Kahlon - PHD Guru
Nanak Dev University Amritsar Punjab;
reporter OmniTV Vancouver 2008-24;
government communications
2024-current. LinkedIn
Kuljeet Kaila - Columbia
Academy TV/ Radio, Langara College
Journalism/ SFU Marketing Program; reporter/
anchor CKWX Vancouver 1998-2001; news
anchor/ producer News 4 Shaw Cable
Vancouver 2001-03; news reporter CHEK-TV
Victoria 2004; host The Sustainable
Region Knowledge Network; co-host/
traffic reporter CFBT-FM & CKZZ-FM/ CISL
Vancouver 2006-09; morning show host CJRJ
Vancouver 2010-11; CTV traffic reporter/
afternoon traffic reporter CHLG-FM/ CKZZ-FM
Vancouver; TV/ radio reporter CBC Vancouver
2022-23. Died in New Westminster September
10, 2023 at age 46
Chris Kalhoon
- CJSB/ CKQB-FM Ottawa 1990-95; CIDC-FM
Orangeville (Toronto) 1995; CHOM-FM Montreal
1995-96; Cayman Islands radio 1996; CKZZ-FM/
CISL Vancouver 1997-2003; morning host
CHBE-FM Victoria 2003-04; DJ Doolins Pub
Vancouver 2005; actor numerous TV episodes
including Andromeda, The Dead
Zone, Flight 93 and
Smallville; feature film actor Faces
in the Crowd and Joyride II: End
of the Road; animation voice
numerous episodes; now living in Los
Angeles. Myspace
videos |
Kent Kallberg
- News reporter/ desk writer/ announcer CJOR
Vancouver 1975-77; news reporter then Sports
Director CHQM/ CHQM-FM Vancouver 1977-85;
official photographer for Canadian and
foreign leaders, Abbotsford International
Air Show, Vancouver Symphony, BC Ballet,
General Motors Place, BC Place Stadium; club
photographer for Vancouver Canucks,
Vancouver Grizzlies, BC Lions, Vancouver
86ers. Kent
Kallberg Studios website 1970s
CJOR clip from BC Radio History.com |
Don Kalmokoff
- Announcer CJAT Trail BC early 1950s;
University of British Columbia Radio Society
1950s; P. Eng. UBC 1961; as Don
MacKenzie fill-in then on air CKNW
New Westminster 1950s; engineer/ chief
engineer CKNW early 1960s-90s; invented
Aristocart stereo broadcast cartridge player
early 1970s which became broadcast industry
standard into the 1990s. Died November
11, 2011 at age 79 |

Dawn Kalsbeek
- Graduate (as Dawn Forsayeth)
BCIT Broadcast program 1985; volunteer BCTV
1985; transcriber then night news beat/
producer feature length new stories for FM
station magazine show Today in Vancouver
CKWX/ CKKS-FM Vancouver 1986-89; contract
press release writer BC Ministry of Justice
1989-90; administrator Computerland Canada
Victoria 1989-90; retired from radio; lived
in Ontario for 12 years; owner Hourigan’s
Flooring Victoria current
Dilbar Kang
- Correspondent weekly Punjabi language
newspaper Des Pardes 1999-2001;
talk show host KVRI Blaine WA 2001-04;
investigative reporter/ anchor Channel
M/OMNI Vancouver 2004-current. LinkedIn

Kang - Simon Fraser
University BA graduate; Communication and
Media Studies post graduate certificate
Humber College Toronto 2012; intern ESPN Los
Angeles; CFFM-FM Williams Lake 2013-14;
sports writer Vancity Buzz 2013-current;
weekend traffic/ weather anchor CKWX
Vancouver 2014-16; producer/ fill-in host
CISF-FM Surrey 2016; sports anchor CKWX
2016-17. LinkedIn
Joe Kapp
- CFL & NFL Quarterback; Hart High
Indians Newhall CA 1954, California Bears
1955-58, Calgary Stampeders 1959-60, B.C.
Lions 1961-66 (Grey Cup winner 1964), CFUN
Vancouver circa 1964; Minnesota Vikings
1967-69, Boston Patriots 1970; Head Coach
California Bears 1982-86; elected to Canadian
Football Hall of Fame 1984; General
Manager B.C. Lions 1990; Head Coach
Sacramento Attack 1992; Bay Area
Sports Hall of Fame inductee
2004. Wikipedia
bio |

Karamali - B.A.
Communication and Media Studies Simon Fraser
University 2010; BCIT Diploma of Technology
Broadcast Journalism 2012; Communications
Specialist (School of Computing Science)
Simon Fraser University 2008-09; reporter/
videographer (Clan Athletics Network) Simon
Fraser University 2009-12; assistant
producer/ newsroom assistant CKNW Vancouver
2010-11; news/ sports reporter/ anchor
Evolution 107.9 (BCIT) 2010-11; traffic
reporter CKNW/ CHMJ Vancouver 2010-12;
assistant producer/ reporter CBC Television
Vancouver 2011; reporter/ anchor BCIT
Magazine 2011; video journalist/ TV anchor/
radio reporter CFTK-TV/ CFTK/ CJFW-FM
Terrace BC 2012-13; video journalist/ radio
reporter CBC Ottawa 2013-15; news reporter
CBC Vancouver 2015-17; reporter Global News
Toronto 2017-21; reporter Global BC 2021-23;
National News Correspondent CTV Toronto
2023-current. Kamil
Karamali website LinkedIn
Ed Kargl
- As Ed Karl CKWX Vancouver
1962-64; one of original CFUN Good Guys
CFUN Vancouver 1964-67; sports host CKVU-TV
Vancouver 1976-79; host CTV All Star
Wrestling 1979-91; VP Business
Development Fraser
River Port Authority to 2007 |

Nafeesa Karim
- Graduate BCIT Broadcast Journalism program
2007; reporter CKNW Vancouver 2006-10;
reporter/ anchor CTV British Columbia
2010-current; CKNW George Garrett Award
recipient 2006; BCAB Broadcaster of Tomorrow
award 2010 |

Karim - BCIT Diploma of
Technology, Broadcast and Media
Communications 2011; product expert Wireless
Department Future Shop Toronto &
Coquitlam BC 2003-09; Hockey/ Bunk Counselor
Camp Greylock Beckett, MA 2006; play by play
announcer/ Broadcast Coordinator Simon
Fraser University Men's Hockey Team Burnaby
2008-11; Promotional Marketing
Representative Inventa Vancouver 2009-10;
VancouverLiaison Officer Olympic Broadcast
Services Vancouver 2010; intern Global BC
2010; news/ sports intern CHEK-TV Victoria
2010; reporter BCIT/ Shaw Cable TV 2010-11;
Sports Department intern CBC TV Vancouver
2011; Mobile Sports Production Crew/ play by
play announcer/ side-line reporter Rogers TV
Toronto 2011-12; Red Zone Specialist Apple
Toronto 2011-12; video journalist CFTK-TV
Prince Rupert BC 2012; news reporter/ video
journalist CKPG-TV Prince George BC 2013;
freelance sports producer Al Jazeera Media
Network Doha Qatar 2013-14; Co-Founder/
Editor The Royal Magazine Victoria 2014-15;
freelance videographer Mecca Creative
Marketing Vancouver 2014-current; news
reporter CKNW Vancouver 2015-16. LinkedIn
Pat Karl
- News/ sports/ backup morning &
afternoon drive host/ host Karl's
Korner CJVB Vancouver 1970s-late
1990s; official scorer Vancouver
Canadians baseball |

Karstens-Smith - Radio
and Television Broadcasting diploma Mount
Royal University Calgary 2010; reporter/
anchor/ producer CHAT-TV Medicine Hat AB
2010-12; news writer CTV Edmonton 2012-13;
reporter/ producer CTV Edmonton 2013-17;
writer/ reporter CTV Vancouver 2017-19;
anchor/ reporter Global Edmonton
2019-24. LinkedIn
Ceara Kavanagh
- As Ceara K DJ/ music director
CHBN-FM Edmonton 2006; CKZZ-FM Vancouver
2006-08; program/ music director CHBE-FM
Victoria 2008-09; PD CIBK-FM Calgary
2009-10; p.m. drive CHBE-FM 2010-current |
Barry Kay
- CJJC Langley late 1960s; CKWX Vancouver
1970s |
Karen Kay
- Radio and TV host; host Fox Kids Club
Houston TX; vee jay Hit Video USA;
midday fill-in talk show host KQBZ-FM
Seattle circa 2001; p.m. drive talk show
co-host CFUN Vancouver 2001-04 |
David Kaye
- CKLG Vancouver 1990-94; TV movie and
feature film actor; animation/ voice overs;
voice of Fox Sports Network US 2005-current.
Kaye Productions |
Grace Ke
- Weekend anchor/ general assignment
reporter KFBB-TV Great Falls MT 1996;
reporter KIVI-TV Boise ID 1997; weekend
anchor and general assignment reporter
KXLY-TV Spokane WA late 1990s; producer
KING-TV Seattle early 2000s-06; reporter
Global Television Vancouver 2006-current |
Des Kearney
- News CKWX Vancouver circa 1962; CKDA
Victoria mid 1960s; news CKLG Vancouver late
1960s. CKWX
audio (16:45 mark) courtesy Vancouver
Top Forty Radio
Jim Kearney
- Victoria Times 1940; sports columnist
Vancouver Sun 1943-80; won National
Newspaper Award for a two-part series on
drugs in sport 1966; sports commentator CBC
Radio Vancouver 1972-2003; media relations
director Sport BC 1980s; CBC Radio student
journalism award for commentary named after
him; contributor CBC Radio and North Shore
News. Died in North Vancouver
22, 2008 at age 86 |
Brad Keene
- (Barney Kleinfeld) news CKXL Calgary;
sports director/ anchor CHAN-TV Vancouver
1960s; sports shorts and a.m. drive CHQM
Vancouver early 1970s. Died in
Vancouver January 20, 1992 at age 66 |
Andrew Kelly
- As Skip Kelly CKDA Victoria mid
1970s; CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1982 |

Kelly - Journalism
Diploma Langara College 2015; freelance
writer Vancouver 2013-current; Editor in
Chief Langara Journalism Review 2015;
Research Assistant then Reporter Discourse
Media Vancouver 2013-15; Langara College
Read Mercer Fellowship recipient 2015;
co-host Daybreak North CBC Prince
Rupert 2016; Associate Producer (current
affairs) CBC Vancouver 2015-18; Reporter
CKWX Vancouver 2018-current. LinkedIn
Earle Kelly
- (Michael Earle Kelly) Known as Mr.
Good Evening; read fifteen-minute
nightly newscasts standing up; started in
1929 on Vancouver Daily Province station
CKCD and later on CNRV & CKWX; host The
Wash Tub CBC National; host Neighborly
News for B.C. Weekly Newspaper
Association, CBC Radio Vancouver; known as
Canada's first personality broadcaster;
became a news legend as far away as
Washington, Oregon and California; last
broadcast February 25, 1945. Died at
Tranquille Sanatorium in Kamloops April 14,
1946 at age 66. CCF
Biography |
Evan Kelly
- BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate; news
anchor/ editor CKWX Vancouver 2004-10;
Content Manager/ Public and Media Relations
CKK Internet Marketing Burnaby
2012-14; Director Cannon Fire Media Richmond
2012-14; Senior Communications Advisor
Better Business Bureau of Mainland BC
Vancouver 2014-18; Communications
Officer Media and Issues BCLC Vancouver
2018-19; Communications Manager
Developmental Disabilities Association
Starworks Packaging Vancouver 2020-current;
Communications Manager Developmental
Disabilities Association Richmond
2020-current. LinkedIn
Roger Kelly
- Roger Milton: CKEK Cranbrook; Don
Kelly: CKPR Thunder Bay ON; Roger
Kelly: CJME Regina; CHAB Moose Jaw;
CKRC Winnipeg; Terry Russell: CFUN
Vancouver 1979-80; Roger Kelly:
CFRW Winnipeg; CKLG Vancouver 1981-82;
station manager CJIV Burnaby 1981-85; Roger
Kettyls: TV news anchor CKSA/ CITL
Lloydminster AB; CKWX Vancouver 1986-88;
morning show gagman/ writer CIWW Ottawa;
CKEY Toronto; Roger Kelly: CHUM
Toronto; CHOG/ CILQ-FM Toronto; CJJR-FM
Vancouver 1997-98; Manager of Publicity Self-Counsel
George Kelso
- UBC Radio Vancouver circa 1958-59; CFJC
Kamloops; CHQM and CKLG Vancouver early
1960s; on air including Jockey G
on Jukebox Saturday Night and Lunchtime
Oldies then management CFRN-FM/
CKXM-FM & CFRN-TV Edmonton 1964-1992;
retired to Vancouver Island. Died on
Vancouver Island January 25, 2018
Mel Kemmis
- Columbia Academy graduate; CISL Vancouver
early 90s; program director CJMT-FM Canmore
AB 2000; Rogers Radio CKKS-FM Vancouver/
Star-FM Abbotsford/ Mountain FM Squamish/
Whistler to 2004; CHQM-FM Vancouver 2004-13
(assistant PD 2004-06/ PD 2006-13; Senior
Program Director CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2014;
Affiliate Sales Manager SparkNetworks
Vancouver 2014-16; GM/ GSM BellMedia B.C.
North Terrace B.C. 2016-current. LinkedIn
Evan Kemp
- Country (and Western) singer appearing on
CJOR, CKMO and CKNW Vancouver late
1930s-40s; DJ & live show host: CKWX
Vancouver early 1950s; CKMO Vancouver; CHUB
Nanaimo; CJAV Port Alberni; inducted into
BCCMA Hall of Fame 1987. Died in Burnaby March 17, 2007 at age 79 |
John Kendrick
- BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 1976;
reporter/ announcer BCIT practicum CFJC
radio/ TV Kamloops 1976; news stringer CKWX
Vancouver 1975-79; reporter/ photographer/
sports editor North Shore News, North
Vancouver 1977-79; reporter/ assignment
editor CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1979-81; on-call
reporter CJOR Vancouver 1981-83; reporter
CFPR Prince Rupert 1983; senior reporter
CJOR 1983-88; reporter/ research CKWX
1988-93; on-call reporter CKNW Vancouver
1993-2000 |
Don Kennedy
- BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1973; CKOV
Kelowna 1973-75; CHED Edmonton 1975-78; CKXL
Calgary 1978-81; CFMI-FM Vancouver 1981;
CISL Vancouver 1982-83; CJAZ-FM Vancouver
1983-85; Satellite Radio Network Vancouver
1985-89; CKWX Vancouver 1989-91; Satellite
Radio Network 1994-96; CISL 1996-2010;
associate broker Sutton Group West Coast
Realty 1996-current. Website
Michael Kennedy
- Sports reporter BCTV Vancouver to 1997 |
Mart Kenney
- Broadcast pioneer/ orchestra leader/
Canada's Big Band King;
saxophonist Vancouver 1928; radio debut
Alexandra Ballroom CJOR Vancouver 1934; Rocky
Mountain Melody Time CRCV/ CBR
Vancouver 1934-37; Sweet and Low
CRCV 1935; composed We're Proud of
Canada 1940; relocated to Toronto
1940 and picked up by NBC Blue Network and
BBC UK 1940s; operated dance hall Mart
Kenney's Ranch near Woodbridge ON
1946-69; moved to Mission BC 1969 and
organized In the Mood CBC-TV 1971;
named to Order of Canada 1980; March 12th,
2000 designated as Mart Kenney Day in
Vancouver. Died in Mission February 8,
2005 at age 95. 1948 Vancouver
Forum audio

Kenny - Broadcast
Journalism Diploma Loyalist College
Belleville ON 2007; City Reporter/ Anchor
Rogers Communications North Bay ON 2008-09;
News Editor CFFR Calgary 2009-10; News
Anchor/ Sports Anchor/ Traffic Reporter CIWW
Ottawa 2010-13; Promotions Assistant Rogers
Communications Ottawa 2013; News
Coordinator/ Director CIYN-FM Kincardine ON
2013-15; News Reporter/ Anchor CHLK-FM Perth
ON 2015-17; News Anchor/ Producer/ Board
Operator CJLL-FM Ottawa 2015-17; Guest
Services Representative Marriott
International Ottawa 2016-17; News Anchor
CKWX Vancouver 2017-18; National Afternoon
News Anchor Vista Radio Stratford ON
2018-current. LinkedIn
Peter Kent
- News CJOR and CFUN Vancouver 1964; news
reporter CFCN-TV Calgary 1965; freelance
cameraman/ reporter Viet Nam 1966; 35 years
with CTV, Global Television, CBC, NBC, and
Monitor Television in US; senior European
correspondent NBC News 1979-90; anchor/
producer The Journal CBC-TV
Toronto 1981-84; Americas correspondent/ NBC
Nightly News Miami 1984-87; recipient Actra,
Gold Hugo and Robert F.
Kennedy Memorial awards; Global TV
1992 and host of First National
until 2001, deputy editor Global News and
co-host Moneywise; Conservative
Member of Parliament for Thornhill ON
2008-current. CCF
Biography LinkedIn
profile Website
Kenward - BCIT
Broadcast Program graduate 1998; Clipper
Joe sports updates CKEG/ Shaw cable
Nanaimo 1990s; CKBL Kelowna late
1990s; play-by-play Swift Current Broncos
CIMG-FM Swift Current SK 2000-03; Director
of Broadcasting and Media Relations
Vancouver Giants 2003-08 and play-by-play
CHMJ Vancouver 2003-04; Giants play-by-play
Shaw Cable 2008; Vancouver Canucks road
games play-by-play CKST Vancouver 2008-11;
broadcast host/ reporter Canucks Sports
& Entertainment Vancouver 2011-17;
Account Manager/ on air host Rogers Radio
group Vancouver 2017-current. LinkedIn
profile |
Ross Kenzie
- CKLG Vancouver 1950s; eastern Canada |

Drew Kerekes
- Show host CJOR Vancouver late 1980s; news
CKNW Vancouver 1990s; writer/ producer/ news
anchor CBC Vancouver 2016-current; Webster
Award for Best Breaking News Reporting - Radio 2021. LinkedIn
Gene Kern
- Track and field reporter CKUA Edmonton
1942-43; teacher Leduc and Lethbridge AB
1943-45; news CKMO Vancouver 1947-48;
announcer CKFI Fort Francis ON 1948-49; CFRB
Toronto 1949; CBC Trans Canada Network
Toronto 1949; CFPA Port Arthur ON 1949-51;
announcer/ sales CKMO Vancouver 1951-52;
announcer CKWX Vancouver 1952-91; retired
1991; died July 30, 2012 in North Vancouver
at age 86
Bob Kerr
- Started radio career at CFCN Calgary 1947
with Afternoon Concert and later Prairie
Marchpast; host Off the Record
CBC radio Vancouver 1960-96; retired
1996. Died in North Vancouver April 8,
2003 audio
clip |
Candace Kerr
- CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1979-80; CBC Prince
Rupert 1980- |
Grant Kerr
- CKGP Grande Prairie AB 1958-59; CKRD Red
Deer AB 1959-60; CFCN Calgary 1961-63; The
Albertan Calgary 1963-64; The Columbian New
Westminster 1964-65; The Times Colonist
Victoria 1965; The Province Vancouver
1965-71; CKNW New Westminster 1971; CJOR
Vancouver 1972; Canadian Press Vancouver
1975-97; sports writer The Globe and Mail
Vancouver 1998-current |
Robert Kerr
- CJAZ-FM Vancouver early 1980s; Co-Founder/
Executive Director Coastal Jazz & Blues
Society producers of Vancouver International
Jazz Festival 1985-2006; President & CEO
Soundpool Productions Toronto &
Vancouver 2000-current; PD/ Producer
Vancouver Organizing Committee 2010 Olympic
& Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC)
2006-10; Producing Artistic Director
Vancouver 125 Civic Events 2010-11;
Supervisor Special Events City of Toronto
2013-current. LinkedIn

Kerr - Graduate Radio
and Television Arts Ryerson University
Toronto; Ryerson Rams broadcaster;
play-by-play Toronto Patriots Jr. A Hockey
Club; traffic and news anchor/ producer/
editor CFTR Toronto to 2018; evening
newscast producer/ weekend news anchor CKWX
Vancouver 2018-20; evening news anchor CKNW
Vancouver/ national overnight anchor
Global News Radio Network 2021-22; earned
Master of Sport Psychology degree 2022
Al Keyworth
- CJVI Victoria 1951-52; news CKWX Vancouver
1952-54; sales CKWX 1954-55; advertising/ ad
manager Home Oil 1955-65; Molson's Toronto
1965-86 including President Molson's Western
Breweries 1969-74; EVP Operations Beaver
Lumber Limited 1974; SVP Retail
Merchandising Group/ President Beaver Lumber
1975-80; EVP Retail Distribution Group The
Molson Companies Limited 1980-84; retired
1984. Died in Toronto May 24, 2012 at age 82

Khan - Broadcasting and
Online Journalism Diploma BCIT 2020;
fundraiser Donorworx BC 2017; national news
anchor/ reporter CityNews Vancouver
2019-22. LinkedIn
Sharad Kharé
- Broadcast media/ journalism BCIT
1995-2000; film/ TV actor 1995-2001; host The
Masala Network BCTV 1996; host/ emcee
numerous productions 1997-2001; host/ guest
panelist/ model Vancouver Television
1998-99; host Daytime TV 2000-01;
host AAJ TV NOW-TV Vancouver
2001-02; interviewer Viva Citytv
Vancouver 2003; VJ/ host Asian
Connections Shaw Cable Vancouver
2006-current; Project Manager/ HR
Administrator Mini Richmond 2006-current |
Karen Khunkhun
Broadcast Program trainee; host The
Morning Drive By CFRO-FM Vancouver;
promotions department CFOX-FM Vancouver
then part of morning show/ co-host
2000-current; marketing Atlantic Records
Los Angeles; traffic reporter/ producer
Larry and Willy morning show
CFOX-FM Vancouver; traffic/ weather then
live-eye host Breakfast Television
Citytv then CBC-TV and CTV Vancouver
2003-09; as Karen K afternoon
drive co-host then morning co-host
CFOX-FM 2004-current; weekend
weather anchor CTV British Columbia
2005-06. LinkedIn
profile Karen's
Fanny Kiefer
- Talk show host CJOR Vancouver 1978-88
(Rafe Mair was first person interviewed on
air); hosted last CJOR broadcast Sept. 2,
1988 before change to classic rock CHRX;
show host CKNW Vancouver 1992-99; CBC-TV
Vancouver; host of Shaw Cable Vancouver Studio
4 2001-12 and The Fanny Kiefer
Show 2012-current; star on BC
Entertainment Hall of Fame Starwalk 2009 and
recipient The Spirit of Vancouver
Award. LinkedIn
Ken Kilcullen
- BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1984; all
nights CKWX Vancouver 1983-84; afternoon
drive CKGY Red Deer AB 1984-87; Program
Director CKTA Tabor AB 1987-88; morning
drive CKGY 1988-91; PD CKPG & CIOI-FM/
CKKN-FM Prince George 1991-97; PD CJOB
Winnipeg 1997-98; Operations Manager CKPG
1998-2002 then General Manager CKPG-TV/
CKKN-FM/ CKDV-FM 2002-14; General Manager
Bell Media BC Interior 2015-current. LinkedIn
Mike Killeen
- BCIT Broadcast program graduate; TV and
radio Hong Kong 1991-95; reporter/ anchor
CKVU-TV Vancouver 1995-2001; Jack Webster,
RTNDA International and BCAB award winner
for five-part series School Colours
1996; senior reporter/ weekend anchor
CTV British Columbia 2001-06 then 2010
reporter CTV British Columbia; anchor CTV
News at Six 2011-18; fill-in host
CKNW Vancouver 2018; anchor CBC-TV Vancouver
News at 6 2018-21; founder Killeen &
Steele Communications with Lynda Steele
2023. LinkedIn
David Kincaid
- BCIT journalism graduate; CHBC-TV Kelowna
1979-82; Vancouver Show/ senior
reporter CityPulse news CKVU-TV Citytv
Vancouver 1983-2004; reporter CTV British
Columbia 2004-10; retired |
Colin King
- Reporter CKNW New Westminster early 1970s;
CBC Toronto 1970s-early 80s; Global
Television Toronto 1980s |
Roger Kingkade
- As Crash Kincaid morning co-host
CKVX-FM Vancouver 2000-03; as Roger
Kincaid weekends CFOX Vancouver
2003-04; evenings CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2004-05;
weekend mornings CFMI-FM Vancouver 2006;
Director Media Relations Vancouver Canadians
Baseball 2005-06; morning co-host CFEX-FM
Calgary 2007-13; founder Offcourse.co
2013-current; host CHQR Calgary 2013-16;
founder Offcourse Golf Inc. 2013-current;
co-founder Club Unity club management
software Calgary 2020-current. LinkedIn
Kelsa Kinsly
- TV and movie actor 1994-current; CFOX-FM
Vancouver; news/ weather/ traffic CILQ-FM
Toronto 1998-2001; DJ CFRQ-FM Dartmouth NS;
host Breakfast Television ATV
Halifax; CHMJ Vancouver 2002-03; traffic
reporter WLFD-TV Chicago and Traffic Pulse
Networks Chicago 2003; The Road Crew U.S.
Weather Channel 2003-05; actor/ commercial
voice current. IMDb
biography |

Kirkbride - MA
Journalism University of Western Ontario
1982; reporter CKWX Vancouver 1983-87;
reporter CKVU-TV Vancouver 1988; Media/
Government Relations Telus Vancouver
1987-2015; Interim CEO BC Chamber of
Commerce Vancouver 2016; Project Lead
Mobile Business License Program Regional
Prosperity Initiative Metro Vancouver
(formally GVRD) 2016-17; Principal
Kirkbride Consulting Vancouver
2016-current. LinkedIn

Kirkham - CHQB Powell
River 1973-74; CJAV Port Alberni 1974-75;
news desk CKWX Vancouver 1975-80; producer Daybreak
CBC Radio 1980-85; casual beat reporter CBC
Radio Vancouver 1985-88; beat reporter/
editor CBC Radio Edmonton 1988-97;
communications consultant 1997-2012; moved
to Vancouver Island 2008; retired 2012;
volunteer with Metchosin Search and Rescue
& member of Critical Incident Stress
Management (CISM) team with BC Search and
Rescue Association current; Media Award from
Canadian Mental Health Association for a
series on mental health while at CBC
Bruce Kirkpatrick
- CHWK Chilliwack 1965; weatherman BCTV
Vancouver; reporter CHEK-TV Victoria
1972-2013; retired 2013

Katharine Kitts
- Bachelor's degree journalism Thompson
Rivers University 2004; graduate BCIT
Broadcast journalism 2006; writer/ reporter
CKWX Vancouver 2005-09; public relations
consultant Strathcona Business Improvement
Association 2010-13; President BongoJack
Media Ltd 2010-current; Communications and
Campaigns Officer BC Nurses' Union Burnaby
2013-current. LinkedIn

Kjekstad - BA
Communication Queen’s University Kingston ON
2001; M.Sc. Journalism Syracuse University
NY 2002; anchor/ reporter/ producer WOAY-TV
Oak Hill WV 2002-04; anchor/ reporter/
producer WETM-TV Elmira NY 2004-07; reporter
KOAT-TV Albuquerque NM 2007-09; newsroom
liaison SendtoNews.com 2010-13; reporter/
anchor CHEK-TV Victoria 2012; anchor/
producer/ reporter Global TV Vancouver
2012-15; Public Relations Specialist EY
Vancouver 2015-current. LinkedIn
Sandra Klaric
- Graduate Carleton University Journalism
program Ottawa 1999; graduate Radio
Broadcast Diploma with Honours BCIT 2005;
communications specialist International
Student Travel Confederation Amsterdam
Netherlands 1999-2000; student recruiter/
academic counsellor University of Western
Ontario 2000; corporate sponsorship/ TeamMS
fundraising coordinator Multiple Sclerosis
Society of Canada Vancouver 2001-03;
community cruiser/ events host CJJR-FM
Vancouver 2004-05; promotions coordinator
CKWV-FM/ CHWF-FM Nanaimo 2005-06; mornings
CJFW-FM/ CFTK Terrace 2005-06; mornings/
news CKBT-FM Kitchener ON 2007; middays
CKHZ-FM Halifax 2007; assistant music
director/ p.m. drive co-host CFBT-FM
Vancouver 2007-08; middays then mornings
CKPK-FM 2008-12; student recruitment
specialist Vancouver Community College
2013-14; announcer CHHR-FM Vancouver
2013-14; midday host/ Assistant Music
Director CHLG-FM Vancouver 2014-17; part
time announcer CFXL-FM Calgary 2017-18;
stay-at-home mom 2018-current. LinkedIn
Andrea Klein
- Skywords Trafffic Vancouver 2001; traffic
reporter CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2001-02; graduate
Columbia Academy Vancouver 2000; traffic
reporter CFUN/ CKST Vancouver 2002-05;
professional speaker/ coach Magic Coaching
Vancouver 2004-07; midday host CJAV-FM Port
Alberni 2005-07; traffic reporter Canadian
Traffic Network/ CFUN Vancouver 2007-08;
yoga instructor 2008-current; news anchor
CKWX Vancouver 2011.

Klinger - Ph.D.
Educational Technology Online Communications
University of British Columbia 2001;
European Rights Assistant David Bennett
Books St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England
1993-94; multimedia development team BBC
Worldwide Multimedia London UK 1994; Post
Doctoral Fellow UBC Vancouver 2001-02;
Supervisor Instructional Design Greater
Vancouver Distance Education School 2002-05;
self employed online education consultant
2005-08; freelance journalist Jewish
Independent Vancouver 2005-current;
freelance radio journalist CBC Radio One
2009-11; home author/ illustrator/
journalist 2008-current; consultant The
Hearth New Delhi Area India 2014-current;
Arts Correspondent Raising Boys TV North
Vancouver 2015-current; Sole Proprietor
Nifty Scissors North Vancouver
2013-current; Culture Panel
contributor then freelance writer &
radio presenter CIRH-FM Vancouver 2016-18;
blogger North Vancouver Recreation &
Culture Commission 2017-current; freelance
reporter/ journalist North Vancouver
2019-current. LinkedIn
Randall Knight
- News CKWX Vancouver mid 1970s |
J. Knutson
- BCIT Broadcast Program graduate;
announcer/ operator /production manager
CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1981-82;
production/ voiceover 5AD-FM Adelaide
Australia/ Street Remley Studios 1982-83;
original member Vancouver band Spirit
of the West 1983; independent
production All in a Day CBC
Ottawa, New Voices for an Old Tradition
CBC Montreal, various projects CBUF-FM
Vancouver 1987-95; operator/ editor/
production CFUN Vancouver 1996; announcer/
reporter/ news CISQ-FM Squamish
1998-99. Canoe
Songs website |
Cal Koat
- BCIT Communications Programme graduate
1980; production assistant CJOR/ CJJR-FM
Vancouver 1988; International Program
Director CJVB Vancouver 1988-2000; Worldbeat
Wakeup and Crossing Cultures
host/ PD/ helped launch CHKG-FM Vancouver
1997-2000; CKST Vancouver 2000-01;
proprietor/ producer/ host/ voice artist
Calcopyrite Communications Inc.
2001-current; Executive Producer World
Beats Channel M Vancouver 2002-07;
board member Canadian International Dragon
Boat Festival Society 2006-current;
Broadcast Advisory Board member British
Columbia Institute of Technology
2008-current; host/ producer World Beat
Canada CIRH-FM Vancouver
2015-18. LinkedIn
Bill Koehler
- CFCP Courtenay mid 1960s; CKPG Prince
George circa 1970; CKLG-FM Vancouver mid
1970s; CFMI Vancouver 1970s |
Horst Koehler
- Host International House of Music
evenings CKLG Vancouver 1957-59; CJOR
Vancouver 1960-62; host of travel program Horst
Koehler Sunday afternoons CHAN-TV
Vancouver 1962-76. Died March 2, 2010
at age 92 |

Kojouri - BCIT
Broadcast and Journalism program 2015; PR
Leader Digital Detox 365 Vancouver 2015;
volunteer reporter Community Connection Shaw
Cable 2015; A More Beautiful Me
YouTube channel 2015-current; Writer
IdeasXChange 2016-current; writer/ reporter
Surrey604 2016-current; traffic reporter
CKWX Vancouver 2018-current. LinkedIn
Doug Kooy
- KFJC-FM Los Altos CA; as Tom Collins
radio DJ and CBS Television Honolulu Hawaii
1970s; San Jose CA; Veteran radio/ TV
broadcaster/ pastor/ speaker/ developer of
drug and crisis centres; host Online
NOW-TV Fraser Valley/ Vancouver 2001-05;
author/ public speaker current; executive
producer/ host The
Original Promise 2009 |
Leora Kornfeld
- CITR-FM Vancouver; technical operator
CFOX-FM Vancouver; CBC Radio Vancouver 1990s
including host Realtime and
co-host (with David Wisdom) Radiosonic
Saturday Night; M.A. in Media &
Communications Goldsmiths College,
University of London UK 2000; co-founder
Ubiquity Interactive Vancouver |
Anton Koschany
- BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1973;
reporter BCTV 1973-77; reporter CBC
Vancouver 1977-79; assignment editor BCTV;
reporter/ producer Webster! 1977-81;
producer The Fifth
Estate Vancouver bureau
1981-93; Senior Field Producer W-Five
CTV Vancouver 1993-94; bureau chief CTV News
Toronto 1994-96; correspondent/
investigative reporter CTV Toronto 1996-98;
senior producer W-Five CTV Toronto
1998-current; senior producer/ executive
producer CTV News Elections 2000-current;
executive producer Triumph &
Tragedy: The Brian Mulroney Story
2007; senior producer/ executive producer
A Conversation with the Prime Minister
2001-2012; executive producer CTV W5
2009-current; World Silver Medal winner, New
York Festivals, investigative reporting
1998; six-time Gemini Award nominee
1999-2005; winner Gemini Awards for Best
News and Information Series 2001 & 2005;
nominee Canadian Screen Awards 2013 |
Peter Kosick
- On air then account executive CKNW New
Westminster early 1950s; sports then General
Manager CKLG North Vancouver circa 1955;
responsible for putting Pat Burns on air
CJOR Vancouver early 1960s
Kathy Kovacs
- University of Alberta and Northern Alberta
Institute of Technology (NAIT) Radio &
Television Arts Program honours diploma
1993; news/ sports writer ITV Edmonton 1992;
Assistant General Manager Edmonton Huskies
Football Team (PJFL) 1992-93; Live Game
Coverage Assistant Fox Sports Phoenix
Arizona 1996-98; Sports Anchor/ Reporter A
Channel News Edmonton 1998-2000; Sports
Anchor/ Reporter CTV Vancouver 2000-09;
Freelance Writer, Media Consultant, Sports
Editor and Producer KCI Communications
Edmonton 2010-15; on-air talent Strut
Studios Vancouver 2010-15; Coordinator ATCO
Edmonton Sun Christmas Charity Auction
2016-current; Founder
2017-current. LinkedIn
Peter Koveos
- BCIT Broadcast program graduate 2001;
producer/ reporter/ host Sports Page
Global TV Vancouver 2002-05; sports
reporter/ anchor CKST Vancouver 2003-08;
associate producer Global National 2005-08;
host Beyond Beijing China Radio
International Beijing 2008-09; writer/
editor/ producer CCTV News Beijing 2009-18;
Journalist TVB (Television Broadcasts
Limited) Hong Kong 2018-22; journalist South
China Morning Post 2022-current; Broadcast
Educators Association of Canada Best Studio
Newscast 2001. LinkedIn

Courtney Kramer
- BCIT journalism graduate 2006; reporter
BCIT Campus station CFML Burnaby 2004-05;
co-creator/ performer Mental the Musical
2004-current; researcher Sounds Like
Canada CBC Vancouver 2005-06; news
anchor CKWX Vancouver 2005-06; news anchor
KFI Los Angeles 2006-07; coordinator Mental
the Musical The Edgemar Theatre Los
Angeles 2006-08; program director/ case
writer The Andre Sobel River of Life
Foundation Los Angeles 2008-current;
freelance copywriter VBS Online Business
Management Toronto 2010-current; freelance
copywriter VFM Leonardo Inc. Toronto
2011-current; copywriter/ blogger The
Madison Company Toronto 2011-current; news
anchor Durham Radio Inc. Toronto
2012-current; news anchor CFMJ Toronto
2012-current. LinkedIn

Krause - Media &
Communications Associate of Arts University
of the Fraser Valley; play by play/ sideline
reporter VBN sports Chilliwack 2014-15; play
by Chilliwack Chiefs/ contributor CFTE
Vancouver 2014-15; Lions beat reporter York
University Toronto 2015-16; traffic/ weather
anchor/ reporter CKNW Vancouver 2016-17;
reporter CTV Winnipeg 2017-18; reporter/
anchor Global TV Kingston ON 2018-21;
reporter/ anchor CTV Barrie ON 2021-23;
reporter/ anchor CTV Vancouver
2023-current. LinkedIn
Stan Kravetz
- DJ/ commercial voice/ news anchor: CJJC
Langley 1973-75; CKSA Radio/ TV Lloydminster
AB 1975-76; CFMI-FM New Westminster 1976-77;
CFVR Abbotsford 1977; CFJC Radio/ TV
Kamloops 1977-78; CKWX Vancouver 1978-81;
CKLG Vancouver 1981; CHNL Kamloops 1981-83;
Langley 1985-88; operator/ dispatcher
Ministry of Transportation Provincial
Communications Centre Burnaby; 1988-2008;
communications operator/ dispatcher Mainroad
Howe Sound Contracting 2008-current. email |

Kretzel - Reporter The
Charlatan Carleton University Ottawa
2007-12; Photography Editor The
Charlatan 2009-10; photo specialist
Black's Photography Calgary 2010; editorial
intern Junewarren-Nickles Energy Group
Calgary 2010; multimedia and photography
intern Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Toronto 2011; reporter The National Post
Toronto 2012; reporter/ anchor/ web editor/
photographer CKOM Saskatoon 2012-16; digital
reporter CKWX Vancouver 2016-22; digital
producer Global BC 2022-current. LinkedIn
Anita Krishna
- News production/ commercials BCTV/ Global
BC variably 1997-2006; entertainment
reporter Shaw TV Vancouver 2000-03; news
production then production/ entertainment
segment host CTV and Citytv Vancouver
2000-03; radio breakfast show producer New
Zealand 2004; news reporter Radio New
Zealand 2006; co-host with Squire Barnes TV
Matchup TV Tropolis 2006-07; p.m.
drive show producer CFUN Vancouver 2007;
morning traffic reporter CKNW Vancouver
2008-09; host/ director Global BC

Kroeker - BCIT
Broadcast Journalism graduate 2017; co-host
weekly sports radio show Cascade Check
CIVL-FM Abbotsford 2014-15; producer/ host
NBA program Nothing But Net CKST
Vancouver 2016-21.
Jill Krop
- BCIT Diploma of Technology Broadcast
Communications 1986; CKPG Prince George
1986-87; CFRE-TV Regina 1987-88; news
anchor/ host Breakfast Television
Atlantic Satellite Network Halifax 1988-90;
CHEK-TV Victoria 1990; Halifax 1990-94; news
CHEK-TV 1995-97; junior news anchor BCTV
Vancouver 1997-2001; late evening news
anchor Global TV Vancouver 2001-11; co-host
Variety Club Show of Hearts and Children's
Miracle Network Telethon; relief
talk show host CKNW Vancouver 2005; AM/ BC
then host Unfiltered BC1 Vancouver
2013-15; BC Regional Director of Global News
2015-20; Executive Director B.C. Lacrosse
Association 2023-current; BCAB Broadcaster
of the Year 2020. LinkedIn
Allan Krueger
- On-air host/ music director CFSL Weyburn
SK 1988-91; on-air host/ promotions
assistant CHAB Moose Jaw SK 1991;
on-air host CJSL Estevan SK 1992; on-air
host/ music director/ sports CKEG Nanaimo
1992-95; network production/ operations
manager WIC/ Corus Radio Network including
weekend host/ Classic Radio Theatre host
CKNW Vancouver & on-air and program
assistant CHMJ Vancouver 1996-2007; real estate
consultant Keller Williams Elite
Realty 2007-current |
Shachi Kurl
- Bachelor of Journalism Carleton University
Ottawa; reporter CBC Radio Vancouver 1998
& 1999-2000; Broadcast News 2000;
reporter BCTV News On Global then producer
Global National 2002-05; reporter/ anchor /A\
Victoria 2005-07 and legislative
reporter 2007-11; B.C. director of
provincial affairs Canadian Federation of
Independent Business Vancouver 2011-12;
director of communications Vision Critical
Vancouver 2012-14; Executive Director Angus
Reid Institute Vancouver 2014-current;
Public Speaker The Lavin Agency
2016-current. LinkedIn
Phil Kushnir
- CHRX Vancouver 1993-94; Mobile Music DJ;
Mac computer consultant; operates LG73 website
current. Phil Kushnir
website 1993
CHRX Audio
Michael Kuss
- Graduate with degrees in meteorology and
communications Saint Louis University, St.
Louis MO 1993; intern KSDK-TV St. Louis and
KMTR-TV Eugene OR 1993-94; on-air
meteorologist/ weekend sports anchor/
daytime talk show host CKRD-TV Red Deer AB
1994-96; meteorologist Good Morning
Toronto The Weather Network 1996-97;
on-air meteorologist CKEM-TV Edmonton
1997-2001; weather anchor Global TV Toronto
2001-06; weather anchor CITY-TV Toronto
2006-10; meteorologist CTV News at
Five, CTV News at Six and CTV
News at 11:30 CTV British Columbia
2011-15; meteorologist Global BC 2015-17;
morning co-host CJAX-FM Vancouver 2017-18;
meteorologist CKWX Vancouver
2018-current. LinkedIn
Claudia Kwan
- Reporter CKVU-TV Vancouver; reporter/
weekend news anchor CKWX Vancouver 2004-08;
reporter CBC Vancouver 2008; journalist
Global BC; podcast multitasker/ freelance
journalist current. LinkedIn
Jack Kyle
- CJVI Victoria 1943-47; CKWX Vancouver
1947-55; p.m. drive and Crystal Palace
remotes CKNW New Westminster 1955-61; CKLG
Vancouver 1961; part owner CHUB Nanaimo
1962-65; CJOR Vancouver 1966; p.m. drive
CKNW 1967-73 and overnights 1973-81.
Died in White Rock BC February 24, 2014 at
age 88
Rick Kyle
- CBC Thunder Bay; CJAZ-FM Vancouver early
1980s; production |