met Media Services Vancouver 2015-18; Manager Service Delivery Transformation Vancouver 2016-current. International Weather Festival award for Best Weather Presenter in the World Paris France 2000, Quebec City 2001 and Zagreb Croatia 2003; American Meteorological Society award Certified Broadcast Meteorologist 2005.  LinkedIn profile   

Donna Martin 1980 -
                                  Click for 2012 photo
Donna Martin - News/ traffic reporter then writer /presenter In Vancouver news segment CKVN/ CFUN Vancouver 1972-74; talk show host CFRW Winnipeg 1974-76; news reporter CBOT-TV Ottawa 1979-81; consumer reporter Radio Noon CBC Radio Ottawa 1982-83; consumer commentator/ segment host It’s Your Money CBOT-TV 1983-85; coach/ consultant/ facilitator 1985-2002; Accenture Business Services for Utilities Vancouver 2003-05; ministerial liaison and issues management Government of Canada 2005-10; Donna Howes 2007; executive coach & facilitator Humanity at Work Vancouver 2010-current.  Linkedin profile

Pamela Martin
                                    Click to Enlarge Pamela Martin - Co-host/ producer Daybreak CHEK-TV Victoria 1975; beat reporter CKNW New Westminster 1976; first female news anchor of a major 6 p.m. newscast BCTV Vancouver 1977-2001; co-anchor CTV News at Six CTV British Columbia Vancouver 2001-10; Director of Outreach Government of British Columbia 2011-13; Director of Engagement and Liaison Office of the Premier 2013-17; self employed broadcast journalist political outreach; 2017-18; board member Coast Mental Health 2018-current.  LinkedIn profile

Monica Martinez - Click to
                                  enlarge Monica Martinez - BCIT Broadcast program graduate 2011; Videographer/ Editor Cloud Nine Creative Vancouver 2009-13; reporter CBC-TV Vancouver 2011; reporter Global TV Regina 2011-12; video journalist/ anchor CHEK-TV Victoria 2012-16; Head of Marketing Tellwell Talent Victoria 2016-current.  LinkedIn profile

Nikitha Martins
Nikitha Martins - Langara College Vancouver journalism graduate 2020; Multimedia Reporter Surrey604 2018-19; Jeani Read-Michael Mercer Fellow CBC Vancouver 2019; Intern then web editor/ reporter CKWX 2019-22; news staff writer Daily Hive Vancouver 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Kenny Mason -
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Kenny Mason - SAIT Calgary graduate; reporter CFFR Calgary to 2015; reporter CKWX Vancouver 2015-18; morning show producer/ managing editor CFFR 2018-current

Jeff Massie 1959 - Click to
                                  enlarge Jeff Massie - Host All Night Record Man CFUN Vancouver 1959

Darrian Matassa-Fung -
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Darrian Matassa-Fung - BCIT Broadcat Journalism graduate 2019; commercial painter Combined Painting Ltd. Vancouver 2014-16;  delivery driver/ warehouse employee CF Interiors Vancouver 2017-18; Intern Bell Media Vancouver 2018; Intern Global TV Kelowna 2019; freelance videographer Sports Hype Vancouver 2019-current; video journalist Global TV Kelowna 2019-22; online journalist Global TV Vancouver 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Jennifer Burke - Click
                                  to enlarge Jennifer Mather - (Now Jennifer Burke) BCIT Broadcast Journalism Program trainee 1986-87; technical producer and community events reporter CKNW New Westminster 1987-89; morning news anchor CFMI-FM Vancouver 1989-91; fill-in weather and news anchor BCTV Vancouver 1991; reporter/ weekend news anchor BCTV 1992-98; associate producer first locally produced morning news program Saturday Morning News BCTV 1994-98; 6 p.m. news co-anchor CKVU-TV Vancouver 1998-2002; two-time Leo Award winner for Best News Anchor; host The Jennifer Mather Show CKNW 2003-05; husband Brian Burke support Anaheim Ducks Newport Beach CA 2005-09; as Jennifer Burke: host Living Vancouver CBC-TV Vancouver 2006-08; news anchor/ fill-in host CTV News Channel Toronto 2009-22;  moderator BC Leadership Debate Vancouver 2013; communications specialist Pivotal Media Toronto 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Kristina Matisic - Click
                                  to enlarge Kristina Matisic - News CISQ-FM/ CISW-FM Squamish/ Whistler 1993-94; overnight news anchor/ reporter CKVU-TV Vancouver 1993-97 and late evening news anchor CKVU-TV 1997-99; named Broadcaster of Tomorrow B.C. Association of Broadcasters 1998; Co-Owner/ Executive Producer/ host/ writer New Shoes Productions Vancouver 1999-2008; Co-Owner/ Executive Producer/ TV host Worldwide Bag Media Inc. Vancouver 2008-14; blogger/ content creator Vancouver 2008-16; President Kristina Matisic Creative Inc. Vancouver 2014-current; spokesperson Focus on the Facts Campaign Health Canada 2015-16.  LinkedIn profile 

Keith Matthews 1996 -
                                  Click to enlarge with 1949 photo Keith Matthews - High School sports reporter Vancouver Sun 1942-43; Canadian Navy Vancouver then Halifax 1943-45; part time sports reporter Halifax Chronicle Herald 1945-46; sports writer Vancouver Sun 1946-49; Capilanos baseball (with Duke McLeod) CKMO Vancouver circa 1947; news editor/ city editor/ sports editor News Herald Vancouver 1949-58; sports writer Vancouver Sun 1958-60; sports editor Calgary Albertan 1960-64; Canadian Press and Football Writers’ Association Sports Writer of the Year 1962; sports editor Vancouver Times 1964-65; company newspaper editor/ internal communications manager/ information manager/ major projects manager BC Telephone Co 1965-87; elected Variety Club president 1971 & 1972; organized/ executive director BC Association of Cattle Feeders 1989-92; posthumously inducted into Vancouver Canadians Broadcast & Journalism Hall of Fame 2009.  Died in Vancouver May 14, 2006 at age 82

Dal Maxwell -
                                  CKMO Dal Maxwell - Staff announcer CKMO Vancouver 1946-48

                                  Maxwell - Click to enlarge Jim Maxwell - Night news editor CKNW 1940s

Tom Mayenknecht
                                  - Click to enlarge Tom Mayenknecht - Director of Communications Tennis Canada 1985-94; Director of Communications & Executive Director Toronto Raptors NBA franchise 1994-95; Vice-President Communications & Public Relations Vancouver Grizzlies NBA franchise 1995-96; Vice-President, Communications & Public Relations Orca Bay Sports & Entertainment Vancouver 1995-96; Vice-President PacificSport Canadian Sport Centre 1996-2001; Principal Emblematica Brand Builders Vancouver 2006-current; founder/ host national sport business radio show The Sport Market CKST Vancouver 2008-21 and CFTE Vancouver 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile

Geri Mayer-Judson
Geri Mayer-Judson - BCIT Radio Arts & Entertainment program graduate 2022; sales associate Addition Elle Calgary 2014-16; front desk receptionist Chatters Limited Partnership Calgary 2017-18; Team Lead NewLeaf Cannabis Calgary 2018 - 20; Technical Assistant intern CFRO-FM Vancouver 2021; radio personality Rogers Sports & Media Vancouver 2021-22; traffic reporter Canadian Traffic Network/ CKZZ-FM; CHLG-FM/ CISL/ Global BC 2022-current; on air contributor CKNW Vancouver 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile

Norm Mazuren 1975 -
                                  Click to enlarge with recent photo Norm Mazuren - Summer replacement announcer CHWK Chilliwack 1965; BCIT Broadcast Production graduate, first class of 1966; evenings CFVR Abbotsford 1966-67; evenings then mid afternoons CHWK 1967-72; afternoon drive/ mid mornings CJJC Langley 1972-77 (music director 1973-77); music director, assistant program director, mid mornings CHWK 1977-95; realtor, Royal LePage Wheeler Cheam Realty, Chilliwack 1996-2011; retired.  email

Alexis Mazurin - Click for larger
                                  CBC photo Alexis Mazurin - Comedy writer/ producer/ reporter/ performer local theatre, CBC Radio/ TV and Shaw Cable Vancouver 2003-05; segment co-host with JJ Lee Out There on Sounds Like Canada CBC Radio Vancouver; host CBC Radio 3 Vancouver to 2005. Died in Vancouver October 20, 2005 at age 27

Frank Meade - CJCJ Calgary circa 1943; CKMO Vancouver 1944; Production Manager CJAT Trail 1945; news CKWX Vancouver 1945-46; Production Manager CJAV Port Alberni 1946; reporter Vancouver News-Herald 1949-54; reporter Vancouver Sun 1955-56; attempted to buy Marpole community newspaper 1957; CBC-TV Vancouver 1958-66; legally changed name to Frank Frederick Meade from Stanley Harold Imes 1963; retired due to ill health 1966. Died in Surrey September 23 1969 at age 48  

Mervyn Meadows - Click to
Mervyn Meadows - CFPR Prince Rupert; CHFM-FM Calgary news director 1964-66; DJ CKWX Vancouver 1966-73; Foreign Service and received a special commendation in 1992; retired to Saanichton B.C.  Died in Saanichton October 24, 2015 at age 74   

Kelly Medos - Click to enlarge
Kelly Medos - Diploma of Technology, Radio Arts and Entertainment 2014; Promotions Coordinator HUSH Magazine Vancouver 2013; on-air Evolution 107.9 BCIT 2013-14 Burnaby; intern producer CKNW Vancouver 2014; traffic reporter CHMJ Vancouver 2013-15; promotions Corus Entertainment Vancouver radio cluster 2012-16, social media specialist 2014-16 & co-host SWSTV 2015-16; airborne traffic reporter Canadian Traffic Network/ Global TV Vancouver/ CHMJ 2016-current; weekends CJJR-FM Vancouver 2018-19; Airborne Traffic Reporter Canadian Traffic Network/ Global News Weekends & CHMJ Vancouver 2016-current; Project Coordinator 604 Records Inc Vancouver 2019-current.  LinkedIn profile  

Howie Meeker 2016 - Click to
Howie Meeker - NHL Toronto Maple Leafs right wing player 1946-54 and winner of four Stanley Cups 1947, '48, '49 and '51; played in 1947 NHL All-Star Game; CBC-TV Hockey Night in Canada colour commentator 1969-87; BCTV Vancouver Canucks colour commentator with Bernie Pascal 1977-85 and Jim Robson 1985-86; appointed to Order of Canada 2011. Died November 8, 2020 in Nanaimo at age 97.  Canadian Enclyclopedia Biography 

                                  Meghji - Click to enlarge
Riaz Meghji - Roving reporter radio promotions CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2002; host/ producer 969 MTV Canada Vancouver 2002-05; weathercaster CTV British Columbia 2004-05; writer then anchor Inside Jam and Canoe Live Sun TV (CKXT-TV) Toronto 2005-06; ANOKHI Magazine TV Personality of the Year 2006; host Toronto International Film Festival 2006-09; reporter Bell TV Festival Access Toronto 2006-08; Field Director Tricon Films & Television Toronto 2008; host Breakfast Television CityTV Vancouver 2008-19; host TEDx Vancouver 2012-17; Creator 2014-current; released Every Conversation Counts book 2021. LinkedIn profile

                                  Meghji - Click to enlarge Zain Meghji - BA Theatre University of British Columbia 2000; theatre/ film/ TV actor; reporter Out on TV Shaw Cable Vancouver; advice panelist MTV Canada; on-air presenter Swindon FM UK; Live Eye host Breakfast Television Citytv Vancouver 2005; reporter eTalk CTV 2006-09; live red carpet host, Toronto International Film Festival 2009; host How to Look Good Naked Canada 2009-12; speaker National Speakers Bureau 2009-current; host Breakfast Television Citytv Calgary 2010-11; on air contributor Showbiz Tonight Greater New York City area 2012; special correspondent EXTRA NBC 2013-14; news anchor/ writer Yahoo New York 2014; Head of Video Content Vancity Buzz/ The Daily Hive 2016-21;  Senior Audience Development Manager BBTV Vancouver 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Margaret Meikle -
                                  Click for larger photo
Margaret Meikle - Regular on CBC local and national radio; created The Answer Lady CBC Radio 1990s; regular on the Vicki Gabereau Show; wrote for Canadian Living and hosted a variety of CBC programs; co-producer Booked on Saturday Night CBC Television Vancouver; published Dear Answer Lady children's books; recipient of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal; given Civic Merit Award by the City of Vancouver 2012.  Died in Vancouver December 21, 2013 at age 57 

                                Meiszner - Click to enlarge
Peter Meiszner - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 2004;  Associate Producer The Rafe Mair Show CKBD Vancouver 2004; Online News Editor then Publications Coordinator then Communications Specialist 2004-08; Social Media Commentator on Drex Live CKNW Vancouver 2014; Online News Producer Global BC 2008-14; Media Relations Senior Digital Strategist University of British Columbia 2015-current then contract Faculty of Arts Communications Manager 2021; self employed Publisher and Director UrbanYVR 2016-current; City of Vancouver Councillor 2022-current; LinkedIn profile

                                  Melby - CHQT Edmonton
Stu Melby - CKLG AM & FM Vancouver 1960s; CKPG Prince George; morning host CHQT Edmonton early 1970s

Jackie Melville - Editor CBC Radio Vancouver 1973-74; reporter CBC Television Vancouver 1974-79; Victoria Legislature Reporter CBC-TV 1979-81; CBC National Radio News Toronto 1981-82; editor/ reporter The House Parliamentary Bureau CBC National Radio News 1982-85; editor/ reporter The House Parliamentary Bureau CBC National Radio News 1994-95; CBC Government Relations Manager 1995-96; producer Politics with Don Newman CBC National Television News Parliamentary Bureau 1996-current

Gian-Paolo Mendoza - Click to
Gian-Paolo Mendoza - MA Journalism UBC Vancouver 2015; freelance videographer/ editor Vancouver 2011-16; Project Manager Keys to the Streets CityStudio Vancouver 2013; intern Global Television Vancouver 2013; videographer/ editor I Do Productions Vancouver 2013-15; producer/ intern CBC Radio 3 Vancouver 2014; intern Georgia Street Media Vancouver 2014; videographer/ editor Global Reporting Centre Vancouver 2014-15; writer/ producer CBC News Vancouver 2015; assistant video editor Al Jazeera's People and Power: Out of the Shadows Vancouver 2015; video journalist CBC Vancouver 2015-current.  Website  LinkedIn profile 

Phil Menger -
                                Click to enlarge
Phil Menger - Freelance reporter/ public affairs/ performer/ documentary production/ entertainment/ researcher CBC Radio Vancouver 1971-85; reporter/ Sports Editor Cariboo Observer Quesnel 1979-81; reporter/ news reader/ videographer CFTK-TV and Radio/ CJFW-FM Terrace 1980-85; Senior Account Executive CNW Group 1985-2008; Founder 411 Seniors Radio Show 411 Seniors Centre Society Vancouver 1993-95; Volunteer Advertising and Sponsorship Coordinator BC Library Association 2011-13; Library and Information Technology Column LibTech Soup 2012-13; Social Media Co-ordinator BC Library Association 2012-13. Died in Abbotsford February 24, 2019 at age 71.

Paul Mennier - Click to
                                  enlarge Paul Mennier - Sports/ news anchor Atlantic Television 1986-97; News Director/ anchor Vancouver Television CIVT 1997-99; news anchor A-Channel Edmonton 1999-2005; Local Content Manager/ news anchor Citytv Edmonton 2006-10; independent contractor Ottawa 2010-current; contract publicist/ media consultant Ottawa 2011-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Wolfgang Mentze 1970s
                                  - Click to enlarge Wolfgang Mentze - Producer/ host German program CJVB Vancouver 1970s-80s

Ferrah Merali - click to
Farrah Merali - Graduate Ryerson journalism program Toronto; McGill campus radio Montreal; writer/ producer CBC Newsworld; overnight anchor CKWX Vancouver 2012; reporter CBC Vancouver current

                                  Merchant - click to enlarge with
                                  recent photo
Bob Merchant - Announcer CHNL Kamloops; swing CKXL Calgary 1973-74; CJCA Edmonton; mid mornings CFUN Vancouver circa 1978; CISL Richmond mid 1980s; p.m. drive including host The Fifties at Five CKWX Vancouver late 1980s-early 1990s.  Died in Langley June 9, 2015 at age 69 

Stephanie Mercier - Click to
                                  enlarge Stephanie Mercier - BCIT Broadcast program graduate 2009; reporter/ guest host Tommy Wolski's Sport of Kings Citytv Vancouver 2006-09; reporter CBC Vancouver 2008-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Joy Metcalfe - Click for larger
                                  photo Joy Metcalfe - Joy's Journal CKNW Vancouver 1977-99; writer 20 years at The Courier, The North Shore News, Joy in the Morning The Province 1981 and 17 years Vancouver Lifestyles; Joy's Journal CKBD Vancouver 1999-2001; morning fill-ins CKNW 2001-05 and Joy's Journal CKNW 2004-13; contributor CISL Vancouver morning show; author Joy's Journal The West End Journal 2019-current; multi award winner including 2007 Consumer's Choice Woman of the Year Award; commendations from numerous charitable organizations.  Star Walk Biography   

Jon Meyer - Click to enlarge
Jon Meyer - Broadcast journalism & print diploma Mohawk College Toronto; news reporter/ editor CHML Hamilton 2005-06; news anchor/ web editor Bayshore Broadcasting Owen sound 2007-15; TV host/ commentator Ontario Hockey League Rogers Communications Owen Sound ON 2011-15; news anchor/ reporter CKNW Vancouver 2015-18; Digital News Producer Barrie 360 Barrie ON 2018-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Shirley Meyer - CFRO-FM Vancouver -1980; CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1980

                                Meyers - Click to enlarge
Carly Meyers - CFEX-FM Calgary to 2014; CFNY-FM Toronto 2016-22; p.m. drive co-host with Jay Brody CKKS-FM Vancouver 2022-current

Suzette Meyers - Click
                                  to enlarge Suzette Meyers - Documentary filmmaker; co-anchor 6 p.m. news CKVU-TV Vancouver 1992-99; documentary filmmaker Insight Documentaries 1998-2008; recipient Canadian Association of Broadcasters Gold Ribbon Award and BC Association of Broadcasters Best News Series Award; weekend news anchor/ field reporter BCTV/ Global Vancouver 2001-08; fill in host CBC TV/Radio Vancouver 2008-10; freelance writer/ journalist 2014-current.  LinkedIn profile

Al Michaels - News CJCL Toronto late 1970s; CKO-FM-2 Toronto 1981-89; DJ CHQM-FM Vancouver late 1980s-early 90s; news CFRB Toronto 1996-2001

John Michaels 1975 - Click
                                  for recent photo John Michaels - CKOV Kelowna to 1974; p.m. drive CKWX Vancouver 1974-75; CILK-FM Kelowna; CKLZ-FM Kelowna; talk show host CKOV 2004-07; a.m. drive CKOV-FM 2007-current

Sean Michaels - Part time news anchor CKWX Vancouver 2004-10; producer Global National Vancouver current; freelance investigative journalist current

Andy Michaelson 1970s - Click to
                                  enlarge with recent photo Andy Michaelson - Announcer/ reporter CHED Edmonton; CKYL Peace River; CJCA Edmonton 1960s; as Andy Michaels CISL, CKNW 1970s-80s and co-host last morning show CJOR Vancouver 1988; communications professional and consultant Vancouver and Edmonton; writer and poet St. Albert AB.  Died May 10, 2017 in St. Albert at age 71.

                                  Michaud - Click to enlarge H.L. (Henry) Michaud - Aka Hank Michaud CHUB Nanaimo; read news standing up on stage at Pacific National Exhibition CKNW New Westminster; co-owner CJDC Dawson Creek 1956-99 and CJDC-TV 1959-99.   Died in Dawson Creek October 10, 2005 at age 78

Ian Michaud - CJJC Langley 1975-76; sports broadcaster and voice of the Vancouver Whitecaps 1973-81 CJOR Vancouver; soccer news CKWX Vancouver early 1980s 

Dagmar Midcap - Click for larger
                                  photo Dagmar Midcap - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 1990; host/ interviewer/ anchor WB55 TV Cleveland OH 1990-98; traffic/ weather reporter VTV Vancouver 1998-2001; traffic reporter/ Driving co-host Global TV Vancouver 2001-2004; motorcycle columnist Vancouver Province 2003-04; Driving Television Global TV Network 2005; appeared in numerous film and television series produced in Vancouver; co-host Crash Test Mommy, Life Network 2005; meteorologist/ weather/ traffic anchor Better Mornings WGCL-TV Atlanta 2007-10; meteorologist/ weather anchor KSND-TV San Diego 2011-current.  LinkedIn profile

                                Middleton - Click to enlarge Tyler Middleton - CFEX-FM Calgary 2013-17; morning co-host with Chris Lynch CKPK-FM Vancouver 2017-21; p.m. drive co-host with Chris Lynch CFOX-FM Vancouver 2021-current

Joe Midmore - Co-host Nabob Party Time with Dal Richards CKWX Vancouver 1943; news then promotions director CKWX 1940s-50s (except RCAF 1945-46)

                                  Mileos - Click to enlarge Joanna Mileos - News reporter KBS cluster Kootenays BC 1988-89; morning show co-host/ news anchor CISQ-FM/ CISW-FM Squamish/ Whistler 1989-90; traffic reporter/ news announcer/ programming promotions co-ordinator CISL/ CKZZ-FM Vancouver 1990-96; segment reporter Viewpoint Rogers Cable Richmond 1995-97; host Plugged In Rogers Richmond 1997-99; news reporter/ weekend anchor 1996-99 and p.m. drive news anchor 1999-2007 CKWX Vancouver; fill-in weekend news reporter Citytv Vancouver 2004; owner The Granville Island Toy Company Vancouver 2007-current; freelance voice current.  LinkedIn profile

Terry Milewski - Click to
                                  enlarge Terry Milewski - Print, radio and television reporter UK and Canada; news CBR/ CBR-TV Calgary 1970's; CBC National Television News Service 1980-current including science and medicine specialist 1980-83, Ottawa parliamentary reporter 1983-86, The National bureau chief and first Middle East correspondent Jerusalem 1986; CBC-TV Washington correspondent; CBC-TV reporter based in Vancouver 2005-09; senior political correspondent CBC Ottawa 2009-16; RTDNA Lifetime Achievement Award for Network Programming 2017.  LinkedIn profile 

Ben Miljure - Click to enlarge
Ben Miljure - BCIT Broadcast journalism graduate 2011; news/ current affairs reporter/ anchor CHON-FM Whitehorse YT 2011; reporter/ anchor CTV Prince Albert/ Saskatoon SK 2011-13; news reporter CTV Winnipeg 2013-16; reporter CTV Vancouver 2016-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Alan Millar 1960 - Click to
                                  enlarge Alan Millar - CJVI Victoria while attending high school 1947; majored in English and theatre at University of Washington Seattle; drama actor CBC Radio Vancouver; first contract announcer CBUT Vancouver 1953; co-host Almanac CBUT 1950s; announcer Eleanor series CBUT 1955; moved to Toronto to work in variety department CBC Toronto 1959; host Fancy Free CBC-TV 1960; host national weekly magazine show Metronome and created radio series CBC Song Market 1960s; host/ panelist Flashback series CBC-TV 1962-64; featured On Location series CBC-TV 1974; writer/ producer game show Connection CTV network 1970s; returned to CBC Radio as announcer 1979 and worked on Stereo Morning, CBC News, Radio Noon and The Entertainers; host regional radio show Ontario Morning 1980-86; co-host Fresh Air 1986-89; left CBC to pursue other interests 1989.  Died in Toronto June 4, 1991 at age 62

Ched Miller -
                                  Click for 1975 CJJC and recent photos Ched Miller - CFWH Whitehorse YT 1967-69; mornings/ production CKRW Whitehorse 1969-70; middays/ promotion CKRC Winnipeg 1970-71; freelance commercial voiceover production including Chevron Your Town Pump, ABC Country Restaurants and more 1970-current; mornings CKVN Vancouver 1971; middays/production CKLG Vancouver 1971/ 72; traffic/ weekends/ production CKNW/ CFMI-FM Vancouver 1972-74; p.m. drive CJJC Langley 1974-75; stage actor Frantic Follies Whitehorse 1975-76; middays CFUN Vancouver 1978-80; farmer - race horses and hay 1980-95; p.m. drive CJUP/ CKST Langley 1987-89; weekend mornings CFUN 1991-95; Latremouille fill-in Ched for Fred CKKS-FM and mornings CKWX Vancouver 1995-96; Stucco Doctor Franchise 1996-99; Appliance Guy - major appliance sales and repair shop 1999-2005; semi-retired 2005-current. LinkedIn profile

                                Miller - Click to enlarge
Colin Miller - Head Coach FC Edmonton 2013-17; colour commentator TSN/ CKST Vancouver 2018-current; Director of Coaching and Player Development North Shore Girls Soccer Club North Vancouver 2020-21; Whitecaps FC analyst CHMJ Vancouver 2021-current; Technical Lead for Divisional and Adult Programs Abbotsford Soccer Association 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile

Corrie Miller - Click to
                                  enlarge Corrie Miller (Corrie Ashton) - BCIT broadcast graduate 1997; morning traffic reporter CFMI-FM/ CKNW Vancouver 1998-2009; Hot Wheels columnist The Province Vancouver 2006-08; TV host Driver's Seat 2007-08; featured blogger Waterfront Media Inc. New York 2008-10; morning co-host CJXY-FM Burlington ON & morning co-host CING-FM Hamilton 2010-11; Manager, Communications and Business Development, Calculated Presentations Vancouver 2013; Associate Editor and writer Glacier Media Inc. Vancouver 2013-current; morning co-host/ news/ traffic CHLG-FM Vancouver 2014-15.  LinkedIn profile 

Douglas Miller - Click
                                  to enlarge Douglas Miller - PM drive CKOK Penticton; CFUN Vancouver; CJOR Vancouver; CFMI Vancouver 1978-83; CKNW New Westminster 1987; weather anchor CKVU-TV and BCTV Vancouver 1981-91; real estate sales 1991-current; Mayor of Lions Bay 2002-05; Associate Broker ReMax Crest Realty 2006-11; Managing Broker Sutton Group - West Coast Realty West Vancouver and Gibsons 2011-15; Managing Broker Team 3000 Realty Ltd. West Vancouver 2015-17; Licensed Realtor Team 3000 Realty Ltd. 2015-current. Website 

Michelle Miller - Click
                                  to enlarge Michelle Miller - Reporter BCTV/ Global Vancouver early 2000.  LinkedIn profile

Scott Miller - Click to
                                  enlarge Scott Miller - CKNR Elliot Lake ON 1974-75; evenings CJME Regina 1975-78; CHAB Moose Jaw SK 1978; CKOM Saskatoon 1978-79; CFTR Toronto 1979; overnight then p.m. drive CKLW Windsor 1979-90; WKSG-FM Mount Clemens/ Detroit 1990; WOMC-FM Detroit 1990-92; p.m. drive WJMK-FM Chicago 1992-2001; WGRV-FM Detroit 2001; weekends WMGC-FM Detroit 2001-02; p.m. drive WSRZ-FM Sarasota FL 2002-07; voice tracking including WRLL Chicago 2004-07; afternoons WRVR-FM Memphis TN 2007-08; morning host CKCL-FM Vancouver 2009-10; morning host WOLX-FM Madison WI 2010-15; p.m. drive WKTK-FM Gainesville-Ocala FL 2015-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Trevor Miller - Click to
                                  enlarge Trevor Miller - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 1997; reporter/ anchor CISQ-FM Squamish 1998; editor/ reporter/ anchor CKWX Vancouver 1998-99; news/ sports reporter CKVU-TV Vancouver 1999-2001; sports anchor CKNW/ CJNW Vancouver 2001-02; host/ writer/ co-producer Shaw TV Vancouver 2002-06; media relations assistant Vancouver 2010 Olympic Bid Corporation 2003-04; sports columnist False Creek Community Newspaper 2004-06; media relations manager Bodog TV 2006-08; Corporate Communications Officer BC Lottery Corporation 2008-11; Real Estate Agent RE/MAX Colonial Pacific Realty Ltd White Rock 2013-current

Sean Millington
Sean Millington - Economics BA Simon Fraser University 1990; Canadian Football League player 1990-2007 including running back BC Lions 1991-2002; commentator/ sports analyst CBC Sports 2003-06; Business Development Representative Sentry Select Capital Corp Vancouver 2008; Business News commentator Global BC 2011-13; Private Investment Advisor TD Waterhouse Richmond with appearances on Global/ CTV/ CKNW/ Team 1040 2008-16; Partner Turner Millington Associates 2016-current; Independent Entrepreneur Millington Enterprises Vancouver 2019-current.   LinkedIn profile

Nelson Millman - Click to
Nelson Millman - Morning show producer and on-air talent/ Production Manager/ Promotions Director CFUN Vancouver 1973-83; Production Director Telemedia Broadcasting 1983-84; Morning Show Producer/ on-air talent CFUN 1984-89; Vice President/ General Manager/ Program Director CJCL Toronto 1992-2009; Executive Producer-Radio Vancouver 2010/ London 2012 Olympic Games Canada's Olympic Broadcast Media Consortium Toronto 2008-12; Executive Producer Studio Productions-Sportsnet 2010-12; Part-time Instructor College Of Sports Media Toronto 2013-15; Program Director-NHL Network Radio SiriusXM Canada Toronto 2015-16; Owner Millman Media Consulting Toronto 2014-current.  LinkedIn profile

                                  Mills - Click to enlarge Bob Mills - CHOR Summerland BC; signed on CIZZ-FM Red Deer 1987-92; Program Director CJAY-FM Calgary 1992-93; on-air CFOX Vancouver/ PD 1994-2001; on-air/ PD CKOV/ CKLZ-FM Kelowna 2002-19.  

Tracey Mills -
                                  Click for larger photo Tracey Mills  (Tracey Fresneda) - Traffic/ promotions CHRX Vancouver 1991; CKZZ-FM Vancouver early 1990s; all night host/ morning traffic reporter CFOX-FM Vancouver 1998-2000; Big Sister 1999-2006 and Board of Directors Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland 2003-07; middays CKKS-FM/ CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2000-01; traffic/ weekend host CKBD Vancouver/ Promotions Director CKBD/ CJJR-FM Vancouver 2001-03; Director of TV & Radio Marketing and Promotions Bell Media 2003-15; Alumni Member Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland 2007-current; Board of Directors BC & Yukon MS Society of Canada 2012-current; Executive Search Consultant  Harbour West Consulting 2016-current.  LinkedIn profile   

Adam (DJ
                                  Trouble) Milne - Click to enlarge Adam (DJ Trouble) Milne - Street teamer/ summer sticker spotter CFBT-FM Vancouver 2005-07; p.m. drive CFWD-FM Saskatoon 2007-10; club DJ & evenings CHBN-FM Edmonton 2010-11; evenings CFUN-FM/ CKKS-FM Vancouver 2011-current

David Milne David Milne - CFJC Kamloops; midday host CHQM-FM Vancouver to 2009

Olga Milosevich -
                                  Click for larger photo Olga Milosevich - Host Serbian program/ news reporter CJVB Vancouver 1970s-83; TV news anchor, current affairs/ music host, producer/ host weekly arts show Connections CBC Halifax 1983-2012

Brett Mineer - Click to
                                  enlarge Brett Mineer - Graduate BCIT Broadcast program 2004; Production Assistant Sport of Kings Communications 1997-2003; news reporter CHNL/ CJKM-FM Kamloops 2005-08; reporter/ anchor CKNW Vancouver 2008-11; reporter CTV Vancouver Island 2011-12; Media Relations Specialist BC NDP  2013; freelance writer Parrodoxx Pictures Inc 2013; panelist Shaw Communications Vancouver 2011-14; freelance reporter 24Hrs Vancouver/ Tri-Cities Now 2014; freelance writer Wendy Hartley PR Vancouver 2014; freelance content creator Renu Bakshi Communications Inc. Vancouver 2013-15; Government and Media Relations Officer WorkSafeBC 2015-16; Communications Officer Provincial Health Services Authority 2016-17; reporter/ anchor CHNL Kamloops 2018-current; Jack Webster Foundation's Best News Reporting of the Year award 2011.  LinkedIn profile 

                                  Minett - Click to enlarge Duncan Minett - Columbia Academy scholorship award winner 2003; Aquatic Supervisor City of Coquitlam 1994-2004; actor/ voice actor/ stand-up comedian 1999-current; numerous film, television and theatre credits; traffic/ weather reporter CKWX Vancouver 2004-10; instructor Columbia Academy Vancouver 2004-06; copy writer/ fill-in news/ traffic CJJR-FM/ CKBD/ CKPK-FM Vancouver 2004-current. LinkedIn profile 

                                  Minter - Click to enlarge Brian Minter - Owner Country Garden Store Chilliwack 1970-current; president Minter Gardens Chilliwack 1980-2013; host Saturday morning garden show CFSR-FM Abbotsford 1986-99; recipient Order of Canada 1990; CFSR/ CKSR Abbotsford/ Chilliwack 2000-01; gardening host cable TV & Knowledge Network; video production; magazine columnist; Gardening with Brian Minter CKBD Vancouver 2001-08; regular open line guest CBC Radio Vancouver current; Chancellor University of the Fraser Valley 2008-current

Dick Misener - Announcer CKRC Winnipeg 1936; Commercial Manager CKOV Kelowna undated; staff announcer/ Program Director CKMO Vancouver early 1940s; instructor and editor camp paper Rookie Canadian Army stationed at Vernon 1945; sales CKWX Vancouver 1950; elected chairman of Vancouver Advertising Club 1952; account executive James Lovick advertising agency Vancouver then Toronto undated; Assistant Manager CFCF Montreal 1955 and Manager 1960

                                  Mitchell - Click to enlarge Cam Mitchell - BCIT Broadcast journalism graduate 2009; producer/ reporter CKST & CTV Vancouver 2010-15; fill-in sports anchor CTV Vancouver 2015; traffic reporter CHMJ Vancouver and producer CKNW Vancouver 2016-17; producer CISL Vancouver 2017-19; freelance producer/ writer/ host Vancouver 2019; Associate Assignment Editor CTV Vancouver current.  LinkedIn profile

Dave Mitchell - Evenings CKLG Vancouver 1977

Ed Mitchell CKVN 1972 - Click to
                                  enlarge Ed Mitchell - Mornings CKVN Vancouver 1972; CKLG Vancouver circa 1974-75; CFMI-FM New Westminster

Simon Mitchell - Click to
                                  enlarge Simon Mitchell - Health and fitness consultant iNform Health and Fitness Adelaide Australia 2003-04; Promotions Austereo SAFM Adelaide Australia 2004-06; evening host/ Assistant Music Director Hot 91 Maroochydore (Sunshine Coast) Queensland Australia 2006-08; swing announcer CFMI-FM Vancouver 2008; CHBE-FM Victoria 2008-09; location assistant Silver River TV London UK 2009-10; music director/ p.m. drive CIBK-FM Calgary 2010-11 

                                  Mitsui - Click to enlarge Evan Mitsui - Technology Diploma Broadcast Journalism BCIT 2009; English Teacher AEON Corporation 2005-07; Bachelor of Philosophy Broadcast Journalism BCIT 2010; owner Freestyle Photography 2007-current; recreation reporter The Express Shaw TV 2008-09; web reporter CBC News Vancouver 2008- 09; part time web reporter CBC Television Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010; assistant Instructor Broadcast Journalism BCIT 2009-10; ENG camera operator CBC Television Vancouver 2010-current; multimedia associate producer CBC News Vancouver 2011-current.  LinkedIn profile

Anjali Mohan - Click to enlarge Anjali Mohan - News/ sports CIKT-FM Grande Prairie AB; midday news anchor CKWX Vancouver 2007-08

                                Mojtahedi - Click to enlarge
Negar Mojtahedi -BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 2011; news reporter CTV News Lethbridge 2011; reporter/ assignment desk CTV Vancouver 2011-12; reporter/ on-air associate producer CBC Vancouver 2012; producer Global BC 2013-current.  LinkedIn profile

                                  Molgat - Click to enlarge Kent Molgat - Graduate BCIT Broadcast Journalism program 1986; CJXX Grande Prairie AB; CJIB Vernon; reporter/ Sports Desk fill-in CHBC-TV Kelowna 1988-2008; Jack Webster Foundation Award for Television News Reporting 2006; Okanagan Bureau Chief CTV British Columbia 2008-17; reporter Kelowna Now 2018-current 

David Molko - Click to enlarge
David Molko - Researcher MSNBC 2004-05; general assignment reporter WICZ-TV Binghamton NY 2005; freelance copy editor/ writer WNYW-TV New York 2006; producer WCBS-TV New York 2006-08; Senior Producer CNN International 2008-13; Senior Producer CNN International Asia Pacific Hong Kong 2013-16; reporter CTV Vancouver 2016-current; five-time Emmy-award-winner 2008-12.  LinkedIn profile 

Garry Monahan - Click for
                                  recent Canucks photo Garry Monahan - First player ever selected in original NHL amateur draft 1963; Montreal Canadiens 1967-69; Detroit Red Wings 1969-70; Los Angeles Kings 1970; Toronto Maple Leafs 1970-74; left winger Vancouver Canucks 1974-78; Maple Leafs 1978-79; Japan Hockey League Toyko 1979-82; colour commentator (with Jim Robson play-by-play) Canucks hockey broadcasts CKNW New Westminster 1983-88; player Boston Pizza traveling Canucks Alumni team current.  Wikipedia bio

Connie Monk - Click to enlarge Connie Monk - Bachelor of Journalism Carleton University Ottawa; Freelance video writer/ producer; senior news/ current affairs producer/ reporter/ weekend anchor CBC-TV Vancouver; reporter Global Television Vancouver; reporter/ program producer/ anchor ITV Television Edmonton; reporter/ news/ current affairs CFCW Radio Edmonton; Program Head Broadcast Journalism BCIT current. LinkedIn profile

Katherine Monk - Click
                                  to enlarge Katherine Monk - English literature degree University of British Columbia 1988; post-graduate film student UBC 1988-90; summer intern then news reporter/ copy editor/ production editor/ political columnist/ pop music critic/ movie critic Vancouver Sun 1990-2003; author Weird Sex and Snowshoes: And Other Canadian Film Phenomena 2001; national movie writer CanWest News Service 2003; movie reviewer CBC Radio Vancouver 1997-current; movie reviewer Global Television Vancouver 2004-16; Film Studies Instructor Capilano University North Vancouver 2006-08; Co-Founder The Ex-Press Vancouver 2015-current. LinkedIn profile  

Tank Montana - Click to
                                  enlarge Tank Montana - Morning drive CITI-FM Winnipeg 1986-87 and all nights/ weekends 1987; all nights/ weekends CJFM-FM Montreal 1987-89; afternoon drive CHTX Montreal 1989-91; evenings/ weekends CKLG Vancouver 1991-94; afternoon drive 2CR FM Bournemouth UK 1995-96; breakfast Chiltern FM Regional 1996-97 and p.m. drive 1997-2002; p.m. drive/ evenings Planet Rock DAB National UK 1999-2003; weekends The Storm DAB Regional UK 2001-03; Area PD Assistant 2002-03; PD Chiltern FM Bedford UK 2003-04; breakfast/ p.m. drive Breeze DAB London 2003-04; weekends/ swing Classic Gold National UK 2003-current; p.m. drive Classic Gold Regional UK 2004-05; host Legends with Tank Montana Kerrang! 105.2 Birmingham UK 2005-on; Sunrise Show co-host/ Music Director CJUV-FM Lacombe, AB 2015-current.

                                  Moon - Click to enlarge
Natalie Moon - BCIT Radio Arts and Entertainment graduate 2016; Hostess The Keg Steakhouse + Bar 2010-12; Delivery Driver Marios Kitchen 2013-15; Intern Jim Pattison Broadcast Group 2016; Food Server The Flying Beaver Bar and Grill Richmond 2015-current; Traffic Reporter Canadian Traffic Network Vancouver 2016-current.  LinkedIn profile 

                                  Moore - Click to enlarge Bernard Moore - Aka the BC Gardener; professional horticulturalist involved in greenhouse production, nursery stock production and landscape gardening; made more than 700 television appearances and 2,400 radio programs as a gardening consultant for CBC Vancouver 1970s-80s; garden writer for B.C. Ministry of Agriculture; taught horticulture at Langara and Douglas Colleges; authored Pruning With Bernard Moore 1980, Vegetable Gardening with Bernard Moore 1980 and Landscaping with Bernard Moore 1981

                                  Moore - Click to enlarge Terry Moore - CKUA Edmonton; CFCN Calgary; CKFH Toronto; mornings WTFM-FM New York; talk show host CJOR Vancouver 1970s; CKWX Vancouver; CKNW New Westminster 1980-92; author household hints publication Toothpaste & Peanut Butter 1988; talk show host then mornings CHQR Calgary 1992-99; news anchor CICT-TV Calgary 7 early 1990s; p.m. drive talk show host CFAX Victoria early 1990s-2007; co-host Wine Talk CFAX weekends; daily talk show host CFAX 2012-16 and fill-in host 2016-18.  Died in Saanich BC September 24, 2018 at age 82

                                  Moreau - Click to enlarge

Mike Moreau - Announcer CKCQ Quesnel 1982-83; anouncer/ Music Director/ Assistant PD CIBC-FM/ CIRX-FM Prince George 1983-90; announcer & writer/ producer The Rock Journal & The Rock File/ Assistant Music Director CFOX-FM Vancouver 1990-95; announcer CFMI-FM Vancouver 1995-98; Promotional Representative BMG Music Canada 1995-2001; left industry in 2001; newsroom system software provider Burli Software Inc. Vancouver current

                                  Moreno - Click to enlarge Elisha Moreno - As Elisha Odowichuk: graduate Langara jouralism program; intern Abbotsford News 1995; writer/ producer/ reporter VTV Vancouver 1997-98; producer/ casual news reporter Broadcast One CBC-TV Vancouver 1998-99; public relations manager Vancouver Aquarium 1999; as Elisha Moreno: spokesperson/ Media Relations Manager BC Hydro Vancouver 2000-07; Director of Corporate Communications Plutonic Power Corporation Vancouver 2007-current

Ronald J. Morey 1970 - Click to
                                  enlarge Ronald J. Morey - CJOB Winnipeg late 1960s; CKCK Regina late 1960s; CKLG Vancouver 1970; CKOC Hamilton 1972; CHUM Toronto 1970s

Charlee Morgan - Click
                                  to enlarge Charlee Morgan - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; CHAB Moose Jaw SK 1985-86; CKCK Regina 1986; evenings then middays CKLG Vancouver 1986-90; CKKS-FM Vancouver 1991-95; middays CHFM-FM Calgary 1995-2008; morning host CKCL-FM Vancouver 2008; CHUP-FM Calgary 2009-10; middays CIUP-FM Edmonton 2010-17; semi-retired/ VT work Parksville 2017-current                     

Michael Morgan
                                  - Click to enlarge with 1973 CKLG
                                  survey photo Michael Morgan - As Michael Couchman: board op/ technician CJCA Edmonton 1965-67; evenings/ late TV news CJDC Dawson Creek 1967-68; p.m. drive CKPG Prince George 1968; as Michael F. Couchman: morning Kaleidoscope host CJME Regina 1968-69; as Michael W. Morgan: p.m. drive CKGM Montreal 1969-71; evenings CKVN Vancouver 1971-73; as Michael Morgan: evenings CKLG Vancouver 1972-78; host Canadian Top 40 on 52 stations 1975-79; president/ CEO Michael Morgan Communications 1978-93; middays CFUN Vancouver 1980-82; national syndication company with shows on 50 stations coast to coast featuring stars such as Dr David Suzuki, David Foster, Terry David Mulligan and Bruce Allen 1981-91; creative consultant Quest Advertising Vancouver 1995-2010; a.m. drive talk host CKST Vancouver 1997-98; morning talk show host CFUN Vancouver 1997-2001; owner/ CEO Michael Morgan Voices 2005-current; communications consultant Aboriginal Voices Radio Network Toronto 2006; marketing/ sales consultant Advanced Interactive Inc. 2006-08; communications (Advisory Board) SuperChefs Entertainment Inc. Vancouver 2008-current; communications consultant BC Treaty Commission 2010; strategic communications consultant Coalition of Concerned Metis Citizens Vancouver 2010; strategic communications consultant BC Metis Federation 2011-12.  LinkedIn profile 

                                  Morgan - Click to enlarge Peter Morgan - News CFAX Victoria 1966; news director CKNL Fort St. John 1968-69/ 70-71/ 72; news announcer CJCA Edmonton 1971-72; news director CJVB Vancouver 1972-73; beat reporter and assignment editor CKWX Vancouver 1974-79; senior reporter BC Business Week Vancouver; editor BC Business Magazine; founding Director and Chair of Canadian Constitution Foundation 2002-04; founding Director and Chair of Association for Upholding Constitutional Rights registered charity 2002-04; founder/ President/ CEO Morgan:News Vancouver 1985-current; concurrently also former publisher Morgan:News: 2003-10; concurrently also publisher Morgan:News:BorderZones 2010-current 

                                  Morgan - Click to enlarge Tim Morgan - BCIT graduate 1995; swing announcer CIRX-FM Prince George 1995-97; swing announcer CJAY-FM Calgary 1997-99; evenings CFMI-FM Vancouver 1999-2001; middays CJAY-FM 2001-02; middays CFOX-FM Vancouver 2002-January 2004; weekends, CFBT-FM Vancouver September-December 2004; afternoon drive host CHOM-FM Montreal December 2004-07; middays CFGQ-FM Calgary 2007-current

Rae-Anne Morin - Click
                                  to enlarge
Rae-Anne Morin - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 1991; news anchor/ reporter CKPG Prince George 1991-93; newsroom supervisor RDTV Red Deer 1993-95; news producer ITV Edmonton 1995-97; creator/ producer/ backup anchor/ reporter BCTV Morning News 1997-98; supervising producer/ assignment manager BCTV Weekend News Hour 1998-2001; creator/ supervising producer BCTV News Hour Final 2001-03; senior news producer Global BC 2003-07; winner multiple RTNDA Awards; Leo Award winner for Best News Package 2004; Gemini Award nominee for Best News Special Events Coverage 2006; president  R.A.M. Media 2009-12. Died in North Vancouver December 20, 2012 at age 44

Justin Morissette - Click
                                to enlarge
Justin Morissette - BCIT Broadcast and Online Journalism Diploma 2012; Sports Intern CBC Television Vancouver 2011; Sports Announcer/ Anthem Singer Capilano University North Vancouver 2011-12 & 2017; Production Assistant/ Social Media Intern Maximum Fun, Inc. Los Angeles 2012; Music Director/ Sports Director/ Afternoon Host/ Hockey Play-By-Play CHET-FM Chetwynd BC 2012-14; Broadcaster / Public Relations Surrey Eagles Hockey Club 2014-15; Street Team Lead CJJR-FM/ CKPK-FM Vancouver 2015-17; Creator/ Host/ Producer/ Real Good Show online 2015-current; Studio Producer/ show host CISL Vancouver 2017-current.  LinkedIn profile

Ron Morrier
                                  from CKLG promo poster 1958 - Click to
                                  enlarge Ron Morrier - (Joseph Roland D. Morrier) 43 years in broadcasting: Edmonton, Winnipeg, Montreal, Watrous, SK and Kingston, Jamaica; morning host The Morrier the Merrier CKLG Vancouver 1958; host of All-Star Wrestling BCTV Vancouver 1960-81; 20 years host Kiwanis television auction. Died in North Vancouver August 4, 1981 at age 67

                                  Morris - Click to enlarge Bob Morris - Announcer CHUB Nanaimo 1962-67; newscaster/ announcer CFUN Vancouver 1967-69; announcer/ newscaster CKLG/ CKLG-FM Vancouver 1969-74; PD CKLG-FM 1974-76; PD CKDA Victoria 1976-79; owner/ manager Westrack Communications Calgary 1979-80; PD CHQR Calgary 1979-82; announcer/ PD CJUP Langley 1982-84; national talk show host CKO-FM4 Vancouver then announcer/ PD CJOR/ CHRX Vancouver 1984-89; Manager Professional Film Studies Program Capilano College North Vancouver 1994-2005; Owner/ Manager Westwave Broadcasting CKAY-FM Sechelt BC 2005-13; President Creative Broadcast Solutions Gibsons BC 2013-current. LinkedIn profile

George Morris - Click to
                                  enlarge George Morris - Overnights Late Daddy G CFUN Vancouver 1961; CHQM Vancouver; Super Disk-Jockey aka Buddy G CKGM Montreal mid 1960s; founded commercial production studio Listen Audio Productions Montreal 1970s-'80s; host Sunday Morning Gold CJFM-FM Montreal 1980's-94; voice of Participaction and other major national clients. Died in Montreal March 14, 2021 at age 78

Jill Morris - Click to enlarge Jill Morris - (Gillian Behnke) Public Relations Associate Certificate BCIT 2003; Artistic Director Horned Moon Productions 1998-2005; Sales & Marketing/ Group Sales Coordinator Arts Club Theatre Company Vancouver 2001-02; Fill-in Traffic Reporter/ On-air Personality CJJR-FM Vancouver 2002-06; Communications Coordinator Dunn Mitchell Communications 2003-04; Freelance Publicist 2004-11; Western Regional Marketing Manager Cara Operations/ Milestone's Restaurants 2006-07; Marketing & Communication Manager BC/ Yukon Region Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation 2007-13; Mentor Women in Leadership Foundation 2010-11; Finding My Weigh Blogger 2010-current; Community Relations & Communications Manager Vancouver Fraser Port Authority 2013-current; Founder Mom Camp Vancouver 2018-current. LinkedIn profile

James Morrison - CKWX Vancouver news mid seventies; CJOR Vancouver early eighties

Jim Morrison
                                  circa 1972 - Click to enlarge with
                                  recent photo Jim Morrison - Announcer/ technical producer including Mounties baseball live broadcasts & away-game reconstruction CKWX Vancouver 1967-70; production manager CKLG/ CKLG-FM Vancouver 1970-71; announcer/ special feature producer CKWX 1972-75; Evening News host/ TV producer CBC-TV Calgary 1975-77; general/ production manager Video Publications Limited Calgary 1977-83; morning show host CJAZ-FM Vancouver 1983-84; president/ CEO First Light Productions Vancouver 1988-90; video/ film producer & owner/ manager Morrison Productions Vancouver 1985-2023.  Died in North Vancouver September 23, 2023 at age 80. 

                                  Morrison - Click to enlarge Neil Morrison - Broadcasting programming Humber College Toronto 1991; retail staffer Sam the Record Man 1985-88; as Brother Bill part time overnight then p.m. drive CFNY-FM Toronto 1988-2004; midday host CFOX-FM Vancouver 2004-14; alternately p.m. drive & a.m. drive host CISF-FM Surrey 2016-22; retail sales specialist BCL White Rock 2021-current; p.m. drive host CKBT-FM Fort Saskatchewan AB 2024-current.  LinkedIn profile  

Leigh Morrow - Click for larger
                                  photo Leigh Morrow - Reporter CKVU-TV/ Citytv Vancouver 1990s-2006; as journalist/ reporter in several TV productions including Neon Rider and Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster 1992 and Sliders 1995; reporter Global BC 2006-07; realtor Bay Realty White Rock 2008-current.  LinkedIn page

                                  Morse - Click to enlarge Kathy Morse - Pilot CKNW New Westminster 1975; Eye-in-the-Sky and pilot trainer CKNW 1976-1990; traffic reporter CFMI 1985-90; game show announcer CFAC-TV Calgary (2 years) 1980s; game show snnouncer CKVU-TV Vancouver (4 years) 1980s; TV Week Traffic Reporter of the Year 1988 & 1989; Councillor Maple Ridge BC 1999-2002; Mayor Maple Ridge 2002-05; commercial/ cartoon voice current

                                  Mortimer - Click to enlarge Ross Mortimer - News/ midday host/ host Kiddies Karnival CJOR Vancouver 1940s-circa 1955; host Burns Chuckwagon CBC Dominion radio network from CJOR 1950s-60s; Be Our Guest host with Hilda Browne CBUT Vancouver 1958-60s; host Vacation Time CBC-TV Vancouver 1965. Died in West Vancouver December 16, 1975 at age 63

Michelle Morton - Click
                                  to enlarge
Michelle Morton - BCIT Broadcast and Online Journalism Diploma 2015; CTV BC News Steele On Your Side Intern then Morning Live Intern 2012-13; Contributing Writer/ Intern Style Nine to Five fashion website Vancouver 2013; Reporter The Link Newspaper Vancouver 2013-14; Dream Homes Intern Shaw TV Vancouver 2013-14; Traffic Anchor CHMJ Vancouver 2015-16; Producer/ Reporter Novus Entertainment Vancouver 2015-17; News Anchor/ Reporter CKNW Vancouver 2016-18; Contributing Writer/ Photojournalist Daily Hive Vancouver 2018-20; reporter CFTR Toronto 2020-22.  LinkedIn profile  Michelle Morton website

                                  Morton CKWX 1973 - Click to enlarge
                                  with recent photo Roy Morton - CKDA Victoria 1966; morning news CKWX Vancouver 1970s; now Dr. Roy Morton, medical director and head of addiction consulting service Royal Columbian Hospital New Westminster

                                Mosconi - Click to enlarge

Cassidy Mosconi - Journalism & Public Relations BA Curtin University Perth Australia 2017; Public Relations Intern Your Social Voice Perth 2017; news presenter RTRFM Perth 2017; Account Executive Spoke Public Relations Perth 2017; broadcast journalist 2SM Super Network Sydney, Australia 2017-18; reporter Radio 6PR Perth 2018-19; freelance broadcast journalist Nine Perth 2019; reporter Seven Network Perth 2019-23; broadcast journalist Global BC 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile

Dan Moscrip
                                  - Click to enlarge Dan Moscrip - Victoria Cable 10 1978-79; BCIT Broadcast Television graduate 1981; senior producer/ director Knowledge Network (1000+ broadcast programs) 1981-2006; owner video production company Looking Glass Productions Ltd. North Vancouver 1990-current; Canadian Association of Broadcaster’s Quarter Century Club 2006; instructor Vancouver Film School 2008-10 & BCIT Television 2011-current

Jenna Mosher - Click to enlarge
Jenna Mosher - (aka Jenna Mo) BCIT Broadcast program graduate 2012; Public Relations Assistant Fusion Communications Group West Vancouver 2008-09; on air/ Digital Editor CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2011-13; Community and Content Manager SOHO Business Group North Vancouver 2012-14; on air CJJR-FM Vancouver 2013; on air CFXN-FM North Bay ON 2013; morning host CJED-FM Niagara Falls ON 2013-14; mid-day host CKQB-FM Ottawa 2014-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Jen Moss - Click
                                to enlarge
Jen Moss - Bachelor of Fine Arts degree UBC 1996; Writing for Radio Certificate BCIT 2003; Community Outreach Coordinator Chapters Books 1999-2000; Associate Producer/ freelance writer/ broadcaster CBC Vancouver 2003-11; writer / interactive story producer National Film Board of Canada 2011-14; Freelance Interactive Copywriter Al Jazeera Media Network 2015; morning show producer CIRH-FM Vancouver 2015-17; Adjunct Instructor University of British Columbia Dept of Creative Writing 2016-current; Creative Director JAR Audio Vancouver 2016-current. LinkedIn profile

John Moxin - Evenings CKLG Vancouver 1994; TV host/ producer Rogers Cable 4 Vancouver

Bill Moyer -
                                  Click to enlarge
Bill Moyer - Radio Artists Ball at Hotel Vancouver 1936; staff announcer CKWX Vancouver 1937; CJAT Trail 1937-38; CKWX 1938-40 including host Bill Moyer's Almanac 1940

                                  Moyer - Click to enlarge Tammy Moyer - BCIT Broadcast/ Radio Program graduate 1992; CKAY Duncan including voice of 3M commercials recorded in Drew Productions Studios in Duncan and aired nationally in 3-hour Beatles documentary produced by Drew Productions for 3M 1994; CFAX Victoria mid-late 1990s; news CJNW Vancouver 2001-02; news CKWX Vancouver 2002-04; morning news CKCL-FM Vancouver 2004-06; news anchor CKWX 2006-07; news Corus Group/ CFQR-FM Montreal 2007-08 and mid mornings CFQR-FM 2008-10; p.m. drive news anchor CKWX Vancouver 2010-11 and a.m. drive 2011-16.  Died March 18, 2016 in Maple Ridge, BC at age 46    

Sgt. Rick
                                  Mulder - Click to enlarge Sgt. Rick Mulder - Helicopter traffic reporter CKNW Vancouver to 2010; CHWK Chilliwack 2010

Terry David Mulligan CKVN 1973 -
                                  Click for recent photo
Terry David Mulligan - CKRD Red Deer 1964; CFAC Calgary; CJME Regina; CFUN Vancouver; CKLG AM & FM late 1960s; CKVN Vancouver early 1970s; host CBC radio show Great Canadian Gold Rush 1975-80; co-host Zig Zag BCTV Vancouver 1979-86; morning host CFOX-FM Vancouver early 1980s; Good Rockin' Tonite CBC-TV 1982-85; producer/ host Much Music/ Chum Limited 1984-2005; TV and movie actor including The Accused, McCabe and Mrs. Miller and The X-Files; host Mulligan Stew CKUA Edmonton (originates in Vancouver) 1997-current; co-host MovieTelevision current; Senior Segment Producer cable TV channel Star! 1998-current;co-host/ producer Hollywood and Vines 2000-current; host/ producer The Tasting Room BC & AB  2007-12; author book Mulligan’s Stew 2011; host/ producer Tasting Room Radio Vancouver/ OK Valley/ CKUA 2011-current; BC Broadcaster of the Year 2012; host Live From Railtown and Tasting Room Radio CIRH-FM Vancouver 2015-current.  LinkedIn profile   

                                  Mullin - Click to enlarge Jim Mullin - Play-by-play WHL Victoria Cougars CFMS-FM Victoria 1988-89; play-by-play BCJHL Bellingham Ice Hawks KPUG Bellingham 1990-91; programme director/ station manager CJSF-FM Simon Fraser University/ play-by-play Clansmen football, basketball, BCJHL hockey and WLA lacrosse 1991-93;  play-by-play FIBA World and European championships basketball Eurosport network ESPN International London UK 1994-97; production co-ordinator/ producer TSN Western Broadcast Centre Vancouver 1997-2000; news documentary producer/ reporter CBC Sports Journal Vancouver 2001-03; play-by-play WHL Vancouver Giants CHMJ Vancouver 2002-03; play-by-play CIS football & basketball/ host Spirit of Sport CKST Vancouver 2003-04; CHMJ 2004-06; play-by-play Krown Canada West Football Shaw TV 2006-17; sports reporter CKNW Vancouver 2006-11 and sports director 2009-11; Producer/ Host, Krown Countdown U Shaw TV 2011-17; CHCH-TV Hamilton ON 2017-current; Producer/ Host Krown Countdown U Radio CKST Vancouver/ TSN Radio Network/ Rawlco Radio 2017-undated.

Peter Munoz CKNW - Click to
                                  enlarge Peter Munoz - Beat reporter CKNW New Westminster late 1968-70; News Director CKIQ Kelowna circa 1970; broadcast instructor British Columbia Institute of Technology Broadcast Journalism program 1978; retired to Ontario circa 1990.  Died in Peterborough ON November 25, 2005 at age 78

                                  Munro - click to enlarge Marce Munro - Announcer and program director CBR/ CBU/ CBUT Vancouver 1940s-50s

Patrick Munro CBC
                                  Vancouver - Click to enlarge Patrick Munro - BCIT Broadcast Program trainee; news CJOR Vancouver circa 1969; announcer/ host/ news CBC Radio Vancouver 1969-2006; co-hosted afternoon show Three's Company with Anne Petrie 1970s; host first food bank broadcast CBC Radio Vancouver 1986; Patrick Munro Show CBC Radio Vancouver 1980s; retired December 2006

Myles Murchison - Click
                                  to enlarge Myles Murchison - Author/ broadcaster/ journalist/ public speaker; CFCP Courtenay 1962; Our Home and Native Land documentary 1971 and People's Commercials 1970-72 CKLG/ CKLG-FM Vancouver; The Day Before daily news retrospective Canadian radio syndication 1978-79; freelance writer 1979-current; Ada Tomada/ Tommy Buffer Mysteries CKNW Vancouver 1993; Matthew's Message dramatization CKNW and province-wide network 1996; news & public affairs awards CAB 1969 & 1971; first Canadian to win Edward R. Murrow Award for 10-hour radio documentary on Native people RTNDA 1971; Blue Ribbon Award BCAB 1996; Jack Webster Award for Business Writing 2004.  LinkedIn profile 

                                  Murdoch - Click to enlarge Al Murdoch - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1987; all night host CKKS-FM Vancouver 1986-87; weekend/ evening announcer CIRK-FM Edmonton 1987-88; evening host CKKS-FM 1988-90; weekend/ evening host CFOX-FM Vancouver 1990-91; p.m. drive host CKLG Vancouver 1991-98 and morning host 1998-2001; Vancouver Grizzlies PA announcer 1995-2001; sports anchor CJNW Vancouver 2001; Owner/ President Murdoch Production Services Ltd. 2001-current; Vancouver Canucks PA announcer 2011-current; former voice of Citytv Vancouver.  Murdoch Production Services  LinkedIn profile 

                                  Murphy - Click to enlarge Dan Murphy - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1995; writer/ reporter/ producer Sports Page CKVU-TV Vancouver 1995-99; reporter and host Vancouver Grizzlies NBA broadcasts Sportsnet and CIVT-TV Vancouver 2000-01; host Vancouver Canucks broadcasts Sportsnet Pacific current

Denis Murphy - Announcer/ studio director CJOR Vancouver 1930

Ed Murphy - Click for larger 1975
                                  photo Ed Murphy - CFRB Toronto; talk show host Reaction Line CKWX Vancouver; talk show host The Investigators CKNW early 1972; talk show host Reaction Line CJOR Vancouver 1973-78; longtime owner Murphy's Pub Vancouver.  Died in North Vancouver April 26, 2008 at age 79

Lee Murray - CKGM Montreal circa 1971-73; CFUN Vancouver circa 1974

Greg Musselman - Click
                                  to enlarge Greg Musselman - Columbia School of Broadcasting Vancouver 1976; DJ CKRM Regina 1977; CJJC Langley 1978; CKGY Red Deer AB 1979; CHAT Medicine Hat AB 1980-81; sports reporter CKVU-TV Vancouver 1981; anchor/ Sports Director ITV Edmonton 1981-96; also CHED Edmonton, CFRN Edmonton, CJOB Winnipeg; pastored at churches in Alberta and Manitoba 1988-2000; morning host/ sports CJCA Edmonton 1994-96; news Trinity Television Winnipeg 1996-2002; reporter The Sports Network 1996;  host/ producer Christian World News NOWTV Fraser Valley 2001-04; speaker/ reporter/ Western Canada Representative then VP of Outreach for The Voice of the Martyrs 2003-current; daily host 100 Huntley Street and host weekly program Huntley Hope 2017-current

Paul Myers - Click for larger
                                  photo Paul Myers - Musician; producer of independent artists in Toronto and San Francisco; writer of over 200 songs; moved to Vancouver in 2001; feature and cover story music journalist for San Francisco Bay Guardian and Chronicle, Canadian Musician, The Globe & Mail and Vancouver Sun; author of Barenaked Ladies' full-length authorized biography; Global TV's Popstars: The One judge 2003; afternoons CHMJ Vancouver 2003-04; co-host The Movie Guys segment of Urban Rush Shaw Cable Vancouver 2003-06; now living in Berkeley CA; co-author with Seth Meyers The Kids in the Hall: One Dumb Guy 2018

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