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Russ LaCate - Click to enlarge Russ Lacate - BSc in Geophysics 1987 plus additional studies in meteorology University of British Columbia; weather observer Vancouver International Airport; lighthouse keeper Queen Charlotte Islands; weather observer/ forecaster Environment Canada 1989-99; full-time on-air meteorologist CKWX Vancouver 1999-2020 and Citytv Vancouver 2011-20

George Lacny - Click to enlarge George Lacny - Production supervisor Cooperative Programming Network Saskatchewan 1977-78; Program Supervisor/ Producer/ Network Manager (select VO and on-air hosting) Rogers TV Vancouver 1980-2000; Network Manager then Senior Producer (select VO work) Urban Rush Shaw TV Vancouver 2000-11; Director and Community Liaison Manager Canadian Velo Event Management Society Vancouver 2011-14; Director of Sales and Marketing SKY Helicopters Inc. Vancouver 2012-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Crystal Laderas - Click to enlarge
Crystal Laderas - Communications BA University of Winnipeg 2011; Fort McMurray AB; reporter CFFR Calgary 2015-21; video journalist CityNews Calgary 2020-21; video journalist CityNews Vancouver 2021-23; Communications Manager SWAN Vancouver 2023 - current.  LinkedIn profile

Jocelyn Laidlaw - Clickto enlarge Jocelyn Laidlaw - BA Communications Simon Fraser University & BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; reporter/ associate producer Global CKVU-TV Vancouver 1995-2002 except reporter/ anchor CFRE-TV Regina 1999-2000; reporter/ fill-in anchor Citytv Toronto 2002-03; news anchor CFCN-TV Calgary 2003-24; National Ambassador Colorectal Cancer Canada 2024-current.  LinkedIn profile

Farhan Lalji - Click to enlarge Farhan Lalji - Sports Information Director Simon Fraser University 1991-94; producer/ reporter Sports Machine CKWX Vancouver 1994-95; sports/ weekend news anchor CBC Vancouver 1995-97; sports reporter TSN Vancouver 1997-current; part time sports reporter/ anchor CTV British Columbia to 2018; inducted into the Canadian Football Hall of Fame 2024

Theresa Lalonde - Click to enlarge Theresa Lalonde - BA Mass Communication University of Ottawa 1990; CBC Radio: announcer Western Arctic's Saturday Night Request Show 1986-87; announcer including producer/ host Radio Noon, Arctic AM Western Arctic Inuvik NT 1991-93; reporter/ announcer/ fill-in host Northern Ontario, Sudbury 1993-98; reporter/ fill-in host Windsor 1998-2000; opened temporary Bureau in Kingston ON for 6 weeks in aftermath of 1998 Ice Storm; fill-in reporter Halifax summer 2000; reporter Vancouver 2000-07; producer Sounds Like Canada Network Radio 2007-09; producer The Point Network Radio 2009-10; multi-platform reporter CBC Vancouver filing to TV, Radio and the Web 2010-11; Producer CBC Music CBC Vancouver 2012-current.  LinkedIn profile

May Lam - Click to enlarge May Lam - Columbia Academy Broadcast Arts graduate 1990; all night announcer/ copywriter CHAB Moose Jaw SK 1990-91; middays/ creative director/ producer CISQ-FM/ CISW-FM Squamish/ Whistler 1992; promotions director CKEG/ CHUB Nanaimo/ CHPQ Parksville & swing middays CKEG 1992-94; Community Cruiser reporter/ promotions coordinator CFOX-FM Vancouver 1995-96; promotions director CFOX-FM 1997-2001; swing/ fill-in announcer CKLG Vancouver 1998; promotions and marketing director Rogers Radio Group Vancouver 2001-09; assistant PD CKLG-FM Vancouver 2006-09; Director of Marketing Momentum Media Marketing 2010-11; Senior Communications (Contract) CBC Vancouver 2012; Marketing Manager, Metro Western Canada 2012-13; Senior Communications Officer CBC Vancouver 2013-14; Manager Sales Integration, Local TV/ Radio Bell Media Vancouver 2014-15; Director; Promotion, Marketing and Sales Integration, Bell Media Vancouver 2015-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Peggy Lam
Peggy Lam - Master of Journalism University of BC 2017; facilitator/ filmmaker Access to Media Education Society Galiano Island 2008-14; Youth Worker Kiwassa Neighbourhood House Vancouver 2012-14; news intern CKNW Vancouver 2015; News Intern Global BC 2015;  Graduate Research Assistant The Conversation Canada 2015-17; International Reporting Fellow Global Reporting Centre Beijing China 2016-17;  associate producer The Current Toronto 2016-17;  associate producer News Network Toronto 2017; reporter/ editor CBC Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo ON 2017-19; contract news editor/ presenter CBC Edmonton 2019-20; reporter/ editor CBC Winnipeg 2020-22; reporter CBC Vancouver 2022-23; producer CBC The National 2023-24.  LinkedIn profile

Judy LaMarsh 1966 - Click for larger photo Julia Verlyn (Judy) LaMarsh - Lawyer/ politician/ broadcaster/ novelist; Liberal MP for Niagara Falls ON 1960-68 including Minister of National Health and Welfare and Minister of Amateur Sport (only woman in cabinet of Lester Pearson government) 1963-65 and Secretary of State 1965-68; set up Royal Commission on Status of Women in Canada 1967 and brought in Broadcasting Act where CRTC replaced Bureau of Broadcast Governors 1968; author autobiography Memoirs of a Bird in a Gilded Cage 1969; talk show host CKWX Vancouver 1972-73; host This Country in the Morning CBC Radio national from Toronto 1974-76.  Died in Toronto October 27, 1980 at age 55

Darren B. Lamb - Click to enlarge Darren B. Lamb - As The Skywalker CKLG Vancouver 1989-90; afternoon drive CKZZ-FM Vancouver 1991-96; morning co-host CKZZ-FM 1996-2003; p.m. drive CHUM-FM Toronto November 2003-08 and morning contributor 2008-15; morning co-host CHFI-FM Toronto 2016-current.  LinkedIn profile

Glen Lamont - Click to enlarge Glen Lamont - Uncle Angus character Morning Zoo CKLG Vancouver circa 1988; morning co-host CHRX Vancouver 1990-92; comedian Laughing Horse Comedy Clubs UK 1990s-early 2000s; blogger, podcaster and youth mental health and addictions counselor Vancouver current.  LinkedIn profile

Jim Land - Tank Officer Ontario 1950s; insurance adjustor Vancouver 1958; first weatherman CHAN-TV Vancouver 1960-61; overnight host CHQM Vancouver 1963-64; successsor to Vancouver Town Fool Joachim "Kim" Foikis 1970s; independent Vancouver mayoralty candidate 1976; freelance philosopher in Sechelt BC current

Jerry Landa CFUN 1961 - Click to enlarge with recent photo courtesy Jerry Landa - All night: CKDA Victoria 1956-57, CKCK Regina 1957-59, CHUB Nanaimo 1959, CFUN Vancouver early 1959-64, CKLG Vancouver 1964-67, CJOR Vancouver 1967-78; sports CKWX Vancouver 1979; afternoons CHUB 1980-84.  Died in Vancouver January 25, 2012 at age 78

Liz Landon - Wingham ON radio; Creative Department then Eye-in-the-Sky reporter CKNW Vancouver 1974-75; Human Resources Shoppers Drug Mart circa 1975

Cam Lane - Click to enlarge Cam Lane - CFPR Prince Rupert BC circa 1972; late night sports reporter CBUT Vancouver mid 1970s; news anchor CHQM Vancouver 1980s; generally credited as Campbell Lane in over 90 movie and TV productions 1979-2006 including two episodes of MacGyver 1988 & 1990, four episodes of X Files 1994-96, Da Vinci's Inquest 1998, three episodes of The Dead Zone 2002-03 and Scary Movie 4 2006; voice actor Mainframe Entertainment Vancouver.  Died in Richmond January 30, 2014 at age 78   

David Lang - Click to enlarge
David Lang - Journalism Diploma Vancouver Community College 1973; CKOV Kelowna 1970s; news director CISL Richmond 1981-83; editor/  reporter CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1983; reporter/ editor The Canadian Press 1983-2013; retired in Vancouver.  LinkedIn profile

Howard Langdale - Click to enlarge Howard Langdale - CKRM Regina 1953; CJOB Winnipeg early 1960s; CKNW New Westminster 1964-65; morning host CFCN Calgary 1966-81; late-night talk show Calgary 7 (CFAC-TV) 1981; travel industry; CKMX Calgary 1985-86; retired from radio then returned to CKMX Calgary 1995-96.  Died in auto accident in Calgary March 29, 1996 at age 63 

Laura Langston CISL 1980 - Click for recent photo Laura Langston - BCIT Broadcast program graduate; reporter CBC Vancouver ; CJJC Langley; news reporter then News Director CISL Richmond 1980; reporter CBC Winnipeg 1983-86; author of fiction and non-fiction for teens, kids and adults Victoria 1990-current.  Website  LinkedIn profile

Natalie Langston - Click to enlarge
Natalie Langston - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate; BCIT Internship Placement Global BC & Entertainment Tonight Canada 2010; Entertainment Correspondent View the Vibe Toronto 2013; TV Host/  Reporter FMA Entertainment Weekly 2012-14; Entertainment/ Events/ Lifestyle Journalist Stylust Magazine 2013-14; Fitness Journalist Westender Vancouver 2014-15; Entertainment and Lifestyle Journalist Fresh Vancouver Magazine 2014-15; TV Host and Producer Vancouver Visitor TV 2012-current; TV Host City Lights Novus Entertainment Inc. 2009-current; Fitness & Health Reporter BC Living 2015-current; Lifestyle Expert CJJR-FM Vancouver 2016-current; Lifestyle Expert Corus Entertainment Vancouver 2016-current. Website  LinkedIn profile

DJ Lansdell 1966 - Click to enlarge DJ Lansdell - Mid mornings CFCP Courtenay 1965-66; CKDA Victoria 1966; as Douglas Jay CJME Regina 1966; CFCP Courtenay 1966-67; journalist US Navy 1967-69; afternoons CJJC Langley 1969; weekends CKVN Vancouver 1973; middays CJJC 1973; nights CJJC 1974-75; retired from radio

Gord Lansdell - Click to enlarge Gord Lansdell - Copy writer/ weekend host then mornings CKCQ Quesnel 1964-65; news director CFCP Courtenay/ CFWB Campbell River 1965-67; news stringer CKNW Vancouver 1966-67; afternoon news CJJC Langley 1967; car sales/ auto accessory sales 1967-73; installer/ technical support technician BC Telephone Co. 1973-99 (retired); webmaster NORTHWEST BROADCASTERS 1997-2023; webmaster OKANAGAN BROADCASTERS 2000-22; writer/ researcher Canadian Communications Foundation 2001-08; webmaster VANCOUVER BROADCASTERS 2002-current; compiled 25-minute historic sign-off program for AM600 CKBD Vancouver aired during flip to The Peak CKPK-FM November 13, 2008. Send email  LinkedIn profile

Laurier LaPierre circa 1979 - Click for later photo Laurier LaPierre - Author, journalist, commentator and educator; writer/ host Inquiry (1961-64), This Hour Has Seven Days (1964-66) and Midnight (1975) CBC Television Toronto 1962-78; host The Vancouver Show CKVU-TV Vancouver 1976-78; appointed Officer of the Order of Canada 1994; Chairman of the Board Telefilm Canada 1998-2001; member of Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications 2001-current; appointed Canadian Senator 2001.  Died December 17, 2012 at age 83

Kirk LaPointe - Click to enlarge
Kirk LaPointe - BA Journalism Ryerson University Toronto 1980; Canadian Editor Billboard 1983-91; Chief News Editor/ Ottawa Bureau Chief/ Ottawa News Editor/ Lifestyles Editor/ Reporter The Canadian Press 1980-95; host CBC Newsworld 1989-95; Editor-in-Chief and GM Southam News 1995-96; Executive Editor National Post 1998-99; Editor in Chief/ Associate Publisher The Hamilton Spectator 1997-2000; Senior Vice President News CTV 2000-02; Advisor to the Publisher Toronto Star 2002-03; Managing Editor The Vancouver Sun 2003-10; Executive in Residence, Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of Journalism University of British Columbia 2004-current; Ombudsman Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 2010-12; Special Advisor to the Office of the Ombudsman CBC 2012-13; Executive Director Organization of News Ombudsmen 2013-current; mayoralty candidate Non-Partisan Association Vancouver 2014; Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Self-Counsel Press 2014-15; CIRH-FM Vancouver morning host 2015-16 evening host 2016-17 & BIV host 2017-18; VP Audience and Business Development Business in Vancouver 2015-23; Publisher Business in Vancouver Media Group 2020-23; columnist Glacier Media Vancouver 2024-current.  LinkedIn profile

Robin Larose - Click for larger photo Robin Larose - CJAY-FM Calgary; CKIK-FM Calgary early 1980s; weekend afternoons/ foreground producer CFOX-FM Vancouver 1985-86; evenings CFOX-FM 1987; assistant program director/ middays CFOX-FM 1988-92; p.m. drive CFMI-FM Vancouver 1992; p.m. drive/ assistant program director CFMI-FM 1993-98; middays/ APD/ music director CFMI-FM 1999-2004 and host Electric Lunch @ Noon 2004-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Tom Larscheid - Click for Utah State and recent photos Tom Larscheid - Running back and kick returner Utah State 1959-61 and All-American 1960; drafted by Philadelphia Eagles 1962; BC Lions running back 1962; stock promoter Vancouver 1960s; part time BC Lions announcer 1969 and full time 1975; colour commentator BC Lions and Vancouver Canucks broadcasts CKNW Vancouver 1977-2006; President Tom Larscheid Productions Ltd. 1988-current; afternoon co-host CHMJ Vancouver 2005-06; Canucks colour commentator CKST Vancouver 2006-10; named to Utah State University Intercollegiate Athletics Hall Of Fame 2008.  LinkedIn profile

David Larsen - Click to enlarge David Larsen - CJOC Lethbridge; Calgary; Program Director/ News Director/ morning host CILK-FM Kelowna 2000-03; Program Director/ morning host 2004-08 and PD/ middays CKCL-FM Chilliwack/ Vancouver 2008-09; two time winner BCAB Broadcast Performer of the year award; PD/ morning host CKKO-FM Kelowna 2009-19; morning host/ PD CHTT-FM Victoria 2019. Died June 11, 2021 at age 62

Karin Larsen - Click to enlarge Karin Larsen - Represented Canada in International Synchro Swim competitions 1983-88 including gold medal at World Championships in Madrid and gold medal duet in Korea 1986; weekend sports/ researcher/ sports reporter/ fill in TV sports anchor CBC Vancouver 1988-current; Leo Award for Best Sportscaster in Vancouver 1999; British Columbia Swimming Hall of Fame inductee 2001; inducted into media category of the B.C Sports Hall of Fame Class of 2021.  LinkedIn profile

Kim Larsson - Click to enlarge
Kim Larsson - On air announcer CKXR Salmon Arm 1985; CFJC/ CFJC-TV/ CIFM-FM Kamloops 1985-91; CKKS-FM Vancouver 1993-94; Satellite Radio Network Vancouver 1994-95; traffic reporter Rogers Radio Group Vancouver (CKWX/ CKKS-FM/ CKLG-FM/ CFUN-FM) 1995-2010; Canadian Traffic Network/ CKNW Vancouver Eye in the Sky traffic reporter 2012-23. Died in Vancouver area October 27, 2023 at age 66

Sonia Laschuk - BCIT Journalism program graduate 2006; news/ reception/ remotes CKNW Vancouver 2009-10

Mike Latek from CJVB poster 1979 - Click to enlarge Mike Latek - Producer/ host Polish program CJVB Vancouver 1970-80s

Fred Latremouille 1960 - Click for 1983 & recent photo with Cathy Baldazzi Fred Latremouille - Aka Fred Latrimo; news/ morning host CKYL Peace River AB 1961-62; p.m. drive CJOR Vancouver 1962-64; CFUN Vancouver 1964-65; host Let's Go CBC-TV Vancouver 1964-66; mornings CFAX Victoria 1965; CKLG Vancouver 1965-67; host New Sounds CBC Vancouver 1968-70; CKVN/ CFUN Vancouver 1970s then morning co-host 1980s; host suppertime news package Hourglass CBC-TV Vancouver; host Fred and Friends CBC-TV 1977; morning co-host CKKS-FM Vancouver 1993-99; retired from radio; commercial production; morning co-host Fred & Cathy CKCL-FM Vancouver 2006-07; inducted into Canadian Association of Broadcasters Broadcast Hall of Fame 2007.  Died March 5, 2015 in Scottsdale, AZ at age 69.  CCF biography  YouTube 1988 video

Kelly Latremouille - Click to enlarge Kelly Latremouille - BCIT Broadcast program trainee 1980; CKKC Nelson BC 1980-82; CHEC Lethbridge AB 1982-85; CHAB Moose Jaw SK 1985-86; CKDA Victoria 1986-89; CISS Calgary 1989-91; CFUN Vancouver 1991-92; Breakfast Club host CIOO-FM Halifax 1992-2007; p.m. drive CKLG-FM Vancouver 2007-09; afternoons CKCL-FM Vancouver 2009-10; a.m. drive host CFUN-FM Vancouver 2010-11; VP marketing Squash BC 2012-13; voice over artist LLatitude Media Vancouver 2014-current; announcer CHLG-FM Vancouver 2014-21; p.m. drive host CIWV-FM Vancouver 2022-23; announced retirement 2023.

Ted Laturnus - Click for larger photo Ted Laturnus - Arts reviewer Georgia Straight Vancouver 1970s; past president Automotive Journalists Association of Canada; columnist numerous publications including Vancouver Province, Globe & Mail, Report on Business Magazine and Carguide Magazine; Canadian Automotive Journalist of the Year 1988 and 1989; co-host with Tony Whitney Driver's Seat CBC-TV Vancouver and widely syndicated mid 1980s-90s; commentator CBC Radio Vancouver; co-host Inside Track VTV Vancouver, Speedvision and PBS late 1990s; co-host widely syndicated Driver's Seat current.  LinkedIn profile

Hanson Lau CJVB - Click to enlarge Hanson Lau - Producer/ host Overseas Chinese Voice CJVB Vancouver 1970s-80s; CJUP Langley circa 1985; talk show host CHMB Vancouver 1990s and one of principals involved in purchase of station from CHUM; operator Hanson Travel Richmond current

Kris Laudien - Click to enlarge Kris Laudien - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1997; copywriter/ news reporter CKCQ Quesnel 1997-98; reporter/ weekend anchor
CILK-FM Kelowna 1998-99; anchor/ reporter CKWX Vancouver 1999-2001; sports anchor/ reporter CKNW Vancouver 2001-02; morning show co-host/ producer CJMJ Vancouver 2002-05; sports anchor/ reporter CityTV Edmonton 2005-06; online multimedia host/ producer statusfirm Edmonton 2006-11; morning news anchor/ host CTV Winnipeg 2011-16; morning news anchor Global Television Calgary 2016-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Andy Laughland circa 1960 - Click for alternate photo Andy Laughland - CJAT Trail BC late 1959; CKWX Vancouver 1960; Comedy Night host Sunday nights CFUN Vancouver 1961; created own record label HITT Records including production of The Corruptibles and Fujikami the Warrior; on air then sales CHOW Welland ON 1961; sales Standard Broadcast Sales (CFRB) Toronto.  Died from cancer 1970s.

Mira Laurence - Click to enlarge
Mira Laurence - Senior sports anchor/ reporter/ host/ emcee community events CTV Vancouver Island 2001-14 including co-host Weekend Wellness 2013-14 and Health & Lifestyle anchor/ co-host CTV News at 5:00 2014; Partnership Development Officer Vikes Athletics and Recreation University of Victoria 2015-16; Executive Director HeadWay Victoria Epilepsy and Parkinson's Centre 2016-17 & 2019-20; morning co-host CISL Vancouver 2017-18 and Canucks rinkside reporter 2018-19; Executive Director Oaklands Community Centre Victoria 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile

Barrett Lawrie - Trumpeter Royal Canadian Air Force Central Band; CBC Vancouver late 1960s; news CKVN Vancouver 1969-70; CJAT Trail 1971-76; public relations Cominco; fill-in CKOO Osoyoos 1988-89.  Died in Osoyoos December 22, 1993 at age 55

Don Lawson - Host Royalite Windfall CHAN-TV Vancouver 1960s; news CJOR Vancouver 1966; part-time DJ CFUN Vancouver late 1960s.  (There is another unrelated Don Lawson who was news director at CFAX/ CHBE-FM Victoria in 2003 and is currently at CHQT Edmonton.)

Emily Lazatin - Click to enlarge
Emily Lazatin - BCIT Diploma of Technology Broadcast and Online Journalism 2015; Cactus Club 2006-12; Marketing and Projects Coordinator TurnLeaf Consulting 2011; Business Development and Operations Manager StoneRidge Management Consultants Inc. Vancouver 2013; Morning News Intern Global BC 2013-14; news and culture writer The Link Magazine 2013-14; TV Reporter Global News Okanagan 2014; TV news reporter/ intern CKPG-TV Prince George BC 2015; TV reporter/ intern Global News Kelowna 2015; news reporter/ anchor CKNW Vancouver 2015-current; BC RTDNA Award and BCAB Award radio feature On the Front Lines at St. Paul’s Hospital 2017.  LinkedIn profile 

Tom Leach - Farm and fish commentator CBC Radio Vancouver 1950s-early 60s

Jeff Leake - Click to enlarge Jeff Leake - Broadcasting Robertson College Winnipeg 1994; as Leake music director/ evening host CKVX-FM Vancouver 2000-04; assistant program director CJKR-FM Winnipeg 2004-05; music director/ host The Verge XM Radio 2006-07 and director music programming Sirius XM Radio Toronto Canada 2005-current.  LinkedIn profile

Joe Leary - Click to enlarge Joe Leary - Columbia Academy Broadcast graduate; operator CJVB Vancouver; CFCP Courtenay 1977; as Scott Jensen: CKDA Victoria 1977-78; CKLG Vancouver 1978-80; weekends CJOR Vancouver 1980; as Joe Leary: CKMW Brampton ON 1980-81; CILQ-FM Toronto 1981-85; CFUN 1985-88; music director/ p.m. drive then mornings CHRX Vancouver 1988-94; p.m. drive CISL Vancouver; weekend weather CKVU-TV Vancouver 1994-2006; Air Traffic columnist Vancouver Province 1998-2005; radio columnist 24 Hours newspaper Vancouver 2006-current; p.m. drive talk show co-host CFUN Vancouver 2006-08, morning co-host/ sports reporter CFTE Vancouver 2008-10; morning sports anchor CKST Vancouver 2010-13; host Just Here for the Beer CISL 2011-15 then CFTE Vancouver 2015-current; host BC Brew on Tap Shaw TV Vancouver 2016-17  

Brian "Buzz" LeBoe circa 1962 - Click for more photos Brian "Buzz" LeBoe - CFUN Vancouver circa 1962; first morning show host CKIQ Kelowna 1971; CKLG-FM Vancouver and CKWX Vancouver early seventies; CHOM-FM Montreal; CJAY-FM Calgary late 1970s; CFUN 1982-83; writer Environment News Service; co-founder RTL Prague Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic) 1991-93; environmental projects South America.  Died in Vancouver April 5, 2013 at age 68 

Russ Ledger 1966 - Click for recent photo
Russ Ledger - Started in radio at age 7 as kid's voice on cake mix commercial CHML Hamilton; host weekly radio high school news show High Time for Teen Time CHML; CFTJ Galt (Cambridge) ON; all-night host CKCY Sault Ste. Marie ON; CKOT Tillsonburg ON; one of original Country Gentlemen CFGM Toronto 1962-65; news anchor CKCO-TV Kitchener/ Waterloo 1965; two 2-year terms Alderman City of Waterloo 1966-69; Wardair Ontario then Vancouver; weekends/ fill-in/ Sunday night country gospel show CKWX Vancouver 1974-87; tourism/ hospitality industry Calgary 1988-current including sales & marketing director Fairmont Hotsprings Resort 1997-99; director of sales Best Western Calgary Centre Inn 2001-current

Alex Lee - click for recent photo Alex Lee - Traffic reporter CJVI Victoria 1996-99; Sexy Lexy character Bro Jake morning show CFMI-FM Vancouver 1999-2001; anchor/ reporter/ host/ editor Citytv Vancouver and The New VI Victoria 2001-03; full time actor 2004-05; contender Making It Big Reality Show, Life Network/ Oxygen USA 2005; hospitality marketing and PR specialist 2007-09; manager media & public relations Great Canadian Gaming Corp. 2005-06; marketing specilaist hospitality BC Lottery Corp. 2006-08; communications officer BC Lottery Corporation 2008-09; president Alex Lee PR Vancouver/ Toronto 2009-11; director, Vancouver branch Caesars Entertainment, Inc. 2010-11; director of customer development Edgewater Casino Vancouver 2011-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Amber Lee - Click for larger photo Amber Lee (Trudeau) - Broadcasting graduate NAIT Edmonton 1998; announcer CISL Vancouver 1999-2002 and p.m. drive host/ assistant music director CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2000-02; midday host/ junior account executive CIBK-FM Calgary 2003-09; account executive CFEX-FM Calgary 2009-current.  LinkedIn profile

Andrea Lee - Intern Vancouver Canadians press box; weekend overnight news CKNW Vancouver 2006-current

Fred Lee
Fred Lee - Vancouver Courier/ TV Week/ National Post/ Vancouver Province columnist; host Steppin' Out with Fred Lee CBC Radio Vancouver 2004-19

Grace Lee - Click to enlarge
Grace Lee - Master of Science in Journalism Columbia University New York City 2015; Research Assistant then Marketing Coordinator University of British Columbia 2010; English teacher Shingwang Elementary School, Pohang, Korea 2012-13; Newsroom Intern then Production Assistant CTV Vancouver 2013; Editorial Intern Monocle Toronto 2015; freelance writer/ reporter/ producer CTV Vancouver 2015-17; reporter/ producer Thomson Reuters Hong Kong 2017-current.  LinkedIn profile 

JJ Lee - Click for larger photo JJ Lee - Writer/ performer with comedy troupe Hot Sauce Posse 2002-2003; segment co-host with Alexis Mazurin Out There on Sounds Like Canada CBC Radio Vancouver; reporter On The Coast CBC Radio Vancouver; associate producer Sounds Like Canada 2006; design columnist On The Coast current

Jack Lee - Click to enlarge Jack Lee - General news/ senior sportswriter Vancouver Sun 1955-66; covered Canucks hockey/ Mounties baseball 1961-66 plus curling/ racquet sports; Marketing Manager PNE 1969-78; Sports Director then Promotions Manager CJOR Vancouver 1978-81; BCAB Community Service Award for Drug Probe talk show series 1980; B'nai Brith National Human Rights Award as CKWX Vancouver News Director 1981; Marketing Manager United Way Lower Mainland 1982-85; Chair and Producer Miss Grey Cup Pageants 1983/ 86/ 87/ 90; co-manager campus-wide UBC Open House 1995; PR Director Quest University Canada, Squamish BC 2001-06; creator/ producer Tri-Centennial Tattoo for Canadian Navy, PNE & Seaforth Highlanders, Coliseum during 2010 Fair; Recipient of Queen’s Golden & Diamond Jubilee Medals of 2002 & 2012.  LinkedIn profile  

Jason Lee - Click to enlarge Jason Lee - Honours graduate Columbia Academy for Radio, Television and Recording Arts Vancouver; board operator CFOX-FM Vancouver; Sports Director/ hockey play-by-play announcer/ sports talk show host CJDC Dawson Creek BC; sports anchor/ reporter CKWX Vancouver; sports anchor/ reporter VTV CIVT-TV Vancouver; Vancouver Canucks and Grizzlies reporter Sportsnet Pacific; K-League play-by-play announcer/ Ssireum play-by-play announcer/ Peninsula Scope host Arirang TV Seoul Korea current

Linda Lee - Click to enlarge Linda Lee - Copy writer then Copy Chief CJOR Vancouver 1973-76; sales CJOR 1976-77; Promotion Manager CKNW New Westminster 1977-78; helicopter then fixed wing traffic reporter/ weekend garden show host/ talk show fill-in CJOR 1978-83; Copy Chief then Operations Manager CJOR 1983-88; Promotion Manager CJJR-FM Vancouver 1988-89; Director of Development BC Paraplegic Association 1989-91; special events/ newsletter editor/ administrative assistant/ fundraiser/ website manager BC Wheelchair Sports 1991-2008; retired/ Wheelchair Sports volunteer/ special projects 2008-current

Matt Lee - Click to enlarge
Matt Lee - BA Communication and Media Studies Simon Fraser University 2011; BCIT Broadcast and Online Journalism graduate 2013; sports peporter/ editor Simon Fraser University student paper The Peak 2007-11; partner/ podcast co-host Vancouver Canucks Hockey Blog 2009-current; intern CKST Vancouver 2011; Media Relations Director Simon Fraser University Athletics 2011; news/ sports reporter/ anchor CKNW Vancouver 2012-17; Communications Officer Clark Wilson LLP Vancouver 2017-19; Communications Officer BCLC Vancouver 2019-current.  LinkedIn profile

Mi-Jung Lee - Click to enlarge Mi-Jung Lee - CKO-FM-4 Vancouver 1989; reporter/ part-time anchor CHEK-TV Victoria 1990; reporter/ producer/ anchor Weekend News Hour Final at 11:30 BCTV Vancouver 1992-98; co-anchor VTV Live at 5 and VTV Live at 6 VTV Vancouver 1998; anchor CTV News at 11:30 CTV British Columbia 2001-07; anchor Canada AM: West Coast CTV British Columbia 2008; anchor CTV News at 11:30 CTV British Columbia 2008- 10; anchor/ lead CTV News Investigation Team reporter CTV British Columbia 2010-17 and news anchor 2017-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Miyoung Lee - Click to enlarge Miyoung Lee - BCIT Broadcast program graduate; producer/ director Early Edition CBC Radio Vancouver then reporter/ producer/ anchor CBC Television Vancouver 2001-current

Rick Lee - Click to enlarge Rick Lee - Graduate NAIT Edmonton Broadcast Program 1999; DJ swing shift CKIK-FM Calgary 2000; evenings CHMX-FM Regina 2000-01; swing CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2001-02; p.m. drive CHTT-FM Victoria 2002-04; p.m. drive CJZN-FM Victoria 2004-05; CHDI-FM Edmonton p.m. drive 2005-2006 & middays 2007-15; p.m. drive CJAX-FM Vancouver 2015-17; morning host CKEX-FM Red Deer AB 2018-19; Program Manager Corus Entertainment radio group Toronto 2019-23; Corus Senior Program Manager of London, Kitchener/ Guelph and Hamilton 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile   

Robert Mason Lee - Click to enlarge Robert Mason Lee - Author/ writer/ columnist including Globe and Mail and Toronto Life; host/ interviewer CTV national public affairs program Mason Lee: On the Edge CIVT-TV Vancouver 2000 and TalkTV 2002

Dave Lefebvre - Clickto enlarge Dave Lefebvre - BA honours political science & journalism Carleton University Ottawa 2000; general assignment reporter CJOH-TV Ottawa 1998-2000; reporter Citytv Vancouver 2001-07; reporter CTV British Columbia 2006-07; communications manager Correctional Service of Canada 2007-08; director public affairs and corporate communications Canfor 2008-11; independent communications consultant 2011; senior communications specialist media relations Providence Health & Services Vancouver 2012-15; Director of Executive Office and Government Communications Simon Fraser University Burnaby 2015-16; Director of Public Affairs Fraser Health Surrey 2016-18; Director Public Affairs West Canadian Stewardship Services Alliance (CSSA) Inc. Vancouver 2019-current.  LinkedIn profile

Ryan Lehal - Click to enlarge
Ryan Lehal - BCIT Broadcast and Online Journalism graduate; intern sports writer Metro English Canada Vancouver 2015; sports writer Daily Hive Vancouver 2013-15; intern producer CKNW Vancouver 2017; intern producer CISL Vancouver 2018; intern producer CKST Vancouver 2018; traffic anchor CHMJ Vancouver 2018-21; Technical/ Content Producer CKNW 2021-23; writer/ producer Global BC 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile

Kelsey Lehman - Click to enlarge
Kelsey Lehman - Midday host CKWY-FM Wainwright AB 2011-12; weekend host/ Music Director CFMG-FM Edmonton 2013-14 then midday host / MD 2014-15; on air/ Music Director CKKS-FM Vancouver 2015-17 and Assistant Program Director/ Music Director 2017; APD/ MD/ Middays CHBN-FM Edmonton 2017-21; National Music Curator Rogers Sports & Media CHR/ Hot AC brands/ CKIS-FM Toronto 2021-23; PD Bell Media Ottawa 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile

Don Lehn - Click to enlarge Don Lehn (Lane) - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1979; announcer CKGF Grand Forks, CJVI Victoria; CHNL Kamloops; announcer/ public affairs host CIZL-FM Regina; DJ, morning sports backup and NHL Calgary Flames Broadcast (interviews and stats runner) CFFR Calgary; news CJMJ-FM/ CFGO Ottawa; CKZZ-FM/ CISL Vancouver 1996-97; CFSR-FM/ CKMA/ CHWK/ CKGO Fraser Valley 1997-98; CKZZ-FM/ CISL 1999-2000; TV acting/ writing 1997-2005; Voiceprint volunteer to 2005; voicing talking books, Crane Productions UBC; Vice President and Board of Directors Voiceprint BC to 2005; voiceovers/ fundraiser for Red Cross/ Donor Direct 2005-current; a.m. news fill-in CKLG-FM Vancouver 2006-10; morning news CKCL-FM Vancouver 2006; anchor/ technical director/ desk reporter/ writer CKWX Vancouver 2006-10; morning news anchor 2010-14 (News Director 2012-14) CHWK-FM Chilliwack; Editor in Chief 2014-15; Marketing Adviser Azersam Film + Media/ Aria TV Vancouver 2015; News Director FVN Fraser Valley News 2015-current; afternoon news anchor CISF-FM Surrey 2016; Promotions Assistant Rock.It Boy Entertainment Fraser Valley 2016; chillTV News Director 2019-current; News Director Abby TV 2022-current.  LinkedIn profile

Gene Lehto - CFHC Canmore AB - Click to enlarge Eugene Lehto - CJOC Lethbridge/ CHQR Calgary late 60s-early 70s; news anchor CKWX Vancouver 1973-79; News Director CFAC Calgary/ CFHC Canmore 1979-88; retired after suffering a ruptured brain aneurysm in 1988.  Died in Calgary March 9, 1994 at age 55

Sunny Lenarduzzi - Click to enlarge
Sunny Lenarduzzi - BCIT Broadcast communications graduate 2008; promotions coordinator Rogers Radio Group Vancouver 2007-09; host Go For Gold TV SoMedia Networks 2009; reporter Shaw TV Vancouver 2008-10; freelance reporter Citytv Vancouver 2010; chief advisory board/ president Online men's magazine Knew Daily 2009-11; Skool Gossip/ community manager, institute B Vancouver 2011-12; freelance social media strategist & consultant 2011-current; co-host Beer Money Citytv 2012-14; engagement marketing manager Promosa Management Inc. Vancouver/ Whistler 2012-15.  LinkedIn profile

Cindy Leong - Click to enlarge Cindy Leong - Master of Journalism Carleton University Ottawa; political reporter/ assignment editor Cable TV Hong Kong; feature business reporter CNBC New York; associate producer/ writer CNN Atlanta; fill-in host Week in Politics and Media Watch Hong Kong; freelance radio reporter CBC; health specialist then writer/ researcher/ reporter/ assignment editor Citytv Vancouver circa 2014-19

Maria LeRose - Click to enlarge Maria LeRose - Host Vancouver Morning then co-host Vancouver Show CKVU-TV 1980-86; CBC Radio/ TV Vancouver including co-host/ co-producer In the Company of Women and family columnist Midday 1986-current; co-host/ co-producer programs on Knowledge Network, PBS, CTV Network, CITY-TV Toronto and CBC Newsworld; co-producer/ interviewer Life and Times CBC Television; Adjunct Professor faculty of medicine UBC 2002-current; special program manager Dalai Lama Centre for Peace and Education 2009-current; Secretary/ Communications Parkgate Community Centre North Vancouver current; co-director/ producer Hyper Parents & Coddled Kids CBC-TV national program Doc Zone 2010; television program producer specializing in educational videos that focus on programs and strategies that foster Social and Emotional Learning in children and youth current.  LinkedIn profile

Sean Leslie - Click to enlarge Sean Leslie - News Director CJCI/ CIRX-FM Prince George 1990s-2001; reporter then legislative bureau chief CKNW Vancouver 2001-06 and talk show host weekend evenings CKNW 2006-15; Communications Manager BC Ministry of Education Victoria current

Stan Lettner CHBC-TV - Click to enlarge Stan Lettner - Host classical music program Open House & character Zed Bindertwine CKMO Vancouver; CKWX announcer late 1940s-50s; host Stan Lettner's Open House CFUN Vancouver 1955; CKOV Kelowna circa 1959; CHBC-TV Kelowna

Colleen Leung - Click to enlarge
Colleen Leung - International News Section, China Central Television, Beijing; first Chinese on air news reporter BCTV Vancouver circa 1987; documentary writer/ producer CBC Radio, CBC Newsworld and Knowledge Network Vancouver; director National Film Board of Canada personal documentary Letters From Home 2001; associate producer NFB documentary Kosovo: Fragile Peace; guest host The Roundup CBC Radio One Vancouver 2004; Vancouver-based film maker current

Eliana Lev - Click to enlarge Eliana Lev - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate; on-air news CKNW Vancouver 2005; writer, broadcaster, editor, media consultant and storyteller for The Canadian Press, National Post, Metro (columnist), CBC Radio 3, Vice, Mediaplanet, Ecotrust Canada, Tourism Vancouver, enRoute, Dazed and Confused and Toronto Star.  Eliana's website

Michael Levy - Click for larger photo Michael Levy - Financial talk show host Levi Line CJOR 1986-88; co-host and contributor with Michael Campbell on MoneyTalks CKNW Vancouver; financial analyst CKNW to 2022; regular contributor to Global BC News Hour; retired 2022

James Lewis - Click to enlarge
James Lewis - BCIT Broadcast Journalism graduate 2012; reporter/ anchor CKNW Vancouver 2010-12; producer Global BC 2012-17; producer CTV News Toronto 2017-22 and Supervising Producer 2022-24; Executive Producer CP24 and CTV News Toronto 2024-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Sunny Lewis - Click to enlarge S.P. "Sunny" Lewis - Reporter/ program producer CFUN Vancouver 1974-85; entertainment columnist TV Week magazine 1980-84; producer/ reporter CBC and CKNW/ CFMI-FM Vancouver 1985-87; writer Vancouver Sun, Vancouver Province, Globe and Mail and McLean's Magazine; founding editor-in-chief Environment News Service 1990-current; published "Grace" the authorized biography of Grace Woodsworth MacInnis, Harbour Publishing 1993; environment reporter Hawaii Public Radio, Honolulu 2004-06; now residing in Eugene, OR; contributor to Michelin Challenge Bibendum sustainable transport blog and sustainable investing blog current.  LinkedIn profile  

Jeff Leyland - Click to enlarge Jeff Leyland - BCIT Broadcast journalism program 1998-2000; assistant to Sports Director CJJR-FM/ CKBD Vancouver 1995-99; sports video library assistant Orca Bay Sports & Entertainment 1999-2000; Grizzlies basketball reporter CKNW Vancouver 1999-2000; Director of Media Relations Vancouver Canadians Baseball Club 2000; reporter/ broadcaster 2000-01; reporter ESPN sports ticker 2000-02; sports reporter/ host CKST Vancouver 2001-08; radio reporter Broadcast News/ Associated Press 2002-06; freelance reporter The Sports Network (TSN) 2003-04; weekend sports anchor citytv Vancouver 2004-06; scripting/ voicing highlight packages for NHL Network Toronto 2009-current; weekend sports anchor CHCH-TV Hamilton ON 2010-12; host/ anchor/ voice over FlyOver Canada Vancouver 2013-14; Digital Account Manager/ writer/ media consultant Vancity Buzz Vancouver 2014-15; Digital Sales & Marketing Consultant Vancouver Is Awesome 2015-17; media consultant Western Living Magazine 2017-18; Global Voiceover Artist Leyland Media Inc. 2018-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Ryan Lidemark - Click to enlarge Ryan Lidemark - Columbia Academy graduate 2004; board operator/ traffic reporter CISQ-FM/ CISW-FM Squamish/ Whistler 2004; remote coordinator CJJR-FM/ CKBD/ CKPK-FM Vancouver 2005-11; reporter/ producer Canadian Traffic Network Vancouver 2007-09; Director of Operations Canadian Traffic Network Vancouver 2009-11; account executive/ colour commentator AJHL Whitecourt Wolverines CIXM-FM Whitecourt AB 2011-14; morning traffic anchor CHMJ/ CKNW Vancouver 2014-19; morning traffic anchor CKWX Vancouver 2019-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Kevin Lim - Click to enlarge Kevin Lim - Canadian Association of Broadcasters National Scholarship 2003; BCIT Broadcast Radio Program graduate 2004; BCAB Graduating Award - Top Graduating Broadcast Student 2004; evenings/ weekends/ producer CKYX-FM Fort McMurray AB 2004-05; p.m. drive CHSU-FM Kelowna 2005-09; BCAB Broadcast Performer of Tomorrow 2009; early afternoons/ Assistant Music Director CKZZ Vancouver 2009-11; a.m. drive CHSU-FM 2011-14; a.m. drive CKPK-FM Vancouver  2014-16 and middays CKKQ-FM Kelowna 2016; morning host with Sonia Sidhu CKKS-FM Vancouver 2017-22.  LinkedIn profile

Brenda Lindberg - Click to enlarge
Brenda Lindberg - Intern/ announcer CHED Edmonton 1982-86; Music Director/ announcer CITI-FM Winnipeg 1986-88; Music Director/ Traffic Reporter CFOX-FM 1988-92; Producer CBC Winnipeg 1992-94; Guest Services Manager Radisson Suite Hotel Winnipeg Airport 1996-2004; Client Relations and Workshop Coordinator Manitoba Tourism Education Council 2004-05; Educational Assistant Cooperative Education Hospitality Programs Red River College Winnipeg 2006-07; Visiting Instructor Shenyang Institute of Engineering School of International Education Shenyang Liaoning Province China 2015; Instructor Red River College 2005-current.  LinkedIn profile

Larissa Lindberg - Click to enlarge Larissa Lindberg - Focus on the Family Funfinder then traffic reporter/ overnight voicetracking CKBD Vancouver and traffic CJJR-FM Vancouver 1997-2001; now Larissa Wiebe living in Chilliwack

Robert Linden photo courtesy Vancouver Radio Museum - Click for recent photo Robert Linden - DJ CJIB Vernon 1973-76; reporter/ newscaster CFCW Camrose AB 1976-79; editor/ assignment editor CKWX Vancouver 1979-87; News Director Satellite Radio Network 1987-89; Western Canada Manager Standard Broadcast News 1989-91; National Board of Directors Radio-Television News Directors Association 1989-91; News Director Fraser Valley Broadcasters 1992-2001; morning editor CKWX 2001-05; Assistant News Director CKWX 2005-09; took early retirement from CKWX July 2009

John Lindenlaub, 'Cuisine 30' CBC 1962 - Click to enlarge
John Lindenlaub - Co-host with Bob Switzer cooking show Cuisine CBC-TV Vancouver circa 1962-1966; heading of chef/ cooking training courses BCIT Hospitality Program 1960s-70s.  Died in the Chilliwack area October 19, 2005 at age 85

Bethany Lindsay - Click to enlarge
Bethany Lindsay - University of BC Journalism Master's Degree 2006; web editor/ reporter CTV Vancouver 2010-12; reporter Vancouver Sun 2012-17; freelance writer Vancouver 2017-current; reporter CBC Vancouver 2017-24; author MacIntyre Purcell Publishing Vancouver 2018-current; investigative reporter Investigative Journalism Foundation Vancouver 2024-current. LinkedIn Profile

Terra Lindsay - Click to enlarge Terra Lindsay - (Now Terra Paredes) Broadcast Arts Diploma Columbia Academy Vancouver 2004; Charity Coordinator Basics for Babies 2012-19; Promotions Director (Assistant Music Director 2015-17) CJJR-FM Vancouver 2012-19; Community Events and Engagement Manager Greater Vancouver Food Bank Vancouver 2019-current. LinkedIn profile

Doug Linn - Click to enlarge
Doug Linn - Broadcaster/ artist/ cartoonist; CHUB Nanaimo; CHNS Halifax; CFCH North Bay ON; CJJR-FM Vancouver morning show 1985-87; one of original voices on original Star FM CKSR-FM Chilliwack; retired 1996. Died in Chilliwack April 20, 2019 at age 79

Simon Little - Click to enlarge
Simon Little - BCIT Broadcast and Media Communications graduate 2015; Assistant Manager Burgoo Bistro Vancouver 2009-11; General Manager Bitter Tasting Room Vancouver 2011-13; reporter Evolution 107.9 BCIT Burnaby 2013-15; intern Global TV/ CKNW Vancouver 2014; Associate Editor Link Magazine Burnaby 2014-15; news writer Global Television Vancouver 2014-15; intern CBC Vancouver 2015; beat reporter CKNW 2015 and digital reporter 2015-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Bob Livingston - News CFUN Vancouver 1974; news CKLG Vancouver; news CKXR Salmon Arm BC; news CJAT Trail.  Died in Kelowna May 2001

Mike Lloyd - Click to enlarge Mike Lloyd - Operator CKKS-FM Vancouver 1996-97; technical producer syndicated Rhona at Night 1997-98; audio/ traffic/ anchor CKWX Vancouver 1997-2000; afternoon news CISQ/ CISW Squamish/  Whistler 2000-01; reporter/ news anchor CKWX 2001-current; two-time recipient BC Region RTNDA Dave Rogers Award for Short Feature (Large Market) for regular humour feature On the Offbeat 2007 & 2010; honourable mention National RTNDA Dave Rogers Award 2010.  LinkedIn profile 

Kathleen Logan - Click to enlarge Kathleen Logan - Aka Kathleen Stinson; B.A. Political Science UBC 1980; graduate BCIT Broadcast Journalism program 1982; as Kathleen Logan newscaster CKNW/ CFMI-FM New Westminster 1984-90; stay-at-home mom 1990s; Vancouver Community College graduate with Diploma for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages 2007; substitute teacher Immigration Services Society (ISS) Vancouver 2007-current   

Laurie Logan - Click to enlarge
Laurie Logan (Laurie Logan Boykiw) - Radio Arts Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 1999; Television Arts NAIT 2005; project manager/ producer Blink Media Works Vancouver 2007-08; on-air host CKPK-FM Vancouver 2008-14; on-air host CKZZ-FM Vancouver 2014-15; Community Cruiser reporter CKWX Vancouver and fill-in host CJAX-FM Vancouver 2015-16; BCAB Best Creative Radio Commercial 2000; Georgia Straight Best of Vancouver late night radio host 2010-11.  LinkedIn profile

Susan Long - Click to enlarge Susan Long (now Susan McFee Anderson) - BCIT Broadcast Journalism; SFU BA Communications; SFU MA Liberal Studies; reporter/ news anchor CFOX-FM, CKVU-TV, BCTV Vancouver, CHEK-TV Victoria 1978-85;  field producer/ host BC Winter and Summer Games 1982-92; producer Children’s Miracle Network Telethon 1993; freelance writer/ producer 1990-2003; web, non-fiction and fiction writer 2005-current

Dave Longmore - CHRX Vancouver early 1990s; out of radio

Casey-Jo Loos - Click to enlarge
Casey-Jo Loos - Business Marketing Communications Certificate BCIT 2013; promotional assistant & Community Cruiser volunteer CJZN-FM Victoria 2005; Much Music VJ search finalist Toronto 2006; on camera host & guide Victoria Adventure Quest 2008; Community Relations Representative & Community Reporter CTV Vancouver Island 2006-09; Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games Live Nation 2010; Guest Experience Team YYoga Vancouver 2010-11; Social Media Marketing/ Community Leader Aussie Pet Mobile Vancouver 2011; Vancouver Canucks TV Host 2011-12;  Marketing Manager John Donnelly & Associates Vancouver 2012; PR Specialist Mark Anthony Group Vancouver 2012-13; evening host CKPK-FM Vancouver 2013-16; evening host CKCE-FM Calgary 2015-16; on-air host/ AMD CKPK-FM 2016-19; weekends CFOX-FM Vancouver 2021-23; CFNY-FM Toronto 2023-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Tara Lopez - Click to enlarge
Tara Lopez - BCIT Radio graduate 2004; NAIT Edmonton TV graduate 2009; Production Assistant Vicky Gabereau Show CTV Vancouver 2001-02; Streeter Reporter NOW TV (CHNU) Vancouver 2002-03; on location remote producer CKCL-FM Vancouver 2002-03; morning co-host CJRY Edmonton 2004-06; morning co-host/ swing CKKN-FM Prince George & promotions CKPG-TV/ CKDV-FM Prince George 2006-07; morning helicopter traffic reporter Canadian Traffic Network Calgary/ Edmonton 2007-09; morning news anchor/ producer CJCA Edmonton 2009-10; midday host CJRY-FM Edmonton 2010-11; morning co-host CJLF-FM Barrie ON 2011-15; morning co-host/ Promotions Director CISF-FM Surrey 2016-20; reporter/ Video Journalist CTV Morning Live Winnipeg 2020-21; Video Journalist/ News Anchor OMNI TV Vancouver 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile  Tara's website 

Brian Lord 1961 - Click to enlarge with recent photo Brian Lord - PR/ promotion Hatzic Lake BC Hydro Regatta with reports to CFUN Vancouver 1959; hourly traffic/ events reporter then all nights CFUN 1959-60; CFCR-TV Kamloops BC 1960; middays Good Guy CFUN 1960-62; KMEN San Bernardino CA 1962-66, KLIV San Jose CA 1965-67, KMEN 1967, CJJC Langley 1968-76; owner audio-visual business 1975-79; assistant to Minister of Health Bob McClelland 1979-81; News Director CKDA Victoria 1981-85; news CKWX/ CKKS-FM Vancouver 1985-90; news CHRX/ CJJR-FM Vancouver 1990-95; English radio news Metro Broadcasting Hong Kong 1995-2001; retired 2001 and moved to the Philippines.  Died in the Philippines January 19, 2012 at age 77.

Ron Lorenz - Click to enlarge Ron Lorenz - CHQR Calgary 1990s; news anchor CKWX Vancouver early 2000's; bus tour guide 2002-03; English teacher Xiaolan and Changsha China 2003; host Easy Afternoon Easy FM China Radio International 2004-current

Ann Loss - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate; news/ program specials CKWX Vancouver May 1976-; Variety Club of BC

Peter Louwe - Click to enlarge Peter Louwe - BCIT Broadcast programme graduate; news reporter/ sports editor Campbell River Courier 1984; writer/ reporte/ producer BCTV Vancouver 1986-89; Senior Consultant Peak Communicators 2006; reporter/ producer/ writer CKVU-TV Vancouver 1989-2006; Communications Manager TransLink Vancouver 2007-08; Communications Strategist Federal Government based in Kamloops 2009-10; Senior Communications Consultant 2008-11; Director of Communications Hollyburn Properties Vancouver 2011-12; Media Relations and Public Relations Officer Greenpeace Canada 2012-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Tina Lovgreen - Click to enlarge
Tina Lovgreen - BCIT Broadcast and Media Communications/ Broadcast and Online Journalism graduate 2014; City Lights Host Novus TV Vancouver 2011-14; Intern CKNW Vancouver 2012-13; Communications Ambassador CBC Vancouver 2012-13; Host/ News Contributor/ Photographer The Link Newspaper 2012-13; Newsroom Intern CTV Vancouver 2013; Newsroom Intern Bell Media Vancouver 2013; Newsroom Intern CBC Vancouver 2013; Associate Producer The Fifth Estate CBC Toronto 2014; News Scholar CBC Vancouver 2014; Chase Producer CBC Television 2014-15; Digital Associate Producer CBC Vancouver 2015-16; Video Journalist CBC Vancouver 2016-21; Dave Rogers Award for feature Forever Young 2017; Senior Manager, Media Relations and Issues Management  Translink Metro Vancouver 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile 

Dr. Rhonda Low - Click to enlarge Dr. Rhonda Low - Family medicine practitioner 1984-current; Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine University of British Columbia current; co-hosted 13 part television series on Alternative Medicine, Life and Knowledge TV Networks 1996; guest host Housecalls CKNW Vancouver; host daily news feature Your Health VTV/ CTV British Columbia 1997-2013

Harvey Lowe - Click for larger photos Harvey Lowe - At age 13 winner of first World Yo-Yo Championship Competition London UK 1932; Chinese Canadian Community Radio Pioneer hosted first Chinese Canadian radio program Call of China CJOR Vancouver 1951-65; actor/ entertainer; member B.C. Entertainment Hall of Fame Starwalk at the Orpheum; honoured at Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop Vancouver November 1, 2003.  Died in Vancouver March 11, 2009 at age 90.

Scott Lowery - Click to enlarge
Scott Lowery - As Captain Scotty Jeff O'Neil morning show CFOX-FM Vancouver 2005-current

Bruce Lowther 1989 - Click to enlarge Bruce Lowther - News CKWX Vancouver circa 1947-50; news director CJVI Victoria 1950-54; reporter/ columnist Victoria Daily Colonist 1954-76; local cable TV Victoria 1976.   Died in Victoria April 25, 1999 at age 72

Hal Lowther CJAZ-FM early 1980s - Click to enlarge Hal Lowther - CJVI Victoria mid 1970s; CJAZ-FM Vancouver 1980-84; Port Hardy

Ken Lowther - Click to enlarge Ken Lowther - Swing announcer/ Red Robinson morning show producer CISL Vancouver 1993-94; freelance announcer/ actor current

Otto Lowy - Click for larger photo Otto Lowy - Arrived in Vancouver from Czechoslovakia in 1948; began CBC career as a foreign-accented bit player in a series called Adventures in Europe; 22-year host of The Transcontinental CBC Radio Vancouver; involved in startup of The Arts Club Theatre in Vancouver 1964; member B.C. Entertainment Hall of Fame Starwalk at the Orpheum 1988; awarded Austrian Gold Cross of Merit for Science and the Arts 1994.  Died May 28, 2002 at age 81

Erin Loxam - Click to enlarge Erin Loxam - BCIT journalism program 2008; Manager of Academic Advising Canadian Education Network 2005-06; Photographer/  Videographer Capture Action 2006-07; Intern/ Associate Producer CTV 2007; Intern/ Associate Producer BC Almanac CBC Vancouver 2007; Managing Editor Web and New Media/ Midday Reporter & Anchor CKWX Vancouver 2007-12; Instructor of Blogging and Social Media Vancouver Film School 2011-13; fill-in Associate Producer CBC Vancouver 2012; Communications Consultant Reputations Vancouver 2012-13; Communications/ Copy Writer BC NDP Burnaby 2013; Manager Public Diplomacy Australian High Commission Ottawa 2013-15; Communications Consultant/ Event Planner/ Blogger All Yukon Eat Whitehorse 2015-current; Communications Analyst Government of Yukon Whitehorse 2016-current.  LinkedIn profile

Tom Lucas 1973 - Click for recent photo Tom Lucas - CKAY Duncan; CJJC Langley; CJKL Kirkland ON; CKGF Grand Forks; CKOK Penticton; CKOC Hamilton; CFGO Ottawa 1973; CKVU-TV Vancouver Show & TGIF; CFUN Vancouver 1974-88; first DJ CHRX Vancouver 1988-90; Satellite Radio Network Goldline heard locally on CISL Vancouver 1990-96; CKWX Vancouver; CISL morning host 2000-2002; Satellite Radio Network Vancouver; weekends CISL 2003-05; host Retro-Rock Party Line 6-8 p.m. Saturdays CFUN 2006; host Radio Real Estate CKBD/ CFUN/ CISL Vancouver 2006-17 and CISF-FM Surrey 2017; Died in Vancouver area October 5, 2023 at age 73.  LinkedIn profile 

Ron Luckman - Click to enlarge Ron Luckman - Writer/ producer CHAM Hamilton and CKSL London ON 1973-76; Creative Director then on-air evenings CKLG-FM/ CFOX-FM Vancouver 1976-80; Manager of Community Relations, Shaw Cable Woodstock ON 1980-97; General Manager YMCA Woodstock current    

Sophie Lui - Click for larger photo
Sophie Lui - BCIT broadcast graduate; CKOV Kelowna 1996; CKIQ Kelowna 1996; CFAX Victoria 1996-99; news reporter/ anchor CHEK-TV Victoria 1999-2002; reporter/ news anchor BCTV Vancouver 2002-04; news anchor CHEK-TV 2004-07; fill-in anchor Global National; anchor/ reporter Morning News/ Noon News Hour then co-anchor suppertime News Hour Global BC 2007-current; named to Vancouver Magazine 2024 Power 50.  LinkedIn profile

Oliver Lum - Click to enlarge Oliver Lum - BCIT Broadcast Program graduate 1995; reporter CKNW Vancouver to 1994-97; reporter VTV - Vancouver Television (now CTV) 1997-98; Assignment Editor/ Research Supervisor/ Reporter Global BC 1998-2013; Career Educator University of British Columbia 2014; Communications Manager Mayor's Office City of Surrey 2014-current; Gemini Award winner Best Local Newscast - Large Market 2010.  LinkedIn profile 

Shane Lunny - Click for recent photo
Shane Lunny - Investigative reporter/ Vancouver Show producer CKVU-TV Vancouver late 1970s; producer Cable 4 video program Nite Dreems 1979-81; producer Much Music shows 1980s; film and video producer, then founder/ chief creative director multimedia company Shane Lunny Productions and the Lunny Group circa 1990-current

Steve Lus - Click to enlarge Steve Lus - BCIT Broadcast program; reporter CKNW Vancouver 1997-2000; journalist BBC London 2000-02; reporter CBC Vancouver current; RTNDA Ron Laidlaw award 2009; Webster award for Best Reporting of the Year - Radio 2009

Ann Luu - Click to enlarge Ann Luu - Columbia Academy graduate; traffic reporter CHMJ Vancouver 2006-07; fill-in news anchor Shaw Cable Vancouver 2007; weather presenter News at Noon CBC-TV Vancouver 2007-09; traffic reporter CKBD/ CKPK-FM/ CJJR-FM Vancouver 2008-10; CBC News Vancouver weekends and weather fill-in 2009-11; host CBC's What's Happening 2009-11; weather & traffic reporter The Early Edition CBC Radio One Vancouver 2010-11; traffic specialist CTV Morning Live/ weather anchor CTV British Columbia 2011-16 and noon/ evening weather anchor 2016-current

Mick Luvzit circa 1966 - Click for 2002 photo Mick Luvzit - CKY Winnipeg; CHWO Oakville ON; CHIC Brampton ON; Radio Caroline North UK 1966-67; married to Janet Teret on M.V. Fredericia, site of Radio Caroline North September 20, 1966; CKST Vancouver; CKLG Vancouver; mornings KWPZ-FM Lynden WA early 2000s.  1966 YouTube 1966 Radio Caroline wedding audio  Died December 7, 2012 in New Westminster at age 70.  Radio London bio  Radio London tribute 

Jeremy Lye - Click to enlarge
Jeremy Lye - Journalist The Independent Monthly Brisbane Australia 2003-05; Journalist Honduras This Week Tegucigalpa Honduras 2005; broadcast journalist/ anchor Newcap Edson/ Whitecourt AB 2006-08; journalist/ anchor CHED Edmonton 2008-15; senior reporter CKNW Vancouver 2015-18.  LinkedIn profile 

Chris Lynch - Click to enlarge
Chris Lynch - Music Director/ on air personality CJGV-FM then CJKR-FM Winnipeg 2003-06; Music Director CFEX-FM Calgary 2006-17 and mornings 2014-17; morning co-host with Tyler Middleton CKPK-FM Vancouver 2017-21; p.m. drive co-host with Tyler Middleton CFOX-FM Vancouver 2021-current.  LinkedIn profile

Laura Lynch - Click for recent enlargement Laura Lynch - CISL Richmond 1983; reporter CBC Radio Prince Rupert 1983-84; part time and fill in reporter CBC Radio Vancouver 1984-89; parliamentary reporter CBC Radio Ottawa 1989-96; national reporter CBC Radio Vancouver 1996-99; awarded Nieman Fellowship from Harvard University 1999-2000; CBC US correspondent based in Washington DC 2000-03; CBC European correspondent based in London UK 2003-current; winner of awards from the Radio and Television News Directors' Association, Canadian Association of Journalists and Law Society of BC.  LinkedIn profile

Kathy Lynn - Click for larger photo Kathy Lynn - Parenting educator, professional speaker and author; host Parenting Today CKNW Vancouver 2004.  Parenting Today website

Alex Lyons - Click to enlarge Alex Lyons - BCIT Broadcast program graduate 1996; news ancho/ reporter CKRX-FM Fort Nelson BC 1997-98; technical production/ on air CKST Vancouver 1998-2000; traffic reporter CKNW Vancouver 2001-current; traffic reporter CJNW Vancouver 2001-02; traffic reporter CHMJ Vancouver 2006-07; traffic reporter CKWX Vancouver 2007-14; Pre-Board Screening Officer G4S Secure Solutions-Aviation Division Kelowna International Airport 2015-current.  LinkedIn profile 

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