Alphabetical Listings - P/Q

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Chris Palliser - Click to enlarge Chris Palliser - Graduate Applied Communications Camosun College Victoria 2003; community cruiser CHWF-FM Nanaimo 2003; swing then afternoon drive DJ CJOK-FM Fort McMurray AB 2003-07; Freelance Reporter Shaw Communications Fort McMurray/ Edmonton 2005-08; swing DJ CKNG-FM Edmonton 2007-08; DJ CFBT-FM Vancouver swing 2008-12 and middays 2012-19; Game Day On-Field Announcer BC Lions Football Club 2011-14; Host Populist Vancouver 2015-16; morning host CHBE-FM Victoria 2019-22; National Marketing Specialist Shift Energy Group Victoria 2022-current.  LinkedIn proflie 

Jennifer Palma - Click to enlarge Jennifer Palma - TV and radio arts diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology; cable TV host Edmonton; production assistant Global Television Edmonton; weekend news anchor Global Television Saskatoon; news reporter Global Television Vancouver 2007-current.  LinkedIn profile 

David Palmer late 1960s - Click for 1965 and recent photos David Palmer - At age 16 CKBI Prince Albert SK 1956; rock DJ CFCW Camrose AB, CJCA Edmonton, CKRC Winnipeg, & CKOM Saskatoon 1959-65; one of original Boss Jocks CKLG Vancouver 1965-1971; CKLG news 1971-72; hired as news director when CHUM bought CFUN Vancouver 1972; CFUN news and later CHQM-FM Vancouver 1972-96; retired from radio; Pastor United Church of God 1997-current.  LinkedIn profile

Jeff Palmer - Click to enlarge Jeff Palmer - Anchor/ news & sports reporter CJOC Lethbridge 1979-81; news anchor/ city hall reporter CFAC Calgary 1981-87; reporter/ anchor/ assignment editor CKWX/ CKKS-FM Vancouver 1987-96; Senior Editor CKWX 1996-2002; West Vancouver Police Department: Police Constable 2002-13 Communications Officer 2013-19 Community Services Team Constable 2019-21.  LinkedIn profile

Vaughn Palmer - Click to enlarge Vaughn Palmer - Reporter 1973-76, rock music critic 1976-80 and City Editor 1980-82 Vancouver Sun; journalism fellowship Stanford University San Francisco 1982-83; editorial writer then provincial affairs columnist Vancouver Sun Victoria 1983-current; co-recipient Jack Webster Award for reporting 1988; edited Bruce Hutchison collection To Canada With Love and Some Misgivings: The Best of Bruce Hutchison 1991; winner Hyman Solomon Award for excellence in public policy journalism 1998; contributor CBC Radio/ TV Vancouver numerous occasions 1990s; host Voice of BC Shaw Cable undated; contributor CKNW Morning News with Philip Till 2005; recipient Bruce Hutchison Lifetime Achievement Award 2006

Pat Pancoust - Click to enlarge Pat Pancoust - News anchor/ desker/ reporter/ writer/ editor/ traffic reporter/ talk show producer CKNW/ CJNW Vancouver 1997-2002; fill-in traffic reporter Morning News BCTV Vancouver 1998-2001; news producer Breakfast Television Citytv Vancouver 2002-06; producer Morning News on Global Vancouver 2006-08 and affiliates broadcast producer Global TV producing six o'clock news for both Montreal and Winnipeg from Vancouver

Trevor Pancoust - Click to enlarge Trevor Pancoust - News reporter/ talk show host CHUB Nanaimo 1983-86; news reporter CFAX Victoria 1986-88; News Director Western Information Network (now Corus Radio Network) 1988-94; news anchor CKNW Vancouver 1994-2001; news anchor/ business reporter CJNW Vancouver 2001-02; news anchor CKWX Vancouver 2003; Pace Group Communications 2003-current

Amanda Panes - Click to enlarge
Amanda Panes (Breen) - Broadcast journalism certificate 2008 and radio broadcasting diploma BCIT 2010; camera operator/ graphics Shaw Communications Vancouver 2005-09; on air/sales and marketing rep CFML-FM Burnaby 2008-10; service co-ordinator/ dispatch OpenRoad Auto Group Richmond 2007-10; board operator/ feature producer CFRO-FM 2009-10; promotions & events reporter 2010-12 Promotions Coordinator 2012-15 Digital Content Producer 2015-current CJJR-FM/ CKPK-FM Vancouver. Linkedin profile

Gabriela Panza-Beltrandi - Click to enlarge
Gabriela Panza-Beltrandi - Journalism BA Toronto Metropolitan University 2016; Editorial Assistant City Parent Magazine Oakville ON 2012; Multimedia Intern The Cold Lake Sun Cold Lake AB 2015; Managing Editor Video (University) The Ryersonian Toronto 2016; Executive Producer RUtv News Toronto 2014-16; reporter intern Global News Regina 2016; anchor/ digital reporter CJCD-FM Yellowknife NT 2016-17; on call reporter/ editor/ newsreader/ video journalist, CBC Yellowknife 2017-19; Digital Broadcast Journalist Global News Saskatchewan 2020-21; Video Journalist/ Radio Reporter/ Associate Producer CBC Edmonton 2021-22; Breaking News Reporter/ Senior Writer/ Chase Producer CBC Toronto 2022-23; reporter CTV Vancouver 2024-current.  LinkedIn Profile

Rudy Parachoniak - Click to enlarge
Rudy Parachoniak - Radio Broadcasting Diploma Fanshawe College London ON 1997; p.m. drive announcer Kootenay Broadcasting System 1997-98; PD/ Morning Show Host CKAP Kapuskasing ON 1998-99; Swing Announcer CIRX/ CJCI Prince George 1999-2000; APD/ MD/ Morning Show Host  CJFW/ CFTK Terrace BC 2000-01; APD/ Morning Show Host Central Island Broadcasting 2001-03; Program Director OK Radio Group 2003-05; Owner/ Operator Kodiak Communications 2003-14; Morning Show Host CFRK-FM Fredericton NB 2005-06; Operations Supervisor/ PD/ Morning Show Host/ Promotions/ Imaging/ Production Vista Radio Ltd. 2006-09; PD/ Morning Show Host CKRV-FM Kamloops 2009-14; Operations Manager CKWS-FM/ CFMK-FM Kingston ON 2014-16; self-employed Red Summit Media 2016-current; National Marketing Director End Of The Roll Discount Carpet & Flooring Kelowna 2018-19; Morning Show Host CISF-FM Surrey 2020-current. LinkedIn profile

Bailey Parker - click to enlarge
Bailey Parker - Radio and Television program Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 2015; Promotions Assistant Touch Canada Broadcasting Edmonton 2011-12; Assistant Store Manager Davids Tea Edmonton 2012-13; Partner/ GST JOEY Restaurant Group 2013-14; Summer Cruiser Peace River Broadcasting Peace River AB 2014; weekend/ swing announcer Rogers Radio Edmonton 2014-15; midday announcer CHTT-FM Victoria 2015-17; midday announcer CKKS-FM Vancouver 2016-17; afternoons Rogers Media Victoria 2017-18; announcer CHBE-FM Victoria 2019-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Sidney Parker
Sidney Parker - BCIT Radio/ Television/ Digital Communication graduate 2019; weekend reporter CKAY-FM Gibsons 2016-17; sales associate YM Inc Vancouver 2017-18; Community Radio Training Coordinator CFRO-FM Vancouver 2018; client advisor Moncler Vancouver 2018-19; Intern CKMQ-FM Merritt BC 2019; Key Holder Vape Street Vancouver 2019-20; traffic anchor CKGO Vancouver 2019-current.  LinkedIn profile

Al Parkin circa 1946 - Click to enlarge Al Parkin (Afred William Parkin) - Host International Woodworkers of America program Green Gold CKWX and later CJOR Vancouver 1940s-early 50s; teacher.  Died in Vancouver October 27, 1979 at age 68

Rick Parkinson - Click to enlarge Rick Parkinson - Head pro Pitt Meadows Golf Club 1991; serving Vice President BC PGA 2001; host Better Golf CKWX Vancouver 2000-01.  Died December 25, 2004 at age 42

Darren Parkman - Click for larger photo Darren Parkman - British Columbia Institute of Technology broadcast graduate; CKPG Prince George; part time CJJR-FM Vancouver; CKNW Vancouver; news anchor/ co-host CISL Vancouver 1998; news anchor CKWX Vancouver 1998; magazine columnist; morning show contributor CKNW current; Vancouver bureau Media Q Inc. current; columnist TV Week Magazine Vancouver to 2011; columnist 24 Hours Vancouver 2005-current; co-host The Travel Guys KVOS-TV Bellingham then Shaw Cable 4 Vancouver 2004-17

Tarnjit Parmar - Click to enlarge
Tarnjit Parmar - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 2016; intern CKNW Vancouver 2014-15; video intern Shaw Communications Vancouver 2015; intern then reporter/ anchor/ content creator CIRH-FM Vancouver 2016-18; reporter/ anchor CKWX Vancouver 2018-22 and lead producer CityNews Everywhere 2021-22; reporter/ editor CBC Vancouver 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile   

Steve Parsons - Click to enlarge Steve Parsons - Graduate BCIT Broadcast program 1991; announcer CITR-FM Vancouver 1984-89; announcer/ Music Director CJAT Trail BC 1991-92; announcer WIC Radio Network Vancouver 1992-94; APD/ MD CKNW Vancouver 1994-96; PD/ Production Manager WIC Radio Network 1996; announcer CFMI-FM Vancouver 1996-98 and MD/APD 1998-2000; PD CJKR-FM Winnipeg 2000-02; PD CING-FM Burlington/ CJXY-FM Hamilton ON 2002-05; PD CFMI-FM 2005-10; programming consultant CHHR-FM Vancouver 2010; National Content Manager Astral Media Toronto 2010-13; Brand Director Bell/ Astral divested stations Vancouver/ Toronto 2013-14; Operations Manager Newcap Radio Toronto 2014; Manager, National Music Programming Bell Media Toronto 2014; Operations Manager CFXJ-FM/ CHBM-FM Toronto 2014-15; National Director Of Programming Newcap Radio 2014-18; General Manager Toronto/ National Director of Programming Stingray Toronto 2018-current and Vice-President of Programming 2024-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Tony Parsons - Click to enlarge Tony Parsons - Radio and Television Arts trainee Ryerson Institute of Technology Toronto 1956-57; CJCS Stratford ON 1957; announcer/ newscaster CHOK Sarnia ON 1957; DJ CJOY Guelph ON; news reporter CHML Hamilton ON; CHUM Toronto; reporter then late evening news anchor CFTO-TV Toronto late 1960s-early 70s; West Coast correspondent CTV National News 1974-78; 6 p.m. news anchor BCTV 1975-2009; Vice-President, News BCTV Vancouver 1994-2009; Jack Webster Foundation Bruce Hutchison Lifetime Achievement Award 2004; BCAB Broadcaster Performer of the Year 2004; author memoir A Life In The News 2009; news anchor CHEK-TV Victoria & suppertime news anchor CBUT Vancouver 2010-13; retired from broadcasting; official spokesperson NexGen Hearing 2018; The Tony Parsons Show website 2024-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Samantha Parton - Click to enlarge
Samantha Parton - Singer/ songwriter/ producer/ multi-instrumentalist; founding member of Vancouver band The Be Good Tanyas; host Slipstream CIRH-FM Vancouver 2015-18 

Tom Parton - News reporter CKLG Vancouver circa 1962-63

Dale Partridge CJCA 1964 - Click to enlarge Dale Partridge - CJCA Edmonton early to mid 1960s; Program Director CJJC Langley circa 1976; Manitoba government until early 2000s; retired in Nanaimo

Bernie Pascal - Click to enlarge photo courtesy PQB News Bernie Pascall - Play-by-play junior hockey/ baseball CFAR Flin Flon MB 1958-60; sports/ baseball play-by-play CHAT-TV Medicine Hat AB 1960-64; sports CJAY-TV Winnipeg 1964-67; overnight host CKRC Winnipeg 1967; sports anchor CFTO-TV Toronto 1967-69; sports anchor/ director/ Vancouver Canucks play-by-play BCTV Vancouver 1969-99; author Eliminating Violence in Hockey 1999; 6 times ACTRA Western Canada Sportscaster of the Year; corporate spokesman Jim Pattison Group Vancouver current; Selection Committee Chairman BC Hockey Hall of Fame current; CAB Hall of Fame inductee 2004; Canadian Football Hall of Fame inductee 2021.  CCF Biography  LinkedIn profile

John Paschold - Click to enlarge John Paschold - Weatherman CJOR Vancouver 1970s; meteorologist Environment Canada for 35 years; weather CBC Radio Vancouver 1980s-early 90s.  Died in Tsawwassen BC January 9, 2012 at age 90.  audio clip

Ralph Pashley - Click to enlarge Ralph Pashley - Commentator CJVI Victoria late 1940s; Victoria correspondent/ host Capitol Commentary CKWX Vancouver 1940s-50s; sales CJVI Victoria; talk show host CKDA Victoria 1960s-70s

Julio Pastora - Click to enlarge Julio Pastora - Graduate BCIT Broadcast Journalism program 2001; Broadcasting Diploma Columbia Academy 2001; co-host Seven O'clock Bus CFRO-FM Vancouver 1998-2001; producer CKNW 2000-06 including The World Today with Jon Mccomb and Nightline BC with Michael Smyth; news anchor Latin Tracks CHKG-FM Vancouver 2001; researcher Global TV Vancouver and Chase Producer Global National with Kevin Newman 2006-08; documentary producer Parallex 2007; news producer Global TV Vancouver 2006-15;  Government of British Columbia's Communications and Public Engagement Department Events Coordinator BC Provincial Government 2016-18.  Died in Vancouver area November 18, 2018 at age 41 

Jeff Paterson - Click to enlarge Jeff Paterson - Bachelor of Arts, Political Science University of British Columbia 1991; Broadcast Journalism Diploma BCIT 1993; Kamloops Blazers play-by-play CHNL Kamloops; freelance sports columnist The Georgia Straight 2003-current; host Sportstalk Weekend CKNW Vancouver to 2006; Communications Manager Tennis BC 2007-11; contract tournament co-ordinator PGA of BC 2010; freelance writer Vancouver Province 2016-17; The Athletic freelance podcast host 2019-current; Bell Media Vancouver Canucks reporter 2017-21; sports talk podcast 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile

Shannon Paterson - Click to enlarge Shannon Paterson - BCIT Broadcast Journalism program 1996-97; announcer/ reporter CHNL Kamloops 1997-98; producer/ reporter CKNW Vancouver 1998-2002; reporter CTV British Columbia 2002-current; Jack Webster Award for Best Feature Story - Radio 2001 and Business, Industry and Economics for Vancouver condo market crash report 2009

Bob Paton - Beat reporter CJOR Vancouver late 1960s-early 70s

Mark Patric - Click to enlarge Mark Patric - Columbia Academy Broadcast graduate 1992; CHRX Vancouver 1991; CJDC Dawson Creek 1991; CHRX Vancouver 1992; CKBD Vancouver 1994; CJJR-FM Vancouver music director 1996-current and APD/ music director/ on air fill-in 2008-12 and PD 2012-current; music scheduling/ music research/ music review/ market analysis Albright and O'Malley Vancouver 2000-current; General Manager Vancouver division Jim Pattison Broadcast Group 2015-current.  LinkedIn profile

Suzy Patrick - Click to enlarge Suzy Patrick - BCIT radio/ TV graduate 2008; traffic anchor Corus Radio cluster Vancouver 2002-13; talent co-ordinator CKNW Orphans' Fund Vancouver 2003-12; promotions City TV Vancouver 2005; production assistant ATV Productions Vancouver 2005-06; promotions coordinator CFMI-FM/ CKNW Vancouver 2005-08; agency accounts coordinator Corus Entertainment Vancouver 2008-12; on-air traffic reporter Shaw Television Winter Olympic Games Vancouver 2010; anchor/ producer Canadian Traffic Network Delta BC 2012-current; Social Media Intern Urban Rush Shaw TV Vancouver 2013; Weekend Traffic/ Breaking News Reporter Canadian Traffic Network/ Global Television/ CHMJ Vancouver 2013-current; Multimedia Account Manager Glacier Media (Burnaby Now/ The Record Newspaper) 2014-current; Suzy's Social Page Glacier Media Inc. Burnaby/ New Westminster 2015-16.  LinkedIn profile 

Darrell Patton - Click to enlarge Darrell Patton - CKVU-TV Vancouver 1977-2006 including videographer/ on-air reporter CityNews 2001-06; freelance 2006-current; videographer Global TV Vancouver 2018-21; retired and moved to Vernon 2021.  LinkedIn profile

Jim Patton - News CISQ-FM/ CISW-FM Squamish/ Whistler 1996; news CKWX Vancouver 1996

Leila Paul - Click for more photos
Leila Paul - Political Science major with Communications minor University of Windsor B.A. 1972; Vickers & Benson Ltd., Advertising Agency Montreal: Accounting/ Media Billing Dept 1965-67 Secretary and Research Assistant for Marketing and Promotions Director 1969-70; newswriter CKLW-TV Windsor ON 1972; Promotions/ Marketing Director PBS station WNMU-TV Marquette MI 1978; General Assignment Reporter/ Anchor/ Producer/ Writer/ Film Editor WLUC-TV Marquette MI 1979; General Assignment Reporter/ Video Editor WZZM-TV Grand Rapids MI 1980; General Assignment Reporter Global TV Toronto 1981; General Assignment Reporter CBC-TV Windsor 1981-82; Noon News Anchor/ Producer/ Writer/ State Capital Reporter WLNS-TV Lansing MI 1984-85; Co-Anchor 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. newscasts WVUE-TV New Orleans LA 1985-87; General Assignment Reporter/ Weekend 11 p.m. Anchor CBC-TV Vancouver 1987-89; news cut-ins national morning show/ Noon News Anchor BCTV Vancouver 1989-90; retired and private volunteer work 1990-current; numerous awards for charitable work.

Harold W. Paulson - Announcer CFDC Vancouver 1926 and chief announcer CKWX Vancouver by 1928.  Died in White Rock February 24, 1983 at age 84

Jim Paulson from CJCA survey 1966 - Click for larger image with recent photo Jim Paulson - CJCA Edmonton 1966; CKRC Winnipeg 1967; CFUN Vancouver 1968-69; CHFI-FM Toronto; CKEY Toronto 1970s; freelance commercial voice CKO-FM-2 Toronto circa 1981; CKQT-FM Oshawa ON circa 1982; a.m. drive then middays then p.m. drive CING-FM Burlington ON 1983-91; air shift and host Swing It and Saturday Sinatra and remotes CHWO Toronto 1991-2007; long-time track announcer for Toronto Molson Indy and Mosport International Raceway.  Died in Mississauga ON February 13, 2007 at age 67

Chad Pawson - Click to enlarge
Chad Pawson - Reporter CBC Ottawa circa 2009-11; reporter CBC Vancouver 2011-current 

Fred Peabody - Click to enlarge Fred Peabody - Reporter/ writer/ producer CBC Toronto 1968-80; producer/ director The Fifth Estate CBC-TV Toronto 1980-87; producer CBS News New York 1988; producer 20/20 ABC News New York 1988-94; producer Dateline NBC Los Angeles 1994-97; freelance writer/ producer/ director Los Angeles & Vancouver 1998-2013; CISL Vancouver 2009-11; writer/ producer/ director of documentary on investigative journalist I.F. Stone for White Pine Pictures Toronto 2014-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Jack Peach - Click to enlarge
Jack Peach - Freelance broadcaster joined CBC 1937 including reporter CRCV/ CBR and CJOR Vancouver circa 1937; RCAF Second World War; BBC overseas news division 1944; appointed English language supervisor of CBC International Services Montreal 1946; public relations field 1952-64; program director CBC Radio Calgary then public relations officer CBC Calgary 1972; retired from CBC 1978; published eleven books, including Peach Preserves, All Our Yesterdays and Days Gone B;, columnist Calgary Herald 1980-93.  Died in Calgary 1993.  1939 CBC audio

Tom Peacock circa 1964 - Click for recent photo courtesy Tom Peacock - CFUN Good Guy Vancouver early 1960s; afternoon drive CKWX Vancouver to 1975; Program Director CKWX (and CJAZ-FM at sign-on 1980) 1974 then General Manager/VP CKWX/ CJAZ-FM/ CKKS-FM 1981-early 90s.  Died in Vancouver April 15, 2006 at age 67

Helen Pearce - Click for larger photo Helen Pearce - News reporting/ reading CKSL London ON 1979-81; News Director CKWW Windsor ON 1982-84; news reporter/ reader CFUN Vancouver 1984-85; CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1985-89 (News Director and Bureau Chief 1985-88, host daily current affairs show Newswatch 1988-89) Radio Instructor, Camosun College Victoria 1991-2003; started Camosun College instructional radio station CKMO 1993; teacher of media design Communication Department Abu Dhabi Women's College UAE 2003-08; teacher of design Algonquin College Ottawa 2008-10; School of Design chair Fanshawe College London ON 2010-current :

Carson Peck CKMO - Click to enlarge Carson Peck - Staff announcer CKMO Vancouver late 1940s

Ted Peck CHAN-TV 1963 - Click for larger photo Ted Peck - Fishing reporter CKWX Vancouver 1950s-60s; weatherman CHAN-TV Vancouver circa 1960; "Tight lines and straight shooting" weekly television program Tides and Trails CHAN-TV 1960-66; weekly fishing/ hunting open line show CKWX 1966; co-author of The 12 Basic Skills of Fly Fishing 1996.   Died October 26, 2001 in White Rock BC at age 72

Ted Pegg - Announcer then traffic chief CRCV/ CBR Vancouver 1936-44

Debi Pelletier - Click to enlarge Debi Pelletier - CKEK Cranbrook 1975; CFJC/CFFM-FM Kamloops; CFTK/ CHTK Terrace/ Pr. Rupert (Can Pro Gold Awards 1980); CKPG Prince George; Ministry of Labour Human Rights Branch; news CJOR Vancouver 1980s; BN & CP Vancouver, Victoria, Montreal, 1986-1996 (President/ Secretary, Vancouver Press Club); Stuart News, Stuart FL 1997-99; (Scripps Howard Reporter of the Year 1997; Florida Press Club Awards environmental, science, public service journalism 1997-98-99; Medal of Meritorious Journalism, Casey Journalism Center, University of Maryland 1998; University of Rhode Island, AP fellowships 1999); Editorial Director LRP Publications West Palm Beach FL 1999-current

Tracy Pellizzari - Click to enlarge Tracy Pellizzari - SFU Communications graduate 2002; BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 2004; programmer CJSF Burnaby early 2000s; recipient Jack Webster Student Journalism Award 2002 and CKNW George Garrett Award for Journalism 2003; anchor/ reporter CKNW Vancouver 2003-06; Assignment Editor then Associate Producer/ Reporter The Express Shaw TV Vancouver 2006-08; talk show host/ weather reporter/ news anchor CFJC-TV Kamloops 2008-10; Communications Officer, Audio-Visual Producer & Social Media Lead BC Liberal Caucus Victoria 2010-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Nikki Pena - Click for recent photo Nikki Pena - Skywards Traffic; CKST Vancouver; CKZZ-FM Vancouver; reporter/ traffic CKWX Vancouver 2004-09; owner/ vice president hospitality service company DMH current

Rob Pepper - Click for recent photo Rob Pepper - Calgary; Montreal; Toronto; CKVX-FM Vancouver 2000-03; CISS-FM Toronto 2003-05; morning co-host CHBN-FM Edmonton 2006-10 and PD 2009-10; p.m. drive co-host CJAY-FM Calgary 2010; morning co-host Pepper and Dylan CFMG-FM Edmonton 2011-15; Pepper and Dylan a.m. drive CHBN-FM Edmonton 2015-current 

Don Percy - Click for larger photo Don Percy - CKPR Thunder Bay 1974; CKY Winnipeg 1975-81; CFRN Edmonton 1982; CHUM Toronto 1986; morning show host CISL Vancouver early 90s; CKLU-FM Winnipeg 1991-94; CKY Winnipeg 1994-2004; joined cast to sign off CKY Winnipeg as it flipped to CKY-FM January 21, 2004; CFRW Winnipeg 2004-10; CFJL-FM Winnipeg 2012-15; father of Willy Percy

Willy Percy - Click for Larry and Willy photo Willy Percy - Stand up comedian Punchlines comedy club Vancouver; CHQB Powell River; Larry & Willy show CKPR Thunder Bay ON; morning co-host Larry & Willy show CFOX-FM Vancouver 1988-2003; British Columbia Association of Broadcasters Broadcaster Performer of the Year 1996; morning co-host Larry & Willy show CKLG-FM Vancouver 2003-12; morning host CFMI-FM Vancouver 2013-current 

Dave Peressini - Click for colour photo Dave Peressini - Writer/ SeaWatch reporter CKNW Vancouver 1972-80; realtor Royal LePage Westwin Realty Kamloops 1994-current.  LinkedIn profile  

Ray Perrault - Click for 1959 photo Ray Perrault - President University of British Columbia Radio Society (RADSOC) 1946; sportscaster CJOR Vancouver 1949; communications consultant O'Brien Advertising Agency; elected leader British Columbia Liberal Party 1959; BC Liberal MLA 1960-68; Member of Parliament Burnaby-Seymour 1968-72; appointed to Senate October 5, 1973 and retired February 6, 2001.  Died in North Vancouver November 24, 2008 at age 82

Lara Perzoff - Click to enlarge Lara Perzoff - BCIT Broadcast graduate 1999; CJIB Vernon 1999-2000; reporter/ anchor CKWX Vancouver 2000-03; CFAX Victoria 2003-04; communications/ media relations B.C. Government including Ministry of Education 2004-current

Craig Peters - Click to enlarge
Craig Peters - CJME Regina 1979-81; CFJC Kamloops 1981-87; CKST 800 Langley/ CKST Vancouver 1987-93; CKZZ-FM Vancouver 1993; CISL Vancouver 1993-2003

Ray Peters - Click to enlarge Ray Peters - Child actor, singer and musician CJOR Vancouver 1930s; Commercial Manager CHCH-TV Hamilton 1954; Manager then President CHAN-TV/ BCTV Ltd. Vancouver 1963-81; President/ CEO Western International Communications Ltd. 1978-89; served as President B.C. Association of Broadcasters and President of Canadian Association of Broadcasters; appointed Member of the Order of Canada 1984; formed Peters Management Limited; inducted into CAB Broadcast Hall of Fame 1989

Stan Peters - Click to enlarge Stan Peters - Announcer CJVI Victoria early 1950s; announcer CBC Vancouver 1953-64; Station Manager CBC Whitehorse YT 1964-67; Producer Public Affairs 1967 and radio/ TV announcer/ news anchor/ host The 7-o'clock Show, Klahani, Noon Show, and Early Morning Show CBC Vancouver 1968-89; retired from CBC 1989.  Died in North Vancouver March 4, 2006 at age 74.  Aug. 11, 1988 audio clip (with Lucie McNeill and Paul Grant)

Wallie Peters - Click to enlarge photo courtesy North Shore News Wally Peters (sometimes spelled Wallie) - Local broadcast pioneer; internationally-known banjo player and accomplished 12-string jazz guitar player; music, drama and comedy producer/ Program Director CJOR Vancouver 1930s; TV production trainee New York University late 1940s; performer Burns Chuckwagon From the Stampede Corral CBC-TV Network/ CBUT Vancouver 1954-55; documentary producer CBUT and CHAN-TV Vancouver 1950s on.  Died in West Vancouver November 10, 2000 at age 82

Roger Petersen - Click to enlarge Roger Petersen - Broadcast program graduate Seneca College Toronto 1990; radio news anchor/ morning host Orilla, Brockville and Windsor ON 1990-99; general assignment reporter/ weekend news anchor then morning reporter/ replacement anchor Breakfast Television Citytv Toronto 1999-2003; anchor CityPulse News Citytv Vancouver 2004-06; reporter CTV Toronto 2006-10; anchor/ reporter City Toronto 2010-20.  LinkedIn profile  

Anne Petrie - Click to enlarge Anne Petrie - Co-host Three's Company with Patrick Munro CBC Radio Vancouver 1970s; author of four books; BC Actra Award best public affairs broadcaster 1978; first host CBC Newsworld 1989-current; host Canada Live and Coast-to-Coast 1989-92; Chris award for interview with Nobel Peace Laureate Eli Wiesel on Century 1997

Craig Pfeifer - Click to enlarge Craig Pfeifer - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1989; a.k.a. Craig Kincaid; CKST Langley 1988-91; CKZZ-FM Vancouver 1991-92; swing CJJR-FM Vancouver 1992-94; p.m. drive/ music director/ assistant program director/ program supervisor Island Radio group Nanaimo 1994-2002; p.m. drive/ music director CKY-FM Winnipeg 2004-09; PD CKY-FM 2009-current; APD CITI-FM Winnipeg 2009-15 and PD 2015-current.  LinkedIn profile   

Roo Phelps - Click to enlarge Roo Phelps - Fourth generation broadcaster and great granddaughter of Billy Browne Sr; on-air host CFCP Courtenay 1999-2004; morning host/ news CHQB Powell River 2004-05; midday host CKDV-FM Prince George 2005-06; evenings CJJR-FM Vancouver 2006-12; owner and operator Roo Phelps Audio Production Services 2010-current; morning co-host/ music director CIGV-FM Penticton 2012-18; co-host syndicated The Casey Clarke Show Kelowna 2013-18; evening host Bell Media EZ Rock radio network originating in Kelowna 2019-current. LinkedIn profile 

Bill Phillips - Click to enlarge Bill Phillips - CJIB Vernon 1950s; news anchor/ program host CBC Radio and TV Vancouver 1958-60; program host/ news anchor CHAN-TV Vancouver 1960-62; DJ/ newsman/ commentator CHQM-AM/FM Vancouver 1963-72; DJ/ commentator CJAZ-FM Vancouver 1979-81; DJ/ news editor CHQM 1982-93; relief news anchor CIGV-FM Penticton 1994-98; freelance voice current; freelance writer Penticton Herald to 1999; writer, blogger and ghost writier of non-fiction books on Internet Okanagan Falls 2000-17.  Died in Oliver BC August 24, 2017 at age 83 

Brad Phillips - Click to enlarge Brad Phillips - DJ CHAB Moose Jaw 1976; DJ CHED Edmonton 1978; PD CKXL Calgary early 1980s; DJ/ PD CKLG Vancouver 1987-90; founding PD CKZZ-FM Vancouver 1990-96; PD 1996 then VP/ GM CHUM AM/ FM Toronto 1996-2001; regional VP/ GM Citytv CKVU-TV Vancouver & A-Channel Victoria 2001-08; VP/ GM CKZZ-FM/ CISL Vancouver 2008-10 and VP Astral Media British Columbia Operations 2010-12; GM Corus Radio cluster Vancouver 2012-16; Vice President Corus Radio West 2016-current and Vice President and Head of FM Radio for Corus Entertainment 2018-22; Senior VP Corus Audio 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Cameron Phillips photo courtesy CBC - Click for larger image Cameron Phillips - Bishop's University campus radio CJMQ-FM Lennoxville QC circa 1998; freelance CBC Radio Vancouver Sounds Like Canada, Sunday Edition, DNTO and GO 1998-current; co-host The Roundup CBC Vancouver 2005; co-host Freestyle CBC Radio 2005-current

Harry Phillips Click to enlarge Harry Phillips - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; CKNW New Westminster 1972-82 (news 1975-82); news reporter CBC-TV Vancouver 1982-84; Documentary Producer The Journal CBC-TV Toronto 1984-90; Producer ABC News Los Angeles 1990-current; National Headliner Award for Investigative Reporting ABC News 20/20 2001.  LinkedIn profile

Riley Phillips - Click to enlarge
Riley Phillips - BCIT Radio Arts & Entertainment graduate 2018; Public Safety Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) Vancouver 2014-current; Intern Rogers Communications Abbotsford 2018; Producer/ Traffic Reporter CISL/ CJAX-FM/ CKWX Vancouver 2018-20; Traffic Anchor/ Air Patrol Reporter CKWX/ CJAX-FM 2020-23; DriveBC 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile

Stone Phillips (Doug Philip) - Click to enlarge
Stone Phillips (Doug Philip) - The Big Cheese voice talent 1978-current; morning sports CHQM Vancouver 1982-88; swing news CKLG/ CFOX-FM Vancouver 1988-90; morning news/ co-host CKXY Vancouver 1990-91; news Corus Radio Group Vancouver 1988-2001; swing news/ co-host CISL/ CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2001; swing news anchor CKWX Vancouver 2002-07; morning news writer/ announcer CHUM Radio Group Vancouver 2004-10; morning news writer Global TV Vancouver 2009-10; sales & lease representative Metro Motors Port Coquitlam 2010-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Elmore Philpott - Click for larger image Elmore Philpott - Politician/ journalist; MacLean Publishing Company 1922; editorial writer Toronto Globe early 1928-33; organizer Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) Party 1933-35; reporter/ political affairs columnist Vancouver Sun 1943-61; news CBR Vancouver circa 1944; news commentator CKNW New Westminster 1953; elected to House of Commons as Liberal MP for Vancouver South 1953-57.   Died in Vancouver December 9, 1964 at age 78.

Steve Philpott - As Shadow Stevens p.m. drive CKST Langley circa 1990

Judy Piercey - Click for larger photo Judy Piercey - (Judy Waddell, nee St. George) Staff/ freelance announcer CBC Vancouver 1960s-2002 including narrator Concerning Women series CBC-TV National from Vancouver 1976 and co-host Hourglass beginning in 1978; midday news anchor CBC-TV Vancouver circa 1980; morning news anchor CKST Vancouver 1994-95; retired to Mayne Island 2001.  Died September 29, 2011 in Saanich at age 74

John Pifer - Click to enlarge John Pifer - Journalist/ broadcaster; community newspaper Kamloops circa 1972; worked for variety of community newspapers in BC including Editor then weekly political columnist Langley Times; correspondent/ freelancer Victoria Legislative Press Gallery circa 1986; covered insider trading trial of William R. Bennett, Russell J. Bennett and Harbanse S. (Herb) Doman for several media clients 1989; contributor Rafe Mair Show CKNW Vancouver 1989-95; host the John Pifer Show CKST Vancouver 1996-2001; media relations adviser for Richmond federal Conservative candidate Alice Wong 2004; contributing magazine writer/ freelance journalist.  Died July 25, 2007 in Vancouver at age 61.

Bill Pike CKDA - Click to enlarge Bill Pike (Claude William Pike) - News CKMO Vancouver 1943-51; CHUB Nanaimo 1951-52; mornings CKMO 1952; various stations in Eastern Canada;  news then News Director CKDA and later CFMS-FM Victoria 1954 on including Saturday morning Roving Reporter on Douglas Street.  Died in Victoria August 8, 1983 at age 61.

Melanie Pineda - Click to enlarge Melanie Pineda (Leitner) - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 2008; producer Breakfast Television and evening host Newsbreak Citytv Vancouver 2008; reporter/ producer Shaw Cable Vancouver 2008-17; Communication Specialist/ Office Manager Starboard Marine Supplies Vancouver 2017-current. LinkedIn profile   

Dave Pinton - Click to enlarge Dave Pinton - BCIT Broadcast program graduate 2002; news reporter/ Live Eye Breakfast Television CITY-TV Toronto 2004-05; fill-in instructor BCIT Broadcast Program 2005-06; instructor Broadcast Journalism BCIT 2006-07; reporter CTV British Columbia 2006-09; Media Relations Coordinator BCIT 2009-14; owner Echo MediaWorks 2010-14; acting Media Relations Manager BCIT 2011-12 & 2014-15; Interim Director BCIT 2012; Director of Communications University of the Fraser Valley 2015-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Safeeya Pirani Safeeya Pirani - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 2016; Fitness Instructor The SHIAMAK Group North Vancouver 2007-19; Public Relations and Social Media Coordinator Vancouver Fashion Week 2010-14; Retail Sales Associate Hollister Co. 2010-14; Project Lead Victory Arts Foundation Vancouver 2013-19; Intern CKNW Vancouver 2014-15; Intern Shaw Communications Vancouver 2015-16; morning show host/ News Director CJRJ Vancouver 2016-21; freelance contributing writer Canada Wide Media 2016-current; reporter/ anchor CKNW 2021-23; Community Reporter Global TV Vancouver 2023-current. LinkedIn profile

Jason Pires - Click to enlarge Jason Pires - Bachelor's degree in Psychology University of Victoria; BCIT Broadcast program graduate; news reporter CHEK-TV Victoria 2000-01; helped launch/ original sports director/ anchor/ reporter The New VI/ A-Channel Victoria 2001-08; weekend news anchor then sports anchor and Sports Director CTV Vancouver 2008-17; co-host CTV Morning Live CTV Vancouver 2017-23 and news anchor 2023; morning show co-anchor Global BC 2023-current; multiple RTNDA and Edward R Murrow Award winner.  LinkedIn profile

Ashley Pirhonen - Click to enlarge
Ashley Pirhonen - BCIT Radio Arts & Entertainment/ Digital Communication graduate 2021; server Baselines Pub Surrey 2019-21; on air personality CFBG-FM Bracebridge ON 2021; as AJ in the radio p.m. drive host CJMG Penticton 2021-22; weekend host CKKN-FM Prince George 2022; p.m. drive host CHWK-FM Chilliwack 2022-24/ evenings CJJR-FM Vancouver 2023-24.  LinkedIn profile

Joanna Piros - Click to enlarge Joanna Piros - BA Journalism Carleton University Ottawa 1977; CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1977-79; news anchor CKVU-TV Vancouver 1979-88; board member Canadian Diabetes Association 1984-89; professional training and coaching Sauder School of Business at UBC 1987-current; senior consultant Counterpoint Communications Vancouver 1995-current; trustee Jack Webster Foundation Vancouver 2000-current; associate instructor FireWorks Consulting 2003-current; executive producer 11th Hour Productions 2006-current.  LinkedIn profile

Greg Plant - Click to enlarge
Greg Plant - Announcer then President/ applied for Low Power FM broadcast licence UBC Radio CITR-FM Vancouver; MC The Pit Fog Show Battle of the Bands/ all-night operator then announcer CFOX-FM Vancouver 1980-81; sales CISL Vancouver 1981-83; sales CKLG/ CFOX-FM 1983-85; sales All-Canada Radio & TV (Selkirk Communications/ Maclean-Hunter/ Rogers) 1985-90; Integrated Media Sales Standard Broadcasting & Telemedia 1995-2000; CTV National Sales Toronto 2000-21; currently retired.  LinkedIn profile

Tom Plasteras - Click to enlarge Tom Plasteras - BCIT Broadcast program graduate 1989; producer/ fill-in announcer 1989-91 then APD 1991-93 CKNW/ CFMI-FM Vancouver; PD CKNW Vancouver 1993-2013; owner/ operator Menchie's Frozen Yogurt in Kitsilano, Vancouver 2014-current; Director, Broadcast and Communications Vancouver Whitecaps FC 2015-current.  LinkedIn profile

Don Poier - Click for larger photo Don Poier - 20 years announcer regional telecasts Pacific 10 Football and Basketball, including University of Washington Football. NBA Vancouver Grizzlies play-by-play CKNW/ CKLG/ CFMI 1995-2000 & CISL 2000-01; Memphis Grizzlies play-by-play 2001-05.  Died January 21, 2005 in Denver CO at age 53

Aarti Pole - Click to enlarge Aarti Pole - BA political science/ international relations UBC Vancouver 2004; bachelor of journalism Ryerson University Toronto 2006; intern Global TV & CTV Vancouver 2005; reporter/ weekend anchor CFTK Radio/ TV Terrace 2006-07; reporter/ fill-in anchor/video journalist CBC Winnipeg 2007-10; reporter/anchor CBC Television Vancouver 2010-12; reporter CBC Television Toronto 2012-14 and Breaking News host CBC News Network Toronto 2014; Washington bureau correspondent Global National 2014-16; reporter CBC News Toronto 2016-current.  Aarti Pole website  LinkedIn profile  

Al Pollard - Click for 1953 Philadelphia Eagles photo Al Pollard - Football star Loyola High School/ Loyola University Los Angeles late 1940s; played under backfield coach Vince Lombardi for Army 1949-51; player New York Yanks 1951; player Philadelphia Eagles 1951-53; fullback BC Lions and Calgary Stampeders 1950s; sports director CKLG Vancouver late 1950s;  colour commentator Eagles games 1969-76; operated tennis and ice-skating facility Valley Forge PA 1976-mid 80s.  Died in Devon PA March 3, 2002 at age 73

Mike Poole 1972 - Click for later photo Mike Poole - Copy runner then reporter Vancouver Sun; TV commentator, including host Country Calendar CBC-TV Vancouver mid 1960s; producer and/ or director and writer programs and series' episodes  including Life and the Land (1966), The 7 O'Clock Show (1968), Compendium (1969), This Land of Ours (1967, 1969, 1970), Klahanie (1970), Hourglass (1970, 1971) and Tuesday Night - Politics of Power, The Fraser and the Future (1972); producer/ director/ writer CBC programs such as The Reckoning (1975), the Hourglass special Between The Sky and The Splinters (1976), American Trinity (1976), Tankerbomb (1978), Spectrum - The Shadow and the Spirit (1980), Pacific Report - Mesothelioma (1982), Promised Land (1983), Wonderland - Distant Islands (an NFB production aired on CBC 1994) and co-production Booked on Saturday Night (1998); directed several episodes of The Beachcombers and produced a number of films for The Nature of Things 1980s; multi award winner.  Died at Halfmoon Bay, BC July 13, 2010 at age 74

Catherine Pope - Click to enlarge Catherine Pope - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; as Christie Pope CKO-FM-4 Vancouver circa 1982-83; as Catherine Pope reporter/ anchor Edmonton, Toronto, London UK, Edmonton, Calgary, Regina and Winnipeg; reporter BCTV Vancouver 1993-2012; Communications Consultant CP Communications Vancouver 2012-current; Senior Communications Officer BC Nurses Union 2013-16; self-employed Communications and Media Relations Consultant 2016-current; elected to District of North Vancouver council 2022.  LinkedIn profile 

Chris Pope - Click to enlarge
Chris Pope - Sports Broadcasting College of Sports Media Toronto 2010; technical director TopSpin Radio Toronto 2009-12; reporter/ anchor Blackburn Radio CKNX Wingham ON 2010-11; play-by-play/ colour commentator Rogers Television Kitchener-Waterloo ON 2011; reporter/ anchor CKGL Kitchener ON 2011; executive producer 2008-current; news anchor CFUN-FM/ CKWX Vancouver 2011-14; anchor/ reporter CFFR Calgary 2014-current .  LinkedIn profile 

Curtis Pope - Click to enlarge Curtis Pope - BCIT Diploma in Radio Broadcast Communications 2000; Operator for Red Robinson CISL Vancouver 2000; midday host/ music director CJCI-FM Prince George 2000-07; PD/ MD/ afternoon Drive CKQC-FM Abbotsford 2007-current; BC Country Music Association On-Air Personality of the Year Award winner 2008, 2009 & 2014; fill in CKCL-FM Vancouver 2009.  LinkedIn profile 

Michael Popil - Click to enlarge
Michael Popil - BCIT Broadcast program graduate 1982; copywriter/ producer/ commercial voice artist: CISQ Squamish 1982; CKQR Castlegar 1984-86; CHWK/ CKSR-FM Chilliwack 1986-88; CFUN/ CHQM-FM Vancouver 1988-97; CILK-FM Kelowna 1997-99; Rogers Radio Vancouver CKWX, CKLG-FM, CFUN-FM, CISQ-FM, CKSR-FM, CKQC-FM 1999-2013; Internet Sales Consultant Coquitlam Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ltd. 2014-15; Copywriter/ National Creative Coordinator CIRH-FM Vancouver 2015-17; Copywriter Stingray Vancouver/ Kamloops 2017-current; 22 regional, national, and international awards for commercial writing and voice work including BCAB Best Radio Commercial 1988 and International Radio Festival of New York Gold Medal Humourous Commercial 1990.  LinkedIn profile  

Tom Popyk - Click to enlarge
Tom Popyk - Diploma Tech Broadcast Journalism BCIT 1996; anchor/ reporter/ videographer CTV Yorkton SK 1996-97; reporter CHCH-TV / WIC Network Hamilton ON 1997-2000; associate producer W-Five CTV Toronto 2000-01; freelance broadcast journalist & news writer CTV News Toronto 2000-10; Freelance International Broadcast Journalist 2000-current; South Asia correspondent Global Television Network Delhi India 2010-12; Mideast Correspondent Global Television Network Beirut Lebanon 2012-13; Freelance Reporter CTV News Vancouver 2014-17.  LinkedIn profile 

Giselle Portenier - Click to enlarge Giselle Portenier - Graduate Carleton University School of Journalism Ottawa 1978; reporter/ anchor BCTV Vancouver 1978-82; foreign editor ABC News and Visnews London and associate producer 60 Minutes based in London 1982-86; investigative journalist/ producer BBC Television London 1986-current; recipient Royal Television Society Award, Peabody Award, Golden Nymph Award Monte Carlo, New York Television Awards (twice) and Amnesty International Press Award; senior producer foreign affairs documentary programs Assignment and Correspondent BBC London 1992-2002; named as first CanWest Global Visiting Professor to School of Journalism, University of British Columbia January-March 2002          

Bob Porter CKWX circa 1955- Click to enlarge Bob Porter - Newspaper reporter Vancouver early 1950s; news reporter/ anchor CKWX Vancouver mid-late 1950s

Don Porter - Morning host/ program director KXL Portland to 1958; PD KGW Portland 1960s; evening talk show host CKWX Vancouver late 1960s; news CHQM Vancouver; KPOJ and KEX Portland 1970s.  Died January 10, 2005 at age 83.

Pamela Post - Click to enlarge Pamela Post - BCIT Broadcast program graduate; recipient Jack Webster Foundation Standard Broadcasting Fellowship for Broadcast Journalists 2004; reporter CBC Radio/ TV Vancouver 2000-current; instructor Langara College Department of Journalism 2012-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Barney Potts - Click to enlarge Barney Potts (Bernard Potts) - CJOR/ CKWX 1940s; actor Burns Chuckwagon from the Stampede Corral 1954; host children's program Barney's Gang CBC-TV Vancouver 1958; performer Some of Those Days CBC-TV Vancouver 1961-65 and host/ narrator 1966; member B.C. Entertainment Hall of Fame - theatre category Starwalk at the Orpheum.  Died in Vancouver February 6, 1993 at age 83

Mad Mel CFUN circa 1965 - Click to enlarge Mel Potts - Aka Mad Mel and Mad Happy; Rock 'n Roll program broadcast from downtown Victoria on KONP Port Angeles WA circa 1961-62; As Mad Mel CFUN Vancouver 1965; resides in Australia

Lee Powell - Click to enlarge Lee Powell - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1978; on air/ sports director CKQR Castlegar 1978-80; news/ sports CJIB Vernon 1980-83; WHL broadcaster Kamloops 1982; news CJIB 1983; sports director/ play by play broadcaster Brandon Wheatkings CKX-TV and radio Brandon MB; sports director CIOF Vancouver 1986; sports CKNW Vancouver 1987-2001; producer/ commentator Vancouver Whitecaps Soccer CKST Vancouver 2001-11. 

Ian Power - Click to enlarge
Ian Power - Cruiser CFUN Vancouver 1978; evenings/ weekends CISL Vancouver 1980-82; p.m. drive CISQ-FM/ CISW-FM Squamish/ Whistler 1982; p.m. news anchor/ on air host CJVB Vancouver 1982-86; on air CIOF/ CKXY Vancouver 1986-88; creative consultant Western Canada/ cable advertising Rogers Broadcasting 1987-94; weekend/ swing CJJR-FM & p.m. drive CKBD Vancouver 1994-2009; talk show host CKNW Vancouver 2010-16; morning host CISF-FM Surrey 2018-20. Died in Richmond September 23, 2022.  LinkedIn profile   

Dahn Powers - Click to enlarge
Dahn Powers (Dahn-Jenika Leigh) - BCIT Radio Arts and Entertainment 2016; airborne traffic reporter Canadian Traffic Network/ Global BC 2016-current 

Travis Prasad - Click to enlarge
Travis Prasad - BCIT Broadcast and Online Journalism Diploma 2016; Intern CTV News Vancouver 2013-14; freelance assignment desk writing and reporting CTV Vancouver 2016-17; Video Journalist CityNews Vancouver 2017-21; reporter CTV Vancouver 2021-22; reporter Global BC 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Shanel Pratap - Click to enlarge Shanel Pratap - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 2004; reporter/ sports anchor CBC Radio/ TV Vancouver 2004-09; sports anchor Global BC 2010-21; CEO/ owner Parlay One Media 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile 

David Pratt - Click to enlarge David Pratt - DJ CJAV Port Alberni BC 1974; CFJC Kamloops; Winnipeg; news/ sports CKLG/ CFOX-FM Vancouver early 1980s; CIOF/ CKXY Vancouver 1986; host Sports Machine CHRX Vancouver 1991-93 and CKWX Vancouver circa 1994; 17 years TSN West Coast correspondent; co-host PM drive CKST Vancouver 2001-11; sports columnist The Province Vancouver 2005-08; sports commentator CKNW Vancouver 2012-13; mornings CKST 2013-19; host Prattcast podcast 2019-current

Zahra Premji - Click to enlarge
Zahra Premji - Bachelor of Arts Communication and Media Studies Simon Fraser University 2011; BCIT Broadcast and Online Journalism Diploma 2014; Olympic News Service Reporter Olympic News Service Press Team (ONS) Vancouver 2010; Assignment Desk/ Steele on Your Side Intern CTV BC 2011-12; Youth of the Month Reporter/ Producer Y57 Media CFRO-FM Vancouver 2011-12;  Newsroom Intern CKNW Vancouver 2012-13; Intern Reporter CFJC-TV Kamloops 2014; News Reporter/ Anchor CKNW 2014-15; Reporter CTV News Victoria 2015-16; Reporter Global News Winnipeg 2016-18; Reporter CBC News Vancouver 2018-19; Reporter CBC News Edmonton 2019-20; CBC News Vancouver 2020-24; Senior Communications Consultant Fraser Health Authority  2024-current.  LinkedIn profile 

G. A. "Arch" Presby - Click to enlarge G. A. "Arch" Presby - The Battery House initial practical engineering training; joined Arthur "Sparks" Holstead at CFDC Vancouver 1925 and was on staff when call letters became CKWX Vancouver 1927; KOMO Seattle then KEX Portland 1928-35; KGO San Francisco 1935-42; KFI Los Angeles 1942-50; chief announcer and featured personality KNBC-TV Los Angeles 1950 until retirement in Vista CA 1972; resided in Escondido CA when celebrated 99th birthday August 2006.   Died in Escondido CA January 22, 2007 at age 99

Paul Preston - Click to enlarge Paul Preston - Operator then announcer all-nights CFRN Edmonton beginning July 1, 1961; CJDV Drumheller; CJOC Lethbridge; Calgary; announcer CFAX Victoria 1968; announcer CFUN/ CKVN Vancouver 1968-70; announcer weekends & production CKNW New Westminster 1970-82; Canadiana/ mid morning voice tracking CFMI-FM New Westminster 1972-82; Production Manager CKNW/ CFMI-FM 1982-99; retired from radio

Blake Price - Click to enlarge Blake Price - BCIT Broadcast graduate 1999; news/traffic CKWX Vancouver mid 1990s; writer/ producer Sports Page CKVU-TV Vancouver 1999; anchor Sportline Global Television Saskatoon 1999-2000; weekend sports anchor CKVU-TV 2000-01; British Columbia Association of Broadcasters Performer of Tomorrow 2000; sports anchor TSN Toronto 2001-04; midday sports anchor CHMJ Vancouver 2004-05; Vancouver-based reporter TSN Toronto 2004-current; morning co-host CHMJ Vancouver 2005-06; sports host CKST Vancouver 2006-21; weekend sports anchor CTV British Columbia 2007-08; sports talk podcast 2021-current; Vancouver Whitecaps FC play-by-play announcer TSN 2021; sports talk podcast 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile

Bob Price - Click to enlarge Bob Price - CKXL Calgary; CJME Regina; CHAB Moose Jaw; CKRD Red Deer; morning news CFUN Vancouver 1981-82; News Director CISL Richmond 1986-88; contract news anchor CBC Radio Vancouver, CKWX Vancouver and Standard News Service 1988; news CKNW 1989; morning news anchor CHNL Kamloops 1989-current; co-winner Jack Webster award for best news reporting 2003

Cory Price - Click to enlarge Cory Price - BCIT Radio/ Television trainee; CKKS-FM then CKVX-FM Vancouver 2001-04; host Canadian Content The Roxy Vancouver; assistant music director/ host Indie Night in Canada then music director CFOX-FM Vancouver 2004-13; talent buyer/booking agent Paul Mercs Concerts Vancouver 2013-14; Tracks host/ Music Driector CIRH-FM Vancouver 2015-18.  LinkedIn proflile 

Sandy Price - Click for recent photo Sandy Price - (Sandra Price-Hosie) Journalism Diploma Langara College Vancouver 1972; beat reporter CKWX Vancouver 1971-72; beat reporter/ news reader/ weekend open line host CJOR Vancouver 1973-77; freelance Metro Newspaper, Georgia Strait and CKVU-TV 1978; broadcast journalism teacher Langara College Vancouver 1979-83; summer relief/ weekend news editor CBC Radio Vancouver 1980-83; E.S.L. Coordinator Immigrant Services Society of BC 1992-2004; author/ presenter 2005-current; English teacher Wesbrook Community Centre UBC Vancouver 2012-current; English Instructor B.L. Education Vancouver 2017-current; author “Trapped at Triumf’ book for kids 9-12 2022.  1970s CJOR clip from BC Radio  LinkedIn profile

Larissa Primeau - Click for larger photo courtesy Confetti Photographic Arts Larissa Primeau - Writer The Gazette and communications graduate University of Western Ontario London ON; post graduate diploma Humber College broadcasting program Toronto; CJCI-FM Prince George; all nights CKKQ-FM Victoria 2004-05; swing announcer CKLG-FM Vancouver 2005-07; p.m. drive then a.m. drive CJAQ-FM Toronto 2007-current

Norm Pringle CKDA 1957 - Click for 2007 photo Norm Pringle - All-night announcer/ chief announcer/ Program Director & hired actor Leslie Neilsen CJCJ/ CKXL Calgary 1945-50; Production Manager CKMO Vancouver 1950-52; discovered Canada's Country Gentleman Tommy Hunter CKDA Victoria 1952-58; push button mixer Western United Recorders Hollywood CA 1958-63; Audio Supervisor General Music Corporation Hollywood 1963-71; Audio Engineer Warner Brothers Studio Hollywood 1971-83; retired 1983; Cybercloud Website 1983-2012; inducted into Victoria Rock & Roll Music Hall of Fame by Royal City Music Project 2008.  Died March 17, 2012 in Los Angeles area at age 88

Jason Proctor - Click to enlarge
Jason Proctor - Reporter CBC Radio/ TV Vancouver current.  LinkedIn profile  

Laverne Procyk - Click to enlarge Laverne Procyk - News CJOR Vancouver 1970s; Publisher/ Editor WestCoast Winds Magazine current

Mychaylo Prystupa - Click to enlarge
Mychaylo Prystupa - Bachelor Journalism Ryerson University Toronto 2002-04; sales & marketing Netmark Enterprises Winnipeg 1996-97; project assistant Lord Cultural Resources Philippines/ Singapore 1997-98; communications consultant Centre for International Health Toronto 2000-03; national sales analyst Coca-Cola Enterprises Toronto 2000-03; entrepreneur Digital Witness Films Toronto 2001-04; chase producer CTV Canada AM Scarborough ON 2004; CBC Television including northern VJ and TV news reporter Winnipeg then Vancouver 2004-current; TV documentary producer, including Return to Shanghai for CBC’s The National.  Personal website

Lauren Pullen - Click to enlarge
Lauren Pullen - BASc Mass Communication/ Media Studies Simon Fraser University 2009; news/ sports reporter/ anchor Vista Radio 2010-11; Videographer/ morning anchor Astral Media Fort St John 2011;  anchor/ producer Newcap Television Lloydminster AB 2011-13; anchor/ video journalist CTV Regina 2013; anchor/ producer Global Okanagan 2013-17; reporter Global Calgary 2017-22; anchor CTV Vancouver 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Harv Puni - Click to enlarge
Harv Puni - Broadcasting diploma Columbia Academy Vancouver; Hollywood Harv LIVE! stand up comedian 2008-current; blogger The Province Vancouver 2012-17; morning show host CISF-FM Surrey 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Shinder Purewal - Click to enlarge
Shinder Purewal - Oxford University Press author; former BC and Yukon region Citizenship Judge; Political Science Professor Kwantlen Polytechnic University Surrey 2001-current; morning show host CKSP Vancouver 2020-current.  Website

Belle Puri - Click to enlarge Belle Puri - Reporter CKNW Vancouver 1977-87; reporter BCTV Vancouver 1987-92; Broadcast Journalist CBC Vancouver 1991-current including  reporter/ producer Canada Now and Newsworld CBC Television Vancouver 1992-2010; press secretary to BC Premier Gordon Campbell 2010; Jack Webster Award for Excellence in Legal Journalism 2002; recipient Webster Foundation Bill Hutchison Lifetime Achievement Award 2024.  LinkedIn profile

Bob Pye - Started career CKOK Penticton circa 1953; seen on CHBC-TV Kelowna; host of series Play It Again, Bob which first aired on CBC Radio Vancouver late 1960s and briefly resurrected late 1970s; appeared on Variety Tonight CBC Radio; host Time Capsule CILK-FM Kelowna.  Died July 16, 2009 in Winfield BC at age 73

Stephen Quinn - Click to enlarge Stephen Quinn - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1996; reporter CKNW Vancouver 1996-2000; civic affairs reporter CBC Radio Vancouver then host On The Coast 2000-17; host Quinn's Quiz CBC Radio 2000-current; freelance columnist The Globe and Mail 2010-current; host The Early Edition CBC Radio Vancouver 2018-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Rick Quinton - Click to enlarge Rick Quinton - CHWK Chilliwack early 1980s; CKWX Vancouver; sports reporter/ Sportstalk Weekend host then morning sports anchor CKNW Vancouver to 2013; voiceovers current

Bob Quintrell - Click to enlarge Bob Quintrell (Robert Norman Quintrell) - Host 7 O'Clock Show CBUT Vancouver early 1960s; interviewer prime-time weekly series Close-Up CBC Vancouver early 1960s; host documentary series Discovery CBC-TV Vancouver 1962-63; producer/ director/ narrator series on cancer CBC-TV Vancouver circa 1986.  Died in Vancouver February 21, 1988 at age 57

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