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Philip "Flipout" Cabrita - Click for larger photo Philip Cabrita - As Flipout Club DJ and founding member Contents Under Pressure breakdancer squad; host The Show CITR-FM Vancouver 1994-98; host WorldWideRide CHKG-FM Vancouver 1998-2000; CFOX-FM Vancouver 2001; CFBT-FM Vancouver 2001-09; co-host Ethnosonic Citytv Vancouver 2006-08; actor known for Case 39 (2009), Moments (2006) and Kindergarten Cop 2 (2016)

Emmet Cafferky circa 1962 courtesy Heritage Burnaby - Click to enlarge
Emmet Cafferky - British Columbia Liberal Party candidate BC provincial election 1956; Burnaby Alderman 1957-58 & 1963-66. President Burnaby Chamber of Commerce 1962-63; Liberal candidate Burnaby-Richmond riding Canadian federal election 1965; talk show host CFUN/ CKVN Vancouver mid-late 1960s; Emmet Cafferky & Associates Ltd. Burnaby 1970s

Cy Cairns CFQC 1940s- Click to enlarge Cy Cairns (Thomas Cyril Cairns) Radio personality/ emcee/ pianist; Program Director CFQC Saskatoon late 1930s-40s; CKRC Winnipeg circa late 1940s; CKMO/ CFUN Vancouver 1950s.  Died in Vancouver August 6, 1959 at age 48

Jane McElligott - Click to enlarge Jane Calder - Now Jane McElligott; national reporter CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1982-83; reporter & assignment editor CKWX Vancouver 1983-85; Parliament Hill correspondent CKO-FM-1 Ottawa 1985; bureau chief Selkirk News Parliament Hill 1986; CBC Radio Montreal 1986-87; assistant news director CKWX 1987-89; CBC Radio Calgary 1992-97; media and advocacy consultant Geneva Switzerland 2013-16.  LinkedIn profile

Sheila Calder - Click to enlarge Sheila Calder - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate with honours 2006; producer/ reporter CKNW Vancouver 2005-06; media and public relations consultant Peak Communicators Vancouver 2006-current

Mike Calderone - Click to enlarge Mike Calderone - As Mike Richards on air in Vancouver market; overnights and evenings CJJC Langley 1978; weekends, evenings, middays CKXY Vancouver 1988-92; evenings, weekends, middays CISL Vancouver 1992; Oldies Coast to Coast 1992-94 (locally on CISL); CFFR Calgary to 2005; p.m. drive CKPC-FM Brantford ON 2005-07; CJOC-FM Lethbridge AB 2007-09; middays then assistant PD/ p.m. drive CIKT-FM Grande Prairie AB 2013-current 

Frank Callaghan 1965 - Click for larger photo Frank Callaghan - DJ/ Program Director CKLG Vancouver 1960-75; CJJC Langley 1976-79; morning host CJJR-FM Vancouver late 1980s-early 1990s; PD CHQR Calgary 1994-95.  Died in Chilliwack September 20, 2011 at age 78.

Candis Callison - Click to enlarge
Candis Callison - Master of Science Comparative Media Studies Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2002 /PHD 2010; Researcher/ Producer CBC Vancouver 1994-97; Reporter/ Host/ Producer Vancouver Television (CTV) 1997-98; Reporter/ Producer ZDTV (later called Tech TV) 1998-99; Senior Producer Lycos 1999-2000; Pathy Distinguished Visitor in Canadian Studies Princeton University New Jersey 2018-19; Associate Professor School of Journalism University of BC 2009-current; recipient Jack Webster Foundation Bill Good Award 2020.  LinkedIn profile

Kim Calloway - Click for larger photo Kim Calloway - Evening host CHUM-FM Toronto 1969; host Kim Calloway Talk Show CKWX Vancouver mid 1970s-80s; talk show host/ reporter/ news CKOV/ CKOV-FM/ CKQQ-FM Kelowna 1993-2008 then morning news anchor 2009-current; co-recipient Jack Webster Award for Best Reporting of the Year for 2003 Kelowna Firestorm 2004.  Died in Kelowna August 22, 2013 at age 69

Margaret Calloway 2009 - Click to enlarge
Margaret (Maggie) Calloway (nee Chew) - Reporter, producer, talk show host and columnist beginning 1973; producer John Reynolds Show CJOR Vancouver circa 1977-81; wrote regular newspaper columns Simplicity and RenoNation for Black Press; established Dundarave Communications Inc. early 1980s; managed large events such as The Vancouver International Boat Show, The Vancouver Motorcycle Show, and The Spring & Garden Show; named Woman of the Year for Mission 2009.  Died July 6, 2015 in Mission, BC at age 72

Dave Cameron Dave Cameron - BCIT Broadcast Journalism program graduate; stand up comic Calgary; film/ TV credits including roles in Highlander, Real Life, No Child of Mine; The Disappearance of Vonnie and Best in Show; co-host Spilled Milk CBC-TV Vancouver 1994-99; freelance actor current       

Greg Cameron - News/ sports CFUN/ CHQM-FM Vancouver 1990-95

Iona Campagnolo - Click to enlarge Iona Campagnolo - On air/ manager of sales CHTK Prince Rupert 1965; city alderwoman Prince Rupert 1966; B.C. Broadcast Citizen of the year 1972; Liberal Member of Parliament in by-election 1973-79; Member of the Order of Canada 1973; appointed to Cabinet as Minister of Amateur Sports 1976; host One of a Kind CBC Television Vancouver 1980-82; President Liberal Party of Canada 1982-86; received the Order of British Columbia 1998; British Columbia's first female Lieutenant Governor 2001-07

David Campbell - CFRO-FM Vancouver -1979; CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1979; as Aural Dave on program Crack of Noon CITR-FM Vancouver 1979-early 2000s; actor

Doug Campbell - Staff announcer/ news/ sports CBC Vancouver 1960s; host folk music program Come Listen Awhile  1963-64 and Vancouver host Vacation Time 1965 CBC-TV Vancouver

Judith Campbell - Click to enlarge
Judith Campbell - Formerly Judith Grimley; BA radio & television arts Ryerson University Toronto 1989; MA media Ryerson University 2008; CKWX Vancouver; Satellite Radio Network; former radio instructor British Columbia Institute of Technology; vice president Canadian Women in Communication Toronto 2001-07; instructor Ryerson University 2004-08; owner EminentVox 2007-08; director, Chapter and Member Services, Institute of Corporate Directors Toronto 2009-11; vice president, partnerships Canadian Women in Communications 2011-current.  LinkedIn profile

Katie Campbell - Click to enlarge Katie Campbell - Graduate BCIT Broadcast program 2005; promotions CJZN-FM Victoria 2004-06; morning host CFAN-FM Miramichi City NB 2006; morning drive co-host CKCW-FM Moncton NB 2006-08; swing/ AMD CFOX-FM Vancouver 2008-09; promotions director CJUI-FM Kelowna 2010; promotions director/ APD CJMO-FM Moncton 2010; promotions director/ APD CKHY-FM/ CKHZ-FM Halifax 2010-11; Marketing Associate A.P. Reid Insurance Stores Halifax 2012; Promotions & Media Planner, Atrium Dartmouth NS 2013; freelance Marketing Consultant Sole Sisters Women's Race & Lucky 7 Relay Dartmouth 2013-14; freelance Marketing Consultant Brun Body Bar Victoria 2012-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Michael Campbell - Click for larger photo Michael Campbell - Talk show host CJOR Vancouver 1970s; host MoneyTalks financial program CKNW Vancouver and nationally on Corus Entertainment Radio Network current; Vancouver Sun business columnist current; senior business commentator Global BCTV news current.                      

Jean Cannem - Click to enlarge
Jean Cannem  (Jean Monnington Carlson) - Active in fashion scene in Vancouver; writer weekly Fashion File and Shoreline columns North Shore News; organizer/ commentator fashion shows Park Royal Shopping Centre West Vancouver; host live daily Jean Cannem Show CHAN-TV (BCTV) Vancouver 1960-late 70s; retired to Okanagan late 1970s; senior model and Chamber of Commerce volunteer Kelowna 1990s.   Died in Kelowna February 28, 2005 at age 80

Bert Cannings - Click to enlarge Bert Cannings - Newspaper reporter Calgary and Edmonton 1930s; news writer CJCJ Calgary 1936; public relations officer RCAF during World War II; news then News Director CKWX Vancouver 1947-55 including broadcast representative Arctic manoeuvre Operation Sweetbriar 1949 and far eastern affairs correspondent Korea 1950; News Director CFCF Montreal 1955 then CFCF-TV 1961-74; served on board of RTNDA International (Vice President-Radio) 1960; President RTNDA Canada 1967-68; CITY-TV Toronto 1976; inducted into Toronto Press Club's Canadian News Hall of Fame 1982; consultant CHCH-TV Hamilton to 1986; recipient 60th Anniversary Canadian Broadcasting Award for contribution to Canadian journalism; inducted into Canadian Media Hall of Fame 1986 and posthumously to CAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame 1994.  Died 1993 at age 82.  CCF biography

Dave Cannon - Click to enlarge
David Cannon - Broadcasting performing arts diploma Columbia Academy Vancouver 2011; logistic supervisor Sleep Country Canada 2005-06; customer relations account manager Rogers Wireless 2007-08; news reporter CFFM-FM/ CKWL Williams Lake 2010; a.m. drive host/ account executive CHOR-FM Summerland BC 2010-11; president/ voice over artist Cannon Media Surrey 2011-current; a.m. drive CKPM-FM Port Moody 2013; traffic reporter CHMJ Vancouver 2013-current.  LinkedIn profile 

David Capper - Click to enlarge David Capper - Newspaper reporter early 1950s; reporter CKWX Vancouver circa 1955

Giulio Caravatta - Click for recent photo Giulio Caravatta - Quarterback BC Lions 1991-98; Assistant Coach Simon Fraser University Clan football team 1998; colour commentator BC Lions broadcasts CKNW Vancouver; colour commentator BC Lions broadcasts CKST Vancouver 2004-21, CKGO 2021-24 and CKNW 2024-current.  LinkedIn profile

Jack Carbutt CKMO 1941- Click to enlarge Jack Carbutt (John Edwin Carbutt) - Chief announcer/ operator/s inger CKMO Vancouver 1941; CFJC Kamloops 1943; one of three employees who launched CKPG Prince George on February 8, 1946; CKPG Sales/ Program Manager/ announcer and later Station Manager, produced weekly variety and interview program Reveries.  Died August 20, 1990 in Vancouver at age 73   

Pat Cardinal - Click for larger photo Pat Cardinal - CJRL Kenora ON 1979-81; as Brad Wilson CFRW Winnipeg 1981-87; CKXY Vancouver 1987-88; CKLG Vancouver 1988-92; CKLH-FM Hamilton 1992-93; CHED Edmonton 1993; CKNG-FM Edmonton 1993-97; CILQ-FM Toronto 1997-2002; PD Energy FM group (CING, CING, CKGE, CFHK, CHAY) ON 2002; GM/ PD CKVX-FM Vancouver 2002-03; PD CKKS-FM/ CKLG-FM Vancouver 2003; Station Manager CISS-FM/ CJAQ-FM Toronto 2003-06; Operations Manager Newcap Radio Group Edmonton 2008-11 and Newcap Alberta Program Manager 2009-11; General Manager Bell Media Edmonton radio cluster 2011-15.  Died in Vancouver April 19, 2016 at age 54.  CKXY audio circa 1987

Charlie Carey - Click to enlarge
Charlie Carey - Langara College Vancouver journalism certificate 2021; photographic & gallery assistant Jesse Winter Photography New York 2010; freelance photographer/ producer The Wunlyf Project Melbourne Australia 2011-15; retail buyer/ Assistant Department Manager Auski & Capital17 Snowboards Melbourne 2011-15; Producer Thom Rigney Photography Melbourne 2013-15; Retail Sales Associate then Store Manager The Boardroom Vancouver 2015-18; Sales Support Agent SAXX Vancouver 2018-29; Web Journalist Black Press Media Internship Surrey 2020-21; reporter/Managing Editor The Langara Voice Vancouver 2020-21; Read-Mercer Fellowship Megaphone Magazine Vancouver 2021; Web Editor/ Reporter CKWX Vancouver 2021; Local Journalism Initiative Reporter North Shore News North Vancouver 2021-22.  LinkedIn profile

Rod Carlson Rod Carlson - CFMI-FM Vancouver circa 1975; U.S. radio

Rob Carlyle CJJC 1975 - Click to enlarge Rob Carlyle - Aka Bob Carlyle CJAV Port Alberni early 1970s; CFCP/ CFWB Courtenay/ Campbell River; mid-days CJJC Langley mid 1970s; CKLG Vancouver circa 1977

Gregg Carmichael - Click to enlarge Gregg Carmichael - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; news anchor/ reporter CKNW Vancouver 1983-93; assignment editor CKWX Vancouver 1996-98; assignment producer CTV News Vancouver 1998-2011; interim Editor-in-Chief 24 Hours Newspaper Vancouver 2011; anchor/ news editor CKWX 2011-12; newsroom assignment desk CITY-TV Vancouver 2011-13; Facilities Coordinator Great Pacific Television Vancouver 2012-current.  LinkedIn profile

Racoon Carney - Click for more photos Racoon Carney - Ralph Carney Albani: CFAR Flin Flon MB 1974; Racoon Carney: CKRC Winnipeg 1974-77; CFUN Vancouver 1977-78; CKLG Vancouver 1978-83; CKY Winnipeg 1983-88; Palmer Jarvis Advertising Winnipeg 1988; president Ralph Carney Communications Winnipeg 1989-1997; morning drive CFWM Winnipeg 1997-98; managing partner AdManagement Canada Winnipeg/ Calgary 1998; p.m. drive CFRW Winnipeg 2006-08; PD CFRW current 

Cristina Carpio - Click to enlarge
Cristina Carpio -  Editor In Chief MarQuee Magazine 2018-22;  head of marketing and PR/ Editor in Chief Quantum Enterprise/ Mercedes-Benz Burlington/ MarQuee Magazine 2018-22;  Founder/ Editor in Chief Evolve Media Group Toronto 2022-current; traffic host CTV Morning Live Vancouver 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Alex Carr - Click to enlarge
Alex Carr - Stand up comedian; Halifax; CFIT-FM Airdrie AB 2015-16; evening host CFEX-FM Calgary 2016-17; middays CFOX-FM Vancouver 2017-19; morning co-host with sister Ruby CFNY-FM Toronto 2019-20; weekend evenings CHDI-FM Edmonton 2020-21; weekends CKPK-FM Vancouver 2021; middays CFEX-FM 2021; middays CJAQ-FM Calgary 2022; middays then mornings CKKS-FM Vancouver 2022-24.  LinkedIn profile

Ruby Carr
Ruby Carr - Radio and Television Arts Nova Scotia Community College 2009; BA Professional Communication Royal Roads University Victoria 2012; promotions CFRQ-FM Halifax 2007-10; evenings/ afternoons CKHZ-FM Halifax 2010-11; swing announcer then morning drive CJCH-FM Halifax 2012-13; morning show producer CIOO-FM Halifax 2013; morning show co-host CJCH-FM 2013-14; morning show co-host CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2014-18; morning co-host with brother Alex CFNY-FM Toronto 2019-20.  LinkedIn profile 

Alex Carrigan - Click to enlarge
Alex Carrigan - BCIT Radio and Television graduate 2014;   Langley Rams online colour commentator Big Kahuna Sport Co. 2012-17; junior/ part time editor/ BCFC contributor 3 Minute Warning Productions 2014; promotions assistant Bell Media Vancouver 2014-17; weekend host/ play by play CKMQ-FM Merritt 2015-16; Manager of Broadcast Operations Surrey Knights 2016-19; content creator/ social media specialist Toddcast Podcast 2016-19; traffic reporter CHMJ/ CKGO Vancouver 2017-22; Technical Producer Vancouver Whitecaps FC 2021-22; Assistant Technical Producer BC Lions Football Club 2021-22; Communications and Social Media Coordinator Mainroad Group Surrey 2022-23; traffic reporter CKWX Vancouver 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile

Jane Carrigan - Click to enlarge photo courtesy TV Week magazine Jane Carrigan - Wife of Global BC news anchor Chris Gailus; BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 1988; 11 p.m. news anchor CFCN-TV Calgary late 1990s; reporter/ fill-in anchor Global BC 2006-16.  LinkedIn profile 

Ray Carroll - Click for alternate enlargement
Ray Carroll - One-time member of vocal group The Platters; moved to Vancouver in early 1980s; show host CJAZ-FM Vancouver 1980s; producer cable TV soul music show Vancouver 1980s; producer/ agent Vancouver.  Died in Vancouver April 5, 2006 at age 82

Ryan Carroll - Click to enlarge
Ryan Carroll - Broadcast Arts, Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology Pacific Audio Visual Institute Vancouver 2008; Manager Sights and Sounds Productions 2001-06; Operations Manager/ DJ Sights West Coquitlam 2001-06; board op/ traffic reporter/ producer Corus Entertainment 2008-10; morning show host  Astral Media Inc. Prince Rupert 2010-12; on-ice hosting/ MC Prince George Cougars 2012-13; swing announcer Jim Pattison Broadcast Group 2012-13; morning show co-host CJBZ-FM Lethbridge AB 2013-15; swing announcer CFOX-FM/ CFMI-FM Vancouver 2015-16; middays CKWS-FM Kingston ON 2016-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Kid Carson - Click to enlarge Kid Carson - CISS-FM Toronto -2003; evenings CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2003-04; mornings CFBT-FM Vancouver 2004-12; morning host CFUN-FM/ CKKS-FM Vancouver 2012-15; morning host CKZZ-FM 2020-22.  LinkedIn profile  

Paul Carson - Click for alternate photo Paul Carson - Morning show and news director CKEK Cranbrook 1970-72; sportscaster CJVI Victoria 1972-74; sportscaster CKDA Victoria 1974-75; news and sports reporter/ host CHEK-TV Victoria 1975-80; sports director/ anchor CKVU-TV Vancouver 1980-99; President Grand Slam Radio Inc. (purchaser of CKST Vancouver)/ founder TEAM 1040 Sports Radio (CKST) 1999-2001; afternoon show host with Jay Triano CKST 2001; marketing and sales CKST 2002-09; VP marketing California Cult Classics, North Vancouver 2009-10.   Died in North Vancouver December 21, 2010 at age 60

Alan Carter - Click to enlarge Alan Carter - Ryerson Radio and Television Arts Program Toronto 1989; reporter/ late news anchor CKVU-TV Vancouver 1989-97; 6 o'clock anchor A-Channel Edmonton 1997-99; crime beat reporter then co-anchor Morning News Global Toronto 1999-24.  LinkedIn profile

Chris Carter - Click to enlarge Chris Carter - Associate Director and Associate Portfolio Manager ScotiaMcLeod 1993-current and North Vancouver branch 1998-current; business analyst Global BC Morning News 1998-2010; business analyst CBC Vancouver 2011-current.  Chris Carter website

Kat Carter - Click to enlarge
Kat Carter - Graduate Radio Broadcasting program Loyalist College Belleville ON 2009; midday host/ Music Director CIGL-FM and MD CJBQ/ CJTN-FM Belleville ON 2009-12; Assistant Music Director/ weekends/ swing CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2012-13 and middays/ Music Director 2013-16; Assistant Music Director/ Announcer CHUM-FM Toronto 2016-18; owner The Radio Nerd 2019-current.  LinkedIn profile

Leigh Carter - Click to enlarge
Leigh Carter - New Westminster and Langley District Council reporter Vancouver Sun 1977-80; news reader CJJC Langley 1978; news reader/ reporter CKNW/  CFMI-FM New Westminster 1979-82; Assistant News Director CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1982-83; weatherperson/ human interest specials host BCTV Burnaby 1983-85; Communications Manager BC Medical Association 1985-90; Public Affairs Director BC Automobile Association 1990-95; Senior Manager/  Assistant VP Public Affairs ICBC 1995-2002; Communications Manager GVRD  2002-04; Communications Consultant Saskatchewan Government Information Technology Office  2004-05; GM Public Affairs Comox Valley Regional District Courtenay 2005-15; editor/ proofreader for authors, government & organizations 2016-current.  LinkedIn profile. email

Jack Casey (as Gerry Thom - CKXL 1973) - Click for alternate photo Jack Casey (Gerry Thom) - CJDV Drumheller AB 1969-72; CFTK Terrace BC 1972; CJME Regina 1972-73; CKXL Calgary 1973-74; as Gerald Thom news 1974 then as Jackson Casey all nights/ swing CFUN Vancouver 1974-76; as KC Foxxe overnights CFRW Winnipeg 1976-79; as Jackson Casey then Jack Casey late evenings/ afternoons CFUN 1979-94; briefly mornings CKWX Vancouver 1994; part time CKKS-FM Vancouver 1994-2000; actor/ stand-in/ body double Canadian Film and Television Vancouver 1996-2008; Sales Associate The Home Depot Vancouver 2008; ITV Technician Olympic College Bremerton WA 2009-13; Lighting Technician Jewel Box Theater Poulsbo WA 2015; volunteer projectionist Port Townsend Film Festival Port Townsend WA 2014-15; actor/ lighting design assistant Port Gamble Theater Port Gamble WA 2014-15; Head Cashier The Home Depot 2009-current; actor Ludlow Village Players Port Ludlow WA 2014-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Dave Cash 1970s - Click to enlarge Dave Cash - CKCR AM/ FM Kitchener-Waterloo ON 1953-56; host various shows including R&B Dave's Den and morning show CKOX Woodstock ON 1956-59; morning show CKCR 1959-63; CJOR Vancouver 1963; radio morning show and TV noon show CFTK Terrace BC 1966-68; morning show CJJC Langley 1968-74; evenings then weekends CKWX Vancouver 1975-91; retired

Dave Cash aka Dave Wish - Click for recent photo Dave Cash - As Dave Wish: CFUN Vancouver 1963; CJAV Port Alberni 1964; UK as Dave Cash: Radio London 1965; Radio One 1967; Capital Radio 1973; BBC Kent 1997; BBC Kent, BBC Essex, Primetime Radio, Saga Radio.  Died in England October 21, 2016 at age 74

David Cassady - Click to enlarge
David Cassady - News CKWX Vancouver 1973-early 80s; CFAX Victoria; retired to Fraser Valley area.  Died August 14, 2016 at age 86

Rene Castellani - Click to enlarge photo courtesy Top Dog! History of CKNW Rene Castellani - The Dizzy Dialer CKNW New Westminster 1964-65; sentenced for murder of wife Esther November 12, 1966; freed from prison May 1979; CFVR Abbotsford; Promotion Manager CKEG Nanaimo 1981.  Died in Nanaimo January 4, 1982 at age 56

Cam Cathcart - Click to enlarge
Cam Cathcart - 25 years with CBC as reporter, foreign correspondent, producer, co-host The Best Years; news editor in chief CBC radio Toronto; head of International Press Centre 1994 Victoria Commonwealth Games; morning news editor/ announcer CKST Vancouver 1994-95; co-producer food safety radio series broadcast on 130 radio stations in Canada; news editor/ reader CKNW/ CJNW Vancouver 2001-02; senior associate Stanton Associates 2002-21. Died in Vancouver June 5, 2021 at age 83.  Nov. 10, 2020 BT Interview

Ami Catriona - Click to enlarge Ami Catriona - CKVX-FM Vancouver; CHMJ Vancouver 2002; morning traffic reporter CKBD/ CJJR-FM Vancouver 2003; reporter/ interviewer Shaw Cable Vancouver 2003-09; reporter/ anchor CKWX Vancouver 2007-09; marketing and communications director Kelowna's Gospel Mission 2009-14; Director Community Relations Kelowna Community Food Bank 2014-current; Friend Maker and Hope Giver Isagenix Kelowna 2015-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Juliette Cavazzi - Click to enlarge
Juliette Cavazzi - Singer Kitsilano Showboat circa 1937; performed with Dal Richards orchestra at Hotel Vancouver 1940; made CBC network debut on Sophisticated Strings 1942; appeared on Alan Young's CBC Radio show from Toronto 1943-44; sang on many CBC Radio programs from Vancouver including Burns Chuckwagon and Here's Juliette beginning in 1944; CBC Radio's Gino and Juliette, CBC-TV’s Holiday Ranch and regular performer as “Our Pet Juliette” on The Late Show Toronto 1954-56; host Saturday night music variety program Juliette 1956-66; hosted CBC-TV talk shows After Noon 1969-71 and Juliette and Friends 1973-75; retired to Vancouver but still sang regularly with Dal Richards Orchestra.  Member of Order of Canada 1975, BC Entertainment Hall of Fame 1994 and Canada’s Walk of Fame 1999.  Died in Vancouver October 27, 2017 at age 91.  Canadian Encyclopedia biography 

George Cawdry - Montreal; CKWX Vancouver late sixties.  Died in Vancouver April 13, 1970 at age 34

Fred Cawsey - Click to enlarge Fred Cawsey - Producer/ host Business World and State of the Arts CHQM Vancouver 1970s; news reporter CBC Vancouver 1970s-80s; news reporter BCTV Vancouver; producer/ reporter TV shows and documentaries including Doctor, Doctor, Legal Wise and Frontiers of Discovery; film director The Land is the Culture 1976 and Live Well With Diabetes 2002; Senior Associate Contemporary Communications Ltd. Vancouver current; President Front Runner Productions Vancouver current

Erin Cebula - Click to enlarge Erin Cebula - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1997; edit assistant Finale Editworks Vancouver 1997-98; Editor/ Copywriter Big Red Barn Productions 1998-99; control room PA/ editor James Barber's cooking show The Urban Peasant 1999-2000; Avid editor Fiddler Productions 1999-2001; producer/ host Urban Beat and Out There Global Television Vancouver 2000-02; stadium host Vancouver Ravens 2002-03; host Urban Rush Shaw Cable 4 Vancouver 2002-04; Pay-Per-View TV host Canucks Sports & Entertainment 2003-04; producer/ host/ editor The Express Shaw Cable 4 2004-05; fill-in traffic co-host CHQM-FM Vancouver 2005-06; producer/ host etc. and Global Village segments Global Television Vancouver 2005-current; reporter/ producer Entertainment Tonight Canada 2005-current; host Makeover Wish HGTV 2006-08; Entertainment Expert Six Degrees of TV Force Four Entertainment 2009-10; TV & radio spokesperson BC Children's Hospital Lottery 2009-current.  LinkedIn profile

Lucas Celle
Lucas Celle - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 2022; freelance contributing writer FanSided Vancouver 2019-20; on call Building Conversions City of New Westminster 2019-22; part-time busser Giardino Italian Restaurant Vancouver 2020-21; student intern SFU Athletics 2021; Digital Media Coordinator & Broadcaster Surrey Eagles Hockey Club 2020-22; intern then Associate Producer CBC Vancouver 2022; broadcaster then Broadcast & Media Coordinator Surrey Eagles Hockey Club 2022-current; traffic anchor CKGO Vancouver 2022-24; technical producer CKNW Vancouver 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile

Arnie Celsie - Click for recent photo Arnie Celsie - Morning host CKLB/ CKAR Oshawa ON 1973-80; morning host/ Program Director CISL Richmond 1980-90; consultant then V.P. Consulting Bohn & Associates/ SparkNet Communications 1990-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Richard Chacon - Click to enlarge
Richard Chacon - Nightlife talk show host CFUN Vancouver circa 1998.  Died July 25, 1999 in Vancouver of gunshot wounds from an unknown assailant at age 31.  Vancouver Police Dept. cold case file 

Brad Challoner - Click to enlarge
Brad Challoner - Columbia Academy 2004; Producer/ Operator CFUN and CKST Vancouver 2004-08; Play-by-Play Coquitlam Junior “A” Adanacs 2007-11; CHQM-FM Vancouver Morning Show Producer 2008-13 then Music Director/ Assistant Program Director 2013-22; National Lacrosse League colour commentator TSN Radio Vancouver and NLL TV Washington Stealth, Vancouver Stealth (now Vancouver Warriors) 2012-current; Co-Host lacrosse radio show Stealth Classified TSN Radio Vancouver 2013-18; PD CFAX/ CHBE-FM Victoria 2022-current   

Marc Chambers - Click for alternate photo Marc Chambers - As J. Marc and Marc Webber CHUB Nanaimo 1973, CJAV Port Alberni 1978; as Marc Webber CJVB Vancouver 1979; as Marc James CFUN Vancouver 1983; as Marc Chambers CHUM Toronto 1986, CJOJ Belleville, ON 1995, Oldies Network 1996; voice services and CHUM Toronto.  Died in Toronto May 2, 2008 at age 52

Terry Chan - Click to enlarge Terry Chan - BCIT Broadcast program graduate; on air CKKS-FM Vancouver 1991-2000 (music director 1995-2000 and assistant program director 1998-2000); PD/ operations manager CISQ-FM/  CISW-FM Squamish/ Whistler 2000-02; music director CKSR-FM Chilliwack/ CISQ-FM/ CISW-FM 2002; music director/ afternoon drive CKQC-FM Abbotsford March 2005-06; music director/ producer Latremornings with Fred and Cathy CKCL-FM Vancouver 2006-07; voice tracking/ fill in host Rogers Radio Vancouver; programming assistant Rogers Radio SW BC cluster 2011-22; JACK National Music Curator Rogers Sports & Media 2022-24.  LinkedIn profile

Chantelle Chand - Click to enlarge
Shantelle Chand - Broadcast Performing Arts degree Vancouver Institute of Media Arts 2009; Executive Assistant XOXO Entertainment Corp. Vancouver 2008-12; Sports Intern Canucks Sports & Entertainment Vancouver 2007; Production Assistant So You Think You Can Dance Canada 2009; Host/ Producer Coquitlam Junior Adanacs Lacrosse 2009; Sports Intern CKNW Vancouver 2009; Sports Reporter/ Intern CKNW & Promotions Team Corus Entertainment Vancouver 2012-13; Traffic Anchor Corus Entertainment Vancouver 2012-17; Guest Panelist The Hangout NBATV Toronto 2014; Co-Host/ Producer The Sideline Podcast 2014-16; Sports Intern Global News Burnaby 2014-16; NCAA Men's Basketball Expert CKNW 2015; Freelance Reporter Vancouver Canadians Baseball Club 2017; sideline reporter Canucks Sports & Entertainment Vancouver 2018-current; Sports Update anchor/ operator CKST Vancouver 2017-21 and co-host The Home Stretch 2021.  LinkedIn profile

Chuck Chandler - Click for larger photo Chuck Chandler - Cameraman CJDC-TV Dawson Creek 1964; evenings CJDC Dawson Creek 1964-65; all nights CJCA Edmonton 1965-66; as Charles P. Rodney Chandler: CJCH Halifax 1966-67; evenings CJCA 1967; afternoon drive CJCH 1967-68; p.m. drive CFOX Pointe Claire/ Montreal 1968-70; PD/ DJ CFRW Winnipeg 1971-72; as Todd Young: evenings CKGM Montreal 1972-73; as Chuck Chandler: mid-morning host/ host Homemakers Hitline CHED Edmonton 1973-79; host Disco Daze (later Any Way You Want It) syndicated to six markets from CITV-TV Edmonton 1975-78; CFRN Edmonton 1979-80; announcer Let's Make a Deal with Monty Hall from Hollywood syndicated to TV 1980-82; CFRN 1982; CKXM-FM Edmonton 1983-84; CKNG-FM Edmonton 1984-87; host 4 O'clock Rock CITV-TV 1985-86; p.m. drive then PD/ a.m. drive CKST Langley 1988-91; a.m. drive CKDA Victoria 1991-96; live game shows at shopping centers for The Ives Seattle 1996-97; p.m. drive 1997-98 then a.m. drive CFRN 1998-2002; morning host CHQT Edmonton 2002-08; DJ CKRA-FM Edmonton 2008; retired to Spain September 2008.  Died in Victoria November 28, 2017 at age 73 

George Chandler 1929 - Click for larger photo George Chandler - Engineer and radio pioneer; purchased CFXC New Westminster BC from founder Fred Hume 1926; moved station to Vancouver and changed call letters to CJOR; moved studio to Alexandria Ballroom 1930 then to Grosvenor Hotel 1932; as President of Western Association of Broadcasters, criticized Ottawa for its slowness in issuing radio licences 1941; represented Canada at North American Regional Broadcasting Conference Montreal 1949; represented Canadian government at Washington Broadcast Conference 1950; on-air Town Meeting CJOR 1950s; appeared before Fowler royal commission on broadcasting in Montreal critical of increased government control 1956; President pioneer cable company Tru-View Television Ltd. Vancouver and President B.C. Association of Broadcasters.  Died April 20, 1962 in Vancouver at age 56.  CCF biography

Andrew Chang - Click to enlarge
Andrew Chang - CBC Montreal 2004-14; suppertime news anchor CBC Television Vancouver 2014-17; news anchor CBC The National 2017-22; host daily news show national CBC News streaming Explore FAST channel 2022-; host About That streamed CBC News Explore FAST channel 2022-current.

Ken Chang 1965 - Click for larger photo Ken Chang - CHUB Nanaimo late 1950s; CFUN Vancouver circa 1960; co-founder CKAY Duncan BC 1964; mid mornings CKLG Vancouver 1964-66; CJOR Vancouver 1966-69; CBS Los Angeles.  Died in Los Angeles County May 17, 1983 at age 45

Steve Chao - Click to enlarge Steve Chao - International Affairs and Political Science McGill University 1992-93; Bachelor of Journalism Carleton University 1993-97; reporter Vancouver Television CIVT 1997-2001; Halifax correspondent CTV 2001-02; Toronto correspondent CTV 2002-04; Asia Bureau chief CTV based in Beijing 2004-09; senior Asia correspondent Al Jazeera English International, Kuala Lumpur 2009-current

Eric Chapman - Click to enlarge
Eric Chapman - Radio/ TV Broadcasting degree Columbia Academy Vancouver 2010; Street Team CFOX-FM/ CFMI-FM /CKNW Vancouver 2009; board operator CFOX-FM /CFMI-FM 2010; board op CKNW 2011-16; traffic announcer Park Royal Parking Lot West Vancouver LP radio 2012; traffic anchor CHMJ Vancouver 2014; weekend overnight host CFOX-FM 2015-16; morning show producer/ fill-in host CJAX-FM Vancouver 2016-17; morning show producer CISL Vancouver 2017-18; Corus national overnight fill-in host 2018-21; on air host/ community contributor CKNW 2018-22; Senior Producer then Production VP Obie & Ax Inc. Vancouver 2023; self employed audio content/ podcast producer 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile

Reed Chapman
Reed Chapman - Served overseas WW1; actor/ director silent motion picture industry Hollywood; sales CJOR Vancouver 1933-36; CJAT Trail 1937-38; sales CKWX Vancouver 1938-40; sales then Ad Manager Vancouver News Herald 1940-43; CKWX 1943; play-by-play with Duke McLeod Vancouver Capilanos baseball games and hockey/ boxing/ football announcer CKMO Vancouver circa 1946-47; also teamed with Leo Nicholson on sports broadcasts; news Voice of the Vancouver Sun/ emcee Public Opinion CKWX circa 1947-49. Died in Vancouver January 4, 1949 at age 54, six hours after delivering his last newscast on CKWX

Clem Chapple - Click to enlarge Clem Chapple - Reporter Victoria Times/ Daily Colonist 1960s; media advocate of salmon enhancement and stream health projects; reporter/ legislative reporter BCTV Vancouver 1970s-early 2000s (Victoria bureau chief 1981-84) except helped create Vancouver Show CKVU-TV Vancouver circa 1976.  Died in North Vancouver April 29, 2003 at age 60

Len Chapple - Click to enlarge Len Chapple - CKMO Vancouver circa 1939; original announcer CKNW New Westminster 1944-46; announcer late 1940s and announcer/ producer CBC Vancouver 1960s; announcer CHQM Vancouver circa 1960; Executive Producer CBC Vancouver and other networks covering Olympic Games in Mexico City, Munich, Montreal, and Calgary; led CBC as host broadcaster for Edmonton Commonwealth Games 1978.  Died in Victoria January 2, 2019 at age 96

Kevin Charach - Click to enlarge
Kevin Charach - Ryerson University Toronto Radio and Television Arts graduate 2009; reporter/ videographer Astral Media group Dawson Creek/ Fort St. John BC 2011-12; producer VI Sports Shaw TV Vancouver Island 2012-16; anchor/ video journalist CHEK-TV Victoria 2016-22; video journalist CTV Vancouver 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Eugene (Porky) Charbonneau - Click for CKLG Photo
Eugene (Porky) Charbonneau - CFAR Flin Flon MB 1939; CKRC Winnipeg circa 1948; a.m. drive host CKY Winnipeg 1950-57; CKLG Vancouver 1957; host CK Prairie Jamboree and Porky's Inn CKCK Regina 1957-64. Died in Edmonton August 17, 1972 at age 54

Samuel Charles - Click to enlarge

Sam Charles - Afternoon news announcer/ reporter OK Radio Group Fort McMurray AB 1999-2000; news reporter/videographer CFTK-TV/ Radio Terrace 2000-01; producer CKNW Vancouver 2001-03; play-by-play women's basketball announcer CITR-FM Vancouver 2001-06; producer/ voice Urban Rush Shaw TV Vancouver 2003-06 including Torino 2006 Olympics live reports Shaw TV/ Global BC/ CFBT-FM Vancouver; recipient Jack Webster Journalism Fellowship 2006; regional programming manager Shaw TV Saskatchewan 2006-08; producer Eleven12 Productions 2006-current; play-by-play announcer/ technical advisor University of Waterloo Athletics 2007-13; producer The Weather Network Oakville ON 2009; BlackBerry media production specialist Waterloo ON 2009-13; play-by-play announcer/ technical advisor/ media production specialist The University of British Columbia Kelowna 2013-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Troy Charles - Click to enlarge
Troy Charles - BCIT Diploma of Radio Technology 2014; news anchor/ reporter CKPR-TV Thunder Bay 2019-21; reporter Global TV Regina 2021-23; reporter Global BC 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile

Randi Chase - Click to enlarge
Randi Chase - As Randi Plante evenings CJFM-FM Montreal 2005-07; as Randi Chase: middays CHBN-FM Edmonton 2007-10; on air CKIS-FM Toronto 2010-12; morning co-host CFUN-FM/ CKKS-FM Vancouver 2012-15 and morning host CKKS-FM 2016; morning show host CKGY-FM Red Deer AB 2017-current; co-founder Dakin Chase Foundation Sylvan Lake AB 2021.  LinkedIn profile  

Lyle Chausse - Click to enlarge Lyle Chausse - Co-host Metal Shop and Powerdrive CFOX-FM Vancouver 1989-2001; Production Manager Universal Concerts Canada 1995-99; Promotions Manager Radio/ Media Relations BC Sony Music Canada (now Sony BMG) 1999-2007; co-host/ programmer The Shop CFOX-FM 2005-08; Sales/ Media/ Radio Promotions Manager BC Region EMI Music Canada (Capitol Music, Virgin Music) 2008-current

Jasbir Cheema - Click for larger photo Jasbir Cheema - Weekly host CJMR Oakville ON; host/ co-producer Citytv Toronto; Punjabi news anchor Channel M Vancouver 2003-04; Federal Conservative Party candidate Surrey North 2004; real estate broker 2004-current; director marketing and communications The Asian Star 2010-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Simmy Cheema - Click to enlarge
Simmy Cheema - Radio host Rim Jhim Vancouver 1996-current; Mornings with Simmy CJRJ Vancouver  2006-current; producer Close Look SMC & Shaw Channel 4 2010-current; health segment Punjabi News OMNI TV Vancouver 2011-current

Alicia Chelsom - Click to enlarge
Alicia Chelsom - BCIT Broadcast graduate 2006; traffic/ weather CKWX Vancouver 2006; promotions CKCL-FM Vancouver 2006-08; Public Relations Manager Fairmont Hotels & Resorts Banff AB 2008-current

Doug Cheng - Click to enlarge
Doug Cheng - Arts/ political science UBC 2003; Broadcast journalism graduate BCIT 2005; Local Heroes story producer 2005; news reporter CBC Radio Windsor 2005-06, Vancouver 2005 & 2006-07, Thunder Bay 2007-08 & Toronto 2008; Assignment Coordinator OMNI Television Vancouver 2008-11 and News Assignment Editor 2011-12; News Director CKWX Vancouver 2012; Managing Producer/ editor OMNI Televison Vancouver 2013-16; Communications Officer, Media and Issues BC Lottery Corporation 2016-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Ted Chernecki - Click to enlarge Ted Chernecki - Technical operator CKX-TV Brandon MB; breakfast show host 4CD Gladstone Australia; network newsreader 7BU Burnie Australia; reporter/ news reader CKCK-TV Regina; beat reporter/ news reader CKNW New Westminster; reporter CBC Evening News then anchor 11pm local news CBC-TV Vancouver 1980s; writer/ producer CBC NewsWorld and reporter The National CBC London UK late 1980s-1992; news anchor/ producer BCTV/ Global Vancouver 1992-2022.  LinkedIn profile        

Dave Cherniwchan - Click to enlarge Dave Cherniwchan - BCIT Broadcast Journalism program graduate 1998; Central Island Broadcasting (CKCI-FM Parksville/ CKEG Nanaimo/ CKWV-FM Nanaimo) 1998-2000; sports anchor/ reporter CKWX Vancouver 2001-07; Automotive Business Finance Manager Golden Ears Chrysler Maple Ridge BC 2007; Finance Manager O'Connor Chrysler Chilliwack 2007-current; freelance sports Broadcast News Vancouver current

Jolene Chernoff - Click to enlarge Jolene Chernoff - Columbia Academy graduate 2008; news/ sports anchor CFNA-FM Bonnyville AB 2008-09; news/ sports anchor CHED/ CHQT Edmonton 2009; news anchor CKWX Vancouver 2009-current

Mike Cherry KYAC 1974 - Click for recent enlargements Mike Cherry - CJDC AM/ TV Dawson Creek 1972; CJVB Vancouver 1973; KYAC AM/ FM Seattle 1974-75; CJAZ-FM Vancouver weekends 1981-83; CITR-FM Vancouver 1989-2000: CHLY-FM Nanaimo 2000-05; owner/ operator Internet station Sky Valley Radio, world-beat format 2005-07; Sky Valley Radio, jazz/ soul/ lounge format 2007-current; Planet Brunch host Sky Valley Radio 2005-09; operations manager CFSI-FM Salt Spring Island 2009-13; Content Administrator Puget Sound Media 2018-current

Dave Chesney 1975 - Click to enlarge Dave Chesney - Son of Joe Chesney; on air CJJC Langley 1963-76 including Music Director/ Program Director 1975-76; Music Director/ Promotions Director CKLG-FM Vancouver 1976-78; Marketing CBS Records Western Canada 1978-90; National Marketing Director Bumstead Productions Vancouver/ Washington 1990-94; Artist Management and Video/ Audio Production DC Entertainment 1994-current; instructor Pacific Audio Visual Institute (PAVI) Vancouver 2000-current; entertainment columnist 2000-current; created Internet only newspaper White Rock Sun South Surrey/ White Rock 2007

Joe Chesney CKNW early 1950s - Click for later photo courtesy Langley Advance News Joe Chesney - CJJC Kamloops & CJAV Port Alberni 1946; CKNW New Westminster 1947; CKNW AM Drive October 1947; CJOR Vancouver 1950s; founder of CJJC Langley 1963.  Died in Langley November 10, 2001 at age 82.  CCF Biography

Rob Chesterman - Click to enlarge Rob Chesterman - Emigrated to Canada from England 1956; B.C. Telephone Company Vancouver; earned diploma in industrial organization and management and pursued studies in journalism; joined CBC Vancouver as radio producer 1959; host CBC Radio's Music Diary 1961-66; won Ohio State Awards for The Church at Work and Masters of the Keyboard 1960-61; wrote Conversations with Conductors London 1976 and Conductors in Conversation London 1990; multiple program producer for his own production company Prometheus Productions; retired from CBC 1987.  Died in Vancouver June 1, 2007 at age 76.

Mike Chisholm early 2000s - Click for recent photo Mike Chisholm - BA St. Francis Xavier University Antigonish NS; Bachelor of Journalism University of King's College Halifax; CJFX Antigonish 1980s; CKO-FM-9 Halifax late 1980s; reporter CIHF-TV (MITV) Halifax early 1990s; national correspondent Global TV Halifax 1990s; correspondent CBC-TV Goose Bay Labrador; CBC-TV Edmonton, Whitehorse YT and Vancouver 1997-2001; Vancouver Television/ CTV British Columbia early 2001-05; reporter BCTV Vancouver 2005-08; Communications Manager Terasen Gas Vancouver 2009-11; Ŕrd Piobaire/ official bagpiper Rocky Mountaineer Rail Tours 2010-current; producer/ editor/ writer CBC Television News Vancouver 2011-12; media strategist/ writer GLOBE Group 2012; producer/ writer/ reporter The Vancouver Observer 2011-current and senior reporter 2013-current; Event Manager CelticFest Vancouver Society 2014-15; Chairman of the Board BC Highland Games & Scottish Festival Vancouver 2015-current; recipient Jack Webster Award.  LinkedIn profile 

Tasha Busch (Chiu) - Click to enlarge Tasha Chiu (now Tasha Busch) - BA University of British Columbia; Fastracks Snow Reporter Citytv Vancouver; co-host/ producer The Vibe Outside cable TV Whistler BC; host The Express Shaw Cable TV Vancouver 2003-05; co-host Breakfast Television Citytv 2005-08; community reporter Canucks Sports & Entertainment Vancouver 2005-08;  BCAB Broadcaster Performer of Tomorrow award 2007; Community Relations - Prairies, Lululemon Athletica, Calgary 2008-09; morning co-host CKIK-FM Red Deer 2009; host/ reporter/ producer Telus TV Calgary/ Edmonton 2009-11; host/ reporter Shaw Communications Red Deer AB 2011-12; Executive Assistant Rifco National Auto Finance Red Deer 2012-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Vanessa Chiu - Click to enlarge
Vanessa Chiu - BCIT Radio Broadcast & Media Communications graduate 2011; teaching assistant Pacific Academy Surrey 2009; logistics assistant Olympic Broadcasting Services Vancouver 2010; Street Team member CFBT-FM Vancouver 2011; weekend/ swing host CKKN-FM Prince George 2011-12; weekend/ swing host CHTT-FM Victoria 2012-13; midday/ weekend host CFUN-FM Vancouver 2013-14/ afternoon co-host/ weekend host 2014 and Assistant Music Director/ weekend host 2014-15; morning show host CHTT-FM Victoria 2015-18; actor & voice actor VA Entertainment Inc. Vancouver 2019-current; weekend host CJJR-FM Vancouver 2019-current; self-employed voice actor 2018-current/ podcast host 2020-current and Grief Coach Vancouver 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile

Hoonhee (Heather) Cho - Click for larger photo Hoonhee (Heather) Cho - Communications minor Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Seoul Korea; communications major Simon Fraser University Burnaby; Korean news anchor Channel M Vancouver; reporter Korean news magazine show Our Ground Shaw Cable Multicultural Channel

Jenna Chow - Click to enlarge Jenna Chow - BCIT broadcast communications graduate-radio; host/ producer/ writer AKA CJSF-FM Burnaby; co-host/ co-producer/ co-writer Typical CFRO-FM Vancouver; host/ producer/ writer OM Planet AAJ CHKG-FM Vancouver; freelance New Music Canada and CBC Radio 1/2/3 1999-current; swing jock/ host & producer Club XFM CKVX-FM Vancouver 2000; co-host/ p.m. traffic, host/ producer SubsoniQ, then swing jock and occasional host/ producer Punk-O-Rama CFOX-FM Vancouver 2000-05; host/ associate producer Ethnosonic Citytv Vancouver 2005; traffic reporter The Early Edition CBC Radio Vancouver 2005-current; host Station to Station CBC Radio national from Vancouver 2005-current; host ZedTunes CBC Vancouver 2006-07.

Mel Christian circa 1968 - Click to enlarge with recent photo Mel Christian - Weekend overnites CJOR Vancouver 1968-69; news CHUM Toronto 1969-71; CKOC Hamilton/ CJRN Niagara Falls/ CKTB St. Catharines ON 1971-79; news then beat and crime reporter CFUN Vancouver 1980-85; Chief Engineer CJUP Langley 1985-86; Engineer/ Consultant Overseas Chinese Voice Broadcasting (purchasers of CHQM AM/ CHMB Vancouver) 1986-99, also Production Manager CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1986-88; retired from broadcasting 1999; most recently living in Ashcroft B.C.  Died in Vancouver June 29, 2009 at age 62

Coleen Christie - Click to enlarge Coleen Christie - BA English/ history/ linguistics/ art history University of Victoria; Promotion Producer/ Creative Director CHEK-TV News Victoria 1988-97; reporter/ host entertainment unit VTV Vancouver 1997-99; Vancouver Breakfast news anchor CTV British Columbia Vancouver 1999-2001; host CTV News at Five CTV British Columbia 2001-17; anchor Global BC 2017-current.  LinkedIn profile  Coleen Christie website

Rob Christie - Click to enlarge Rob Christie - CFOX Pointe Claire QC; p.m. drive then morning host CKXL Calgary 1972-74; p.m. drive CKGM Montreal 1975-78; voice over artist/ video narrator/ TV-radio host/ MC/ auctioneer Rob Christie Productions Entp. Ltd. 1976-current; morning host CHED then CKNG-FM Edmonton 1986-94; morning host CKFM-FM Toronto 1994-99; morning host CKKS-FM/ CKLG-FM Vancouver 1999-2003; BC CTV Vancouver weekend weather 2001-03; a.m. drive CISS-FM/ CJAQ-FM Toronto 2003-05; morning host/ programming and sales consultant CHMC-FM Edmonton 2005-08; morning host CKRA-FM Edmonton 2008-18; retired from radio 2018.  LinkedIn profile

Dawn Chubai - Click to enlarge Dawn Chubai - Professional jazz singer and independant recording artist 1990-2018; Public Relations Officer Canadian Health Care Guild 1991-2000; performer/ weathercaster A-Channel Edmonton 1999-2004; Professional Emcee and Celebrity Auctioneer 1999-current; host Breakfast Television and CityLine correspondent City TV Vancouver 2004-17; Principal Consultant Dawn Chubai Media Services 2014-current; show host The Shopping Channel Toronto 2017-23; founder Live Selling School Vancouver 2023-current; BCAB Broadcaster Performer of Tomorrow award 2004.  Dawn's website  LinkedIn profile 

Sadie Chung - Click to enlarge
Sadie Chung - BCIT Broadcast Journalism program 2020-22; sales floor associate Warehouse One The Jeans Store 2017-20; barista Starbucks 2020-current; traffic anchor CHMJ Vancouver 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile

Bruno Cimolai - Click to enlarge Bruno Cimolai - Announcer/ DJ/ Red Robinson Show replacement host CJOR Vancouver early 1950s; staff announcer CBC Vancouver 1960s; CBC-TV Vancouver summer series Vacation Time 1965; co-producer Suzuki On Science CBC-TV Vancouver 1971-72

Bruce Claggett - Click to enlarge Bruce Claggett - BCIT journalism graduate 1987; announcer/ feature reporter CISQ-FM Squamish 1986; newscaster CKCQ Quesnel 1986-87; newscaster/  reporter CFVR Abbotsford 1987-92; journalism instructor BCIT 1994-95; newscaster/ reporter CKNW Vancouver 1995-2002; teacher Vancouver School Board 2001-04; Senior Managing Editor CKWX Vancouver 2003-20; Principal BFC Communications Surrey 2021-current; Managing Director Switchboard Public Relations Vancouver 2021-current; recipient Jack Webster Foundation Poynter Institute Fellowship 2006.  LinkedIn profile

Natalie Clancy - Click to enlarge Natalie Clancy - Bachelor of Journalism Carleton University Ottawa 1993; Investigative Reporter CBC Vancouver 1992-2017; National Reporter CBC-TV Vancouver 2001-07; News Anchor CBC Vancouver 2007-11; National Communications Representative Unifor Halifax 2017-18; Director Of Communications Unifor National Toronto 2018-22; Director of Public Affairs & Communucations ACTRA Toronto 2023-24; Director of Corporate Communications Toronto Police Service 2024-current; winner New York Gold World medal, two Canadian Association of Journalists Awards, four Atlantic Journalism Awards, three Bronze plaque Chris awards, two RTNDA awards and two Webster awards.  LinkedIn profile 

Barrie Clark - Click for larger current photo Barrie Clark - Announcer CKOV Kelowna 1949; CHEX Peterborough ON 1951; news: CJOR Vancouver 1952; Reuters News Agency London UK 1954; talk-show host: CKLG Vancouver 1955; CKWX Vancouver 1956; CHAN-TV Vancouver 1961; CKWX & CBUT Vancouver 1962; Councillor District of North Vancouver 1963; elected to the BC Legislature 1966; Rentalsman BC Attorney General's Ministry 1973-76; talk-show host: CKNW 1977-86; CJOR 1988; CKOV Kelowna 1989-99; Councillor Kelowna City Council 1999-2008.  Died in Vancouver March 16, 2018 at age 86

Christy Clark - Click to enlarge Christy Clark - Researcher B.C. Legislature 1992-93; Special Assistant in charge of western issues for Transport Minister Doug Young 1993-95; Liberal MLA Port Moody-Burnaby Mountain and Official Opposition critic 1996-2001; Liberal MLA Port Moody-Westwood 2001-05; appointed B.C. Minister of Education and Deputy Premier 2001; appointed Minister of Children and Family Development 2004; relief host CKNW Vancouver 2005 and host 2007-10; BC Liberal Party leadership candidate 2010 and elected party leader 2011; British Columbia Premier 2011-17; Board Director Shaw Communications 2018-current; Advisor ThoughtWire Toronto 2018-current; Associate Member InterAction Council 2018-current; Board Director Recipe Unlimited Corporation 2018-current; Chair of the Board of Directors Roots of Empathy Toronto 2019-current; Advisory Board Co-Chair Max Bell School of Public Policy Montreal 2019-current; Chair CN Vancouver Community Board 2019-current; Board Director Constellation Brands Victor NY 2019-current. LinkedIn profile   

Ian Clark late 1930s - Click for larger photos Ian Clark - CKMO Vancouver 1934; announcer then manager CKFC/ CKFX Vancouver late 1930s; announcer CFJC Kamloops 1940 then manager 1943 and eventually owner late 1940s-1960s; co-founder with Jean Ross CFCR-TV (later CFJC-TV) Kamloops 1957; established CFFM-FM (later CIFM-FM) Kamloops 1963; Kamloops Citizen of the Year 1971; donated his prize collection of radio artifacts to the community 1986; posthumously inducted into CAB Hall of Fame 1999.  Died in Kamloops August 5, 1999 at age 87

Emilie Clarke - Click to enlarge Emilie Clarke - Graduate Columbia Academy Vancouver 2007; CFVT-FM (Tourist Radio) Vancouver 2007; CJSF-FM Burnaby 2007; evenings then p.m. drive then mornings CHET-FM Chetwyn BC 2007; morning traffic CHQM-FM Vancouver and weekends/ fill-in CFBT-FM Vancouver 2008-11; CJMG-FM Penticton 2011-12; traffic/ on-air weekends CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2012-current

Jen Clarke - Click to enlarge Jen Clarke - Graduate Columbia Academy Vancouver 2002; midday talk show producer CFUN Vancouver 2004-current; 6-7 a.m. co-host CFUN 2006; host What's on Tap CKST Vancouver circa 2006

Mike Clarke - Click to enlarge Mike Clarke - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; reporter/ anchor including last six BC provincial budgets and Quebec sovereignty referendum CKNW Vancouver 1987-2004; Webster Award for in-depth coverage of 1994 Stanley Cup riots; senior writer/ researcher and backup assignment editor CityPulse News Citytv Vancouver 2004-08; assignment editor CTV British Columbia 2008-09

Mike Cleaver CJOC 1968 - Click for recent photo Mike Cleaver - Announcer/ news/ engineer CKOV Kelowna 1961-67; announcer/radio & TV news/ engineer CJOC radio and TV Lethbridge 1967-70; morning news CKXL Calgary 1970-71; news CHUM Toronto 1971-76; morning news/ assistand news director/ assistant engineer CJCA/ CIRK-FM Edmonton 1976-84; news/ assignment editor CHUM Toronto 1984-95; evening news CFRB Toronto 1995-97; p.m. drive news CFTR Toronto 1997-99; morning news/ assistant news director/ news room engineer CHUM Group Ottawa 1999-2001; news/ business reporter CJNW Vancouver 2001; news CKNW Vancouver 2001-05; news writer CTV British Columbia 2006-07; consultant/ voiceovers Mike Cleaver Broadcast Services current; radio news writing/ documentary production instructor BCIT 2008-current; local broadcast celebrity interviewer Mike Cleaver's Radiographies 2010.  Died in Vancouver February 10, 2019 at age 72. 

Peter Clemente - Click to enlarge Peter Clemente (Rodd Crandall) - CKPG Radio/ TV Prince George; assignment editor, then general assignment reporter, health and medical reporter, and business reporter CKVU-TV/ CityPulse News Citytv Vancouver 1984-2004; volunteer host classical music feature Speech of Angels and co-host Let's Talk CFIS-FM Prince George.  Died in Prince George February 12, 2014 

Rick Cluff - Click for recent photo Rick Cluff - News reporter/ editor national CBC radio 1976-78; sports national CBC radio 1978-97 (covered Olympic Games, golf championships and world hockey championships); host CBC Radio Vancouver The Early Edition 1997-2017; retired 2017. Died July 2, 2024 in North Vancouver at age 74.  LinkedIn profile 

Chris Coburn - Click to enlarge Chris Coburn - Radio Broadcasting Program honours graduate Humber College of Applied Arts and Technology Toronto; announcer CJWA Wawa ON 1982; announcer/ Music Director CFBQ Parry Sound ON 1982-84; announcer CKLQ Brandon MB 1984-86; p.m. drive CFFR Calgary 1986-90; p.m. drive CHFM-FM Calgary 1990-93; morning host then p.m. drive/ assistant PD CJJR-FM Vancouver 1993-2008; a.m. drive host CKPK-FM Vancouver 2008-12; morning host CKQC-FM Abbotsford 2012-21; retired from radio February 2021; bike sales 2021-current

Howard Cogan - Click to enlarge Howard Cogan - CJBQ Belleville ON 1983; Todd Howard CKWS Kingston, ON 1983-84; Todd Chase CJBK London ON 1985-86 & CKSL London 1986-87; Howie the Hitman evenings/ PM drive CKLG Vancouver 1987-93; Hungryman Cogan PM drive CFBR-FM Edmonton 1993-94; Howie Cogan evenings/ middays CFMI-FM Vancouver 1994-95; Howie the Hitman weekends CKZZ-FM Vancouver 1996-97; Hungryman Cogan evenings/ PM drive CILQ-FM Toronto 1997-2000; producer Digital Survivor Guide 2000-03; voice imaging for JACK and other stations Canada/ US 2002-current.  Howard Cogan Productions

Joy Coghill - Click to enlarge Joy Coghill - Master of Fine Arts degree Goodman Theatre, Art Institute of Chicago 1950; drama teacher UBC 1951-52/ 1954-66; hundreds of hours with live then recorded full length original and classical radio drama CBC Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal beginning in 1955; interviewed by some of the Greats at CJOR and CKWX; Member of the Order of Canada 1991; RTNDA award for Best National News Commentary (radio) 2000; Governor General's Performing Arts Award 2002.  Joy's website and biography

Andy Cole - Click to enlarge
Andy Cole - Radio Arts Degree BCIT 2015; vocalist/ drummer Vancouver band Callahan 2005-11; phone sales rep Rogers Communications North Vancouver 2010-15; swing announcer CHNL/ CKRV-FM Kamloops 2015-18; Sports Updates CKST Vancouver 2018-21; producer The Sport Market and Seahawks games CFTE Vancouver 2021-22; producer CISL Vancouver 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Val Cole - Click to enlarge Val Cole - Radio and TV broadcasting Conestoga College Kitchener, ON; morning show host CHYM-FM Kitchener 1993-2000; morning co-host CKKS-FM Vancouver 2000-03; pet segment feature reporter City TV Vancouver 2003-05; TV host Shaw TV Vancouver 2002-07; talk show host CFUN Vancouver 2003-09; actor The Characters Agency 2005-10; host of Daytime Toronto Rogers TV Toronto 2009-current; host Canadian Better Living TV Toronto 2010-current; film/ TV commercial actor 2010-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Cal Coleman CJOR circa 1966 - Click to enlarge Cal Coleman - CKOV Kelowna mid 1960s; news CKDA Victoria; evening DJ CJOR Vancouver mid 1960s; news CKLG Vancouver; news CKVN Vancouver circa 1971.  Died in Calgary November 17, 1997

Jen Coles - Click to enlarge
Jen Coles - Graduate Columbia Academy 2008; traffic reporter CHMJ and Corus Radio Group Vancouver; morning traffic reporter/ Managing Traffic Editor CKWX Vancouver 2012-current

Lynn Colliar - Click to enlarge
Lynn Colliar - Member British Columbia Institute of Technology Journalism program; news writer/ reporter/ morning news anchor/ weekend morning news anchor BCTV/ Global TV Vancouver 1992-2018; BCAB Excellence in News Reporting award for A Shred of Evidence; writer/ co-producer home invasions against the elderly community forum kNOw more.  LinkedIn profile           

Bob Colling circa 1956 - Click for 1985 photo Bob Colling - Announcer/ news/ operator CHWK Chilliwack 1944; Lorne Greene School of Broadcasting 1949-50; farm editor CHLO St. Thomas ON 1950-52; CKNW New Westminster; CKMO Vancouver; news CKWX Vancouver 1956-66; public relations Pacific National Exhibition Vancouver 1960s; reporter Broadcast News Edmonton 1966-93; co-founder Child Development Foundation Edmonton 1971; set up The Brail Tone Music Society Edmonton 1988; retired 1993; member CAB 50 year club.  Died in Edmonton November 7, 2010 at age 82.

Doug Collins - Click to enlarge Doug Collins - Interviewer/ editorialist CBC-TV Vancouver 7 O'Clock Show 1958-68; news director/ talk show host CJOR Vancouver 1981-85; reporter/ columnist Vancouver Sun and Province; columnist North Shore News 1983-97; author of several books; Canada's National Newspaper Award 1953, MacMillan Bloedel Award 1975 and Commemorative Medal for the 125th Anniversary of Canada's Confederation 1993.  Died September 29, 2001 in Vancouver at age 81. bio

Dustin Collins - Click to enlarge
Dustin Collins - BCIT Broadcast program graduate 2000; Brand Manager Astral Radio Group Calgary then Okanagan 2000-12; morning host CISL Vancouver 2012 and middays/ APD CHHR-FM Vancouver 2012-13; Program Director CFMI-FM Vancouver 2013-19 & PD CFOX-FM Vancouver 2016-19; PD CJJR-FM/ CKPK-FM Vancouver 2019-22; PD-Classic West Corus Radio including CFMI-FM 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Eleanor Collins 1956 - Click for more recent CBC photo
Eleanor Collins - Nee Eleanor Procter; Vancouver’s “First Lady of Jazz”; won singing contest at age 15 CFRN Edmonton 1934; singer CBC Radio Vancouver with gospel group Swing Low Quartet 1940-42; first Canadian woman to host her own national television show The Eleanor Show produced in Vancouver for CBC Television Network 1955; star on CBC Vancouver Radio’s Eleanor Sings the Blues 1960; popular guest on numerous CBC television and radio programmes from the 1950s to early 1970s and again during 1980s; celebrated 100th birthday November 21, 2019; honoured with a postage stamp 2022; died in Surrey March 3, 2024 at age 104.  CBC Bio  CBC News/ Video

Greg Collins 1973 - Click to enlarge Greg Collins - CKLG Vancouver then morning host CKLG-FM mid 1970s; TV writer Los Angeles

Ray Collins - Click to enlarge Ray Collins - Radio/ TV and location sound recordist, film producer; aka Bill Edwards & Jack Houston; CFTR Toronto 1974-80; weekends CKEY Toronto circa 1989; CKLW Windsor; CKXL Calgary late 1970s-early 80s; PD CHQR Calgary 1982-84; CFRN Edmonton late 1985-86s; mornings CHML Hamilton 1987; instructor Seneca College 1987-88; weekends CKKS-FM Vancouver early 1990s; weekends/ fill-in/ imaging voice/ Oldies Coast to Coast CISL Vancouver 1991-92; weekends CJJR-FM Vancouver 1997; voice of Prime Time Movies KVOS-TV Bellingham for seven years; CHCH-TV Hamilton booth; KCBA Salinas CA booth; national voice for Zales Jewelry, Sears, Sony, The Bay, and safety video narrator for Howe Sound Pulp and Paper, industrials for BC Hydro, Port of Richmond etc; location sound instructor Vancouver Film School 2005-06; produced TV pilot Grave Decisions for Vision TV 1998 which won 10 Leo Awards; sound mixer Before We Ruled the Earth Discovery Channel; as Ray Collins p.m. drive CKAY-FM Gibsons 2006-07; freelancing, V/O and location sound current; member IATSE, ACFC & UBCP

Rob Collins CJDC-TV 1974-76 Rob Collins - Morning show host/ TV newscaster CJDC/ CJDC-TV Dawson Creek 1974-76; various on-air positions CJJC Langley 1976-81; sales CFUN/ CHQM-FM Vancouver 1981-96; sales CBC-TV Vancouver 1998-2000; President Pacific Corporate theadagency Group Ltd. 2000-current

Ken Colman circa 1960 - Click for recent photo
Kenny Colman - Late night DJ CKMO Vancouver early 1950s; morning DJ Bermuda; casted and created ideas for quiz show Play Your Hunch New York; club jazz singer New York 1960s; performer with Lionel Hampton and Della Reese Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas 1960s; played shows and resorts from Aruba to Acapulco to Palm Springs; discovered by Frank Sinatra and engaged to play Loews Monte Carlo.  Died in Vancouver area August 23, 2017 at age 85

Merv Connally early 1960s - Click to enlarge Merv Connelly - CFUN Vancouver 1960s-79, news CKLG Vancouver 1980s-90s; retired from radio and working as a carpenter and woodworker in cottage country north of Toronto

Joannah Connolly - Click to enlarge Joannah Connolly - Chief sub-editor, Building magazine United Business Media 2001-06; Group Production Editor Pulse and Practical Commissioning United Business Media 2006-10; Editor Healthcare magazine/ Production Editor Baum Publications 2010-11; freelance online editing Business in Vancouver 2011; Marketing Coordinator Cannon Design 2011-12; Online Editor/ News Assignment Editor, Business in Vancouver newspaper 2012-14; Editor/ Content Manager Editor-in-Chief Western Investor and West Coast Condominium/ regular guest host CKNW Vancouver 2014-17; host The Real Estate Therapist CIRH-FM Vancouver 2015-17; Editorial Director, Glacier Media Real Estate 2018-current.  LinkedIn profile

John Connors - BCIT broadcast program graduate; sports reporter/ producer Sports Grill with Don Taylor CKNW Vancouver 2001; sports talk show anchor CKST Vancouver to 2003

Jim Conrad - Click for recent photo
Jim Conrad - CHAT Medicine Hat AB 1977; CFAX Victoria 1978-82; CKDA Victoria 1982; CFOX-FM Vancouver 1982-83; Fill-in CKWX Vancouver 1983-84; voice-over talent 1984-current; president/ CEO JCA Communications Inc. 1986-current; prominent voice-over talent, narrator and commercial voice for numerous major corporations including promo voice: NBC Sports/ CBS/ ABC/ Fox Primetime/ Animal Planet US/Sportsman Channel US; Toyota National retail voice US; narrator Aerial America-Smithsonian Channel US; narrator IOC presentation Vancouver 2010 Olympic bid; voice of God - Superbook cartoon series; imaging voice: CKNW Vancouver 1989, TSN/ TSN 2 2001-13, CTV Vancouver 2010.  Jim Conrad website  LinkedIn profile 

Barbara Constantine
Barbara Constantine - TV host/ producer/ reporter/ writer CBC, CKVU-TV and Knowledge Network Vancouver 1983-2000; marketing & communications, writing, development, project management Knowledge Network & City of Vancouver 2000-05; Project Manager City of Vancouver Olympic and Paralympic Operations, Sustainability Office, Corporate Communications 2005-10; events coordinator/ communications consultant City of Vancouver Election Office 2010-11; business consultant Constantine Communications Vancouver 2012-current.  LinkedIn profile

Holly Conway - Click for larger photo Holly Conway - BCIT Broadcast program graduate; CKQR-FM Castlegar; CFMI-FM Vancouver; CIFM-FM/ CKBZ-FM Kamloops 2003; CFMI-FM 2005; as Holly weekends CFBT-FM Vancouver 2005-12 and morning co-host 2012-current

Chuck Cook - Click for larger photo Chuck Cook (Charles Henry Cook) - Winnipeg DJ; successful Calgary lawyer and talk show host of Forum 10-midnight CHQR Calgary mid 1960s-early 1970s; talk show host CJOR Vancouver 1972-78; Progressive Conservative Member of Parliament North Vancouver-Burnaby 1979-93. Died in North Vancouver February 23, 1993 at age 66

Dan Cook - Click to enlarge Dan Cook - Host news/ celebrity guest interview program UpClose with Dan Cook CKNW Vancouver December 2003-current and syndicated into Toronto on Corus Radio Network Sept. 2004-current; political columnist The Globe and Mail Toronto 2005-current

Jenny West Cooney - Click to enlarge
Jenny West Cooney - BCIT Radio Arts & Entertainment graduate 2014; on-air/ promotions BCIT Evolution 107.9 2012-14; Brand Ambassador Magnet Engagement Group Vancouver 2013-14; promotional representative Groupe Promo-Staff RTM Vancouver 2013-14; Brand Ambassador Vibrant Ideation & Marketing Vancouver 2013-14; intern Pattison Media Victoria 2014; announcer/ producer CKKN-FM Prince George 2014-15; on air personality CJZN-FM Victoria 2015-current; fill-in midday host CKPK-FM Vancouver 2021; Allan Waters Young Broadcaster of the Year award 2023.  LinkedIn profile

Adam Cooper - Click to enlarge
Adam Cooper - Bachelor of Broadcasting Communications New Zealand Broadcasting School 2013; Master of Ceremonies Netball New Zealand 2017; Sports Host/ News Reader NZME Auckland New Zealand 2011-18; News Anchor CKWX Vancouver 2018-19; morning newsreader/ sub-editor/ chief reporter Newstalk ZB Wellington New Zealand 2019-current.  LinkedIn profile

Hayley Cooper - Click to enlarge
Hayley Cooper - Broadcast Journalism diploma Fanshawe College London ON 2004; intern CHML Hamilton ON 2003; reporter/ news anchor CHCD-FM Simcoe ON 2006-07; reporter/ news anchor/ producer CHNL Kamloops 2007-10; assignment editor/ reporter/ news anchor CKFR Kelowna 2010-12; web editor/ news anchor CKWX Vancouver 2012-15; reporter CFRB Toronto 2015-21; Director of Communications for Etobicoke Centre MPP Kinga Surma 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile

Mel Cooper - Click for 1992 OBC photo Mel Cooper - Announcer CJAV Port Alberni 1951 & CKMO Vancouver 1952; News Editor CKWX Vancouver; National Sales Manager CKNW New Westminster 1955 and General Sales Manager 1957; GM CKNW 1970; VP Western Broadcasting 1967-73; President Western Broadcast Sales; 1970-73 President Western Productions Ltd; majority owner Seacoast Communications, owner of CFAX Victoria 1974 and CFEX-FM/ CHBE-FM Victoria 2000-04 and Chair of Community Affairs 2004-current; President Seacoast Sound 1980-2004; past Director Radio Bureau of Canada/ Bureau of Broadcast Measurement/ BC Association of Broadcasters; BCAB Broadcast Citizen of the Year 1979 and Broadcaster of the Year 2000; Order of British Columbia award 1992.  CCF biography  OBC biography

Doreen Copeland - Click to enlarge Doreen Copeland - Announcer/ Music Director CKKS-FM/ CKLG-FM then host Vancouver Chills CKCL-FM Vancouver 1982-2006; freelance writer/ voice talent current

Matt Coppin - Click to enlarge Matt Coppin - Columbia Academy graduate Vancouver 2007; traffic/ weather announcer CHMJ Vancouver 2007-15; traffic anchor CKWX Vancouver 2015-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Owen Coppin - Click to enlarge Owen Coppin - Graduate UBC B.Sc. 1970; Engineering/ Information Technology City Of Vancouver 1966-2005; host 12 episodes Your Own Radio Show CFOX-FM Vancouver 1989-90; graduated Kwantlen College Broadcast program 1992; operator CFMI-FM Vancouver then producer Lights Out CFMI-FM 1995-2015

John Copsey - Click to enlarge
John Copsey - Technical Communications diploma Red River College Winnipeg 2004; Radio/ TV broadcasting diploma Academy of Broadcasting Inc. Winnipeg 2007; Technical Communications Consultant Cadence Human Systems Winnipeg 2005-06; host/ announcer CJNU-FM Winnipeg 2007; morning show host/ producer/ copywriter/ music director CFAR Flin Flon MB 2007; Radio Instructor Academy of Broadcasting Corp. Winnipeg 2011-12; reporter/ anchor CJOB Winnipeg 2007-13; Media Sales Consultant MB/ Prairies/ NW Ontario Killarney Printing Inc. 2013-14; Sales/ Account Representative Momentum Conferencing Vancouver 2014-16; weekend news anchor CKWX Vancouver 2015-18; Sales Development Representative ecmarket inc. Vancouver 2016-17; Business Development Manager Wizard IT Services/ LinuxMagic Vancouver 2017-18; Sales Development Representative EasyMarkit Vancouver 2018-current; National Network News Anchor Global News radio network from CKNW Vancouver 2018-21. Died January 25, 2021 at age 53.  LinkedIn profile 

Kate Corcoran - Click to enlarge Kate Corcoran - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; CBC Radio Vancouver 1985; TV reporter Ontario; reporter CKVU-TV Vancouver 1989-2000; reporter CTV British Columbia 2000-06; recipient Jack Webster Award for Best TV Reporting 2002; Coroner with Vancouver Metro Regional Coroners Office 2007-current

Lisa Cordasco - Click for recent photo Lisa Cordasco - Associate producer/ host/ reporter/ senior editor CBC Prince Rupert; Vancouver Island reporter CBC Radio Vancouver 1989; first host On The Island CBC Radio Victoria 2000; fill-in national reporter and host Afternoon Show CBC Vancouver; reporter/ show host CBC Radio Victoria 2000-15; Senior Reporter/ News Director CHLY-FM Nanaimo 2020-21; Legislative Reporter Vancouver Sun/ Province 2021-current   

Sam Corea - Click to enlarge
Sam Corea - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1984; news CKO-FM-4 Vancouver circa early 1980s; CKCQ Quesnel; CFTK Radio/ TV Terrace BC; news announcer CISQ-FM/ CISW-FM Squamish/ Whistler 1994-96; senior media relations specialist Insurance Corporation of BC 1996-2000; editor CKWX Vancouver 1996-2000; media relations communications specialist Insurance Corporation of British Columbia 1996-2001; media relations director Vancouver 2010 Bid Corporation 2000-03; communications manager VANOC 2003-05; press centre supervisor TOROC Torino 2006 Organising Committee for XXth Olympic Winter Games 2006; Editorial Services Manager VANOC 2005-07; press services manager Vancouver Organizing Committee 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games 2007-10; sportswriter Paralympic News Service VANOC 2010; Freelance Writer The Curling News Vancouver 2010-current; Consultant Corcomm Services Vancouver 2010-current including Senior Communications Specialist (Media Relations) Insurance Corporation of British Columbia 2016-17; Media Ops Photo Manager Winter Youth Olympic Games Innsbruck Austria 2012; Senior Manager Press Services Pan/ Parapan American Games Organizing Committee Toronto 2013-15; Media Central Supervisor Invictus Games Toronto 2016-17; Senior Communications Specialist E-Comm 9-1-1 Vancouver 2017-current; Press Operations Subject Matter Expert FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament Victoria 2020-current.  LinkedIn profile

Kate Corman - News Morning Zoo CKLG Vancouver 1991-93

Chantal Coschizza - Click to enlarge
Chantal Coschizza - BCIT Broadcast and Online Journalism graduate 2015; Lifeguard & Swim Instructor Corporation of Delta 2008-12; TV Student Reporter Global News Kelowna 2014; Writer The Link BCIT Burnaby 2013-14; Photo Marshall & Quote Taker Vancouver Whitecaps FC 2014; Student TV Reporter ViaSport Prince George 2015; Shift Leader/ Server & Bartender JOEY Restaurant Group 2012-15; Programming Assistant/ Producer & Reporter CKNW Vancouver 2015-17; Senior Producer Charles Adler Tonight Corus Entertainment Vancouver 2017-18; Communications Officer Vancouver College 2018-current.  LinkedIn profile

Ed Cosgrove - Click to enlarge
Ed Cosgrove - Reporter/ photographer Vancouver Province 1950s; reporter CBC Vancouver and Toronto 1960s; reporter BCTV Vancouver.  1967 CBC-TV video 

Blane Coulcher - Click for recent CFAX photo Blane Coulcher - BA University of British Columbia 1956; meteorological officers course University of Toronto 1956; meteorologist in various Canadian centres including MB, NT, AB and BC 1957-70; instructor meteorology/ climatology Douglas College Victoria 1970-85; morning weather CKWX/ CJAZ-FM Vancouver 1979-84 with appearances on Vancouver/ Victoria TV; retired, but joined CFAX Victoria as part-time weather personality 1985-2007

Bill Courage - Click for recent enlargement Bill Courage - BCIT broadcast graduate; CHNL Kamloops 1981; sports CKNW New Westminster circa 1984; CKLG Vancouver 1985; CHNL 1985; CKOV Kelowna 1985-86; CFMI-FM Vancouver late 1980s; PD CHRK-FM Kamloops 1989-90; CKNW/ CFMI-FM early 1990s; p.m. drive co-host CFOX-FM Vancouver 1994-99; a.m. drive co-host CKST Vancouver 2001; CHMJ and host Courage Adventure Show CKNW Vancouver 2002-04; p.m. drive CFQX-FM Winnipeg 2004-09; voice of CTV BC and Manitoba to 2009; p.m. drive co-host CHHR-FM Vancouver 2009-10 then a.m. drive host 2010-11; voice for 2010 Olympic Broadcast Media Consortium for Bell Media and Rogers Media 2010; voice over talent current.  Bill Courage website

Dave Courier - CHQB Powell River late 1960s; news CKVN Vancouver 1969-70; CJVI Victoria mid 1970s

Wayne Cousins - Click for larger photo Wayne Cousins - Co-host Worldstage '86 CBC-TV Vancouver; corporate spokesman then Power Smart Retail Accounts Manager BC Hydro Vancouver.  LinkedIn profile 

George Cowie CKLG - Click to enlarge George Cowie - CJAV Port Alberni 1950s; CFUN Vancouver 1960s; sales CKLG Vancouver; General Sales Manager Coast Radio Group Courtenay/ Campbell River/ Powell River retired 2000.  Died October 26, 2014 in Port Coquitlam at age 75

Maurice Cownden - Host Moe's Mansion CKMO Vancouver 1950s; senior announcer & host Club 900 CJVI Victoria; public relations director University of Victoria 1970s

Jim Cox photo courtesy Top Dog! history of CKNW - Click for alternate photo Jim Cox - Original morning host at age 16, CKNW New Westminster 1944; Salmonbellies Lacrosse play-by-play 1945-53; called Bannister-Landy Miracle Mile at British Empire Games 1954; Voice of the BC Lions CKNW Sports 1954-83 and News/ Sports director early 1950s; Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame and Canadian Football Hall of Fame inductee; BC Sports Hall of Fame inductee 2004; retired 1989.  Died in New Westminster January 29, 1998 at age 69

Wayne Cox early 1970s - Click for recent photo Wayne Cox - CKLG-FM Vancouver 1968; CKCQ Quesnel 1968-69; CHNL Kamloops 1970-71; CKNW New Westminster 1971-78; host Wednesday Night Hockey telecasts 1977-78; CKWX Vancouver 1978-80; host Vancouver Show CKVU-TV Vancouver 1979-83; news anchor CKVU-TV 1983-85; host T.G.I.F./ Video Gallery CKVU-TV 1986; game show host Second Honeymoon CBN (Christian Broadcast Network) 1987-88; CJOR Vancouver 1987-88; game show host Talkabout CBC & U.S. Fox stations 1988-89; host Legal Wise CBC/ Knowledge Network 1989-90; game show host Acting Crazy Global TV/ syndication 1991-92; weekend weather host Global-TV Vancouver 1992-97; weather anchor News Hour BCTV/ Global TV Vancouver 1997-2012; BC Entertainment Hall of Fame Starwalk at the Orpheum award 2006.  Mike Cleaver interview   

Brian Coxford - Click for larger photo Brian Coxford - CKPR-TV Thunder Bay; news CKNW New Westminster circa 1974; reporter BCTV/ Global Vancouver 1974-2014; Jack Webster award for Eurohealth 2005; Canadian Association of Broadcasters Gold Ribbon Award for Best Television News Special 2005; BC Radio-Television News Directors Association Dan McArthur Award for in-depth/ investigative reporting 2005; recipient Bruce Hutchison Lifetime Achievement Award 2014.  LinkedIn profile  

Ross Crain 1958 - Click to enlarge Ross Crain - DJ CKWX Vancouver 1954-55; CJOR Vancouver 1955-56; CKWX 1956-60; CFCF radio/ TV Montreal and CFOX Montreal 1960-65; writer/ analyst Market Development Department CBS TV Network Sales New York 1966-69; Toronto: Research Director CTV Network 1969-71; Research Director TV Division All Canada Radio and Television Ltd. 1971-74; Marketing Manager BBM and Membership Director/ VP Toronto Chapter American Marketing Association 1974-75; Research Director Calendar Magazines 1975-77; Marketing Research Manager The Globe and Mail 1977-79; Project Manager ADCOM Research 1979-80; Project Director Newspaper Marketing Bureau 1980-82; Instructor Marketing Department School of Business Administration Ryerson Polytechnic Institute 1982-83; Professor Business Management Seneca College 1983-97; Vancouver: retired/ volunteer textbook recorder Crane Resource Centre Production Unit for the blind and visually impaired UBC Vancouver 1997-circa 2018.  Died in Vancouver February 24, 2019 at age 86.   Mike Cleaver interview   

Michael Crampton -  Announcer CFPR Prince Rupert 1964-66; staff announcer CBC Vancouver 1966-77; co-host with Doug Campbell Michael and Me CBC Radio Vancouver 1969-70; civic affairs reporter Good Morning Radio and host late-night radio show Music of Paris CBU Vancouver early 1970s; host The Vancouver Show CKVU-TV Vancouver 1977.  Died December 1, 2002 in Derby, England

Gary Crane - Click to enlarge Gary Crane - At age 16 overnight VOCM radio network St. John's NF; on air as Chuck Mitchell CJON St. John's NF 1972-75; as Johnny Walker CFBC St. John NB 1976; production/ weekends CFRA Ottawa 1976-1979; Production Manager CFGO Ottawa 1979; Creative Dept. CFAX Victoria 1980; writer/ producer CFOX-FM/ CKLG Vancouver 1981; President National Air syndication coast to coast including Countdown Canada writer/ producer/ voice 1978-84; CJYQ St. John's 1984; operator/ live info cut-ins CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1987; producer Doc Harris show CFUN Vancouver 1992-93; news reader/ overnights CHQM AM Vancouver 1993; transit Vancouver 2000-18; retired and recording audiobooks from home for 2019-current. LinkedIn profile  Website

Mary Cranston - Click to enlarge
Mary Cranston - Broadcast Journalism, Post Graduate Studies Degree Fanshawe College London ON 2012; Intern CTV News Toronto 2012; Reporter/ News Anchor CKGL Kitchener ON 2013-15; Host/ Producer Talk Local Rogers TV Kitchener 2014-15; Freelance Reporter/ Videographer TV Cogeco Burlington ON 2015; Writer/ Reporter CTV News Kitchener 2015-17; Video Journalist CTV News Saint John NB 2017-18; Reporter/ Anchor Breakfast Television Citytv Vancouver 2018-20; Anchor/ Reporter CTV Vancouver 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile

Foster Crawford - Click to enlarge
Foster Crawford - BCIT graduate 1986; on air CISQ-FM/ CISW-FM Squamish/ Whistler; news/ op CJOR Vancouver 1986; on air CJJR-FM Vancouver 1986-89; host Home Shopping Network Toronto 1989-92; on air Coast to Coast Radio Network Toronto 1992-94; sales CHWO Toronto 1998-2011; national sales manager FYI - Forever Young Information Toronto 2011-current 

Michael Crawford - As Michael CKLG-FM Vancouver circa 1968-70

Robyn Crawford - Click to enlarge
Robyn Crawford - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 2017; intern CHBC-TV Kelowna 2016; Program Recreation Leader City of Coquitlam 2011-17; traffic anchor CHMJ Vancouver 2017-18; news reporter/ anchor CKNW Vancouver 2018-21; anchor/ producer CKWX Vancouver 2021-24 and Assistant News Director 2023-24; Manager of Communications and Government Relations City of White Rock 2024-current.  LinkedIn profile

Jeff Cresswell
Jeff Cresswell - BCIT broadcast graduate; news CKWX Vancouver 2000-04; CBC Edmonton 2004; news writer/ producer Global Edmonton morning news current

Jeremy Crittenden 2000 - Click for 2005 photo Jeremy Crittenden - Acting program graduate Gastown Actors' Studio and Arts Institute; actor in studio productions Mass Appeal, Kennedy's Children, Savage in Limbo, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Romeo and Juliet; actor/ independant artist 2000-10; anchor/ entertainment reporter CKWX Vancouver 2002-09; role of Bobby and lead singer in Tomorrow Belongs To Me Arts Club Theatre Company production of Cabaret 2006; content/ communications manager FoodConnect Inc. 2007-09; actor Alta Boyz Arts Club Theatre Company 2012; leading puppet actor in musical Avenue Q Vancouver 2014-15.  Jeremy's website  LinkedIn profile 

Chris Crombie - Co-host with Jack Webster That's a Fair Question CJOR Vancouver early to mid 1950s

Steve Crombie - Click for early photo Steve Crombie - News CKWX Vancouver 1980s; Director, Public Affairs & Communications International Forest Products Limited (Interfor) current; co-chair Board of Trustees The Jack Webster Foundation current

Nicola Crosbie - Click to enlarge Nicola Crosbie - Broadcast Meteorology Mississippi State University 2006; media librarian/ food reporter then weather and traffic reporter VTV Breakfast Vancouver Television 1998-2005; morning talk show host CFUN Vancouver 2001-03; weather anchor CTV British Columbia/ CTV NewsNet 2003-05; actor in numerous movies including I Robot and Connie and Carla 2004; only female in BC to become a Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) endorsed weathercaster; chief weathercaster Global Television Edmonton 2005-15; morning co-host CKEA-FM Edmonton 2015-16; Communications Strategist Government of Alberta Edmonton 2017-current.  LinkedIn profile

Jim Crossen - Talk show host Crossfire CJOR Vancouver 1963-64; host/ interviewer Town Crier, Vancouver segment of public affairs Across Canada series CBC Television 1964-65   

Stan Crossley - Click to enlarge James Stanley (Stan) Crossley - Broadcast engineering program BCIT; beat reporter CJOR Vancouver early 1970s; CJJC Langley mid 1970s; CFVR Abbotsford; CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1977; formed his own radio/ tv monitoring company Crossley Communications; wrote under the name James Stanley for the White Rock newspaper.  Died in Maple Ridge BC May 23, 2008 at age 60

Glenn Crouter 1980 - Click to enlarge Glenn Crouter - First sports director CISL Richmond 1980; Vice-President Media & Community Relations Woodbine Entertainment Group Toronto current

Joe Crozier - Click to enlarge Joe Crozier - Professional hockey defenceman 1949-61 including PCHL Vancouver Canucks 1950-51; Head Coach numerous hockey teams 1957-84 including WHL Vancouver Canucks 1968-70 and Jim Pattison owned WHA Vancouver Blazers 1974-75; sports show host CJOR Vancouver 1970.  Pro hockey bio

David Cruise - Click to enlarge
David Cruise - Active Living co-ordinator Strength-Tek Fitness Consulting Ottawa 1998-2000; professional host/ emcee Disney Cruise Line 2000-01; songwriter/ performer Stuck on Saturn (Band) Ottawa 2001-07; professional host/ emcee Disney Cruise Line 2007-11; freelance voice-over Ottawa 2012; on-air personality CIHT-FM Ottawa 2012-14; morning show host CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2014-17.  LinkedIn profile 

Carmen Cruz - Click to enlarge Carmen Cruz - Anchor/ reporter/ producer ShawTV Edmonton 2002-06; reporter/ producer/ writer CityTV Edmonton 2006-07; reporter/ producer/ writer CTV Media Vancouver 2007-08; traffic reporter/on air personality CJJR-FM/ CKPK-FM Vancouver 2008-11; contract Casting Director/ Production Coordinator/ Events Coordinator/ Social Media Consultant Great Pacific Media Vancouver 2012; contract Production Coordinator (Warner Brothers) Arrow (Season 1) Oliver Queen Films Vancouver 2012-13; traffic anchor CHMJ/ operator CFMI-FM/ swing announcer CFOX-FM Vancouver 2013-19; weekend announcer/ social media strategist CFOX-FM 2014-19 and midday host 2019-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Sean Cruz - Click to enlarge Sean Cruz - Broadcast Performing Arts Diploma Columbia Academy Vancouver 2007; Customer Service Representative Vancouver Symphony Orchestra 2002-07; Traffic/ Sports Reporter CJMJ/ CKNW Vancouver 2007-16; Film Actor current.  LinkedIn profile 

Steve Culhane - Click to enlarge Steve Culhane - BCIT Radio Program graduate 1984; news/ sports/ community events/ promotions/ productions/ 1988 Calgary Olympics Western Information Network/ CKNW Vancouver/ Sports Illustrated; World Cup of Soccer Italy CKNW/ AP 1990; news/ sports CKWX Vancouver/ SRN 1990-95; Vancouver Canucks/ Grizzlies/ BC Lions coverage ESPN/ SportsTicker/ AP Radio 1995-2000; World Cup of Soccer Japan Fuji Broadcasting/ AP 2002; completed Doctorate Degree UBC 2001 and left broadcasting for teaching applied linguistics and English

Jack Cullen - Click for early CKNW photo Jack Cullen - News announcer and DJ CJAV Port Alberni 1946; host Owl Prowl CKMO Vancouver 1947; CKWX Vancouver 1948; host Owl Prowl and 1320 Club CKNW New Westminster 1949; CKMO/ CFUN Vancouver 1954; CKNW 1957-99, interviewed Beatles with 'NW newsman Jack Webster 1964; CKST Vancouver 2000; member B.C. Entertainment Hall of Fame Starwalk at the Orpheum.  Died in New Westminster April 27, 2002 at age 80.  CCF Biography  1983 Tony Wade, YouTube video  

Linda Cullen - Click to enlarge Linda Cullen - BCIT Broadcast Program trainee; evening host CISL Richmond 1980; producer CKNW Vancouver 1982-86; CBC Radio Vancouver Double Exposure 1987-97; CTV national comedy show 1997-2000; president Cullen Robertson Productions Inc. 1997-current.  LinkedIn profile

John Cummings - Click to enlarge John Cummings - (John David Cumming) CHTK Prince Rupert 1973-75; CKOK Penticton 1975-77; CJCA-FM Edmonton 1977-79; CJVI Victoria 1979; morning host CKXR Salmon Arm 1979-81; morning host CKXM-FM Edmonton 1981-85; CHQT Edmonton 1985-86; one of first hires/ first shift at sign-on July 1/ 86 and producer Across the Trax CJJR-FM Vancouver 1986-89; wrote and recorded over 25 shows on the Beatles CISL Richmond 1989-91; retired from radio 1991; special education assistant Richmond School Board retired 2009.  Died in New Westminster February 19, 2017 at age 68.

Don Cunliffe CKMO 1941 - Click to enlarge Don Cunliffe - Announcer/ copy writer CKMO Vancouver 1941; President University of BC Radio Society (RADSOC) late 1940s

Chris Cunnington - Click to enlarge
Chris Cunnington - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 1999; intern 1998 and reporter 1999 CKWX Vancouver; reporter CKVU-TV Vancouver; reporter CTV Vancouver early-mid 2000's. Died in Vancouver March 23, 2018 at age 42.

Espe Currie - Click to enlarge
Espe Currie - Bachelor of Arts UBC Vancouver 2009; Honours Post Graduate Broadcast Journalism Humber College Toronto 2014; News Centre Associate CNW Group Toronto 2010; Community Worker/ Administrative Assistant City of Toronto 2005-12; Intern then TIFF Field Producer CityNews Toronto 2014; Researcher MASS LBP Toronto 2014; Associate Producer CityNews Toronto 2015-18; Web Editor/ Reporter CKWX Vancouver 2019; Associate Producer CTV Vancouver 2020-21; Supervising Producer CityNews Vancouver 2021-23; Executive Producer  Global News Calgary 2024-current.  LinkedIn profile

Graham Currie - Click to enlarge
Graham Currie - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; legislative reporter/ bureau chief CKNW Vancouver 1999-2002; communications director Province of British Columbia 2002-10; corporate affairs leader BC Oil and Gas Commission 2010-current.  LinkedIn profile

Keith Cutler - Cl;ick for 2001 photo courtesy North Shore News Keith Cutler - Engineer/ announcer CJOR Vancouver 1944-47; news producer CJOR 1950-53; Artray Film Productions 1953; established Editorial Film Services mid 1950s; assisted in application for CHAN-TV Vancouver 1962; KVOS-TV Bellingham WA/  Canawest Film Productions 1963-76; twice past president BC Film Industry Association; founding member/ national past president Directors Guild of Canada; motion picture and video production program co-ordinator Capilano College North Vancouver early 1990s-2005

James Cybulski - Click to enlarge James Cybulski - Radio broadcasting program Algonquin College Ottawa 1995; reporter CHEZ-FM Ottawa; colour commentator OHL Ottawa 67s; host Ottawa Senators program Overtime Rogers TV; sports reporter CFRA Ottawa; reporter The Score TV Network; morning host CKST Vancouver circa 2005-06; host various programs including 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics coverage TSN Toronto 2006-11; p.m. drive host CHUM Toronto 2011-13; Sportsnet Vancouver-based 2013-16; news reporter CKWX Vancouver 2016-17; morning co-host CISL Vancouver 2017-21.  LinkedIn profile   

Emily Czerwinski - Click to enlarge
Emily Czerwinski - BCIT Radio Arts and Entertainment Diploma 2017; Keyholder Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics Vancouver 2009-15; Graphic Designer Feng Shui Consultation Marlyna Los Vancouver 2011-12; Retail Sales Representative Granville Island Brewing Vancouver 2012-16; afternoon announcer Bell Media Terrace BC 2017; weekend host CKPK-FM Vancouver 2017-23; summer fill-in CFOX-FM Vancouver 2019; swing/ evening weekends CKPK HD2 2022-23; fill-in host CJZN-FM Victoria 2023-current.

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